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The Whitsitt Controversy in the
Graves County Baptist Association, (KY)

By Wendell H. Rone, Sr.

Graves County Baptist Association Minutes, 1896

      What is called "The Whltsitt Controversy" had broken over the Southern Baptist Conven­tion by 1896. Graves County Association went on record concerning this disturbing matter by means of a resolution, the author of whi­ch is not named, as follows:
"WHEREAS, Dr. W.H. Whitsitt, pre­sident and professor of church his­tory in the Baptist Theological Se­minary, of Louisville, Ky., has publically, through the secular press, published to the world and Pedobaptists in particular, that he has dis­covered satisfactory proof that the Baptists, prior to 1641, practiced sprinkling or pouring for baptism; and did not practice immersion until after the above date; and that immer­sion for baptism was introduced about that time as an innovation; and, whe­reas, the said Dr. Whitsitt further teaches and advises that a Baptist woman marrying a Pedobaptist husband should unite with his church, there­by making no difference between Pedo­baptist churches and the Baptist ch­urch set up by the Lord Jesus Christ in person; and

"WHEREAS, Dr. Whitsitt's position as a professor of our Theological Seminary gives great weight to his heresies, and injury to the Baptist church the Scriptures say: 'Mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye ha­ve learned, and avoid them.' Romans 16:17;

"Now, THEREFORE, we deem said Dr. W.H. Whitsitt to be totally unfit to occupy the high and exalted position he now occupies as president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary or even to be a member of the Baptist church with his heresies;

"RESOLVED, that we recommend his immediate removal by the Board and that this association withhold all financial aid and assistance or en­couragement until his removal is ef­fected."

      The above resolution was amended by direc­ting the clerk to send a copy to the Western Recorder, with a request that it be publish­ed. It was also ordered that the course of the Western Recorder in opposing the Whitsitt Theory be approved, and Brethren W. M. Wilson and E. G. Roberts were appointed as a committee to inform the said paper of the approval.

Graves County Baptist Association Minutes, 1897

      Moderator W.F. Lowe, presented the following strong resolution, as the Whitsitt Controversy was still raging:

"WHEREAS, Dr. W.H. Whitsitt, Presi­dent and Professor of Church History in the Baptist Theological Seminary of Louisville, Ky., has published, secret­ly in the Independent (a Pedobaptist paper), and publicly in Johnson's En­cyclopedia and Examiner, some articles, and in his book "A Question In Baptist History" statements that "prior to 1641 all Baptists practiced sprinkling or pouring for baptism"; and,

"WHEREAS, he further teaches that Baptist women marrying Pedobaptist hus­bands should unite with their husband's churches, thereby placing Baptist chur­ches on a parity with other so-called churches; and,

"WHEREAS, his official position gi­ves weight to his heresies; therefore,

"RESOLVED: (1) That we recommend and demand his immediate removal by the Bo­ard of Trustees; (2) That this associa­tion withdraw all financial support end advise our young men not to attend the Seminary until his removal is effected; (3) That we protest against our Baptist brethren giving their support in any way, by vote or otherwise, to Whitsittism; (4) That a copy of these resoluti­ons be sent to Joshua Levering, Presi­dent, Board of Trustees, Baltimore, Maryland."

      The above was unanimously adopted by the association by a rising vote and without any discussion whatever.

Graves County Baptist Association Minutes, 1898

     Since Dr. Whitsitt had resigned his posi­tion as President and Professor in the South­ern Baptist Theological Seminary, the contro­versy began to subside. Nevertheless, the as­sociation adopted unanimously the following resolutions:

"WHEREAS, Dr. W.H. Whitsitt, Presi­dent of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, has offered his resigna­tion to take effect next June; there­fore be it

"RESOLVED, (1) That we hail with pleasure the promised resignation of the doctor and we hope and trust that his resignation has no string to it; (2) That we do hereby petition the Trustees of the Seminary to accept his resignation and put an end to this un­fortunate controversy, which has caus­ed so much trouble; (3) That a copy of these resolutions be sent to Joshua Levering, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, the Western Recorder, and the American Baptist Flag for publi­cation."


[From Wendell H. Rone, Sr., A Short History of the Graves County Baptist Association (KY), pp. 47-49, 1973. — jrd]

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