Minutes of the Philadelphia Baptist Association, 1707-1807
By A. D. Gillette, editor, 1851Philadelphia Baptist Association Minutes, 1760-1764 1760
The elders and messengers met in Association at Philadelphia, October 14th, 1760.
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To the several churches we represent send Christian salutation. Beloved in our blessed Redeemer and glorious Lord, We have renewed cause to adore our gracious God, that your united prayers for us have, in some good measure, we trust, been answered. We met according to appointment, and after a very agreeable discourse, find our churches are at peace, and have had several persons added to them this year. Glory be to God. We are now come to the close of our work, and are soon to part one from the other; looking upon it as our duty to endeavor to stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance, we entreat you to receive in love the following exhortations: First of all, adore the riches of divine love and grace that hath called you from darkness unto light, and from the kingdom of Satan unto God, which hath brought you from death to life, from. being strangers and foreigners to be fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of God. Prize your privileges of being incorporated together in the relation you stand in to God and to one another. Remember that very solemn covenant you have entered into, on your admission, and see that you walk agreeable thereto, both before God and each other. Neglect not the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is. Use the means of grace with dilgence and zeal. Labor to believe the divine truths that you profess. Have the reality, preciousness, and purity of them deeply impressed upon your hearts. Labor to enjoy much of God through Christ, by the blessed Spirit. Let faith be in its proper exercise upon its glorious objects. Rely wholly upon the justifying righteousness of the Mediator for peace and acceptance, improving the promises of the gospel for your encouragement, establishment, and comfort.
Let your secret communion with God be witnessed by a holy conversation in the world. Let your moderation be known to all men. Be careful to perform all acts of Christian charity to the poor and needy. Sympathise with those who are in trouble. Pity and pray for those that are afflicted. Be diligent to maintain the worship of God in your families and in your closet. Be careful of the youth under you; instruct them in the principles of religion; encourage them in the practice of virtue; give them proper reproof when necessary. Such of you as are blessed with ministerial gifts, be careful to encourage and improve them. Those churches which are destitute of such precious mercies, let them improve the means they have; pray earnestly to God for further help, and use all proper means to improve the same. In a word, holy brethren, live in love, and may the God of all grace and love be with you, for Christ's sake.
Benj. Griffith, Moderator.
Willm. Japscott, Philip Shepherd, Thomas Davis, John Chosey, David Shepherd, David Davis, Saml. Brooks, Edwd. Keasly, Thomas Jones, Amos Johnson, Wm. Worth, Josiah Potts, Isaac Peet, Sylvs. Townsend, Benj. Miller, Hezekiah Smith, Saml. Morgan, P.P. Vanhorn,
[p. 81]Griffith Owen, Josiah Jones, Isaac Eaton, And. Bray, Danl. Griffith, Geo. Eaton, Saml. Burkalve, Henry Woodro, Robt. Kelsy, Alex. Edwards, Josiah Mure Willm. Marsh, Robt. Chalfant, John Davis, Inchabod Tompkins. In answer to a request from the church at Kingwood, respecting the difficulties about Mr. Bonham, who desires his place, and gives not satisfaction?
Concluded, to send, as messengers to assist them, Brothers. Ben. Griffith, Benj. Miller, and Isaac Eaton, at their meeting house, first Tuesday in December, 10 o'clock, A. M.
Appointed Brothers S. Morgan and S. Burkalve to inquire after the books sent to our society by Mr. Hollis, and give the best account they can by next meeting.
Brother Abel Morgan is to preach the Association sermon next year; in case of failure, Brother B. Griffith. Subject, the Divinity and Authority of the Holy Scriptures.
The Association to meet, Tuesday after the second Lord's day, in October. Sermon to begin at 3 o'clock, P. M.
Continue our quarterly fasts, the one on Tuesday after the fourth Lord's day of this month to be regarded as a day of thanksgiving, for mercies received; and the fast days to be quarterly thereafter.
1761 This year, the Association met on Wednesday, October 14, 1761, at Philadelphia, when a sermon was preached by the Rev. Abel Morgan, on the Divine Origin and Authority of the Scriptures, from John xvii:17. After sermon, the messengers of twenty-three congregations met to the number of forty-six, whereof nineteen were ministers, chose the Rev. Benjamin Miller, moderator, and the Rev. Abel Morgan, clerk.
After reading the following memorial from the church at Dividing Creek, constituted May 30, 1761, it was received into the Association.
Memorial "Whereas, a number of persons resided near Dividing Creek, in the county of Cumberland, in the western division of the province of New Jersey; some of whom, members of Cohansie church, some of Cape May church, and some not of any particular church; and whereas these lived at a great distance from the said churches, and, at the same time our Rev. brother Samuel Heaton providentially settled at the said creek; Therefore, the above said persons made applications to their respective churches for dismission, and leave to form themselves into a distinct church, both which they obtained. Accordingly, we whose names are under written, being sent by the
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church of Cohansie, did meet the said people at their meeting house on the day above mentioned; and after sermon, laid hands on such persons as had been baptized, but had not joined themselves to any church: then all gave themselves to the Lord, and to each other by a solemn covenant which they signed; and were declared by us to be a regular gospel church; and as such we recommend them to our Association.
"Signed, at Dividing Creek, the day and the year above mentioned, by us, "ROBERT KELSAY, Minister,
The church constituted at the Dividing Creek, in Cumberland county, West Jersey, May 30th, 1761, was received into union with this Association.
Agreed, That our reverend brethren, Mr. Morgan Edwards and Mr. Peter Peterson Vanhorn, be appointed to take care of the Association book of records, and insert therein the minutes of our proceedings; the said book to be kept in the city of Philadelphia, and not to be removed thence without the order of the Association.
Reverend Mr. Morgan Edwards and Isaac Jones, Esq., are appointed librarians, to receive in the books that were some time since sent us by Mr. Thomas Hollis, and lend out the said books to such ministers as stand in need of them, for such length of time as the librarians shall judge proper and convenient; and that the minister or elder in every congregation should inquire for said books, and either transmit the books or receipts to the librarians at or before the next Association.
Query from Oyster Bay: 1. Whether it be entirely proper to call the Scriptures the rule, and the Spirit the guide?
Resolved: The Holy Scriptures we profess to be our full, sufficient, and only rule of faith and obedience, and caution all to beware of every impulse, revelation, or any other imagination whatever, inconsistent with, or contrary to, the holy Scriptures, under the pretence of being guided by the Spirit. The work of the Holy Spirit, illuminates the understanding to know the mind of God, contained in the Scriptures, and may properly be called a guide.
2. Whether it is right to alter the expression in the answer to the tenth question in our catechism, concerning God's fore-ordination, and read "whatsoever he bringeth to pass," instead of "whatsover comes to pass."
Resolved: God worketh all things after the council of his own will, Whatsoever comes to pass is either by his agency or permission; and, though he permit sin to be, is not, therefore, the author of it; neither is the said answer in the catechism expressive or productive of
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the inference and conclusions the adversaries of God's sovereignty would fain charge upon it.
Agreed, to continue our quarterly fast days, as usual, through our churches; the first to be on the Thursday after the fourth Lord's day in October, and so on Thursday after the fourth Lords day every third month.
Agreed, that our Reverend brethren, Mr. Morgan Edwards and Mr. Peter Peterson Vanhorn, are appointed to revive and maintain an annual correspondence with the board of Baptist ministers at London, or elsewhere. Every church should transmit an account of the number of members in each, to the above said brethren as soon as possible.
Agreed, that every church should send in an account to Mr. Edwards, at Philadelphia, what number of catechisms each are willing to take, in order to know whether there will be proper encouragement to have them reprinted.
Concluded, that Brother Benjamin Griffith is to preach the sermon next year; and, in case of failure, Brother Morgan Edwards; the subject Doctrine of the Trinity. The Association to begin on Tuesday after the second Lord's day in October, at 3 o'clock, P. M.
The Association letter was written by the Rev. Peter Peterson Vanhorn, as follows:
Pastoral Address "The elders and messengers of the several congregations in Pennsylvania, the Jerseys, and provinces adjacent, baptized on profession of faith, met in Association the 13th, 14th, and 15th days of October, 1761, at the city of Philadelphia.
"Send Christian salutation. "Dearly beloved in our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep, your delegates met at the time appointed, and were agreeably entertained with a discourse, fixed upon last year, from John xvii:17, "Sanctify them through thy truth, thy word is, truth." We trust that your fervent prayers to God for us have prevailed, seeing we met in gospel fellowship, and have been enabled to preserve unanimity in all our consultations and conclusions. By letters from our churches, we had the pleasure and satisfaction to hear that peace and concord abounds, and considerable additions have been made in divers places All glory to our God. And now, dear brethren, about to part from each other, w e desire, in some measure, to answer your expectation. Suffer us to lay before you, for your observation, these few following necessary things.
"1st. Be much in the reading and study of the holy Scriptures, seeing the Apostle informs us they are able to make us wise to salvation, through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
"2d. Be much and often at the throne of grace, in prayer to God, seeing our blessed Lord has taught us that men ought always pray, and not faint, withthis annexed encouragement, that he will avenge his own elect that cry day and night unto him.
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"3d. Be careful of attending constantly with improvement upon the public worship of God, in the beauties of holiness.
"4th. Be careful of the instruction of youth, and those under your care; and ward against introducing such books among them as will have a tendency to corrupt their minds and have an evil influence on their manners.
"5th. For the cure of the common complaint of leanness, coldness, deadness in religion, make use of Christ in all his offices, titles, and relations, in whom are reposited all needful supplies. Strengthen and encourage the hands of your ministers, who watch for your souls as they that must give an account to God. Let your conversation be as becometh the gospel of Christ. And the very God of peace, who brought again our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, comfort, strengthen, and establish you in all things. So pray your brethren in the faith and fellowship of the gospel. Amen.
"Benjamin Miller, Moderator.
"Abel Morgan, John Thomas, Wm. Marshall, Morgan Edwards, Joshua Jones, Daniel Smith, David Davis, Robert Celsy, Samuel Dodge, John Davis, Abel Griffith, Benjamin Stelle, Isaac Eaton, Samuel Waldo, Randel Drake, Samuel Heaton, Joseph Heart, Jonas Goble, Wm. Davis, Steven Watts, Wm. Folwell, Thomas Davis, Simon Butler, Isaac James, Thomas Jones, John Stites, Edmund Cosby, Peter P. Vanhorn, Isaac Jones, Joshua More. Henry Crosley, Samuel Burcolo,"
Copy of a Letter Sent to the Board of Ministers in London, by Order of the Association The Association of Particular Baptist Churches annually held at Philadelphia, to the Board of Particular Baptist Ministers in London:
"Reverend brethren, We greet you well: and, as a part of that community, in the British dominions, (whereof you have in some sort the superintendence,) we offer you our acquaintance; and solicit a share of your public care and friendship. Our numbers in these parts multiply; for when we had the pleasure of writing to you, in 1734, there were but nine churches in our Association, yet now there are twenty-eight, all owning the Confession of faith put forth in London, in 1689. Some of the churches are now destitute; but we have a prospect of supplies, partly by means of a Baptist academy lately set up. This infant seminary of learning is yet weak, having no more than twenty-four pounds a year towards its support. Should it be in your power to favor this school any way, we presume you will be pleased to know how? A few books proper for such a school, or a small apparatus, or some pieces of apparatus, are more immediately wanted, and not to be had easily in these parts. We have also, of late, endeavored to form a library at Philadelphia, for the use of our brethren in the ministry, who are not able to purchase
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books. This design also wants the assistance of our brethren in England.
"However, our design in writing to you in this public manner is, to renew a correspondence which hath been dropped for some years past; and if you think well of it, we shall be glad to hear from you against our next Association in October. You may direct to our brother Morgan Edwards, at Philadelphia.
"We commend you to the grace of God, and desire your prayers for us, and remain your brethren in the faith. "Signed, by order of the Association,
Philadelphia, May 16, 1762.
The State of the Churches for the Year [The Present State of the twenty-nine Churches, whose Messengers annually meet in Association, at Philadelphia, from the Provinces of Pennsylvania, Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, New England, and New York: collected partly from their Letters to the Association, and partly from private information in the year, 1761: By Morgan Edwards.]
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1762 The Association met this year, October 12th, and sat to the 14th. There were messengers or letters from eighteen churches. The other eleven we heard nothing of. Rev. Morgan Edwards was moderator, and Rev. Abel Morgan, clerk. They met at the Lutheran church, in Fifth street, between Arch street and Race street, where the sound of the organ was heard in the Baptist worship. The business done was as followeth:
1. A church constituted August 6, 1756, at Smith Creek, a branch of North Shannandoah, in the province of Virginia, was received into the Association the first day of meeting. The first, and present minister of this church, is the Rev. John Alderson. The original constituents were but eleven, now they are thirty, including the eight that were baptized this year. One died since the constitution.
2. Certificates of the ordination and good morals of Rev. David Thomas and Rev. David Sutton, were drawn up by Rev. Samuel Jones and Isaac Jones, Esq., and the city seal affixed thereto by the Recorder, Benjamin Chew, Esq., for which he took no fees.
Here follows a copy thereof:
Certificate "The ministers and messengers of the several Baptist congregations in Pennsylvania and adjacent provinces, met in annual Association at the city of Philadelphia, October 12, 1762.
"To all Christian people, to whom these presents may come, send greeting. "This certifies that the bearer hereof, Rev. David Thomas, late of Chester county, in the province of Pennsylvania, but now residing and dwelling in Farquair county, in the province of Virginia, was, (after due examination, whereby he appeared to have a competent share of learning and other prerequisites to the sacred office,) admitted into holy orders, according to the known and approved rites of the Baptist church, whereby he is authorized to preach the gospel, and administer the ordinances thereof. And also certifies, that at all times, before and after his ordination, (for any thing known, heard, or believed to the contrary,) he lived a holy and unblemished life. And we do hereby recommend him as such to the notice, esteem, and regard of all Christians where he now does, or hereafter may, reside.
"Signed by order of the Association, October 13, 1762, by their moderator,
"I, Benjamin Chew, Esq., Recorder of the city of Phildelphia, do hereby certify that the Rev. Morgan Edwards, A. M., who hath signed the above certificate is pastor of the Baptist church in this
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city of Philadelphia, and moderator of the above Association, and that he is a gentleman of most exemplary morals and piety. In testimony of which I have hereunto caused the seal of this said city to be affixed this 15th day of October, A. D., 1762.
3. Agreed, to continue our quarterly fasts throughout our churches as heretofore on Thursday in each quarter month: the first to be on Thursday after the fourth Lord's day, in October.
4. Agreed, that the subject of the next Association sermon be the State of Man before and after the Fall: to be preached by Brother Morgan Edwards; in case of his failure, by Brother David Davis.
5. Agreed, that Brother Samuel Jones, A. B., should draw out the Association Letter to the churches. A copy of which here follows:
Pastoral Address "The elders and messengers of the several baptized congregations in Pennsylvania and provinces adjacent, met in Association at Philadelphia, the 12th, 13th, and 14th of October, A.D. 1762.
"To the several churches we represent, do send our Christian salutation. "Dearly beloved brethren, We have the pleasure, at the close of this opportunity, of transmitting to you an account of our meeting together, according to appointment: a spirit of calmness and deliberation breathed in our consultations, and peaceful unanimity in our determinations. Glory be to God for this grace.
"Of twenty-nine churches belonging to this Association, eighteen met, by their delegates or letters, this year; and we hope, brethren, the same zeal which induced you to meet us at this time, will not suffer you ever to neglect corresponding with us in this manner; nor yet those who have been now wanting herein, to continue negligent of this invaluable privilege. By reading your letters, we learn that seventy-eight persons have been added to our number by baptism, this last year; sixteen have been removed by death and excommunication.
"And now, brethren, suffer the word of exhortation in love. Be desirous of excelling in vital piety, and labor to adorn the holy and great profession you have made, of being the disciples of Jesus and the adopted children of God. Neglect not the assembling yourselves together. Be doers as well as hearers of the word. Be mindful to maintain family worship, and to imbue the minds of those committed to your care with the savor of religion. Strengthen the hands of your ministers, and be liberal of your ministerial gifts to vacant places. Banish every thing low, and sordid conduct, the native product of grovelling minds, as being unworthy of the noble character of a Christian. Let a public spirit of benevolence and liberality be diffused among you. Be more ambitious of advancing the interest of the church of Christ, than of adding field to field, and becoming rich at the expense of religion.
"Finally, beloved brethren, we recommend you to the Lord, the
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adorable head of the church, who is able to perfect you in every grace and virtue, and to conduct you to his heavenly kingdom, where we hope to join with you and the thousands of his saints, to give blessing and honor, and glory and power unto him that sitteth on the throne, and the Lamb, for ever and ever. Amen.
"Morgan Edwards, Moderator.
Recompense Stanbury, William Connor, John Thomas, William Marshall, Septimus Levering, Benj. Miller, Alexander Edwards, John Garrett, Robert Kilsay, J. J. Jones, Thos. Dungan, John Davis, Barnaby Barnes, Walter Shewell, John Alderson, Wm. Rigden, Benj. Griffith, Abel Griffith, George George, John Davis, Joshua Jones, David Cornogg, Abel Morgan, Samuel Jones. H. Watts, Thos. Jones,
6. Agreed that the Association shall begin, next year, the Tuesday after the second Lord's day in October: the sermon to begin at 3 o'clock, P. M. State of the Churches During the Year Churches Ministers Bap. Exc. Died Memb. Pennepeck, 0 0 3 52 Middletown Abel Morgan 8 0 0 134 Piscataqua Isaac Steele 1 1 0 41 Cohansie Robert Kelsay 2 2 0 104 Welsh Tract David Davies 0 0 0 35 Great Valley John Davies 1 0 1 110 Cape May ---- 0 4 0 56 Hopewell Isaac Eaton, M. A. 1 0 0 95 Brandywine Abel Griffiths 2 0 0 27 Montgomery Benjamin Griffiths 4 1 1 92 Tulpohokin Thomas Jones 3 1 0 29 Kingwood ---- 1 0 0 41 Cranbury ---- 0 0 0 41 Southampton Thomas Davies 15 3 2 51 Philadelphia Morgan Edwards, A. M. 17 2 1 116 Horse Neck ---- 0 0 7 Scotch Plain Benjamin MIller 0 0 0 144 Oyster Bay 0 0 0 14 Morristown ---- 2 0 0 24 Rocksberry Henry Crosley 6 2 0 32 Ketockton John Marks 0 0 0 31 Opekon John Garret 7 1 0 57 New Britain William Davis 1 0 0 51 Salem 0 0 2 22 Baltimore John Davies 12 1 1 48 Newtown William Marsh 0 1 0 0 Bateman's Precincts Samuel Waldo 31 1 3 81 Smith's Creek John Alderson 8 1 0 30 Dividing Creek Samuel Heaton 3 0 0 23 New York John Gano 7 0 0 27 132 21 11 1585
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1763 The Association met this year, October 11th and sat till the 13th. Rev. Isaac Eaton, A.M., was chosen moderator; Rev. Isaac Stelle, clerk. After hearing a sermon on the State of Man before and after the fall, preached by Rev. Morgan Edwards, A. M., from Eccl. 7:29, they proceeded to business.
There were present, messengers and letters from twenty churches; the other ten neglected both. The messengers' names follow:
Ministers, Rev. Morgan Edwards, Peter Peterson Vanhorn, Samuel Jones, John Davis, Benjamin Griffith, John Thomas, Joshua Jones, Joseph Thomas, Benjamin Miller, Isaac Stelle, John Davis, David Sutton, David Jones, Isaac Eaton, Abel Griffith, Samuel Heaton, Robert Kelsay, John Gano, John Blackwell.
Laymen, Messrs. Joshua Moore, Samuel Davis, Septimus Levering, George Westcott, Samuel Miles, Joseph Watkins, Henry Woodrow, Andrew Edge, William Mashal, Alexander Edwards, Isaac Lewis, William Buchamham, Joseph Hart, Samson Davis, Daniel Cornock, Thomas Sears, Daniel Drake, James Groven, Joseph Taylor, Richard Allison, John Manners, Jeffrey Bentley, Edward Busse, William Lock, David Shepherd, John Carman, Francis Van Dyke.
Adjourned till to-morow nine o'clock, A. M.
October 12. The Association met at the appointed time, and proceeded to business.
1. A church at, New York, minister, Rev. John Gano, was received into the Association. This church was constituted June 19, 1762. The number of constituents were twenty-seven, and these chiefly members of the Scotch Plains. Now the number is forty-three.
2. At the request of the church of Salem, we have found them a supply for this year, who is the Rev. John Blackwell.
3. At a request of the church of Morristown, we appointed them a supply once a month the ensuing year.
4. A question was moved by the church of the Great Valley to this effect: Whether it be the prerogative of a church to receive applications for baptism, examine the candidates, and to judge of their qualifications for baptism? or whether these be the distinct and peculiar prerogatives of the ministers, exclusive of the laity?
The occasion of this question was the opinion and practice of the church of Philadelphia, who by a general vote have allowed the said prerogatives to belong to the minister, by the tenor of the commission relative to baptism, and the universal practice of the commissioners; and that there is neither precept nor precedent for the contrary in scripture. All allowed that this may be, and in some cases must be; but that the other practice was more expedient. However, none pretended to say it was warranted by scripture. The question was put, Whether the point was a term of communion? and whether it should be debated, or dropped? None stood up for either. So that it was dropped.
5. In the letter of Cohansie it was queried: Whether it be best to
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excommunicate delinquents before the church only, or publicly before the congregation?
Answered: If the offence be public, the cutting off should be so too; if private, it should be as private as may be.
6. Agreed, that the Association next year be held on the Tuesday after the second Lords day in October. The sermon to be preached by Rev. John Gano; and in case of failure, by Rev. Samuel Jones. The subject to be, The Recovery of Man.
7. Rev. Isaac Stelle drew the Association letter, which is as follows
Pastoral Address The elders and messengers of the several Baptist congregations in Pennsylvania and provinces adjacent, now met in general Association at Philadelphia, the 11th, 12th, and 13th October, 1763.
To the several churches we represent, send Christian salutation. Dearly beloved brethren, We have the satisfaction to acquaint you of our meeting together, according to appointment. A good measure of brotherly love has subsisted among us, during the time of our consultation. Thanks be to the Lord, who is wisdom and council to his people.
We rejoice at the agreeable account from you; for we learn by the messengers and letters, that you are at peace and unanimity among yourselves. We find there is an addition to our churches of eighty-one members this year more than last; which is great cause of thankfulness to God, and encouragement to us all. May fervent zeal for the cause and interest of our dear Redeemer ever animate our souls.
And now, brethren, receive a word of exhortation in love. Strive to abound in vital piety; see that you walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you are called. Be careful to maintain a steady course of cheerful obedience to God all the days of your life. Neglect not prayer, neither family nor closet. Strengthen the hands of your ministers, and encourage their visits to vacant places. Delight yourselves in the word, worship and ordinances of God. Make the sacred oracles the rule of all your actions. Learn, by Christ's sermon on the mount, to forgive your enemies; strive to live peaceably with all men.
May you ever be able to walk together in the unity of the spirit and bond of peace, provoking one another to love and good works and that being by promise united to an inheritance among them that are sanctified, you may at last hear the voice of the heavenly bridegroom say unto you, Come up hither; which, may God of his infinite mercy grant for Jesus sake. Amen. ISAAC EATON, Moderator. David Sutton, Joseph Hart, Isaac Stelle, Samuel Jones, James Grover, Robert Kelsay, Benjamin Miller, Daniel Drake, Samuel Heaton, Joseph Thomas, John Carman, John Thomas, John Blackwell, Morgan Edwards, John Gano, Wm. Marshal, Benjamin Griffith, Abel Griffith. John Manners, John Davis,
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State of the Churches During the Year Churches Ministers Bap. Exc. Died Memb.Pennepeck, Samuel Jones, A. M. 6 0 0 58 Middletown Abel Morgan 16 1 0 49 Piscataqua Isaac Steele 2 1 0 43 Cohansie Robert Kelsay 0 1 1 102 Welsh Tract David Davies 1 0 0 96 Great Valley John Davies 1 2 0 109 Cape May ---- 1 0 0 57 Hopewell Isaac Eaton, M. A. 1 1 0 96 Brandywine Abel Griffiths 4 0 0 31 Montgomery Benjamin Griffiths 4 3 0 93 Tulpohokin Thomas Jones 0 0 0 29 Kingwood ---- 0 0 0 48 Cranbury ---- 0 0 0 30 Southampton Samuel Jones, A. B. 3 1 1 52 Philadelphia Morgan Edwards, A. M. 21 5 0 132 Scotch Plain Benjamin MIller 12 1 2 144 Horse Neck ---- 0 0 7 Oyster Bay 0 0 0 14 Ketockton John Marks 0 0 1 30 Morristown ---- 0 2 0 22 Opekon John Garret 0 0 0 63 Rocksberry Henry Crosley 0 0 0 36 New Britain William Davis 4 1 0 54 Salem John Blackwell 1 0 0 23 Baltimore John Davies 6 1 0 56 Smith's Creek John Alderson 0 0 0 30 Newtown William Marsh 0 0 0 27 Bateman's Precincts Samuel Waldo 2 0 1 84 Dividing Creek Samuel Heaton 0 0 0 23 New York John Gano 16 1 0 43 96 20 6 1681
The Association met this year, on October 14th, and sat to October 16th.
The sermon was preached by Rev. John Gano, from Romans 11:7. The moderator was, Rev. Isaac Eaton. The clerk, Rev. Abel Morgan. There were present, messengers or letters from twenty-five churches. The chief business was as followeth
1. A church constituted at New Mills, Northampton township, county of Burlington, and province of New Jersey, was received into the Association. This church was constituted June 23, 1764. The contituents were nine in number. The minister, Rev. Peter Peterson Vanhorn.
2. Agreed, to inform the churches to which we respectively belong, that, inasmuch as a charter is obtained in Rhode Island government, toward erecting a Baptist College, the churches should be liberal in contributing towards carrying the same into execution.
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3. The subject for the next Association sermon to be Effectual Calling. The preacher, Samuel Jones; in case of failure, Isaac Stelle. The Association to meet next year, at 3 o'clock, P. M., on Tuesday after the second Sunday in October.
Pastoral Letter The elders and messengers of the several Baptist churches in Pennsylvania and provinces adjacent, met in general Association, at Philadelphia, October 16, 1764.
To the several congregations we represent, and stand related to in gospel bonds, grace, mercy, and peace, be multiplied through Jesus Christ our Lord. Dear brethren, As love enters deeply into the spirit and genius of our holy religion, so one very natural and important expression of it, is, the friendly association of churches for the great purposes of promoting the gospel of God, their own comfort and edification; being well persuaded that this was the principle, and these the views which gave rise to these annual meetings. And, as we trust, we are influenced by the same motives which inspired the breasts of our respected predecessors, so we are not without hopes, that the salutary ends proposed are, at least in some degree, answered. Our attempts, however, to serve the cause of our blessed Lord Jesus, and to assist your faith and joy, will, we doubt not, meet with your cordial acceptance. Suffer us, then, to inform you, that we met in love and peace, and were agreeably entertained with a discourse on the important subject of our recovery from ruin, by the mediation of the great High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus. The letters from the several churches brought us the pleasing news, that the Lord is carrying on his work with power in sundry places; that peace and concord abound in our congregations, blessed be his holy name. Our consultations have been loving and unanimous through the whole. And now we are going to part, suffer the word of exhortation. Dear brethren, be careful to improve the favors you enjoy. Let the sacred oracles constantly be the man of your counsel. Make conscience of the duty of prayer in the family. Be careful of the education of youth. Bring up your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Strengthen and encourage your ministers; be ready and willing to support them in visiting those churches that are destitute of the means of grace. So we commit you to God and the word of his grace, who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the throne of his glory with exceeding joy. To Him be glory in the. churches, now and forever. Amen. We rest your brethren in gospel relation.
Signed in behalf of the Association.
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The Original State of Thirty-one Baptist Churches Whose Messengers Annually Meet in Association at Philadelphia.
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State of the Churches During the Year
Baptized this year 152, which is 40 more than were baptized last year.