1. Clear Creek Church, is enjoying uninterrupted peace, under the pastoral care of S. Thomas, who preaches the 3d Saturday and Sunday, in each month. During the year, Jas. McQuaid, has been ordained to the work of the ministry. This church contributes semi-annually to the American and Foreign Bible Society, the General Association of Kentucky, the American Indian Mission Association, and the China Mission Society. A. D. Stone, Clerk.2. Elk Creek Church, is in peace, and enjoying the pastoral labors of George Waller, the 2d Saturday and Sabbath in each month. Edmund Slone, Clerk.
3. Long Run Church, has had an interesting revival during the year, under the pastoral care of John Dale, who preaches the 1st Saturday and Sabbath, and also the 3rd Lord's day in each month. F. Luttrell, Clerk.
4. Harrod's Creek Church, complains of coldness, and is destitute of regular preaching. This church ardently desires the ministers of the Long Run Association to visit her. J. P. Bridwell, Clerk.
5. Buck Creek Church, has preaching the 1st Saturday and Sunday in each month, by George Waller, her pastor. Post Office, Shelbyville. B. C. stephens, Clerk.
6. New Castle Church, has recently enjoyed a precious revival of religion. Has a large and flourishing Sunday School. Preaching every Sabbath, by S. S. Sumner, her pastor. Business meeting 2d Saturday in each month. T. B. Posey, Clerk. S. S. Sumner, pastor.
7. Kings Church, is enjoying peace, but complains of coldness and barrenness
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in religion. Has preaching on the 3d Saturday and Sunday in each month, by Wm. P. Barnett. G. Markwell, Clerk. W. Sparks, Moderator.8. Burk's Branch Church, is still enjoying the pastoral labors of George Waller, on the 4th Saturday and Sabbath in each month. At peace among themselves. George Johnston, Clerk. George Waller, Moderator.
9. Pleasant Grove Church, is enjoying harmony of feeling and effort. Desires more spirituality. Takes up public collections as follows: the 3d Sabbath in March, for the China Mission Society; the 3d Sabbath in June, for the American and Foreign Bible Society; the 3d Sabbath in September, for the A. I. M. Association; and the 3d Sabbath in December, for the General Association of Kentucky. Preaching the 3d Saturday and Sabbath in each month, by George W. Robertson. Prayer meeting 1st Sabbath in each month. G. R. Robertson, Pastor. G. T. Wilcox, Moderator. J. W. Williamson, Clerk.
10. Little Mount Church, has received large accessions by experience and baptism. Her pastor is N. C. Beckham, who preaches the 2d Saturday and Sabbath in each month. Daniel Dowden, has his membership in this church, but lives in Washington county. The church expresses herself very favorably towards Prayer meetings, Sabbath schools, Bible classes, &c. By an act of the church, quarterly collections are taken up for benevolent objects. N. C. Beckham, Moderator, S. W. Garnett, Clerk. Post Office, Camden, Shelby county.
11. Plum Creek Church, "appears to be in a cold and lukewarm state at present." Believes it to be her duty to support her pastor liberally, that he may devote himself exclusively to the duties of his office. During the year, several have died. The church is thankful for the peace she enjoys, and manifests an excellent spirit. Preston Beachamp, Moderator. Horatio Day, Clerk. Wm. Stout, pastor.
P. S. — Since writing her annual letter, the church has enjoyed a refreshing from the presence of the Lord.12. Little Flock Church, laments her coldness and lukewarmness in religion, but hopes that the day is not far distant, when she shall see sinners converted, and Christians rejoicing. The pastor of this church, Robert Gailbrath, preaches the 4th Sunday, and J. A. Ireland, the 2d Sunday in each month. James Wells, Clerk.
13. Louisville First Church, still has the stated pastoral services of A. D. Sears, under whose labors the Lord continues to bless her. A large number of precious souls have been added by baptism during the year. The Sabbath school connected with the church, is large and flourishing. The church takes up quarterly collections, which are appropriated to the China Mission Society, the A. and F. Bible Society; the A. I. Mission Association, and the General Association of Kentucky. Has one Licentiate at Georgetown College. The colored portion of this church, worship in a separate house, where they have stated preach ing by George Wells. This body has a fine Sabbath school of 50 or 60 scholars, conducted by its pastor.
14. Dover Church, has been recently revived and enlarged; 22 have been added by baptism. A. M. Ragsdale, preaches to this church, on the 1st Saturday and Sunday in each month. Joseph E. Powers, Clerk.
15. Shelbyville Church, is still enjoying peace and harmony. Has enjoyed an interesting revival of religion. Feels a growing interest in the benevolent operations of the day. Besides private contributions, she takes up quarterly collections for the A. and F. Bible Society, the China Mission Society, the A. I. M. Association, and the General Association of Kentucky. Has a large and growing Sunday school, varying from 60 to 80 scholars, a number of whom were converted in the recent revival. The colored portion of this church, have a house of their own, in which Simon Grigsby, preaches statedly. Also a good Sabbath school and Bible class. W. W. Gardner, Pastor and Moderator. Shelby Vannatta, Clerk.
16. Floyd Fork Church, desires the prayers of the Association, that she may walk worthier of the vocation wherewith she is called. Requests the ministering brethern to visit her. W. P. Barnett, preaches to this church, the 4th Saturday and Sunday, in each month. W. P. Barnett, Moderator, R. A. Seaton, Clerk.
17. Fishpool Church, is in love and union, but complains of a want of spirituality. P. M. Cary, Clerk, Robert Galbreath, Pastor and Moderator.
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18. Taylorsville church, has passed through a glorious revival, and has generally kept up a weekly prayer meeting. Earnestly desires and prays for the peace and, prosperity of the Association. Has the services of Wm. Stout, once a month, and those of George Le-Page, or Isaac T. Tichenor, also once a month. Wm. Stout, Pastor and Moderator, E. K. Holsclaw, Clerk.19. Simpsonville Church, has been greatly revived and enlarged during the year, under the pastoral care of Smith Thomas, who preaches to her the 2d and 4th Sabbaths in each month. Peace and harmony abounds in her midst. This church has an interesting Sabbath school. The colored portion of the church, worship in a separate house, and enjoy the services of Oron Shouse. Jesse Robinson, Moderator. James Hollingsworth, Clerk.
20. Louisville Second Church, has secured the pastoral sevices of Thos. G. Keen. During the past year, she has licensed two of her number to preach the gospel. She maintains a regularly organized system of benevolent action. The following sums have been raised during the year, for benevolent purposes, viz: — General Association of Kentucky, $55.00; Foreign Missions, $48.75; Bible and Publication Societies, $33.05; Kentucky Baptist Education Society, $30.00; and Monthly Concert of prayer for Missions, $28.85. D. S. Randall, Clerk.
21. Louisville, East Church, is in peace and harmony, but laments her coldness, desires an interest in the prayers of the brethren of Long Run Association. Has had some manifestations of the Divine favor during the past year. Has an interesting Sabbath school, and maintains stated preaching. W. C. Buck pastor.
22. Shiloah church. — No communication.
23. Louisville Colored Church, is in a flourishing condition, under the pastoral care of Henry Adams. Has received large accessions during the past year, and numbers 690. S. Patterson, Clerk.
24. Union Ridge Church, complains of barrenness, and appears anxious for a revival. W. S. Ragsdale, Moderator. G. B. Ragsdale, Clerk.
25. Liberty Church, is thankful for the peace she enjoys. Several have been added to the church. James Kinsolving, Pastor and Moderator. Joseph Guyton, Clerk.
26. Ceder Creek Church, communicates nothing of special interest, but complains of coldness. She is without at [a] Meeting house, and is surrounded with many unconverted. Desires aid in building a house, and requests ministering brethren to visit her. P. M. Cary, Moderator, Thomas Long, clerk.
27. Louisville 4th church, has enjoyed, a glorious revival during the past year. Is now without a pastor, but has the prospect of obtaining one soon. Has licensed four of her number to preach the gospel, two of whom have been ordained, and are now pastors of churches in Jeffersonville and Utica, Ia. Charles R. White, clerk pro tem.
28. Jeffersontown Church, is harmonious and peaceful. Enjoys the pastoral labors of G. W. Robertson, the 4th Saturday and Sunday in each month. Has had no special work of grace during the past year, but has received regular additions. This church desires aid in supporting her pastor. G. W. Robertson, Moderator, Joseph Landrum, clerk.
29. Bethel Church, has the pastoral labors of Josiah Leake, the 1st Saturday and Sunday in each month. Has enjoyed a sweet refreshing from the presence of the Lord. A number of precious souls have been converted, and added to her number. In the vicinity of this church there is an interesting Sunday school, conducted chiefly by her members. Price C. Willis, Moderator, James F. Middleton, clerk.
============ [From Long Run Baptist Association Minutes, 1848. From the Southern Baptist Seminary Library, Archives and Special Collections, Louisville, KY. - jrd]
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