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Editor's note: The earliest original Minutes are too fragile for copying and scanning, so there is a short summary of the contents, if available. Beginning in 1841, the Circulars are posted. — jrd

Long Run Baptist Association Circular Letters
By James R. Duvall

1803 — Twenty-three churches met in association. A short, one-paragraph Circular was written on Peace. There should be peace in a nation, family, neighborhood, and especially in a church or community of Christians. Author unknown. p. 2

1804 — The Circular was written by William Ford of Fox Run B. C. with James Dupuy of Tick Creek assisting. It is not available.

1805 — Written by Isaac Ellis of Buck Creek B. C. There were some amendments made and approved. This Circular is not available.

1806 — Written by William Ford of Fox Run B. C. Not available.

1807 — Written by Bro. McCoy. There was an Issac McCoy of Silver Creek and William McCoy of Buck Creek. The Importance of Prayer: the duty, as a means to brighten the Christian's armour, the tendency to neglect, "let us pray always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit..." (pp. 2-3)

1808 — The propriety and utility of an association of churches, written by a committee of Allen McGuire, William Keller, William McCoy, David Staniford and John Taylor. It is a half-page essay: An association "consists in the justness of the principles on which they associate, and the usefulness of the object pursued...." There were some amendments made and approved. (p. 2)

1809 — "We encourage you to search the Holy Scriptures ... these sacred pages are the only infallible criterion by which we can decide between truth and error..." (pp. 3-4) The Circular Letter was read and approved. Author not given.

1810 — Written by James Hayden of Rock Lick BC. First paragraph is an exhortation to Watch; second paragraph on Good Order; third paragraph is on Church Discipline. (p. 4)

1811 — Written by William Ford of Fox Run. An exhortation to know and teach doctrine; be an example in Christian living and promote personal humility. (pp. 6-8)

1812 — Written by John Scott of Twins B.C. Prayer: its duty, as a privilege, and a medium whereby God diffuses His blessings on the children of men. (pp. 3-4)

1813 — Written by James Green. The Resurrection of the Body. Many of their members had died since their last meeting, so he addressed them on this "important and interesting doctrine of the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ..."

1814 — Living and Dead Faith written by William Ford of Fox Run B. C. "It is abundantly evident from the scriptures, that men may notionally, and doctrinally, believe the truth of the gospel, and at the same time, be destitute of that faith in Christ, which accompanies salvation, and which is of the operation of God's Spirit...."

1815 — "Prayer" by John Jones of Burk's Branch B. C. (p. 3)

1816 — "Love" by James Ford (pp. 3-4)

1817 — Christian Connection and Church Discipline — ". . . and in as much as no individual can be properly called a Christian except he bear the image of Christ, so no church can be called a church of Christ, only as she obeys the rule given by the Great Head of the church, in which church connection there are many members; and to be a church of Christ, each member must have the same care for one another; and in order to show this care or love, we are to do each other good...." "...has he transgressed, then go to him in the spirit of meekness, knowing thyself to be also imperfect and liable to transgress...." Author not given. (pp. 3-4)

1818 — Written by Joseph Kellar of Beargrass B. C. "... A few simply remarks on the dangers and evils that may arise from being too fond of popularity, or worldly honour...." "... If you would preach powerfully, live prayerfully always, strive to have the cause of Christ, and the salvation of sinners near your hearts, through which God may be glorified, and poor mourners comforted...."

1819 — Written by Robert Gailbreath of Beargrass B. C. The Duty of Prayer (pp. 3-4)

1820 — Written by John Wells of Brashear's Creek B. C. The Cause of our Barreness and Unfruitfulness of Soul. (pp. 3-4)

1821 — Consistent Gospel Ministry by George Waller of Buck Creek B.C. (pp. 5-8)

1822 — A Visible Gospel Church by Zacheus Carpenter of South Long Run B. C. (pp. 3-4)

1823 — Written by Silas Garrett of Chinowith's Run B. C. "A Few Remarks on the Sin of Covetousness" (PP. 3-4)

1824 — Allen M'Guire of Sulhper Fork B. C. " ... A few of the privileges and favors with which our Heavenly Father has blessed our nation; particularly in giving us the word of Revelation...." (pp. 3-4)

1825 — P. S. Fall of Louisville B. C. "Watchfulness" (pp. 3-4) [Fall later joined Alexander Campbell's movement] — jrd]

1826 — John Holland of Plum Creek B. C. "Christian Affection" (pp. 5-8)

1827 — Benjamin Allen of Harrod's Creek B. C. The CL was called for, read, and after some discussion adopted. It is not available.

1828 — John B. Curle of Long Run B. C. "Peace" "... it is reasonable to suppose that those who have received the peace of God that passeth all understanding, should live peaceably, and follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord...." (pp. 3-4)

1829 — Written by Robert Gailbreath of Fishpools B. C.

1830 — J. Dale of South Long Run B. C. The New Covenant or Kingdom of Christ. (pp. 3-4)

1831 — George Waller of Buck Creek B. C. Our Association's Constitution "The Long Run Association, at her constitution held her creed to be true, because it expressed her views of the doctrine of the Bible; and notwithstanding all that is said to the contrary, from all that appears to us on the subject, opposition to the use of creeds, arises, first, from disagreement with its subject matter, and second, a disposition to put all others down, and so make room for another new [view], and diverse from all others...." (pp. 2-4)

1839 — Short histories of the association's churches written by R. Giddings of Shelbyville B. C. (pp. 4-7)

1841"The Nature and Design of an Association, as a part of the Ecclesiastical Organization of the Baptist Denomination."

1843 — Historical Memorariam of Extracts from the Records of the Long Run Association (pp. 13-16)

1843 — A Summary of Church Letters

1844 — Systematic Benevolence by T. S. Malcolm (pp. 8-9)

1845 — On the Slavery Question by A. D. Sears (pp. 9-10)

1846On the Qualifications and Duties of Deacons by Elder W. W. Gardner of Shelbyville B. C. — pp. 6-8.

1847 — Wm. P. Barnett - The Mutual Duties of Ministers and Churches.

1848 — W. C. Buck was appointed to write the Circular, instead a summary of the churches' letters to the association was given under an appendix.

1849 — D. N. Porter, "Circular called for, but none presented, brother Porter being absent." (A note in the minutes: "Resolved, That the churches be requested to state in their letters, hereafter, the numbers respectively of white and colored members; also the ordained ministers and licentiates that belong to their number." p. 6.)

1850 — Elder W. F. Broaddus of Shelbyville — Christian Character — pp. 6-7.

1851 — Elder G. R. LePage of Taylorville — An exhortation to honor Christ as the association continues to meet. pp. 6-7.

1852 — Elder Smith Thomas of Simpsonville — The Importance of Attending Church Services

1853 — Elder Andrew Broaddus of Pleasant Grove, Jefferson County — Christian Responsibility

1854 — Missing.

1855"Systematic Benevolence"

1856The Spiritual Character of a Church

1857"Election Stated and Defended" — By Elder Thomas M. Vaughan of Burk's Branch B. C.

1858 — Elder A. B. Knight — "The Obligation of the Sabbath" — pp. 5-7.

1859 — "The report of the Committee on the Circular Letter called for, and Committee responded that they were not aware of their appointment in time to prepare a Circular, and asked to be excused, which was granted.

Whereupon, after the reading of the Circular Letter of 1841, it was moved that it be adopted as the Circular Letter for this year.
Subject: "The Nature and Design of an Association, as a part of the Ecclesiastical Organization of the Baptist Denomination."

1860 — Elder J. W. Goodman — The Circular Letter was called for, and the writer, J. W. Goodman, reported not prepared, and was excused by the Association from the duty.

1861 — B. F. Hungerford — The Duties of Christians in the Present Crisis — An impassioned plea soon after the beginning of the Civil War.

1862 — A. B. Knight appointed — No Letter.

1863 — No Letter — Abstract of Churches' Letters.

1864 — S. Vannatta — Personal Piety. — Written near the end of the Civil War.

1865 — Elder J. M. Weaver — The Duties of the Hour. — A plea to help rebuild after the war.

1866 — Rev. T. M. Vaughan — "The Circular Letter was called for, but T. M. Vaughan having failed to prepare it, on motion, was excused. The clerk was appointed to prepare an abstract of Churches' Letters as a substitute."

1867 — Rev. Smith Thomas, and Rev. T. M. Vaughan, as alternate. No Letter printed. — "Committee on circular letter made their report and on motion the circular letter with the report was laid on the table indefinitely.

On motion, it was agreed that the appointment to write circular letter, and alternate should be made by public nomination."

1868 — Rev. W. E. Powers was chosen to write the letter. — Qualifications for Pastoral Office.

1869 — J. H. Spencer — The Importance of Intercommunication Among Our Associational Churches.


[From the Long Run Baptist Association Minutes; from the original documents at Southern Baptist Seminary Library, Archives and Special Collections, Louisville, KY — jrd]

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