The bios are listed here in alphabetical order: Garnett, Robert - Griffin, Thomas - Johnson, Cave - Kirtley, Robert E. - Montague, William - Scott, Perryander C. - Whitaker, William
Prominent Early Leaders of the Northbend Baptist Association
J. H. Spencer, History of Kentucky Baptists, 1886
THOMAS GRIFFIN was one of the early preachers in North Bend Association. He was Moderator of that body, in 1806, and on two occasions afterwards. He also preached the introductory sermon before it, in I807, and in 1811. He was in high esteem, both for piety, and his usefulness. But his ministry was cut short by his death, which occurred in the forty-sixth year of his age. March 2, 1816. WILLIAM MONTAGUE was baptized into the fellowship of Bullittsburg church during the revival of 1800-1. He remained a private member of the church, till 1814, when he was encouraged to exercise a preaching gift. He was ordained to the ministry, in 1817. Two years later, he went into the constitution of Sand Run church. He labored acceptably among the churches of North Bend Association, about thirteen years. But, in 1830, he was accused of teaching Campbellism. Sand Run church investigated the charge, and acquitted him. Not long afterwards however, he obtained a letter of dismission, and joined the Campbellites. The church, deeming this proceeding more politic than honest, withdrew fellowship from him. ROBERT GARNETT was among the early preachers of North Bend Association. He is believed to have been a native of Virginia, whence he moved to Boone county, Ky., about 1800. He joined Bullittsburg church by letter, and was “encouraged to exercise his gift,” in 1803. He soon afterwards moved his membership to Middle Creek church, where he was ordained to the ministry, in 1812. Here he preached till 1825. His gift was small; but he set a good example before numerous posterity. WILLIAM WHITAKER was born in Scott county, Ky., March 25, 1793. In his youth, he went to Boone county, where he united with Bullittsburg church, during the remarkable revival of 1811. From thence he took a letter, and joined Sand Run church, in July, 1820. Here he was ordained to the ministry, by Robert Kirtley, Lewis Conner and William Montague, October 29 1826. In his early ministry, he preached among many of the churches of North Bend Association. But later in life, he confined his labors principally within the bounds of Sand Run church, of which he was pastor 40 years. He was highly esteemed in the Association, acting as its Moderator at least on one occasion, and frequently preaching the introductory sermon before its annual meetings. He died, August 2, 1872. PERRYANDER C. SCOTT was a young man of brilliant talents and superior attainments. He united with the church at Middle creek, in Boone county, and was baptized by Robert Kirtley, August 31, 1842. In December of the same year, he went into the constitution of the church at Burlington, in the same county, where he was licensed to preach, March 18. 1843. After he was licensed, he went to Georgetown College, where he graduated with the highest honors of his class. He was ordained to the work of the ministry, at Burlington, by John L. Waller, Robert Kirtley, William Whitaker, J. M. Frost and James A. Kirtley, August 23, 1847. Soon after his ordination, he entered the Theological Institute of Covington, Ky. He preached as he could make opportunity, and not a few were converted under his ministry. He baptized about 30, the last of whom was at Carrollton. On the 3d of April, 1852, he was killed instantly, by the explosion on the steamer Redstone, near Carrollton. "Had he lived till the following June," said Dr. D. R. Campbell, in a funeral discourse, "he would have taken the highest distinction in the Theological Institute." Few young ministers, in Kentucky, have ever been more lamented. But God's ways are not always ours. CAVE JOHNSON was a prominent citizen of Boone county, and a highly esteemed and enterprising church member. He was born in Orange county, Va., November 15, 1760. After a term of service in the Revolutionary War, he came to Kentucky, in April, 1779. He remained for a time, in Bryant's Station, in Fayette county. In 1784, he married and settled in Woodford county. He was one of the trustees appointed to lay off the town of Versailles, in 1792. In 1796, he moved to what is now Boone county, which county he represented in the Legislature, in 1817. He united with Bullittsburg church, by letter, soon after he moved to Boone county. In 1819, he went into the constitution of Sand Run church. Of him, Elder Robert E. Kirtley says: “He was a man of strong, vigorous intellect, with enlightened views of christian character, and enlightened views of christian benevolence, * * * and hence was in the lead of his time for educating the ministry." He contributed $500 for the endowment of Georgetown College, under the Presidency of Dr: Giddings. He labored and contributed for the endowment of a Theological seminary at Covington, Ky. He considered it a privilege and pleasure to give for the enlargement and glory of the Kingdom of Christ. He died January 19, 1850, in the ninetieth year of his age. ROBERT E. KIRTLEY is one of the oldest ministers now living within the bounds of North Bend Association. He is a son of the late Elder Robert Kirtley, and a brother of the highly esteemed James A. Kirtley, D. D. He united with Bullittsburg church in October, 1839. He afterwards moved to Missouri, where he was set apart to the ministry. He returned to Boone county, Ky., about 1865, where he has since been actively engaged in his holy calling.
============== [From J. H. Spencer, History of Kentucky Baptists, 1886; rpt. 1984, pp. 147-150. The Title to this essay has been added. — jrd]
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