[page 83]
At a Church meeting [held] for the Church at Sand Run Saturday 23rd. Jany. 1830
[W.] Whitaker, Mod'r.
The reference respecting Bro. Whitaker was taken up, he being present answered to the complaint against him. The question was then taken, he found guilty of sin, and after making some acknowledgement, the Church agreed to bear with him, he is therefore restored.
On application a letter of dismission is granted to Beverly Haydon.
The brethren Deacons made their report by which it is ascertained there is $1.68¾ cts. in their hands which was satisfactory.
On motion. Ordered that the brethern Deacons and Clerk assess the sum of from $12. to $15. dollars on the free male members of this Church for the purpose of paying for the keeping of the meeting house, and the necessary expences, and make report.
On motion ordered that bro James Dollins see brethren John Wilson and Abram Clore and request them to attend our next meeting, for the purpose of informing the church what their reasons are for not paying their assessments.
B. Watts, Ck.
pro tem.
[page 84]
At a Church meeting held for the Church at Sand Run, Saturday, 27th. Feby. 1830
[Bro.] Montague, Mod'r.
The brethren appointed to make the assessment reported that they had assessed the sum of $ 11.75 on the free male members of this church, which was read and approved.
The reference respecting the brethren sct. (?) Wilson, R. Clore & A. Clore was taken up. Bro. Dollens reported that he had obeyed the order of the Church — the question was taken up — Brethren R. Clore & A. Clore appeared and gave satisfaction.
Bro. Wilson failed to attend, but requested (by bro. Dollens) a continuance of the matter, it was ^ therefore postponed until the next meeting.
On motion agreed that brethern Jos. Graves, B. Watts, and L. Webb, be appointed a committee to draft a form of a letter of dismission from this church to members when thereby dismissed and make report at our next meeting.
On application letters of dismission are granted to Brethren Benj'm Dulany, Demas Moss, & A. Clore.
Lewis Webb, CK
[page 85]
At a Church meeting held for the Church at Sand Run Saturday 27th March 1830.
Bro. Whitaker, Mod'r.
The reference respecting the form a letter to members when dismissed was taken up. The brethren who were appointed a committee for that purpose reported the following, which was read, and after due deliberation it was adopted.
Form of the Letter.
"The Baptist Church of Christ at Sand Run, Boone County, Ky. Holding the doctrine of "Original Sin, personal Election, Justification by the imputed righteousness of Christ, final perserverance of the saints through grace to glory. Believers baptism by immersion only, that through the special operation of the Holy Spirit the dead in trespasses and sins are quickened and brought savingly to believe in Jesus. That He is essentially God according to the Scriptures. That the joys of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked will be eternal." — to any Church of the same faith and order. Recommend our beloved brother A.B. (or Sister C.D. as the case may be) as an orderly member in full fellowship with us, and he is hereby dismissed when joined to any ^ other church of the same faith and order."
Signed by order of the Church
Saturday day ofThe reference respecting bro. Wilson was refered untill our next meeting.
Granted a letter of dismission to brother Reuben Clore.
Lewis Webb, CK.
[page 86]
At a Church meeting held for the church at Sand Run Saturday 24th. Ap'l. 1830.
Bro Montague Mod'r.
The reference respecting bro. Wilson was taken up, he appeared and gave satisfaction.
Whereas the Baptist General Tract Society have donated to this Church One no. of each tract to 51 inclusive, which were received by the Church and placed in the hands of bro. C. Montague for distribution among the members for perusal.
On motion of Bro. Whitaker agreed that the Church purchase a bible with the funds of the Church for their own use.
Lewis Webb, CK
[page 87]
At a Church meeting held for the Church as Sand Run Saty. 26th June 1830
Bro. Montague Mod'r.
The bro. Clerk was chosen to prepare a letter to the ensuing Association & brethren W. Montague, W. Whitaker, C. Johnson, & L. Webb messengers to the same. Bro. W. N. McCoy requested the church to release him from acting as deacon — The matter was taken up and after some deliberation it was continued untill next meeting.
Granted a letter of dismission to sister Polly Clore.
Lewis Webb, CKAt a Church meeting held for the Church at Sand Run Saturday 24th. July 1830.
Bro. Whitaker, Mod'r.
The letter to the association was read & approved and on motion agreed to request the next association to be with us, and in the event of its being elswhere (sic), We request a yearly meeting.
The reference respecting the releasing ^ of bro. McCoy from acting as deacon was taken up, he {again} renewed his request, and after some consideration it was granted.
Anj'd. Lewis Webb, CK
[page 88]
At a Church meeting held for the Church at Sand Run Saturday 28 Aug't. 1830
Bro. Montague, Mod'r.
On motion of bro. W. Whitaker the propriety of choosing another deacon was taken up, after some deliberation it was refered untill (sic) next meeting.
Adj'd. Lewis Webb, CKAt a Church meeting held for the Church at Sand Run Saturday 26th. Sept'r. 1830. [(sic) Note: 25 Sep 1830 was Saturday.]
The reference respecting the choosing another deacon was postponed untill next meeting.
Pursuant to an advertizement of our brother William Montague that he [illeg] on this day address us, and give us his views relative to the newly established Church at Covington, so far as he had any acquaintance ? [in] the matter, and also his views of Campbellism, together with a short sum^mary of his faith with its object. — The opportunity was given, — he addressed us on the subjects proposed — after hearing him — The matter was taken up, and postponed untill next meeting.
Lewis Webb, CK.
[page 89]
At a Church meeting held for the Church at Sand Run Saturday 23rd. Oct'r. 1830.
Bro. Whitaker Mod'r.
The reference respecting the choosing another deacon was taken up and on motion the matter was continued untill next meeting.
The reference respecting bro. Montague was taken up, he failed to attend, therefore on motion it was postponed untill next meeting.
Lewis Webb, CKAt a Church meeting held for the Church at Sand Run Saturday 27th. Nov. 1830.
Bro. Whitaker, Mod'r.
The reference respecting the choosing another deacon was taken up and after some consideration postponed untill next meeting.
The reference respecting bro. Montague was taken up, he was not present, therefore on motion the matter was continued untill next meeting.
Lewis Webb CK.
[page 90]
At a Church meeting held for the Church at Sand Run Saturday 25th. Dec'r. 1830.
Bro. Montague, Mod'r.
The reference respecting another deacon was taken up and ^ on motion it was discontinued.
The reference respecting bro. Montague was taken up. He requested bro. Whitaker to act as moderator who took his seat accordingly.
The Church heard bro. Montague again, first relatively to the newly established church at Covington, and from the statement made by him, voted that they were satisfied.
Secondly in regard to Campbellism, after hearing his views & his answers to the many questions proposed to him the Church voted that they were satisfied.
Adj'd. Lewis Webb, CK___________ Miscellaneous Churchbook — 1821-1825
=========== [From the Boone County Public Library, Main Branch, Burlington, KY. Typed from the microfilm copies by Nicole G. Duvall.]
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