A Source for Original Baptist Documents
"Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders and they will tell thee." Deut. 32:7 - "Enquire, I pray thee, of the former age." Job 8:8 - "I have considered the days of old." Psalm 77:5 - "This shall be written for the generation to come." Psalm 102:18 - "Call to remembrance the former days." Hebrews 10:32 - "To put you always in remembrance of these things." II Peter 1:12. -- [kjv] Jim Duvall, Editor
John Henderson Spencer
Kentucky Baptist Historian and Minister
________________________Documents Recently Added
________________________American Baptist Church History
[Histories from Various States]
________________________American Baptist Circular Letters
[There are more than 300.]
________________________Baptist Biographies
[Over 600 bios]
________________________Baptists on Various Subjects
________________________Early Boone County, Kentucky Baptists
________________________British Baptists -
Church History, Circular Letters and Biographies
________________________A page linking 200 Old Baptist Books by Google Books.
Also 53 Old Baptist Magazines / Journals (1810-1887).
A few Old Baptist Commentaries here.
________________________First Baptist Church Website
Indpendence, Kentucky
Paul David Brown, Pastor
________________________New Testament Baptist Church, Burton, Ohio
Valuable Baptist Resource Links
________________________John Leland Baptist College
_______________________________Site Originated in October, 2002
Last Revision on September 28, 2009
_________________________________These pages have had 390539 views.
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