Baptist History Homepage
Frontier Baptist Minister
Boone County, Kentucky
His continual care for the Churches, in all their concerns, was a distinguishing feature in his character.
Obituary of Absalom Graves
Bullittsburg Baptist Churchbook, December, 1826
A Short Account of the Life and Death of
the Late Rev. Absalom Graves
From the Graves Hymnal, 1826
My Sermon at Absalom Graves' Funeral
By John Taylor, 1827
Rev. Absalom Graves
The Baptist Encyclopedia, 1881
Absalom Graves' Hymns
By Henry S. Burrage, 1888
Northbend Baptist Association
Circular Letter, 1815
By Absalom Graves
Northbend Baptist Association
Circular Letter, 1817
By Absalom Graves
The Circular Letter written by Absalom Graves
on the History of the Northbend Association, 1825
Boone County Baptist Index
Baptist Biographies
Baptist History Homepage