Elder John Leland
The summary of his labors during the fifteen years of his ministry in Virginia is thus recorded, — 3009 sermons preached, 700 persons baptized, and two large churches formed, one of 300 members, and another of 200.
In politics he was a Democrat of the Jeffersonian school, a hater of all oppression, whether civil or ecclesiastical. His warmest sympathies went out to his Baptist brethren in their efforts to secure a complete divorce of the Church from the State. Everywhere he pleaded with all the energy of his soul for civil and religious liberty, and he had the satisfaction of seeing it at last come out of the conflict victorious over all foes. Among the class of ministers whom God raised up during the last century to do the special work which it was given the Baptist denomination to perform, John Leland occupies a conspicuous place. We doubt if his equal will ever be seen again. — TBE
Elder John Leland
The Baptist Encyclopedia, 1881
Circular Letter of Shaftsbury Baptist Association
By Elder John Leland, 1793
Corresponding Letter from the Shaftsbury Baptist Association
By Elder John Leland, 1796
Syllabus of a Sermon by Elder John Leland
Preached in Philadelphia in 1814
The Baptist Memorial and Monthly Chronicle, 1842
John Leland's Hymns
By Henry S. Burrage, 1888
Extracts of A Letter from John Leland
to Rev. John Taylor of Kentucky, 1830
A Letter from John Leland to Stephen H. Cone, Pastor
First Baptist Church, New York City
Previously Unpublished
The Baptist Memorial, 1842
Life and Character of the Rev. Peter Werden
By John Leland
John Leland Baptist College
Baptist Biographies
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