At a Church meeting held at the house of Bro. Benjamin Robertson on the first Saturday in January 1794, after prayer to God for his Divine Blessing preceded to business as follows.A referrance from last meeting relative to a Constitution of a Church at Davids Fork, Taken up, Debated and withdrawn.
A motion made whether there be but one monthly meeting Saturday in Each month and that held at the meeting house at Bryans, referr'd. Recd. by Letter John Coons & Elizabeth his Wife. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. Ric'd. Hulett, Clk. At a monthly meeting held at the house of Bro. Leonard Young Third Saturday in January 1794, after prayer to Almighty God for his Divine Blessing, proceded to Business" as follows.
A referrence from last meeting whether there be but one monthly meeting Saturday in Each month and that held at the meeting house at Bryans. Taken up and Quash'd by a previous Question. Then Dismist.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the house of Bro. Hume on the first Saturday of February 1794. After prayer to Almighty God for his Blessing proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. Jacob Coons by Letter. Our Treasurer is Directed to give into the hands of Bro. Dudley 4 Dollars to give to Bro. Jereraiah Moor for his Services in this Church. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk.
[p. 71]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in Feby. 1794, after prayer to God for his Blessing, proceeded to business as follows.A motion made that we have but one Stated Saturday meeting in Each month for business, Alternately at the meeting houses at Bryans and Davids Fork on the Third Saturday in Each month. Referre till our Serb meeting at this place. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Davids Fork on the first Saturday in March 1794, after prayer to Almighty God. No Business appearing before the Church. Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans Third Saturday in March 1794, after Prayer to Almighty God for his Divine Blessing proceeded to business as follows.
A motion from our last meeting at this place that we have but one Stated Saturday meeting in Each month for Business Alternatedly at the meeting houses at Bryans and Davids Fork on the Third Saturdays in Each month. Taken up and considered and a Small Majority in Favor of the Qurstion. On a Motion made, Bren. Leonard Young, John C. Richardson, George Boswell and John Darnaby are appointed to Employ a workman to underpinn the meeting house at Bryans &C. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Call'd Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Saturday in April 1794, after prayer to Almighty God for his Divine Blessing proceeded to Business as follows.
A motion was made, respecting an Alteration in holding our Church meetings.
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Taken up and Debated and agreed that all our Church Business be done at the meeting house at Bryans on the third Saturday in Each month, and that the first Saturday and Sunday in Each month be continued at the meeting house at Davids Fork as days for Publick Worship.On a motion made, Agreed that our Stated fast days be Discontinued, and that we appoint Occasionally as the Church shall Direct.
Agreed that our Clark give a letter to our Sister Sarah Stoctill as a member in Fellowship with us.
A motion being made agreed to Look out among us for Two Bren. to be approved as Deacons to Serve this Church, referr'd. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in May 1794. After Prayer to Almighty God for his Divine Blessing Preceded to Business as Follows.
A motion referr'd from last meeting Respecting the Choice of Two Bren. to serve this Church in the Office of Deacons. Taken up and Chose Bren. John Darnaby & Joseph Robertson to Serve in 3d. Office, and their Ordination referr'd till our next meeting.
Recd. Elisabeth Rector by Letter.
Agreed that our Treasurer furnish our Deacons with as much money as will purchace Six gallons of wine for the use of this Church.
Agreed that Bro. John Sharp keep the meeting house at Bryans clean, the Doors windows and Gates Shut for which he Shall receive of the Church after the rate of 40s. per year. Likewise to keep the gates and railing round the meeting house yard in repair for which he is to be paid by the Church. The whole is Commutables.
On a Complaint brought by Bro. Thomas Graves against Bro. John Hancock before the Church for unjustly holding money in his hands Due to Others
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which complaint appearing to be a fact and he refusing to give up Sd. Money is Excluded from our Communion. Then Dismist.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the Meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in June 1794, after Prayer to Almighty God for his Blessing Preceded to Business as follows.
A referrance from last meeting respecting the Ordination of Deacons Taken up and our Bren. John Darnaby & Joseph Robertson were Examined before the Church who profest they vrere willing to Serve in the Sd. Office and agreed that our Next Church Meeting at this place be set apart a Day of fasting and prayer for their Ordination &C. Recd. Joel Camper & Ann his Wife by Letter. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting for Dicipline held at the meeting house at Bryans on the 25th day of June 1794 after Prayer to Almighty God nroceded to Business as follows.
In consequence of a Judgment of the Court of Fayette County against Bro. John Watts for falsly Slandering his Neighbors Daughter. Bro. Watts came before the Church and related the Circumstances of the above accusation and denies the material part of the Charge and no proof appearing to the Contrary the Church are of Opinion that he be Admonished and Continued in Fellowship. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in July 1794, after prayer and Supplication to Almighty God preceded to Business as follows.
Bro. John Darnaby came before the Church and agreed again to Serve in
[p. 74]
the Office of a Deacon.Bro. Joseph Robertson came forward and profest his willingness to Serve the Church in the Office of a Deacon and was Ordain'd accordingly. Agreed that Bro. Ambrose Dudley be appointed to write our letter to the depending Assosiation and call such helps as he shall think Proper and that it be read to the Church on the first Saturday in Next month at Davids fork meeting house.
Bren. Ambrose Dudley, Wm. Waller, John Mason & Leonard Young are chose to represent us in the Assosiation at Marble Creek.
Agreed that Wednesday the Sixth day of August be set apart as a day of Fasting and Prayer to Almighty God for his Blessing onChurch and State. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in August 1794 after Prayer to God for his Blessing proceeded to Business as follows.
Our Clark is directed to give letters of Dismission to Bro. John Conway & Sister Rachel Chiveleer in the name of the Church.
Agreed that Bren. Joseph Rogers & John Watts do underpinn this meeting house with Stone as soon as possible, raising it Six Inches higher than it now is, and bring in their Bill of Cost to be paid by the Church. Agreed to Observe Wednesday the 20th of this Month as a day of fasting and Prayer to God as appointed by our Assosiation at Marble Creek. This day Settled with our Deacons where it appears they have Expended with L8, 11s, 8d. a ballance now in their favour of 4d.
Our Treasurer is Directed to give 3s. into our Deacons hadds for the use of the Church, also to Draw 7s, 6d which he advanced for printing the Minutes of our last Assosiation and paying the Clark.
Recd. Wilson Hunt by Letter. Then Dismist.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk.
[p. 75]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in September 1794 after Prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.Bren. Joseph Rogers & John Watts Brought in their Bill of Cost for underpinning this meeting house which appears to be as Follows. To 14 1/2 Perches at 10s. pr. Pearch Including the whole Expence and Trouble L7, 5s. which Bill the Church have agreed to Settle &c.
Our Clark is directed in behalf of the Church to give a letter of Dismission to our Sister Elisabeth Smith (Wife of Hawkin Smith)
On a request from our Sister Church at Strodes Fork for helps in the business of Ordination on the first Saturday, in Next Month. Agreed to send them Bren. Ambrose Dudley & Alexander Monroe.
Our Treasurer is directed to pay Bro. Joseph Rogers the sum of L2, 9s, 4d, it being a ballance due him for underpinnlng the meeting house. &C. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in October 1794 after Prayer to Almighty God preceded to Business as Follows.
Recd. Elijah Quesenberry and Mary his Wife by Letter.
Recd, 42s. into the Treasury as Levey'd on the Church for paying for underpinning the meeting house. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in November 1794 after Prayer to God for his Divine Blessing Preceded to Business as Follows.
Recd. 4s, 6d, into our Treasury which was Levey'd for the Meeting house. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk.
[p. 76]
At a Church meeting held for Dicipline at the house of Bro. John Mason on the 26th day of November 1794 after Prayer to Almighty God for his Blessing Preceded to Business as follows.Sister Elisabeth Price accused Sister Elisabeth Collins before the Church in Gospel Order of Falsly Slandering her Character in Several Particulars, which Particulars Sister Collins denys that she remembers. In Consequence of which She is Suspended from Church Privelidges, untill Farther Consideration. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in December 1794 after Prayer to God for his Divine Blessing preceded to business as follows.
On information that our Sister Salley Sebree has removed her residance out of the bounds of this Church without applying for a Letter of Dismission, our Clark is Directed to write to Sd. Sister in the Name of the Church to attend one of our meetings at Bryans on the Third Saturday in some month as Soon as possible.
Our Clark is Directed to give a Letter of Dismission to Sister Sarah Morgan as a member in fellowship with us. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudly, Modr. John Mason. Clk. At a Church meeting held at the house of Bro. Ambrose Dudley on the Third Saturday in January 1795 after prayer to Almighty God preceded to Business as follows.
A motion made what is a proper application for a letter of Dismission agreeable to our Covanant. Answer'd, a Parsonal one.
In consequence of a letter from the Church at the Great Crossing for three members to assist them in a Difficult matter. Bren. John C. Richardson, Albertas Bright & Benj. Robertson are to attend them on the first
[p. 77]
Saturday in Next month.Agreed that one of our Deacons Visit our Sister Anna Qalker, Inquire into her Circumstances and if Needy to apply for her Relief &C.
On. application of Sister Mary Bryan for a letter of Dismission our Clark is directed to give her one accordingly. Then Dismist.
Recd. Edmond Bairding & his Wife by Letter
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the house of Bro. John Mason on the Third Saturday of February 1795 after Prayer to God for his Divine Blessing Proceded to business as follows.
Recd. Nancy Estes, James Wright and Mary his wife by letters. Our Clark is directed to give letters of Dismission to Sisters Susanna Rankins & Elisabeth Collins, Wife of Edm'd Collins. Likewise to Bro. John Ashbrook & his Wife, Sister Elisabeth Rector, Sarah Sanders & Bro. Sam C. Bryan and his Wife.
Agreed that Bren. Ambrose Dudley Wm. Waller & John Mason write a letter to our Sister Church at Grassy lick in answer to one wrote by our Sd. Sister Church to us. Then Dismist.
1795.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the house af Brother Ambrose Dudley for Dicipline on the 25th of February 1795 after Prayer to Almighty God Proceded to business as follows.
Bro. John Sharp, Inform'd the Church that he had been Overtaken in a fault by Drinking Spiritous Liquors to Excess. Our Said Bro. Confessing his fault and condemning his conduct the Church are of Oppinion that he be publickly reprov'd and continued in fellowship.
Bro. James, the property of Mr. John Rogers is accused of Drunkenness &C. and not being present Bro. Benjamin Martin is requested to cite him to attend at our Next meeting at Bryans to answer to Sd. Charge.
[p. 78]
Sister Elizabeth Smith came before the Church and was accused of Imprudently Suffering her Children To be Enter'd to and go to a Dancing School who Informed the Church She had used her Endeavours to the Contrary and is acquitted.Bro. Ansalem Clarkson came before the Church and declared his disapprobation of his Daughter going to the Dancing School and that in Consequence thereof She has promissed to go no more to Said School. Bro. Josenh Rogers disapproved of Sd. School and says he will Endeavor to prevent his Son from going in the future. Then Disnust.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in March 1795 after Praying To Almighty God, Preceded to Business as follows.
Agreed that Bro. Leo'd Young Prepare Irons for fastening the meeting house Windows and be paid out of the Fund.
Agreed that Bro. Joseph Rogers Employ some person to keep clean this meeting house & to keep the Doors and windows Shutt and also the gates to the Lott, accordingly he has agreed with Mrs. Vantrees, at the rate of 40s. pr. year.
James the Property of Mr. John Rogers being accused before the Church of Drunkenness and other Disorderly Conduct who failing to attend after being Notified and facts appearing to the Church as above he is Excluded from Our Fellowship.
Agreed that Bro. Charles Smith Notifie Bro. Charles Smith Junr. & his wife and Sister Nancy Mosby to attend our Next meeting to give Testimony in a Difficulty against Sister Elisabeth Collins. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk.
[p. 79]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in April 1795 after Prayer to Almighty God. Proceded to Business as follows.Recd. George Gibbons by Letter.
Agreed that there be an addition Built to the meeting house at Davids Fork and that Brethren Leonard Young, Benjamin Robertson & Wm. Ellis are appointed Trustees to Superintend the Same.
Our Clark is directed to give Betters of Dismission to Bren. Alexander Monroe & his Wife, George Hume and his wife, Benj. Jones, Charles Smith Junr. & his wife and Sister Nancy Mosby.
Sister Elisabeth Collins came before the Church in Consequence of being Suspended from Privelidges in Nov. 1794 and not giving Satisfaction for those Charges she is Excluded from our Communion. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in May 1795 after Prayer to God proceded to business as follows.
Recd. Esther Wilson and Fanny Quesenberry by Letter.
On the request of a Number of our Bren. living on Licking for helps to look into their Stability and Constitute them a Church if found Sufficient. Bren. Ambrose Dudley, Wm. Waller & Wm. Grant were appointed to attend. Sd. Brethren on the fourth Saturday in June Next.
Querry, is it consistant with True religion and the Gospel of Christ for a member of a Church to Carry on a Distillery of Spirits.
Answer'd Not Inconsistent.
Agreed that Bren. Henry Roach & John Darnaby Notifie Sister Elizabeth Smith to attend our Next meeting at Bryans at 10 OClock To answer a Complaint of this Church Concerning some Expressions respecting Distilling Spiritous Liquors.
Agreed that all our Brethren from Square with the meeting house at
[p. 80]
Bryans and upwards meet at our meeting house at Davids Fork on hhe first Wednesday in June Earley in Order to raise the meeting house and put it on Stone Pillars.Our Clark is directed to give a letter of Dismission to John Sharp and his Wife. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in June 1795 for Dicipline after Prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
Sister Elisabeth Smith came before the Church to answer for some Expressions dropt from her respecting Distilling Spiritous Liquors and was also accused before the Church for Suffering Dancing at her house in the absence of her husband, she not giving full Satisfaction for the premisses was reprov'd by the Church and Continued.
Agreed that our Clark give a letter of Dismission to Sister Deborah Miller (Now French).
Agreed that Bren. Ambrose Dudley, Win. B. Waller, & Wm. Grant attend our Brethren on Licking lext Saturday agreeable to their request to Examine into their Strength for Constitution &C.
Bren.Wm. Ellis and Ric'd Mitchell our Trustees are directed to Employ some Person to keep clean the Upper Meeting house &C. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in July 1795 after urayer to God for his Divine Blessing, Pro-ceded to Business as follows.
Recd. Jeremiah Northcutt and Mary his wife also Bartlett Collins & Betsey his Wife, and Asa Thomson by Letters. Our Clark is directed to give Letters of Dismission to our Sisters
[p. 81]
Winneford Smith and her Daughter Martha.Bren. Ambrose Dudley, Wm. E. Waller, Leod Young and John Mason are Chose ourDelegates to represent us in our Depending Association at Coopers Run and that Bren A,brose Dudley and John Mason do write our Letter to Sd. Association.
Agreed that Bren.Ambrose Dudley, Wm. Waller, Henry Roach, & John Mason or any Two of them do Contribute to any Travelling Minister out of our Fund any sum at discretion Not Exceding Two Dollars.
Agreed that it is the Churches Prerogative to dispose of the Money she has in her Fund at any time at Discretion. On application of Bro. Lewis Brite and Sisters Elenor Brite, Susanna Brite and Mary Brite our Clark is Directed to give them Letters of Dismission.
Recd. Mima a Negro woman (the property of Robert St. Clair) for Baptism. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the 29th of July 1795 for Dicipline after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
Sister Elizabeth Ross was accused before the Church for Living with a man as her husband when we have no Evidence of their being Lawfully Married and that Evidant Contradictions have appeared from her own words in the business, She having been cited to attend this meeting and not appearing is consequently excluded from our Communion.
On a motion made by way of remonstrance against the Decision of the Church at our meeting in June in the case of Sister Elizabeth Smith agreed that the Church meet at our Next meeting at 10 OClock to reconsider Sd. Business and that Bro. Boswell give Sister Smith Notice thereof. Then Dismist.
Wm. Waller, Modr. John Mason, Clk.
[p. 82]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in August 1795 after Prayer to God Proceded to Business as Follows.Took up a remonstrance referr'd from last meeting against the Decision of the Church in the Case of Sister Elizabeth Smith, agreed that the Church was Imprudent in her Decision in retaining her in membership by a reproof on a Majority of only one, on a Second Question she is Excluded from our Communion, Then Adjourn'd.
Met after Adjournment and after Prayer to God Proceded again to Business. Recd. John Conoly and Elizabeth Custard by Letters. Our Clark is directed to give a letter of Dismission to Sister Mildred Brady. Then Dismist.
Wm. E. Waller, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in September 1795 after Prayer to Almighty God preceded to Business as follows.
On a request from a Number of our Brethren at the Great Crossing for helps to Enquire into their Stability to Constitute into a Church.
Our Brethren Ambrose Dudley, Edward Dingle and Leo'd Young are appointed to answer Sd. Request. Agreed that our Clark give letters of Dismission to Bro. Edmond Bairding and his Wife and to Bro. William Chinneworth & his Wife. Recd. Elizabeth Tomlenson by letter. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in October 1795 after Prayer to Almighty God Proceded to Business as fo1lows.
On a Complaint Lodg'd against Mr. Halls Sam, a member with us for appointing meetings in a disorderly manner and Marrying Black People.
[p. 83]
Brethren Rawleigh Chinn and John Watts are appointed to request Sd. Sam to Attend our Next meeting to answer to Sd. Complaint.Our Clark is directed to give Letters of Dismispion to Bro. Rawleigh Chinn and his Wife.
A complaint was Lodg'd against Bro. John Shropshire Junr. for Certain disorderly conduct. Bren. Wm. Robertson and Benjamin Hulitt are appointed to cite our Said Bro. Shropshire to attend on Wednesday Next at 12 OClock at Davids Fork meeting house to answer Said Complaint.
On a Motion made agreed to reconsider our order for the Exercising our Dicipline. Referr'd Recd. Mary Lane and Molly Lane by Letter. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held for Dicipline at the meeting house at Davids Fork on the 21st day of October 1795, after Prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
Bro. John Shropshire Junr. Was accused before the Church for behaving in a disorderly manner in a publick Company in offering to fight a Person and using ill language, which facts were proved and he not giving Satisfaction but denying Several of the facts is Excluded from our Communion.
A Complaint was made against Several of our Bren. For Frequently Neglecting to attend our meetings Some of which gave Satisfaction. This Business to be continued at our Next meeting when Bro. John Bridges is desired to attend to try to give further Sattisfaction in this matter. Bro. Northcutt is requested to cite Bro. Thomas Jones to appear at our Next Meeting to answer for Sd. Neglect. Then Adjourn'd.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third
[p. 84]
Saturday in November 1795 after Prayer to Almighty God for his Blessing proceded to Business as follows.The Business from last meeting respecting Bro. Sam the property of Major Hall is referr'd to our Next meeting.
Recd. Wm. Jones, John Higgins and Martha his wife by Letter.
On a motion referr'd. from last meeting to reconsider our Order for Exercising our Dicipline.
Agreed that any cases that are ready may be attended to at our Stated monthly meet ings.
On their request our Clark is directed to give Letters of Dismission to Bro. Charles Smith Senr. & his wife, Brother Wm. Vineyard & his Wife, & Sister Mary Ruddle. Then Dismist.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in December 1795 after Prayer to God for his Divine Blessing proceded to Business as follows.
Bro. Tomlenson is requested to give Notice to Bro. Sam the property of Major Hall to attend at our Next meeting to answer a complaint against him in the Church. Recd. Charles Porter by Letter. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at Bro. Ambrose Dudleys house on the Third Saturday in January 1796 after Prayer to Almighty God Preceded to Business as follows.
Recd. Joseph Barnett and Molley his Wife by Letter.
Bro. Sam (the Property of Major Hall) came before the Church, was Interrogated concerning his Marrying Black People and appointing meetings contrary to the Liberty given him by the Church in all which he gave Satisfaction,
[p. 85]
agreed that our Said Bro.Continue his gift in the Church on Tryall and that Bren. Ambrose Dudley, Wm. E. Waller, Henry Roach, Leon'd Young, John Mason and Samuel Price attend the meetings of Sd. Bro. and make report.Agreed that our Treasurer give ten Dollars oub of the Fund for the use of Bro. Alexander Monroe. Likewise for Bren. Saml. Bryan, John Hume & George Hume Three Dollars Each. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in Feby. 1796 after Prayer to Almighty God for his Divine Blessing preceded to Business as follows.
Recd. John Slaydon and his wife Judity and Issabella Barnett by Letter.
On Application our Clark is Directed to give Letters of Dismision to Sisters Elisabeth Petty & Elisabeth Thomas.
Agreed to Increase our Church Fund and Consequently was put in L8,14s, 8d. Our Treasurer is Directed to give into the hands of our Bro. Levy Hunt Six Dollars and to Bro. Thomas Tillery four Dollars and 1s, 1d. pd. for Bro. John Sharp. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in March 1796 after Prayer to Almighty God Proceded to Business as follows.
Our Clark is directed to give a Letter of Dismission to Bro. John Tapp.
Recd. into our Church Fund L3, 12s, 11d. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in April 1796 after Prayer to God for his Divine blessing proceded
[p. 86]
to Business as follows.recd. Ann Quesenberry, Archils lad Holtzclaw & his wife Miriam by Letters. On information that our Sister Martha Smith has left us and joined the Methodist Society She is in Consequence thereof Excluded from our Communion.
our Clark is Directed to pay Mr. Vantrees 40s for keeping this meeting house last year.
recd. into the Church fund L1, 2s. Querry what is Extortion, Debated & referr'd. Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans in the Third Saturday in May 1796 after Prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
Agreed that our Treasurer pay Mr. Vantrees 7s, 6d, for repairs done to the fencing round the meeting house yard &c.
Querry from last meeting what is Extortion, withdrawn.
Mr. Vantrees agrees to keep this meeting house & keep up the fencing &c. untill our meeting in April 1797 for 40s. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church Meeting held at the Meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in June 1796 after Prayer to Almighty God Proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. Jerremiah Kirtley & Mary his Wife by letter.
Our Clark is directed to give Letters of Dismission to Bren. John Watts & Samuel Price and their Wives. Agreed that Bren. Ambrose Dudley & John Mason write a letter to our Depending Association and present it to our meeting for Inspection. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Hodr. John Mason, Clk.
[p. 87]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in July 1796 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.Our Letter to the depending Association read and approved and Bren. Ambrose Dudley, Wm. E. Waller, Bartlett Collins and John Mason are Chose our Messengers to Said Association. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in August 1796 after prayer to Almighty God for his Divine Blessing proceded to Business as follows.
Agreed that our Bro. John Higgins & his Wife Martha be considered as Dismist from our Care and that our Treasurer pay 7s, 6d, for Printing the Minutes of our Association.
On a request of Bro. John Conoly our Clark is directed to give him a letter of Dismission & also to Bro. John Slaton & his Wife.
Recd. Linna Barby by Letter.
On a Charge being Brought before the Church against Bro. Charles Porter for Drunkeness &C. agreed that Bren. Northcutt and Wright give Notice to Sd. Bro. Porter to attend our Next meeting to answer to Sd. Charge.
On a Complaint lodged against a Number of our Brethren for Neglecting to keep the worship of God Statedly in their families.
Bren. Peter Mason & Charles Thomas failing to give aatisfaction Several of our Brethren are appointed to reason with Sd. Bren. on that Subject & make report &c.
Querry is it duty for Masters of Servants to Compel them in to Worship or not, referr'd. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk.
[p. 88]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in September 1796 after Prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.Recd. Eli Short for Baptism.
Bro. Charles Porter came before the Church was accused with Drunkeness which he confest and attempting to bias Sister Barbey in her Testimony when on Oath before a Majestrate and failing to give Sattisfaction is Excluded from our Communion.
Bren. Peter Mason & Charles Thomas being call'd on by the Church for the Neglect of family worship and not giving sattisfaction is considered as being deprived of Church priveledges until reclaimed.
Agreed that Bren. Wm. Waller & John Mason are appointed to converse with Bro. Tilman Camper and cite him to appear at our Next meeting to answer a complaint for the Neglect of Family worship &C.
Querry Taken up from our last meeting is it Duty for Masters of Servants to Compel them to attend family worship or not. Answer it is by Every possible argument of perswasion and Endeavours of their Masters &C. but not by Corporeal purnishment. Our Clark is directed to give a Letter of Dismission to Sister Molley True (now Thomas). Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting hold at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in October 1796 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
Bro. Tilman Camper came before the Churoh and gave Satisfaction for his having neglected the Worship of God in his family and agreed to Endeavour to keen up that Christian Duty.
On a motion made agreed that Bren. Benj. Robertson and Wharton Schooler do cite Bren.Charles Thomas & Peter Mason to attend our Next Meeting.
[p. 89]
Our Clark is directed to give a Letter of Dismission to Bro. Saml. Ford and to pay Bro. Jones Three Dollars it being a Ballance Due for keeping the meeting house at D. F. the present year. Then Dismast.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in November 1796 after prayer to Almighty God for his Blessing proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. Hannah Winters & Clifton Thomson for Baptism.
Bren. Robertson & Schooler reported that they Notified Bren. Charles Thomas & Peter Mason to attend this meeting, they failing to attend the Business respecting these Bren. is referr'd.
Our Clark is Directed to give letters to Bro. Jacob Coons & his Wife & Bro. Wm. Camper & George Waddell and Sister Elizabeth Doggitt. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dud1ey, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at Bro. Ambrose Dudleys house on the Third Saturday in December 1796 after prayer to Almighty God for his Blessing proceded to business as follows, recd. Susanna Boon & Martha Williams by Letters & Mary Thomson for Baptism.
Agreed that our Treasurer on application being made pay the sum of Ten Dollars for the relief of Sister Anna Walker. Bro. Charles Thomas came before the Church and still Continued to Oppose the Church in her government and refusing to comply with her rule & Order is Consequently out of our Union.
The matter of Complaint against Bro. Peter Mason is referr'd.
Bro. George Boswell complains against Bro. John Darnaby for purchasing a Negro he had in his possession in an unfriendly manner, after hearing the matter the Church are of Opointon that Bro. Darnaby is not guilty of the above charge. Then Dismist.
Bro. Tillery pd. 24s. into the fund which he had out.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk.
[p. 90]
At a Church meeting held at the house of Bro. John Mason on the Third Saturday in January 1797 after prayer to Almighty God for his Divine Blessing proceded to business as follows.The matter referred from last meeting respecting Bro. Peter Mason is still refer'd & Bren. Wm. E. Waller and Henry Roach are appointed to Converse with our Sd. Brother and cite him to attend our Next meeting.
Bro. Ambrose Dudley reported the Situation of our Sister Anna Walker who having moved out of the bounds of this Church. Bro. John Mason is requested to see our Sister and give her a letter of Dismission if it is her choice. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the house of Bro. Leonard Young on the Third Saturday of Feby. 1797 after Prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
Bro. John Mason reported that he had given a letter of Dismission to Sister Anna Walker as directed by the Church at our last meeting.
Bren. William E. Waller and Henry Roach made report that they had conversed with Bro. Peter Mason & requested him to attend this meeting to answer a complaint against him for Opposeing the Church in her government and refused to comply with the rule and Order of the Church and Neglecting to attend our Stated meetings and he now failing to attend is Consequently Excluded from our Union. Our Clark is directed to write to Bro. Ansalem Clarkson to attend our March or Apl. meeting as he moved without a Letter Our Clark is directed to give a letter to Bro. James Wright and his Wife. Then Dismist.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in March 1797 after Prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business
[p. 91]
as follows.Our Clark is directed to give Letters of Dismission to Bro. Eli Short & Sister Mary Simmons. Then Dismist.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church Meeting held at the meeting hous'e at Bryans on the Third Saturday in April 1797 after Prayer to God for hisDivine Blessing preceded to Business as follows.
recd. for Baptism John Thompson & Sarah his Wife.
Our Clark is directed, to give into the hands of Bro.Benj. Martin the sum of forty Shillings to pay Mr. Vantrees for keeping the meeting house &C. untill this meeting.
On it being made known that a Difficulty Existed Between Bren. George Boswell & John Darnaby for some hard Expressions which Sd. Boswell had Said of Sd. Darnaby on his purchasing a Negro &C. the Church are of Oppinion that Bro. Boswell is guilty in Said matter and under SUspencion untill next meeting. Then Dismist.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in May 1797 after prayer to Almighty God for his Divine Blessing proceded to Business as follows.
The matter respecting Bro. Boswell as referr'd from last meeting was taken Up and Bro. Boswell not being present Bren. Benj. Robertson & Benj. Martin are appointed to cite our Sd. Bro. to attend our Next meeting. Upon the report of the Committe appointed by our Last Asson. to visit the five Churches South of Kentucky Resolved as the Oppinion of this Church that a Union will be most for the honor of God and the peace and happiness of the Churches in general. Resolved that the above Business relating to Union be intirely left to our Messengers in the Next Association
[p. 92]
Then Dismist.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in June 1797 after prayer to Almighty God for his Blessing proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. Levi Calvert and Veny his Wife by letter and Nancy Fisher by Ditto, & Elisabeth Grubbs, Catherine Price & kesiah Barton by Experience for Baptism.
Bro. George Boswell came forward agreeable to request and gave full Satisfaction for a difficulty that Existed between our Sd. Bro. Boswell and Bro. John Darnaby.
Bren. Ambrose Dudley & John Mason are appointed to write a Letter to our Depending Association and present it to our next meeting for Inspection.
Bren. Ambrose Dudley Wm. Waller Bartlett Collins & John Mason are chose our Messengers to our Depending Association. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in July 1797 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows. The Letter to the Association read, amended and approved. Recd. Sarah Calvert by Letter and Nancey Mitchell for Baptism. Rais'd the Church Fund L4, 7s, 11d. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in August 1797 after prayer to God for a Blessing proceded to Business as follows. our Clark is directed to give a Letter of Dismission to Bro. James Sanders and his vrife Elisabeth.
Agreed that Bro. Williamson Jones be paid five Dollars in full for his
[p. 93]
Services for keeping the upper Meeting house the Present year.on a Complaint Lodg'd against Smiths Arch for Certain Disorderly Conduct as Drawing a knife against another Black man &C. refered to our Next meeting.
Bren. Benj. Martin and Asa Tompson are appointed to Settle with our Deacons and Treasurer and the Money in our Treasurers hands to be delivered unto our Deacons and report to our next meeting. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in September 1797 after Prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
A complaint lodg'd against Smiths Arch last meeting for drawing a knife against another Biack man &C. Taken up, debated and referr'd. Bren. Benj. Martin and Asa Thompson reported that they have found in the hands of our Treasurer on a Settlement with him L9, 9s, 6d which is given into the hands of our Deacons agreeable to Order which report is Satisfactory.
Recd. into our Church Fund 21s, 3d. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in October 1797 after prayer to Almighty God for his Blessing proceded to Business as follows.
the matter of Dicipline Respecting Smiths Arch, referr'd.
On a Complaint against Bro. Ansalem Clarkson on account of his removing hie residance from the Bounds of the Church in a disorderly manner, in not applying for a Letter, together with other Disorders in Consequence of which he is Excluded from our Communion. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, John Mason, Clk.
[p. 94]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in November 1797 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.The Business referr'd respecting Smiths Arch was taken up and for his disorderly conduct in Striking another black man and drawing a knife &C. and his not giving Satisfaction for the Same is Excluded from our Union.
On application of Bro. Wilson Hunt our Clark is directed to give him a Letter of Dismission. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dud1ey, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the house of Bro. Ambrose Dudley on the Third Saturday in December 1797 after Prayer to God proceded to Business as follows.
Bro. Theodore Butler was accused before the Church of being Intoxicated with Spiritous Liquors by Bro. Albertus Brite which he confest and giving Satisfaction that he had seen his Evil of his Conduct, he is acquitted, after a Caution from the Moderator.
Our Clark is directed to give letters to Bro. Joel Camper and his Wife and Bro. Reuben Camper. Then Dismist.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk.
___________ [From Kentucky Historical Society Library, Frankfort, KY]
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