Letters from Clarence Walker to H. Boyce Taylor
From News and Truth, 1920:
Lexington, Ky., May 27.
Dear Brother Taylor: The Lord gave us the best meeting ever held at the Ashland Avenue Baptist church. Bro. J. A. Brown, of Texas, had charge of the music, while the pastor did his own preaching. Bro. Brown is the best help a pastor can have in a meeting. Ashland church has grown from 27 members to nearly 200 in four years. Is self-supporting and planning a great meeting house.
In His name, Clarence Walker.________
[This document was supplied by Ben Stratton, Farmington, KY.========
May 5, 1926 Issue of "News and Truths" paper
Murray, KentuckyDear Brother Taylor:
Walter and I have just closed a meeting at Port Arthur, Texas, with Pastor T.E. Cannedy. We were there last year and the Lord gave us 125. it pleased Him this year to give us a great meeting in every way with 137 additions to the church. Most all of whom came for baptism and some 15 others were converted, that went to other churches. It might set some folks thinking that are afraid to preach distinctive doctrine in a revival to know that I preached "Why I Am a Baptist and Not a Catholic." I showed the origin of every Protestant denomination. Catholics came and were converted. One of our biggest services was when I preached on "baptism," laying the emphasis upon the fact that no immersion is baptism unless administered upon the authority of a Baptist church. Yes, folks came and opened their eyes - that is why I preached the sermon - and many believed.In His Name, Clarence Walker ======= [The above letters were written to H. Boyce Taylor and printed in his "News and Truths" paper. Taylor pastored the First Baptist Church of Murray, KY and Clarence Walker pastored the Ashland Avenue Baptist Church in Lexington, KY. The second letter is a great example of why we need to preach on Baptist Distinctives in our churches. The comments and documents were supplied by Ben Stratton, Farmington, KY.]
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