At a Church meeting held at the house of Bro. John Mason on the Third Saturday in January 1798 after prayer preceded to Business as follows.recieved Bro. Jaraes Parrish and Susanna his Wife by letter.
A Charge was brought against Bro. Jos. Rogers's Negro man Sandy, and Negro woman Jeany for living in the sin of Adultery, Said Sandy Confest the fact in consequence of which they are both Excluded from our Union. Agreed that the Business of Sugar making in any of its Stages Shall not be Carried on from Midnight on Saturday until midnight on the Lords Day.
[p. 95]
Querry is it Justifiable to buy and Sell on the Lords day. Answered only in the cases of real Necessity. Then Dismist.A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the house of Bro. Leonard Young on the Third Saturday in February 1798 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
Recieved Henry Terrill by Letter.
our Clark is directed to give Letters of Dismission to Bro. Williamson Jones, Singclairs Mima & Bro. Levi Calvert & his Wife.
Ambrose Dudley Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in March 1798 after prayer to God proceded to Business as follows.
Recieved Nancey Farguson & Edmond Waller for Baptism. Bro. Eli Sport having been formerly Dismist and now return'd into the Bounds of this Church is again recd. with his Letter.
Bro. Vincent Self who was formerly Excluded from us came forward and gave full Satisfaction and is now in Union.
our Clark is directed to give Letters to Sister Eannah Miller, also to Bro. William E. Waller arid his Wife. Then Dismist.
A.Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the Meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in April 1798 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as Follows.
recieved Jonathan Hunt, Abner Wilson & Polley Forbus for Baptism. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk.
[p. 96]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in May 1798 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as Follows.Received Nancey Russsl and George Forbus for Baptism and Mary Bradburn, Absalem Adams Senr. Jane White and Gowin Adams by Letter.
Martha Lampton came before the Church who had been Excluded some years past, confest her faults and is received again into fellowship.
our Clark is requested to write to Bro. Charles Smith Junr. desiring him to attend our Next meeting for certain purposes as Mrs. Elisabeth Collins wishes to come forward to seek fellowship.
our Clark is directed to give a letter to Sister Salley Stewart. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dud1ey, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At A Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in June 1798 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
recd. Hannah Pennington, James Randolph & Susanna His Wife, Elisabeth Middleton & Milly a Negro woman the property of Thomas Graves by Letter.
our Clark is directed to give a letter to Bro. John Yates.
Bren. Ambrose Dudley & John Mason are appointed to write a Letter for Depending Association for Inspection at our Next meeting. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in July 1798 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. Wm. Jones and Catharine his wife by Letter, and James Bristo for Baptism.
Letter to our Association was read and aporov'd & Brethren Ambrose Dudley,
[p. 97]
Bartlett Collins, John C. Richardson and John Mason are Chose our Messengers to attend our Depending association at the Forks of Blkhorn. The State of the Church is as follows. Since our last recd. 8 by Baptism, 14 by Letter, 13 Dismist, 4 Excluded, 2 Dead, l restored from Exclusion. 188 in Fellowship. Then Dismist.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in August 1798 after prayer to Almighty God proceeded to Business as follows.
Bro. George Forbus agreed to take Charge of the meeting house for one year to keep it clean &C. for which he is to recieve 40s.
Bren. Henry Roach & Bartlett Collins were appointed and Settled with our Deacons, and their appears a Ballance in their hands of L2, 14s, 4 1/2d.
Agreed that we come prepared Next meeting to raise 20 Dollars to add to the Stock now in the hands of our Deacons.
The Trustees of both our meeting houses are requested to have the Fencing and houses put in good repair and produce the accounts to our Next meeting. Then Dismist.
A. Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in September 1798 after prayer to God for his Blessing proceded to Business as Follows.
recd. into our Church Fund L8, 2s which was put into the hands of our Deacons.
Bro. Benjamin Martin produced an Acct. against the Church for repairs done to the meeting house and railing of 14s, 7d. which was agreed to and Ordered to be paid.
[p. 98]
Our Clark is directed to give a letter to Sister Hannah Penninton.Agreeable to the advise of our last Association to consider the Utility of Catechising our Children and report to our next, we are of Oppinion that a form of Sound words Concise and plain for that purpose would be of advantage. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in October 1798 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
Agreed that Bren. Ambrose Dudley, Leonard Young, Bartlett Collins, Henry Roach, and John Mason are appointed a committe to revise our Church Covenant and bring it forward to our next meeting for Inspection.
Recieved into our Church Fund 31s, 6d in the whole recd. L9, 13s, 6d.
Our deacons are directed to pay Bro. William Ellis for work done at the upper meeting house the sum of L1, 10s.
In Information by Bro. John Darnaby that our Bro. Eugh Rankin who is living at a great distance from us he was inform'd is very disorderly in his life and practice and as he has not attended with us for Several years nor applied for a Letter he is Conseouently Excluded from our Union.
our Clark is directed to write to Bro. Theodore Butler to attend our meeting at Bryans and that Letters of Dismission be sent to Bro. Wm. Morgan, Sister Leaner McCarge, Sister Lucy Allen & Sister Elisabeth Jones. Then Dismist.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in November 1798 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to
[p. 99]
Business as follows.The Cornmitte appointed last meeting to revise our Church Covenant continued and to make report next meeting.
Recd. into our Church Fund 3s, 9d.
our Clark is directed to give letters of Dismission to Bro. James Randolph and his Wife, and Sister Martha Lampton. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. At a Church meeting held at the house of Bro. Joseph Rogers on the Third Saturday in December 1798 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
The Church Covenant having been revised a Committe appointed for that purpose being read was approved and adopted instead of our Former Covenant.
Recd. Rachel Hunt for Baptism.
Recd. a letter from Elder Wm. Wood, Heretofore minister of the Church at Washington which was read & agreed to be answer'd, our Clark is directed to Transmit him an answer from a Coppy produced by Bro. young. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at Bro.Arnbrose Dudley's on the Third Saturday in January 1799 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. into our Church Fund. L10, 7s, 6d in the whole and agreed to Close Sd. Business.
Bren Leonard Young & John Mason are appointed to attend to the Executing of Deeds for the Lots on which our meeting houses stand at Bryans and Davids Fork and the Deeds to be made to Bro.Ambrose Dudley in behalf of the Church.
Bren. Wm. Quesenberry, Benj . Martin & John Coons are requested to converse with Bren. Benj. Hailey, Thomas Jones & Sam C. Martin respecting
[p. 100]
their neglect in attending our Stated meetings at Brians and that they attend our next Church meeting to give Satisfaction for the Same. Then Dismist.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the third Saturday in February 1799 after prayer to Almighty God for his Blessing proceded to Business as follows.
The Brethren who were directed to be cited to appear to this meeting came forward and gave Satisfaction. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason Clk. At a Church meeting held at Bro. Joseph Rogers's on the Third Saturday in March 1799 after Prayer to Almighty God proceded to business as follows.
On a motion made, Agreed that our Deacons pay Bro. Richard Mitchell five Dollars for his Services in keeping the meeting house at Davids Fork the Last year.
Bro. Ric'd Hulett has agreed to take the charge of the meeting house at Davids Fork for the present year. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in April 1799 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
On a request from the Church at Marble Creek for helps to attend with them on the first Fryday in May, Bren. Ambrose Dudley, Leonard Young, & John Mason are accordingly appointed.
On Information that Bren. Edward Bearding & Wmson. Jones are in Suffering Circumstances, the Church have agreed to Send to their Relief.
[p. 101]
Then Dismist.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in May 1799 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows. On good Information that Bro. Theodore Butler is living in the Sin of Drunkenness together with other Disorders as removing from us without applying for a Letter of Dismission in Consequence of v/hich he is Excluded from our Union.
Our Clark is directed to give a Letter of Dismission to Sister Aimy Butler. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in June 1799 after prayer to God, proceded to Business as follows.
Our Bren. Ambrose Dudley, Henry Roach, Leod Young, & John Mason are appointed to prepare a Letter to our depending Association for the Inspection of the Church at our Next meeting.
our Clark is directed to give a letter of Dismission to Sister Patty Lampton.
Recd. Robert Middleton by Letter & Vincent Quesenberry & Rebecca Price for Baptism. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in July 1799 after Divine Service proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. Elisabeth Boon for Baptism.
Agreed that we come prepared to our Next meeting to raise the Church
[p. 102]
fund, and that our Bren. Henry Roach, Benj. Martin & John Mason Settle with our Deacons and report to our meeting.Bren. Ambrose Dudley, Bartlett Collins, Leonard Young and John Mason are Chose our Messengers to the Association. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in August 1799 after Divine Service proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. for Baptism Bellow a Negro Woman the property of Henry Buckner.
The Bren. appointed to settle with our Deacons report that they find in their hands L1, 14s, 8d, and in our Clarks hands L1, 4s, 3d.
Our Deacons are directed to pay Bro.Forbus L2, 9s, for keeping the meeting house &C. for 12 months past.
Recd. into our Church Fund L8, 1s, 3d.
Our Clark is directed to give the Churches money out of his hand to the Deacons. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in September 1799 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. into our Church Fund the further Sum of L2, 11s, 6d, which added to the above makes L10, 12s, 9d. Also recd. of Bro. Quesenberry 1s, 6d.
A complaint made by Bro. Tomlinson against our Black Bren. Mr. Ransdells Daniel & Mr. Bradfords Sam for Joining in a disorderly manner with Others in Disorder to hear Experience, Baptise and Commune. Bren. Asa & Clifton Tompson are appointed to Notifie Daniel & Bro. Benj. Martin to Cite Sam to our next meeting to answer Sd. Charges.
Recd. of Mr. Ric'd Tomlinson 3/ to be added to the Church Fund.
[p. 103]
Then Dismist.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. B. Collins, Clk. pro tem'y At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in October 1799 after Divine Service proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. Dinah the property of Mr. Clifton Rodes by Letter.
Ransdels Daniel came before the Church, and gave Satisfaction for the accusations made against him at our last meeting.
Recd. into the Church Fund ls/6. Bradfords Sam failing to attend his case is referr'd to Next meeting. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in November 1799 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
Bradfords Sam failing a Second time to come before the Church to answer a complaint Lodg'd against him by Bro. Tomlinson for Joining in a Disorderly manner with persons in disorder to hear Experiance, Baptise and Commune, and also for Expressing a dissatisfaction with the Church & Minister he is consequently Excluded from our Union.
our Clark is directed to give Letters of Dismission to Bro. Levy Hunt & his wife & Bro. Gowing Adams. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in December 1799 after prayer to God for his Blessing proceded to business as follows.
[p. 104]
Mr. Bradfords Sam who was Excluded last meeting came forward and gave Satisfaction and is again recd. into fellowship.Our Clark is directed to give letters of Dismission to Sister Nancy Clarkson, Sister Martha Williams, Bro. John Coons & his Wife.
On a request from the Church at South Elkhorn for helps our Bren. Benjamin Robertson and John Darnaby are appointed with them agreeable to their request. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. Clk, pro tem. At a Church meeting held at Bro. Dudleys on the Third Saturday in January 1800 after prayer to Almighty God and no Business coming forward was Dismist.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at Bro. John Masons on the third Saturday in February 1800 after prayer to God and no Business appearing before the Church was Adjourn'd.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in March 1800 after prayer to God for a Blessing preceded to Business as follows.
Recd. Bro. John Pickett and Rachel his wife by letter.
our Clark is directed to give a letter of Dismission to Bro. Thomas Tillery.
Agreed to appoint a meeting on Fryday before the Third Saturday in June at the meeting house at Bryans for fasting and prayer to God for his gracious assistance in this time of great Need. Then Adjourned.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. Clk. pro tem
[p. 105]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third .Saturday in April 1800 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.Sister Lampton who recd. a letter of Dismission some time past came forward and gave back her letter and her membership continues.
Our Deacons are directed to pay Bro. Ric'd Hulitt five Dollars for keeping the Upper meeting house last year, who agrees to keep it again the present year, at the same rate.
Our Clark is directed to give letters of Dismission to Brother Thomas Duval and his Wife.
The Church have directed our Deacons to pay Six Dollars towards printing a pamphlet of Letters respecting a great revival of religion in Several parts of the United States &c. Then Adjourn'd.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in May 1800 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows, and no business comeing forward was Adjourn'd. Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on third Saturday in June 1800 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to businesses follows. Our Brethren Ambrose Dudley & John Mason are requested to prepare a letter for this Church to our Depending Association and lay it before the next meeting for Inspection. Then Dismist.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the third Saturday in July 1800 after prayer to God for his Blessing proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. Maxfield Whiting and Lettice his Wife, it appears by Examination
[p. 106]
to our Satisfaction that they have had a letter but it has been mislaid.Brethren Dudley & Mason brought forward a letter according to their appointment last meeting it was read and approved.
At The request of Bro. Henry Roach the Church took his gift into consideration and think it is most profitable in Exhortation or Lecture Then Adjourn'd.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in August 1800 after prayer to Almighty God for his Blessing proceded to follows.
Our Deacons are directed to pay Bro. Geo. Forbus L2, 4s, 6d, for keeping the meeting house at Bryans and some repairs for the last year.
Our Deacons are requested to come prepared to our Next meeting to settle their acct.
Agreed that we come prepared to our Next meeting to raise our Church Fund.
As our Bro. Edmond Waller has Neglected to Attend our meetings for a considerable time and it is reported he is living in Other disorders.
our Clerk is directed to write to him in the Name of the Church to attend our next meeting at Bryans to answer the premisses. Then adjourn'd.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in September 1800 after prayer to God proceded to Business as follows.
Our Deacons brought their acct. forward Settled which was Satisfactory, and their appears to be a Ballance in their hands of L2, 11s, 6d.
Bro. Edmond Waller failing to attend this meeting Bro. John Darnaby is
[p. 107]
appointed to give him personal Notice to attend our next meeting to answer to Several reports that prevails against.Recd. Catherine Engles, Nancy Jones & Tompsons Phebe for Baptism.
Richard Tomlenson came forward and gave Satisfactory relation of his repentance and is recd. into fellowship. Then Dismist.
Lords day morning recd. Thomas Ellis & Hezekiah Ellis for Baptism.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Fourth Fryday in October 1800 after prayer to Almighty God for his Blessing proceded to Business as follows.
Bro. John Darnaby reported that he had given Bro. Edmond Waller Notice to attend this meeting agreeable to his appointment and that Sd. Waller confest he had Entered himself to a Dancing School and as he has refused to attend he is Consequently Excluded from our Union.
Recd. Ruth Pickett, Tompsons Simon, Thomas's Dick, Ellis's Terry for Baptism, and Sister Peggy Harrison by Letter.
Ansalom Clarkson who was formerly Excluded for a certain Charge came forward and gave Satisfaction and is restored to fellowship.
our Clark is directed to give Letters of Dismission to Bren. Ansalem Clarkson, John Tompson & his Wife.
Recd. into our Church fund L6, 15s, & 7d which is put into the hands of our Deacons. Benjamin Robertson and Joseph Robertson. Then Adjourn'd.
Lords day Morning Recd. Nicholes's Beck, Harts Joseph, B. Robertsons Milley, Tomsons John for Baptism & Shropshires Milley restor'd by repentance.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. Ric'd Hulitt, Clk. pro tem.
[p. 108]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in November 1800 after Prayer to Almighty God proceeded to Business as follows.Recd. Sarah Jones by letter also Geo. Hunt, Wm. Rash & Elisabeth, his wife by Ditto.
Recd. Ann Dudley (l) Betsey Welch 2, Daniel Quesenberry 3, Molley Hinson 4, Picketts Milley 5, Rogers' Amey 6, Robertsons Winney 7, Rodes's Pattey 8, Wm. Davis 9, Robertsons Peter 10, Haileys Jude 11, Rachel Quesenberry 12, Webbs Alice 13, Winns Mary 14, Wares Cate 15, Judah Rogers 16 for Baptism. Then Adjourn'd.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. Ric'd Hulitt, Clk. pro tem. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in December 1800 after Prayer proceded to business as follows.
recd. into our Church Fund L10, 4s, 2d in the whole, and given into the hands of our Deacons.
Recd. Easter Wilson by letter.
Recd. for Baptism, Webbs Thames 1, Wm. Clarkson 2, Polley Carpenter 3, James Dudley 4, Betsey Jones 5, Salley McKan 6, Polley Franklin 7, John Carpenter 8, Salley Quesenberry 9, Boswell Mitchell 10, John Ellis 11, Martin Coons 12, Polley Mekan 13, Ruthy a Black free Woman 14. Then Adjourn'd.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at Bro. Dudleys on the Third Saturday in January 1801 after prayer to God for his Blessing proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. Littleton Estes & John Hulitt by letter and Shamlins Juda by the recomendation of Several persons.
Recd. for Baptism John Mckensey, 1, David Wilson 2, Hillis Pritchett 3,
[p. 109]
Ellenor Warrich 4, James Davis 5, Milley Davis 6, John Robertson 7, German Brittenham 8, Paulins Mary 9, John Coons 10, Salley Tomlenson 11, Benjamin Winn 12, Ann Cooper 13, Masons Dinah 14, Jane Harrison 15, Smiths Sabree 16, Milley Scrock 17, Moses Shropshire 16, Sarah Phillips 19, Reuben Darnell 20, Reuben Adams 21, Linsfield Burbridge 22, Joseph Barby 23, Shamlin 24. Then Adjourn'd.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Davids Fork on the first Saturday in Feby. 1801 after prayer to Almighty God proceded as follows.
Recd. for Baptism Jepthah Dudley 1, Benjamin Robertson Junr. 2, John Chin 3, Jane Hddges 4, John Shamlin 5, Milley Chinn 6, Wm. Collins 7, James Clark 8, Fanney Crim 9, Betsey Adams 10, Wm. Northcutt 11, Salley Gosney 12, Nancey Eastes 13, John Robertson 14, Jean Bristo 15, Joshua Coons 16, Betsey Mckan 17, James Jones 18, Robert Dudley 19, Rachel Hutsell 20, Middleton Eastes 21, Samuel Mallery 22, Peter Laywell 23, Whites Frank 24, Lewis Robertson 25. Then Adjourn'd.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in February 1801 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. by Letter, John Graves, Elisabeth Hulitt, Frederick Coons, John Bristo, Thomas Graves, Mary Graves, Zacheriah Clark, & Catherine Winn.
Recd. for Baptism Hezekiah Harrison 1, Francis Smith 2, Polley Smith 3, Robt. Pruett 4, Ann Dudley Senr. 5, Charles Robertson 6, John Rogers 7, kirtleys Ben 8, Salley Duval 9, Ellis's Hannah 10, George Proctor 11, Webbs Hannah 12, Elisabeth Graves 13, Fanney Mallery 14, Jean Clark 15, Merridiths John 16, Phebe True 17, Watts Abram 18, James Stephend 19, Thompson Duval 20, Tompsons Peter 21, Smiths Milley 22, Graves's 23,
[p. 110]
Dudleys Jeaney 24, G. Rogers's Winney 25, Howards Lidda 26, George Bryan 27, Scotts Ned 28, Charles Clark 29, Susanna Stephens 30, Grubbs's in Delpha 31, Clarksons John 32, Browns Salley 33, James True 34, Rebeckah Jones 35. Then Dismist.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Davids Fork on the first Saturday in March 1801 after prayer to God for his Blessing proceded to business as follows.
Recd. for Baptism Robt. Collins Junr. 1, Wm. Hayback 2, Jemime Laywell 3, Jemima Hayback 4, Susanna Coons 5, William Duval 6, Wm. Berry 7, Nancey True 8, Polley Robertson 9, John Berry Senr. 10, Joseph Crim 11, Betsey Weathers 12, Nancey Thomas 13, Delilah Crim 14, Mary Ann Coons 15, James Weathers 16, Shamlens Jeffery 17, Boyds Neanus 18, Hunts Jeany 19, Ubanks Grace 20, Ellis's Mary 21, Webbs Jeaney 22, Jonathan Parrish 23, Graves's Harry 24, Ellis's Davy 25, Thomas's Reuben 26, Wm. Mallery 27, Bridgett Mckensey 28, Wm. Rash Junr. 29, Catherine Gosney 30, Polley Clarkson Junr. 31, Shamlins Griffin 32, Mckans Solomon 33, McDonolds Dilse 34, Betsey Berry 35, Fanney Berry 36, Patsey Berry 37, Jones's Ceaser 38, Oucey Duval 39, Berrey's Daniel 40, Thomas Camper 41, Sampson Marmaduke 42, Webbs Jacob 43, Berreys Moses 44, Wm. Whitesides 45, John True 46, Strother Jones 47, Benjamin Coons 48, Molley McConnol 49, Saml. McConnol 50, Wm. Gosney 51, Robt. Jones 52, Betsey Jones 53, Robertsons Ben 54, Jones's Ruth 55, Mallereys Sam 56 Robertsons Imtnanuel 57, Mckans George 58. Recd. Wm. Eastes, Fanney Eastes & Eastes's Sarah by Letter.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held for Dicipline at the meeting house on the Davids Fork the 10th day of March 1801 after prayer to God proceded to business as follows.
[p. 111]
Sister Margarett Clark was accused before the Church of the Sin of Drunkenness which She confest was True and appear'd to be much distressed condemning Such Conduct, in Consequence of which the Church on giving her a Caution to be more on her guard for the future agreed to bear with her. Then Dismist.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in March 1801 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. for Baptism Hinds's John 1, Ubanks Edmond 2, Thos Rains 3, Parrish's Fillis 4, George Terrell 5, Ubanks Bob 6, Masons Sam 7, Diana Thompson 8, Aaron Young 9, Kirtleys Juda 10, Howards Cloe 11, Kirtleys Venus 12, Salley Sacre 13, Richard Gosney 14, Neal Mckan 15, John Gosney 16, Wm. Arrasmith 17, Salley Blanton 18, Anna Northcutt 19, Willis Clarkson 20, Benjamin Schooler 21, Rodes's Selah 22, Darnabys Mike 23, Parkers Billey 24, Webbs Tom 25, Dudleys George 26, Wm. Grant Junr. 27, Polley Farguson 28, Salley Grant 29, Rogers's Wiggin 30, John Owings 31, McRaseys Sam 32, Rogers's Fillis 33, Pulliams Ned 34, Edmansons Ned 35,
On a complaint brought against Sister Margarett Clark by Bro. Julious Clarkson for the Sin of Drunkenness which was Proven by Bren. John & James Bristo in Consequence of which She is Excluded from our Communion.
Bro. Edmond Waller came before the Churc h and confest the Charge which he was Excluded, and on his relating his repentance he is again recd. into Union.
Our Clark is directed to give letters of Dismission to Brethren Edmond Waller, John Carpenter & his Wife.
Bro. Charles Thomas came before the Church and gave Satisfaction for the cause of his Exclusion and is recd. into Union. Then Adjourn'd.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk.
[p. 112]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Davids Fork the first Saturday in April 1801 after Prayer to Almighty God for his Blessing proceded to Business as follows.Recd. for Baptism Betsey Fargusn 1, Mary Schooler 2, Elisabeth Hulitt 3, Sarah Berry 4, Sarah Harris 5, Agness Berry 6, Stephen Rash 7, Elisabeth Brassfield 8, Robert Hinson 9, Martha Dovour 10, John Harris 11, Joseph Kelley 12, Edward Berry 13, Susanna Collins 14, Henry Ellis 15, Allen pruett 16, Webbs Polley 17, Smiths Isaac 18, Clarksons Lucy 19, George Hedges 20, Salley Bristo 21, Tabitha Ratliff 22, Jeremiah Strode 23, Shamlens Letty 24, Gosneys Phebe 25, Rachel Cutwright 26, George Allen 27, Alexander White 28, Berreys Jack 29, Isaac Hendrickson 30, Salley Mallery 31, Nancey Mallery 32, W. Webbs Daniel 33, W. Webbs Milley 34, Ubanks Harry 35. Recd. Elisabeth Berry by Letter.
A complaint was brought against Edmondsons Ned by Bro.Wm. Ellis for his disorderly conduct in disobeying his Masters orders and absconding himself from his business which appeared to the Satisfaction of the Church in consequence of which he is Excluded from our Union.
Our Deacons are directed to pay Bro. Ric'd Hulitt Thirty Shillings for keeping the meeting house at Davids fork the past year, who agrees to keep it the Ensuing year at the same rate.
On a motion made by Bro. Leonard Young a committee of Bartlett Collins, Leonard Young, Benjamin Roberts, Asa Tompson Jos. Robertson, Wm. Rash, Wm. Ellis & John Mason are appointed to hear and Determine a dispute between Bren John Hulitt & James Parrish and make report to our Next meeting. Lords Day morning our Committee made report to the Church that in their Oppinion Bro. Hulitt has not treated Bro. Parrish in a Friendly and Brotherly manner in a Certain trade between them, also that he made use of a deception with respect to renting the place whereon he now lives of Bro. James True Senr. which was proven to our Satisfaction in Consequence of the above report being reciev'd and our Bro. John Hulitt Justifying himself in his conduct, he is Excluded from our Church.
[p. 113]
Then Adjourned.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third rday in April 1801 after prayer to Almighty God Proceded to business follows.
Deacons are directed to pay Mr. Richardson 17s 6d. for keeping the ing house 7 months past.
Trustees are requested to Employ some person to repair the post and rail fence round the meeting house also to make Six racks for Tying horses, and bring in their acct. to the Church for payment.
Susanna Martin by letter.
Recd. for Baptism P. Masons Jeaney 1, Webbs Sarah 2, Wares Betty 3, Whites Fanney 4, James Rogers 5, Youngs Patty 6, Harts Stephen 7, Smiths Will 8, David Kent 9, Mary Rogers 10, Nancey rogers 11, Peggy White 12, Ellenor Ingles 13, Webbs Reuben 14, Nelson Smith 15, Thrustons Notley 16, Joness's Salley 17, Kirtleys John 18, Jesse Barby 19. Then Dismist.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Davids Fork the first Saturday in May 1801 after Prayer to God for his Blessing proceded to business as follows. Recd. Dolley Goodloe by Letter.
Recd. for Baptism, Salley Eastes 1, Wiley Brassfield 2, Webbs Rose 3, Nancey Goodley 4, James Cunning §, Nancey Gosney 6, John Rash 7, Goodloes Anna 8, Lewis Berry 9, Salley Adams 10, Ubanks Juda 11, James Wilson 12, Thomas Constant 13, Thomas Johnson 14, Ubanks's Milley 15, Clarksons Dick 16, Blantons Peter 17, Jeanes's Bryan 18, Masons Ben 19, Rogers's Reuben 20, Mitchells Phillis 21, Susanna Robertson 22, Nancey Ellis 23, John Friend 24, John Anderson 25, Webbs Pompey 26, Owings's Tobey 27.
[p. 114]
On a Complaint brought by Bro. John Chinn against Webbs Hannah, for Disobeying his orders, and running away from his Business, she is Excluded from our Union. Then Adjourned.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in May 1801 after Prayer to Almighty God proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. for Baptism Peggey Beatey 1, Salley Porter 2, Elisabeth Ransdale 3, Deborah Owings 4, Baylors Ned 5, Baylors Hannah 6, Phebe Barnard 7, Joseph Mckan 8, Wilmoths Billey 9, Clarks Lott 10, Phillips's Hagar 11, Phillips's Cornelius 12, Harts Charles 13, G. Rogers's Billey 14, Warricks Phil 15, Wm. Porter 16, Lowreys Lucy 17, Owings Jeaney 18, Owings Easter 19, Recd. by letter Archibald Harris. Then Adjourned.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Davids Fork on the First Saturday in June 1801 after prayer to God proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. for Baptism John Berry 1, Taylors Robin 2, Jones's Phillis 3, Mckans Charlotte 4, Howards Peter 5, Polley Brittenham 6, Sary Lary 7, Sam 6. Cutwright 8, Harry Hardister 9, Wm. E. Dudley 10, Robert Chewning 11, Nancy Wilson 12, Archibald Bristo 13, Delpha Bristo 14, Salley White 15, Patsey White 16, Higgins Suckey 17, Nancey Scott 18, Salley Scott 19, Robert W. Dudley 20, Graves's Bristo 21, Harts Peter 22.
Agreed that Bro. Ric'd Hulitt be paid 15s. for repairing the fence round this meeting house.
Agreed that the Church meet at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Fryday in this month at 9 OClock in the morning prepared to raise our
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Church Fund. Then Adjourned.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. Recd. for Baptism at the meeting house at Bryans on the 2nd Lords day in June 1801 Robt. Beatey 1, John Quesenberry 2, Harts Jonathan 3, Wares Peter 4, Bird price 5, Elisabeth Price 6, Mansals Abram 7, Mansels Fanney 8, Harts Joshua 9, Thurstons Bob 10.
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Fryday in June 1801 after Prayer to God for his Blessing proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. the Sum of L 20, 2s, 6d toward Defraying the Expence of railing in the meeting house.
Agreed to appoint a Committee Benj. Robertson, Jos. Robertson, Leo'd Young, John Darnaby, Bartlett Collins, Asa Tompson, and John Mason to Settle with our Trustees for the railing in this meeting house and to pay Sd. Charge. Agreed that Bren. Ambrose Dudley & John Mason prepare a Letter to our next association and produce it to our Next meeting at this place for Inspection.
Recd. for Baptism Betsey Gosney 1, George Sacra 2, John Rule 3, Sarah Rule 4. Then Adjourned.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Davids Fork on the first Saturday in July 1801 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to business ' as follows. Recd. Wm. Rice, Oaney Bush & Elisabeth Estes by Letter, and Larcy Dennis for Baptism.
our Clerk is directed to give a letter to Sister Salley Rice. Then Dismist.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk.
[p. 116]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in July 1801 after prayer to God proceded to business as follows.Recd. by letter Pressley Jones & kittey Walker. recd for Baptism W. Bryan 1, Buckners Sam 2, Mary headington 3, tompsons Rosey 4, Tompsons Tim 5, Merridiths kate 6, Yongs Hannah 7, Graves's Jones 8,
Bren. Ambrose Dudley & John Mason presented a letter to our Next Association for this Church which was read and approved.
Bren. Ambrose Dudley, Benj. Robertson, Joseph Robertson, & John Mason are Chose Messengers to the Association.
Our Deacons produced their accounts Settled there still remains in their hands L4, 17s, 1d which is Satisfactory.
Our Clerk is directed to give a letter to Sister Salley Calvert now Sister Moor. Then Adjourned.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Davids Fork on the First Saturday in August 1801 after prayer to God proceded to Business as follows.
Recd. Sister Nancey Burbridge, and Parrish's Grace by letter and John Bradburn for Baptism.
On a motion made that there be a church constitued at Davids Fork agreed that on Thursday the 13th of this month those who wish to compose Sd. Constitution meet at this meeting house to have their Names Enrool'd &C.
Our Clerk is directed to give letters to Bro. James Bristo & his Wife
Likewise to Bren. Willis Clarkson, Samson Marmeduke & James Cunning.
On a Complaint laid before the Church against Peter Masons Sam for riding his Masters horses Contrary to Orders & Telling falshoods Brother Wm. Ellis is requested to cite him to attend on Thursday the 13th Instant at
[p. 117]
this place to answer the premisses. Then Adjourn'd.Ambrose Dudley, Mod. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the Davids Fork on the 13th of August 1801 after prayer to God proceded to Business as follows.
Peter Masons Sam came before the Church and confest his riding his Masters horses out Contrary to Orders and Telling a falsity and not giving Satisfaction he is Excluded from our Communion.
On a Complaint by Bro. Robert Dudley &C. against Bro. German Brittinham for having drank Spirituous Liquors to Excess, Bro. Edward Darnaby is requested to cite him to our Next meeting at this place.
On a complaint by Bro. Thos. Graves against his Negro Man Harry for Stealing, Bro. Graves is requested to cite him to our Next meeting at this place. Then Adjourned.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in August 1801 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to business as follows.
On a motion being made for the Dismission of a number of our members in order to form a constitution at Davids Fork meeting house.
Agreed that the following members be Dismist accordingly, To wit, Benjamin Robertson, Joseph Robertson, James Welch and Richard Mitchell &e. &c. &c. to the Number of 294 in the whole. Recd. Peggy Downing by letter and Owins's Bill 1, Higgins Bob 2, Elijah Tomlenson 3, Baylors Judah 4, Wm. Snodgress 5, Polley Dudley 6, Susanna Rice 7, Nancey Brown 8, (Lords day morning recd) Elijah Ransdell 9, Wharton Ransdell 10, Clarks Sarah 11, for Baptism.
Amos Miller once Excluded from this Church recd. again by Repentance. Then adjourn'd.
A. Dudley, Modr. A. Thompson, Clk. Pro tem
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At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Davids Fork on the 26th day of August 1801 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to business as follows.Bro. German Brittinghara came before the Church and made such Confession of his fault that he was admonish'd and restored to fellowship. Bro.Thomas Graves's Harry was accused before the Church of Stealing a pair of Stockings from his Master which he confest and on his repentance with a reproof he is Continued in Society. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in September 1801 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to business as follows.
Recd. Polley Stark 1, Chinns Malborough 2, Merridiths Phebe 3, Ransdalls Juda 4, Higgins Belt 5, Lucey Belt 6, for Baptism.
Bren. Ambrose & John Mason are appointed to attend a Convention to be held at the Stone Meeting house on Howards Creek on the Second Saturday in October next, to assist in carrying a proposed Union into effect between Elkhorn & South kentuckey Associations.
Agreeable to a request from the Church at Mckonnols Run by their letter to Send helps in a Difficult matter to meet them on the fourth Saturday in this month, Bren. Leonard Young, John Darnaby, John C.Richardson & John Mason are Chosen to attend Sd. Meeting.
Our Clerk is directed to give letters of Dismission to Bro. Samuel Mckonnol & Molley his Wife also to Bro. Alexander White.
On a Complaint made against Merridiths John for getting Drunk and attempting to celebrate Marriage which he confest he is Consequently Excluded from our Communion.
On a Settlement with our Deacons it appears there is a ballance in
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their hands of L1, 17s.Bren. Asa Tompson, Abraham Farguson & John Hunt nominated for Deacons. Then Adjourn'd.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in October 1801 after prayer to God proceded to business as follows.
Recd. Higgins's Mingo & Owins's Barbary by letter & Smiths Arch from Exclusion and Hammeltons Daphney & Trotters Sarah for Baptism.
Graves's John was accused before the Church of Certain disorderly conduct as that of adultery falshood &C. which was Sufficiently proven in Consequence of which hs is Excluded from our Union. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans on the Third Saturday in November 1801 after prayer to God proceded to as follows.
Agreed to proceed to the Choice and Ordination of Two of our Brethren to Serve this Church as Deacons, Bren. Asa Tompson & Bartlett Collins are accordingly Chosen and Ordain'd.
Recd. James Stark by letter, and Tandy's Letty 1, Joshua Headington 2, Wm Dudley Senr 3, Lucy Dudley 4, & Mary Power 5, for Baptism.
Our clerk is directed to give a letter of Dismission to Bro. Jno. Friend. Recd. into our Church fund L7, 16s & given into the hands of our Deacons. Agreed that four Dollars be given for the Indian Mission. Then Adjourned.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at Bro. Ambrose Dudleys on the Third Saturday in December 1801 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to business as follows.
[p. 120]
Recd. into our Church Stock L1, 19s, and given into the hands of our Deacons.Our Clerk is directed to give letters to Bren. Wm. Snodgrass, Willis pritchitt & Merridiths Cate.
On a motion made agreed that Bren Leonard Young & John Bristo Examine into the Standing of Sister Elisabeth Parrish at Grassy Lick and report &C. Then Adjourn'd.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk, At a Church meeting held at Bro. Clifton Tompsons on the Third Saturday in January 1802 after prayer to Almighty God proceded to business as follows.
Bren. Young & Bristo who were appointed to Enquire into the Standing Of Sister Elisabeth Higgin Alias Parrish reported that their did not appear any Impediment why she may not have a letter, our Clerk is directed therefore to Send her one.
Recd. into the Church Fund 18s. 6d and given to the Care of our Deacons which makes the whole amount L10, 13s, 6d.
Bren. Clifton Tompson, Abraham Farguson & John Hunt are appointed Trustees for Taking Care of our Meeting house for one year.
Our Deacons are directed to pay Bro. George Forbus L2, 12s for keeping our meeting house &c. for the past year.
Our Clerk is directed to give letters of Dismission to Bro. Archibald Bristo and his Wife, John True, John Quesenberry & Bro. Robert Middleton and his Wife.
Agreed that Bren. Ambrose Dudley, Leonard Young, John Darnaby, Bartlett Collins & Asa Tompson be a committe to collect money and distribute to Traveling Ministers who preach among us.
Recd. Rogers's York 1, Boswells Sam 2, Ditto Ben 3, Barbeys Lucy 4 for Baptism. Then Dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. [In Progress.]
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