The lives of pious individuals illustrate the truth of the Christian religion, presenting to the observing eye a picture of the New Creation in its liveliest colours, and exemplifying the declaration of Jesus Christ, that his Kingdom is not of this world. They prove a powerful defence of the Gospel, insurmountable by the infidel, and a continual source of encouragement to the believer. In their lives, they testify the divine faithfulness, that the Lord does, as he has promised, give grace and strength equal to the day. In their deaths, they confirm to the believer the consolatory assurance, that the Lord will be his support when he walks through the valley of the shadow of death. It becomes, therefore, a source both of pleasure and profit, to review the lives of such saints after their departure, that we may hear them, though dead, yet speaking [Hebrews 11:4], and ever retain a lively recollection of what they were through Divine Grace, and what they have done in the cause of the Redeemer.The subject of this brief memoir was a verification of these remarks. He was extensively known and beloved in the Churches, and has left a memorial in the hearts of his numerous acquaintances, that will not soon be effaced.
As the selection and publication of these Hymns was one of his last efforts in the service of Christ, it has been thought the most suitable place in which to give a short sketch of his life and character. It is, however, to be observed, that his passage through life, in both civil and religious society, was so regular and smooth, as to present very few incidents that would interest the generality of readers; and even some of the more striking events of his life have not been preserved with sufficient minuteness, to render them particularly advantageous.
ABSALOM GRAVES was born in the State of Virginia, November 28th, 1768. In his childhood, the same engaging turn of mind and sweetness of disposition was noticed in him, which so peculiarly marked his character through subsequent life. He was remarkably sedate, avoiding every appearance of rudeness and immorality in his conversation; neat, yet plain, in his apparel, and temperate in his diet. The mildness of his disposition, the evenness of his tempter, and the regularily of his manners, were such as to give him a decided influence over his brothers, sisters and associates, though older than he was; so that they generally referred their little disputes to his arbitration, and cheerfully submitted to his decisions. When among them, his presence was a sufficient check upon any disposition to rudeness or impropriety of behaviour; they preferring to restrain their own irregular propensities, rather than give him any uneasiness.
His attachment to books, anxiety to procure useful information, studious habits and close application, co-operated to form him a good English scholar, without much aid from regular tuition.
In July 1788, he was awakened by Divine Grace, to a sense of eternal realities, at Rapidan [Baptist] meetinghouse, under the ministry of Rev. George Eve. Of the particular exercises of his mind at that time, and of the manner in which he was led by the Holy Spirit to embrace the truth as it is in Jesus, we have no information; but the want of the minute circumstances attending his conversation, is amply compensated by the knowledge of his godly walk and conversation throughout his subsequent life. Whatever may be the circumstances accompanying the work of God in the soul, there can be no doubt of its reality and efficacy, when it produces a life according to godliness. The manner in which we are convinced of sin, is of but little consequence, provided that conviction be such as to produce a thorough detestation of sin and a perfect love of holiness; nor is the manner in which our Saviour displays his loveliness to the disconsolate soul, a matter of much importance, when it is followed by the abiding graces of faith, hope and love. In the present instance, we are assured by a life of nearly forty years of fervent piety and exemplary devotion, that in him was the work of the Lord perfect. All the particulars we have learned on this subject, are, that early in the ensuing month, he found peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; and shortly after, was baptised by Mr. George Eve, in Rapidan river, and united with the Baptist Church of Christ meeting there.
In the year 1797, he removed to Boone county, Kentucky, and joined Bullittsburg Church. In 1810, he commenced his ministerial labors, though with great reluctance. In all his deportment he was modest and unassuming, but in preaching the Gospel he was more particularly diffident. The exercise of mind which led him into the ministry is thus stated in general terms by one who was well acquainted with him: "There is no thanks to the man for preaching; for although he was a man of good information, yet his native modesty and timidity of mind kept him back so long, that it seemed as if agony of soul would kill him, and it was, preach or die."1 A deep anxiety that all around him might partake in the blessings of the Gospel, filled his soul. This anxiety was increased by having his attention directed to the destitute condition of the heathen world, which gave him increasing boldness and confidence in his ministrations. He was one of the first among the Baptists in Kentucky who inbibed the spirit of foreign missions; "and this," says one who was opposed to missions, "gave him a growth in the ministry which possibly] he never otherwise would have had."2 So true it is, that "he who watereth, shall be watered himself." He was thus one among the ten thousand evidences that a zeal for the salvation of the heathen is always accompanied by a corresponding zeal for the efficacy of the Gospel at home, and they who are most liberal in behalf of those who sit in darkness in remote parts of the world, are evidently most engaged in ameliorating the condition of those immediately around them. But neither the missionary zeal of our departed brother, nor the affectionate welcome with which he was every where received, nor the evident blessings that attended his ministry, could ever entirely overcome that retiring modesty for which he was so remarkable. His discourses were delivered in a plain, affectionate manner; they evinced a calm, unabating zeal for the success of the Gospel and an ardent desire to be useful as a servant of the Redeemer. He had a clear view of the Gospel plan of salvation, and occasionally exhibited its leading features in his sermons; but the peculiar turn of his mind seldom led him into (what is termed) doctrinal preaching, and always kept him at a distance from the field of controversy. He had a lively sense of the goodness of God in saving sinners, and a bright view of the work of the Holy Spirit in translating them from the power of darkness into the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. These were the themes on which he delighted to dwell. His soul was baptised into the love of Christ, and he recommended Him to others with an affectionate earnestness that seldom failed to have a solemnizing effect. But if any particular object might be said to have the ascendancy in his mind, it was the prosperity of the Churches of Jesus Christ; that they might be maintained in peace and purity; that all their members might abound in love, be established in the truth, and walk in all the ways of the Lord blameless. For the accomplishment of this desirable end, he labored continually. In his public ministrations, he urged the necessity of practical piety, and of a peaceable, affectionate demeanor, in a style so candid, so simple, and so impressive, and in the whole tenor of his life displayed such a lively comment on this part of his public instructions, that his exertions were generally crowned with success.
His continual care for the Churches, in all their concerns, was a distinguishing feature in his character. He felt interested in all their affairs. It could be truly said of him, that if any member of Christ suffered, he suffered with it; and if any was honored, he rejoiced. This disposition eminently qualified him for the office of peace-maker; and he was very useful in settling differences, and in cultivating a spirit of forbearance and affection among brethren.
The Church at Bullittsburg, of which he was for many years in fact, (though not in name,) the Pastor, enjoyed unexampled prosperity; it was the oldest, and by far the largest in the North-Bend Association; it was blessed with several remarkable revivals, when it had large additions by baptism; but it was still more conspicuous for its uninterrupted harmony, and the regularity of its discipline; it exhibited such uniform skill, and was attended with such constant success in the management of its own affairs, that its advice was sought by all the neighboring Churches, in all their matters of importance and difficulty. Although that Church had many excellent members, and had raised up a number of useful and distinguished Ministers, yet there can be but little doubt, that, under the divine blessing, his mild, pacific, and prudent exertions, had a salutary effect in continuing them in this highly favored condition.
He was a Messenger from this Church at the formation of the North-Bend Association, in 1803, and was chosen Clerk of that body, in which office he continued until the year 1823, at which time he was appointed Moderator, and so continued until his decease. He was frequently appointed to write their Circular Letter, and the one he wrote for the year 1825, comprising a short history of that Association from its organization, wherein it appears that the Churches of which it was composed, had received 1929 members by baptism.
He was distinguished and beloved, not only in the bounds of this Association, but by many other Churches in Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana, (and individuals,) by whom his memory will be long and affectionately cherished. In his intercourse with the world, he maintained the same inoffensive and conciliatory demeanor, and invariably maintained the respect of all who had the pleasure of being acquainted with him.
He was blessed with an ample competency of this world's goods, and saw his descendants prospering around him. In the discharge of his relative and domestic duties, he evinced the same amiable disposition. But though domestic life seemed most congenial to his disposition, yet his earnest desire for usefulness drew him from the peaceful shades of retirement into a course of extensive and laborious activity. His constitution was naturally feeble, but he never consulted his own ease, or even health, when he heard the urgent call of distant and destitute Churches, saying, "come over and help us." For many years he statedly visited several Churches, besides many others occasionally; in doing which, he was often compelled to travel late in the night, and in very inclement weather, which, in all probability, affected his health and hastened his dissolution. But all this he bore with patience, being anxious for nothing but that he might faithfully discharge the great trust reposed in him, and finish his course with joy. That course he has now finished; and perhaps few men who have been so long and so actively engaged in public life, have passed down the stream of time with a more unruffled current. Thus, viewing the whole tenor of his life, we feel justified in saying, "he was a good man, and much people were added to the Lord" through his instrumentality.
The illness that terminated his removal from this lower sphere of action, was considered to be an affection of the liver. It was first noticed in November 1825, though he attended meetings and preached several times in the two succeeding months.
During his illness he suffered much pain, yet he suffered patiently. But his bodily pains were not more oppressive than a burden which bore heavily on his mind through a long and gloomy season. Even in this, his strong and deep anxiety for the prosperity of the Redeemer's kingdom was observable, rising above every earthly and selfish consideration. He saw his end approaching; but to him death bore not a terrifying aspect, for he felt that his redemption was drawing nigh. His mind, however, labored intensely with a dark foreboding for the Churches around him. He saw them languishing, iniquity abounding, and the love of many waxing cold; the rising generation unconcerned about their immortal interests, and vice and infidelity assuming a bold and daring aspect. To him, it appeared that the Lord was withdrawing the light of his countenance from those among whom he had so affectionately labored, and his spirit could take no rest, day or night. After long laboring in this state of mind, he came to the resolution, to give up, in a solemn manner, entirely into the Lord's hand, every thing for which he suffered such distressing concern.
In pursuance of this determination, he drew up and subscribed the following impressive statement:
I, Absalom Graves, of Boone County, State of Kentucky, born in Culpepper, now Madison County, Virginia, on the 28th of November 1768, being now in the 58th year of my age, and laboring under a bodily infirmity which seems to indicate the approach of my dissolution, but calling to mind the amazing and unbounded goodness of my great Creator and gracious Redeemer, in calling me by his grace, in the 20th year of my age, when a wild and thoughtless youth, from the paths of vanity and earthly pleasures, to see the folly of my pursuits, and that real pleasure and solid joy were only to be found in Christ, who was revealed to me in the hour of my deepest distress, as a Saviour every way suited and qualified to relieve me from all my wretchedness and woe. I feel myself, therefore, under the strongest obligations to love and adore Him; and those obligations are heightened by the consideration, that I hope He has committed to me a dispensation of the Gospel, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and that I have been enabled, for the last fifteen years, (though a poor unprofitable servant,) to labor in the Lord's vineyard. I now here solemnly commit myself, soul and body, to Him as my Judge, my Saviour and my Friend, hoping I shall realize His faithful promise, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee," but find, in a dying hour, strength equal to my day -- believing He is able to, and will keep what I have committed to Him. I also surrender up to Him my stewardship, with all my ministerial labors, (and the fruits thereof, if any,) and all the Churches among whom I have labored, particularly Bullittsburg, Mud Lick and Salem. With the former of these I have lived as a member, and walked in fellowship and harmony, nearly 29 years - enjoyed many happy privileges, gracious revivals, and considerable additions. With the last two of these I have labored in my imperfect manner, and think I have long travailed in birth for them. All of these I hereby give up and resign into His gracious hand, to provide for and take care of them, and supply all their wants; to bless them with an evangelical and faithful ministry, and abundantly add to their numbers such as shall be saved. Also, the North-Bend Association, with all the Churches of it, I humbly recommend and commit to His divine hand, with my sincere prayer for their happiness and prosperity, and that no jar, division or contention may ever be seen or felt among them; but that peace and love may abound more and more, until the great decisive day and final dissolution of all terrestrial things; when I hope this poor, frail, dying body of mine will rise with the righteous, at the sound of the trumpet, in the likeness of the Lord Jesus, and join the happy throng in praising Him to endless duration.Having executed this, his mind was at rest. He considered his last work as finished, and calmly and cheerfully waited for the solemn summons that was to call him to his eternal home. After this, his disease partially abated, and his friends were flattered with the idea that he was regaining his health. But the cheering prospect was soon overcast with gloom; his disorder returned with increased strength, and it was seen by all, that his end was rapidly approaching. Towards the close of his life, his sufferings were severe; but he bore all with meekness and fortitude. His eye was continually fixed, firm and unshaken, upon "that rest that remaineth for the people of God;" being well assured, the blessed Jesus had prepared a mansion for him in the regions of eternal Thus, in the full enjoyment of the consolations of the Gospel, and a bright prospect of a happy immortality, he breathed his last on Thursday evening, the 17th of August, 1826.And as it has pleased a wise and gracious God to bless me with a bosom companion, children, grand-children and servants, a deep concern for their welfare, soul and body, has devolved on me; and having served my generation, I now commit them all, with their companions and offspring, into the hands of my gracious Redeemer, to provide and take care of them here, to prepare them for, to and finally to bring them to His right hand in worlds of immortal bliss, where parting is no more.
With my own feeble hand I have written this, and in the presence of the great God, before whom I expect shortly to stand, I have subscribed hereto, this 25th day of April, 1826.
(signed) ABSALOM GRAVES The North-Bend Association had appointed its meeting for 1826, at Bullittsburg meeting-house, to commence on the 18th of August. His absence was affectingly felt at the opening of the Association; his long and faithful services as a member of that body, were fresh in every one's recollection, and their sense of the loss thus sustained, was deep and solemn.
His funeral was on the evening of the 18th, and was attended by a large concourse of his brethren and sisters. To many who attended, there seemed something providential in his decease taking place at a time when so many of his brethren from various Churches and Associations, with whom he had been so long acquainted and to whom he was endeared by the strongest ties of brotherly love, were thus called together, so that they might perform the last solemn office to his remains. It was a solemn season, but could not be said to be a sorrowful one. All who were acquainted with him felt so fully assured that he was now in that fulness of joy that is in the presence of Jehovah, that the sense of their own loss was almost overcome by the thought of the happy exchange he had experienced. Even his nearest relations, who are of the most affectionate disposition, seemed to feel something superior to resignation - a solemn, indescribable sensation, wherein much of sorrow is mingled with, and overcome by more of joy.
There were two sermons delivered on the occasion. One by the Rev. James Suggett, from Revel. xiv, 13 "Blessed are the dead, which die in the Lord from henceforth; yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." The other by the Rev. John Taylor, from Isa. lvii, 1, 2 – "righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considereth that the righteous is taken from the evil to come. He shall enter into peace; they shall rest in their beds; each one walking in his uprightness." The exhortations, in these discourses, to a life of piety and brotherly love, of which the deceased had left so bright an example, were well calculated to make a lasting impression upon the solemnized hearts of the congregation. After which, his body was committed to the grave, in a part of his grounds near his dwelling, in that same hope of triumphant resurrection, in which he lived and died.
Notes1 John Taylor, A History of Ten Churches, Frankfort, KY: n.p., 1823; reprint, 1968, p. 98.
2 Ibid.
This account appears in the back of the "Graves Hymnal" entitled Hymns, Psalms and Spiritual Songs, edited by Absalom and published near the time of his death. This was originally written as an obituary by Eld. Robert Kirtley, approved and recorded in the Bullittsburg Baptist Church book. It was afterwards revised and expanded to its present form by Willis Graves and Judge Jesse L. Holman. (J. A. Kirtley, History of Bullittsburg Baptist Church, p. 44 footnote.)_____________ Special note: The Churchbook of Dry Creek Baptist Church, Kenton, County (still Campbell County at that time) indicates that Absalom Graves was called to be their pastor in March, 1819. The church met once a month (4th Saturday and Sunday at that time), so he would have been available to assist other churches.
"December 1824 — Absalom Graves released as pastor." [DCBC Churchbook II]. These churchbooks were edited and provided by Mrs. Jean Houston — Jim Duvall=============
{Insertions are in [ ], the spelling is unchanged. — jrd}
Circular Letter written by Absalom Graves in 1825
Boone County Baptist Index
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