Moses Vickers, the first pastor of Dry Creek church, was among the first settlers in North Bend. He was a native of Queen Anna: county, Maryland, where he was born in 1764. His parents dying while he was a small boy, he was raised by an uncle. He was employed two years on a coasting vessel, on the Delaware bay. This vessel being wrecked, he obtained employment on the Jersey shore, till he was about eighteen years old. At this time, he was married to Mary, daughter of Abel Carson.
In 1784, Mr. Vickers, with a number of other emigrants started to Kentucky. At a small settlement around Redstone Fort -- now Browhsville, Pa. -- they stopped and made a crop, and, in the fall moved on again. As was common in those days they came down the Ohio river in a flat boat, to Limestonej meeting with many adventures from attacks by Indians. From Limestone, Mr. Vickers went first to Clark county, and from there to Caneridge, in Bourbon county. Here he and his wife professed conversion, and united with the Baptist church. In 1795, he moved to Boone county, and settled near the mouth of Dry Creek. The house he lived in the first year, on Dry creek, was built of one tree, the roof and floor being formed of the bark. In 1800, there were seventeen Baptists in this settlement. Desiring to have a church constituted among them, they invited helps to meet with them to effect that end. On examination it
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was found that none of those wishing to go into the constitution, held family prayer. On this ground the council refused to constitute them a church. "This very much afflicted them;'" says John Taylor, who was one of the council, "and before they parted, they agreed to meet the next Sunday, to counsel further what they should do." "When they met," continues Mr. Taylor, "they had a very small, poor man among them. He was decrepit, for he limped as he walked. His name was Moses Vickers. He was a good singer, and a man of good religious fame. When they convened, Vickers began to sing and weep among them, and proposed to go to prayer; after which, he exhorted them in tears, to trust in the Lord. They had such a tender, weeping meeting, that they concluded to meet the next Sunday. A revival of religion soon took place among them, and they became constituted. Vickers became a respectable preacher among them. They soon called him to ordination, and he baptized many, that were the fruits of his own labors." He continued pastor of Dry Creek and Bank Lick churches, till age and infirmity admonished him to retire from active labor. He was also pastor of Hopewell church in Hamilton county, Ohio, several years. He died at his home in Kenton county, January 4, 1820.
Mr. Vickers was twice married, and raised ten children, of whom James and Robert became respectable Baptist preachers. Thomas F. Vickers, a grand son, and son of James Vickers, is regarded a good preacher. =========== [From J. H. Spencer, A History of Kentucky Baptist, Volume I, 1885, pp. 454-455. -- jrd]
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