Minutes of the Philadelphia Baptist Association, 1707-1807
By A. D. Gillette, editor, 1851
Minutes of the Philadelphia Baptist Association, 1765-1768 1765
The Association met at Philadelphia this year, October 15, and sat to October 17. Forty-four messengers present. Letters from the churches were read.
1. Received into the Association a church at Konoloway, in the township of Air, Cumberland county, Pennsylvania. It was constituted August 25, 1765. The number of constituents six.
2. Agreed, to have our Confession of faith reprinted by Morgan Edwards and Samuel Jones: the churches to send them money for the number they want before the first of December. The size and character to be left to the discretion of said persons.
3. Received, Rev. Noah Hammond, of Long Island, New York, in unity with the ministers, by giving him the right hand of fellowship in behalf of the Association. And ordered Mr. Gano and Mr.
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Jones to be at Coram, township of Brookhaven, on Long Island, on November 1, to constitute twenty-three persons there into a church, and to acknowledge them as a sister church in behalf of the Association.
4. Agreed, that the minister of Philadelphia shall have the direction of the meetings at the Association, and the nomination of the preachers, that they may have proper notice of the same beforehand.
5. Query, from Smith's Creek: Whether it be proper to receive a person into communion who had been baptized by immersion by a minister of the church of England, if no other objection could be made? Answer: Yea, if he had been baptized on a profession of faith and repentance.
6. Agreed, that the churches in Virginia have our leave to form themselves into an Association, provided they go on the same plan, and hold union with us.
7. The Association next year to be held on Tuesday after the second Sunday in October. The sermon to be preached by Isaac Stelle; and in case of failure, by Peter Peterson Vanhorn. Subject, the Incarnation of the Son of God.
Here follows a copy of the Association letter to the churches, written by John Sutton:
Pastoral Address "The elders and messengers of the several churches met, according to appointment, at Philadelphia, October 15, 16, 17, A. D., 1765.
"To the several churches to whom we respectively belong, send our Christian salutation. "Dearly Beloved in our blessed Lord, — We rejoiced to hear from you, and the more so, when we perceived the Lord hath graciously visited a number of you with a day of his power, and brought many, first to give themselves to Him and to the churches according to his will, by which our number is increased by baptism three hundred and one, which exceeds the last year's increase by one hundred and forty-nine; blessed be God for his rich grace. We have had a good measure of peace, unity, and consolation in all our affairs. We hope the success of the gospel will raise in your hearts gratitude and thankfulness to God. And that you will strive with us in your prayers to God, that he will carry on his work with power, not only among his churches, butuniversally throughout the whole world. And to that end we exhort you, with ourselves, to walk worthy of that holy religion we profess. Encourage your ministers to visit the destitute churches. Give them all the assistance in so arduous a work that your circumstances will admit. In a word, as ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: and his saving grace, and the love of God, and the influence of the Holy Ghost be with you, and rest upon you both now and forever. Amen.
"From your brethren in the faith and fellowship of the gospel. "Signed by the moderator, "BENJAMIN GRIFFITH."
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1766 The Association met at Philadelphia, on Tuesday, October 14th, A. D. 1766, at 3 o'clock, P. M., according to appointment, and opened with a sermon from John 1:14, preached by Rev. Isaac Stelle. After sermon the messengers came together. The moderator for last year resumed his seat; and, after prayer, moved for choosing a new moderator and clerk. The choice fell on Rev. Benjamin Miller and Rev. Samuel Jones. Adjourned to 9 o'clock next day. Divine service in the evening. Wednesday, 15th. The Association met at nine in the morning. After prayer, the list of messengers was called over. Each answered to his name. They were —
Ministers, — Rev. Benjamin Miller, Abel Griffiths, Joseph Powell, Isaac Stelle, John Blackwell, David. Jones, Joshuah Jones, John
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Davis, Thomas Davis, John Waltam, Morgan Edwards, Samuel Heaton, Benjamin Griffiths, John Thomas, Samuel Jones, John Davis, Noah Hammond, David Thomas.
Laymen, — Messrs. David Powell, Joseph Merril, Samuel Dodge, Francis Vandike, Thomas Farr, Thomas Cox, David Thomas, John Crees, Walter Shewell, George George, Josiah Lewis, Joseph Griffiths, David Eaton, Isaac Jones, Samuel Davis, George Wescott, Joseph Shepherd, David Bowen, Samuel Meed, Alexander Edwards, John Wright, and Arthur Watts.
Moved and agreed to, for more order and expedition in despatching business: 1. That the moderator, shall, for the future, take his seat in the desk. 2. That every one who speaketh shall stand up, and address himself to the moderator. 3. That none shall interrupt the speaker till he hath done. 4. That no matter brought on shall be laid aside till finished, except postponing it be agreed to.
Adjourned to three. The Association met again at three. After prayer, it was moved and agreed: That it is most necessary for the good of the Baptist interest, that the Association have at their disposal every year a sum of money. Accordingly it was further agreed: That the churches, henceforth, do make a collection every quarter, and send the same yearly to the Association, to be by them deposited in the hands of trustees; the interest whereof only to be by them laid out every year in support of ministers travelling on the errand of the churches, or otherwise, as the necessities of said churches shall require.
Pursuant to a petition from the church of Konoloway, it was agreed to desire the churches this year to collect money for their use, and send the same to thenext Association, to be by them laid out so as to be of perpetual use to the said church.
Moved and agreed to: That a yearly intercourse between the Associations to the east and west of us be, by letters and messengers, now begun, and hereafter maintained. Accordingly, Rev. Samuel Jones was ordered to write to the Association to be held at Warren, the Tuesday before the second Sunday in September; and Rev. John Gano, Samuel Jones, and Morgan Edwards, appointed to meet them as delegates from us.
The Rev. M. Edwards was ordered to draw a letter to the Association, meeting at Mill Creek, in Virginia, the Saturday before the third Sunday in August; and Rev. Isaac Stelle, John Davis, and John Blackwell were delegated to meet them as our messengers.
As some tardiness hath been observed in sending messengers and letters to the Association, and in the attendance which the messengers give to the business of said Association, it was agreed to admonish the tardy churches, and hereby they are admonished; it was also agreed that those ministers who cannot return home in a day shall not appoint to be with their respective churches sooner than the second Sunday in October, and that they make no appointments in the way which will require them to leave Philadelphia sooner than
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is consistent with doing the business of the Association deliberately and wholly.
Received into the Association a church at Coram, in Long Island, constituted November 1, 1766; also the church of Croswicks, constituted May 13, 1766.
Ordered, That Abel Griffiths do draw up an Association letter to the churches.
Pastoral Address * "The ministers and messengers of the several Baptist churches in Pennsylvania, the Jerseys, and provinces adjacent, met in Association at Philadelphia, the 14th, 15th, and 16th of October, A.D. 1766.
"To the several churches concerned, wish mercy and peace may be multiplied. "Dear brethren, through the tender mercy of God, we have been preserved to see the time of our annual meetings, and, blessed be his name, we met in love, and preserved harmony and affection through the whole of our proceedings. We were agreeably entertained with a discourse on the Incarnation of the dear Redeemer, by Reverend Isaac Stelle. The discourse met with good acceptance. Much refreshed were we also by reading your letters; by which we find that our churches are generally at peace among themselves; and to our great joy, find the Lord is still giving us new manifestations of his walking in the midst of his golden candlesticks, and blessing the word by making it powerful to bring souls to the obedience of faith, and to enlist under the banner of the King of Zion, so that there have been added to our churches by baptism, since last Association, two hundred and forty-nine. There still remain complaints, from some of our churches, of deadness, which may the Lord remove, to his glory and the joy of his saints. Thirty of our members have been cut off by death, and nine excommunicated.
"Now, dear brethren, before we dissolve our Association, suffer a word of exhortation. Oh, endeavor to walk worthy of Christ, and to use all diligence to make your calling and election sure, that the joy thereof may excite in you a holy resignation to the will of God, and a holy resolution to forsake all and follow Christ. Be diligent in closet and family prayer. Be earnest for your households, and the land in general: especially for the welfare of Zion, that the Lord may make her a praise in the earth. O pray for your ministers, that the Lord will make them successful instruments in his hands for the comfort of saints and the conversion of sinners. Strengthen their hands, and be willing to spare them at seasons to supply the needs of destitute churches. Encourage men of promising
* NOTE. — The above is the earliest printed letter I have found, and was probably published by Rev. Morgan Edwards, at his own expense, and for his convenience; it being in folio size, about equal to the newspapers of the province of that early date. — Ed.
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gifts among you. Neglect not the assembling of yourselves together, but value your place in the house of God. Endeavor to maintain gospel order in the churches. Strive against temptations and every lust, that you may keep your garments unspotted with the flesh. Give no occasion to the adversaries to blaspheme. Stir up every spark of grace in your souls to a lively exercise, that you may enjoy the comforts thereof while in the world. And contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints. Finally, brethren, “whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things."
"We conclude, with wishing you all grace to support you, and the Spirit of God to direct you safe through this vale of tears, and to bring you at last to the heavenly Canaan. BENJAMIN MILLER, Moderator. "SAMUEL JONES, Clerk. Philadelphia,
October 16th, 1766. Adjourned. Divine service in the evening.
Thursday 16th. — It was queried, Whether a complaint from any member of the associated churches, or from one excommunicated, might be received into the Association?
Resolved, That the query be considered, and determined next Association.
Agreed, to recommend warmly to our churches the interest of the College, for which a subscription is opened all over the continent. This college hath been set on foot upwards of a year, and has now in it three promising youths under the tuition of President Manning.
Agreed, that next Association be held on the Tuesday after the second Sunday in October, to begin at three o'clock, P. M. The sermon by Rev. P. P. Vanhorn; and, in case of his failure, by Rev. Benjamin Miller. The subject to be, "Final Perseverance."
The Association broke up. Divine service in the evening. N. B. The reason why the number of members in every church in the following table, does not answer to the numbers received and lost is, that some transfer their memberships from one church to another.
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State of the Churches During the Year
Increase this year 199. 1767
This year, the Association met at Philadelphia, on the 13th October. It. was opened with prayers, and a sermon on Final Perseverance, preached by Rev. P. P. Vanhorn, from Hebrews x:14. After the sermon the messengers met, and when prayer was over, they chose Rev. Isaac Eaton to be moderator, and Rev. Samuel Jones, secretary, and read the letters. The messengers were
Ministers, — Rev. Robert Kelsay, Samuel Heaton, John Blackwell, Isaac Stelle, P.P. Vanhorn, David Davis, David Sutton, Abel Griffiths, John Davis, Benjamin Griffiths, David Thomas, Joshua Jones, Benjamin Coles, Joseph Powell, David Jones, John Davis, John Walton, Samuel Jones, Abel Morgan, John Sutton, James Manning, Isaac Eaton.
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Laymen, — Messrs. Philip Shepherd, David Bowen, Stephen Barton, Randal Drake, David Evans, Isaac Light, Jeffrey Bentley, Nicholas Haile, Arthur Chinworth, John Thomas, William Bennet, James Davis, Jacob Covenhoven, Walter Shewell, Thomas John, William Tapscott, Safely M'Gee, Samuel John, Alexander Edwards, James Dundan, Daniel Smith, David Dungan, Isaac Jones, George Westcott, Samuel Davis, Joseph Moulder.
The meeting concluded with prayer, and a sermon in the evening.
Wednesday morning, 14th. The Association met, according to adjournment, and after prayer, and calling the messengers' names, proceeded to business.
Received the contributions of the following churches towards an Association fund. £ s. d. Philadelphia, 16 10 4½ Southampton, 4 4 4½ Pennepek, 2 11 10 Great Valley, 5 0 0 Welsh Tract, 3 0 4 Cohansie, 1 0 0 Kingwood, 0 12 0
Hopewell, 1 13 0 New York, 4 11 8 Baltimore, 1 5 8 Rev. John Sutton, 0 7 6 Rev. Samuel Jones. 0 10 0 Mr. Jeff. Benchley, 0 5 0
In all £41 10s. 8d., which was deposited in the hands of two brothers, viz., George Westcott and Alexander Edwards, Esqs.
Resolved, To continue a collection every quarter for the said fund.
Received contributions, for the use of the church of Konoloway, from the following churches
£ s. d. Montgomery, 2 10 0 New York, 1 17 6½ New Britain, 2 5 9 Piscataqua, 1 8 8
Kingwood, 1 0 0 Southampton, 1 12 0 Pennepek, 1 12 11
In all £12 6s. 1d., which was then delivered to the messengers of the church of Konoloway, they rendering the Association an account of the disposal thereof.
Agreed, That Rev. Isaac Eaton and John Hart, Esq., executors of Mrs. Hubs, will be allowed to pay £14 towards the education of Charles Thompson, out of the interest of the legacy left by said Mrs. Hubs for the use of the Association in Philadelphia.
Agreed, That the churches be requested to forward the subscription for Rhode Island College.
Agreed, That Philadelphia be supplied according to the course settled last year.
The following query was left on the book last year for consideration: Whether an appeal from any member of the associated churches, or from one excommunicated from any of said churches, may be made to the Association?
Resolved: That in some cases they may, as every church may
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sometimes suspend their prerogatives, of which every church is to judge for itself.
Query from Hopewell: Whether a ruling elder is to be ordained by imposition of hands? Resolved: To leave this matter to the discretion of the churches.
Query from Kingwood: Whether a church ought to suspend or excommunicate one for not keeping his place in the church, on account of his not approving the order of preaching used by the minister of the place? Resolved: That the complaint is trivial, nevertheless that forbearance should be used, but how long, is left to the discretion of the church.
In answer to a request from Cohansie, it was agreed, that Rev. Messrs. Miller, Stelle, and Joshua Jones, do pay them a visit to settle their difference.
The query from Cohansie respected a person who had married his first wife’s sister, and was answered thus: The case is doubtful. Ordered, That Rev. Messrs. John Thomas, David Sutton, and Joseph Powell, do attend the new Association in Virginia, to be held on Saturday the third Sabbath in August, as messengers from us.
Agreed, That the Association to be held next year, at Warren, on Tuesday after the first Wednesday in September, be attended by Rev. Messrs. Benjamin Miller and Isaac Stelle, as our messengers.
Agreed, That the next Association be held on Tuesday after the second Sunday in October, and that Rev. Benjamin Miller do preach; and in case of his failure, Rev. John Davis. The subject to be Imputed Righteousness.
Rev. John Sutton to write to the Association in Virginia, and Rev. Samuel Jones to the Association in Warren; Rev. Isaac Sutton to write the circular letter, which was as follows:
Pastoral Address "To the several churches, we send loving salutation. "Dear Brethren, — As we are near parting, we have to inform you, that we met in love, and received your letters and messengers. We find, to our joy, that peace generally subsists in our churches, considerable increase in some of them. We received comfortable letters from the Associations in Virginia and Rhode Island. We have cause to bless God, that the religion of Jesus succeeds any where; and that it may increase and abound, permit us, to exhort and entreat you, to study more and more what shall be done to promote so valuable an interest. Endeavor to keep and maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace amongst yourselves. Attend diligently to all the ordinances of the gospel. Be conscientious in discharging all the positive and relative duties of Christianity. Beware of lukewarmness. Be diligent in a holy and humble walk with God in secret. Promote by word, action and communication, every thing that hath a tendency to advance the declarative glory of God, and the interest of his cause in the world, knowing that your fellowship
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of faith, and labor of love, will, through the exceeding riches of free grace, be rewarded by Jesus Christ at his coming.
"Brethren, we commit you to the Lord and the word of his grace, and remain yours in the faith and fellowship of the gospel.
"ISAAC EATON, Moderator. SAMUEL JONES, Clerk. "Philadelphia, October 15, 1767."
Increase this year, 49.
This year came a letter from the Association at Mill Creek, Virginia, whereby it appears that one church more hath joined them, and that the increase in that Association is thirty, viz., twenty-six by baptism, and four by letters dismissive and commendatory.
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1768 The Association met this year at Philadelphia, on the 11th, 12th, and 13th of October, A. D. 1768.
It was opened on Tuesday, at 3 P. M., with public service, and a sermon by Rev. Benjamin Miller, on "Imputed Righteousness," from Psalm 89:16. After sermon, they proceeded to the choice of a moderator and clerk, which fell on the Rev. Isaac Eaton, and Rev. Isaac Stelle. The letters were read, the names of the messengers taken. One to preach in the evening, and then adjourned to the next day.
Wednesday. — This day, at 9 A. M., the Association met. After prayer, they read a petition from the church constituted at Mount Bethel, which was received into the Association. This church was constituted, October 29th, 1767, by the Rev. Messrs. Miller, Crosley, and Walton. The number of constituents were thirteen from the Scotch Plains, to which were added from the same church five more, and afterwards six, and eleven by baptism; in all, thirty-five.
Agreed, That Philadelphia be supplied according to the first year’s plan. By order of the Association, the Rev. Isaac Eaton was ordered to give the sum of £14, out of the interest arising from Mrs. Hubs's legacy, for the use of Charles Thomson, a student in Rhode Island College.
Agreed, That the Association be held next year at New York, but ever after at Philadelphia; and then adjourned to 3 o'clock, P. M.
Met at 3. After prayer, proceeded to business. In answer to a query from New York, it was agreed that baptism, administered by a person not ordained, was invalid and disorderly.
Some of the New Mills people requested the help of this Association in a case of difficulty between them and their minister. Agreed, that Rev. Isaac Eaton, Samuel Jones, Mr. James Mott, and John Stout, do visit them on the fourth Lord's day in November, at 10 o'clock.
Rev. Isaac Stelle appointed to write the circular letter. Rev. J. Davis to write to the Association at Warren; and he and Rev. S. Jones to be messengers to meet them on the second Lord's day in September.
Rev. Samuel Jones to write to the Association in Virginia, to be held at Pignut Ridge, on Saturday before the third Lord's day in August; and Rev. John Davis, of Baltimore, to be our messenger.
At a request from some people in Sussex county, New Jersey, several of the ministers agreed to pay them a visit this year.
A letter from the church of Stratfield, in Connecticut, was received, intimating a separation, on account of washing feet, and the Lord's Supper administered every week.
Agreed, that Rev. John Gano, Isaac Stelle, and Benjamin Miller, do pay them a visit.
Adjourned to 9 o'clock to-morrow.
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Thursday. — Met at 9 A. M. The Association advise the church of Warren to be cautious of one Henry Dawson, late from Dr. Gifford's church, in Eagle street, London.
Fourteen of our churches brought in their gatherings for the As. sociation fund, amounting to £18, 17s. 11d., which was deposited in the hands of Mr. George Westcott, to be put out at interest. The churches that gave are the following: £ s. d. Philadelphia, 5 0 0 Cohansie, 1 0 0 Pennepek, 2 1 4 Welsh Tract, 2 6 9 New York, 2 0 0 Hopewell, 1 10 0 Kingwood, 0 5 0
Southampton, 2 2 4 Piscataqua, 0 7 6 Baltimore, 0 10 0 Montgomery, 0 10 0 Salem, 0 10 0 Cape May, 0 7 6 Dividing Creek, 0 7 6
Some jealousy arising on account of an appeal to the Association, mentioned pages 100 and 101, it was agreed that the word appeal was not quite proper, as the Association claims no jurisdiction, nor a power to repeal any thing settled by any church; but if, before settlement, parties agree to refer matters to the Association, then to give their advice.
The Association to be held at New York on Tuesday after the second Sunday in October. Rev. John Davis to preach; and, in case of failure, Rev. Isaac Eaton, or Rev. David Jones.
Agreed, to request all the churches to lay themselves out to find any gifted brethren that may arise among them, and encourage them.
Rev. Isaac Stelle appointed to draw up the circular letter to the churches, a copy of which follows:
Pastoral Address "Brethren, — We are happy now, at the close of our Association in having it in our power to say that we met in love, continued our business without discord and jarring, and parted in peace and friendship; that we are pleased with the accounts sent us from different churches, particularly the good news of the increase of Christ's kingdom on earth, for which we praise God, and pray for you that your faith fail not.
"And now, dearly beloved brethren in the bonds of Christian love, our request is, that as you have put on the Lord Jesus so walk ye in him, and that you may be enabled so to do, neglect not the assembling of yourselves together. Maintain the public worship of God, and keep yourselves unspotted from the world. Do all things whatsoever may tend to promote brotherly love and charity, always remembering that unity is the best security the church of Christ can have against attacks from every enemy; that if divided, you fall a more easy prey to your adversaries; that you cannot injure one another without injuring yourselves also; that by attending too much
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to distinctions and speculations, you rob your own souls of the real comfort of religion. And finally, brethren, "whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." And may the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly. Amen.Signed, by order of the Association, ISAAC EATON, Moderator, ISAAC STELLE, Clerk.
Increase this year, 81.
N. B. Nine churches have not sent to us this year — By a letter from the Association at Warren, it appears that the following churches were formed into an Association, September 9th, 1767, viz: — the church of Warren, Bellingham, Middleberry, Haverhill. ================ Minutes of Philadelphia Association
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