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Isaac Taylor Tichenor, D. D.
The Baptist Encyclopedia, 1881

     Isaac Taylor Tichenor, D. D. was born in Spencer Co., Ky., Nov. 11, 1825. Feeble health while growing up interfered to some extent with his education. He was baptized in 1838 by Rev. Wm. Vaughan, of Bloomfield. Entered the ministry at Taylorsville in 1846. Shortly after that he became pastor at Columbus, Miss., in January, 1849. Returning to Kentucky in 1850, in 1851 he was pastor at Henderson in that State. He accepted the call of the First Baptist church in Montgomery, Ala., in 1852, where he labored until October, 1860, when failing health caused his resignation. He entered the Confederate army as chaplain at the beginning of the war between the States,in which service he continued until called back to his old Montgomery charge, in January, 1863. Became pastor of the First church in Memphis, Tenn., in 1871. Accepted the presidency of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama at Auburn in 1872, a position which he still holds.

     Dr. Tichenor possesses a striking combination of the higher traits of intellectual power. Gov. Watts, his intimate friend, once expressed the opinion that he was endowed with the best intellect with which he ever came in contact. He is thoroughly acquainted with theology, history, and science, and is a clear and independent thinker, a gifted writer, a most eloquent and powerful preacher, and as nearly the perfection of a platform speaker as one will meet in this country.

[p. 1153]
These qualities have given him. a national reputation. He is a fascinating companion, having in social life the pleasant quality of Christian simplicity.

[From William Cathcart, editor, The Baptist Encyclopedia, 1881, pp. 1152-53. — jrd]

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