[p. 716]
Edward C. Lord, D.D., was born at Carlisle, N.Y., January 22, 1817, and was a graduate of Madison University. He was ordained at Preston Hollow, N.Y., August 27, 1846, having previously received an appointment as a missionary to China. He reached Ningpo June 20, 1847, and was connected with Dr. Macgowan in the care of that station. Having acquired the language, he was able to preach to the natives and hold conversation with them on religious subjects. The health of Mrs. Lord made it necessary for him to return to the United States, which he reached at the close of 1851. Remaining here a little less than two years, he returned to Ningpo. Arriving there June 1, 1854, he commenced again his missionary labors, taking, as far as possible, the place of the lamented Goddard, and having Mr. Knowlton as a co-worker with him. While occupied with these evangelical labors, Mr. Lord performed some work in his study. Writing to the Executive Committee, in 1860, he says, "My notes on the Epistles to the Hebrews and Romans have been completed, and considerable other labor of a similar kind has been performed." And the next year he writes, "My notes on the First Epistle to the Corinthians have been completed and put to press. My notes on Ephesians have been carefully revised, and those on Second Corinthians are in course of preparation." In 1863 he writes, "At Ningpo, in my own neighborhood, I have plenty of work, and I am thankful to say there is much encouragement. At the communion season, about three months ago, I baptized five persons, three men and two women, and I have at present several applicants." The connection of Mr. Lord with the Missionary Union closed in July, 1864. He was in the diplomatic service of the United States in China, and performing more or less of missionary service for several years. His formal connection with the Missionary Union has been resumed. He has had charge of two chapels in Ningpo, being aided in his work by three native preachers. ============ [From William Cathcart, editor, The Baptist Encyclopedia, 1881. - jrd]
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