Sand Run Baptist Churchbook
Boone County (KY)
MiscellaneousSunday 16th Sept, 1821
Received a request from the Church at Gunpowder for helps to assist in the ordination of Bro. Lewis Conner to the office of the Ministry. agreed that the request be answered and that Brethren Matthews & T[homas] Whitaker attend accordingly.17th Nov. 1821
On motion of Bro. Montague to take into consideration the propriety of the provisions made by the church in aloting the Black members and friends the Northeast end and the adjoining front of the gal[l]ery to the partition. The matter was investigated and refer[r]ed till next meeting.15th Dec. 1821
The refference [sic] respecting the provision made for the black members & friends by the Church was taken up investigated and decided to be proper. It was then motioned by T. Whitaker that the black brethren present be called on to state whether they were when convenient willing to fill their seats in the church in which case Sister Mariah refused to comply. Bro. Whitaker then laid in a conplaint against her for Said refusal. The matter was taken up and refered till next meeting.On motion of Bro. Wm Montague Brethren B. R. Ward, J[oseph] Graves, R. Gilmore & Wm. Witaker were appointed to see those black brethren who owing to the provision made for them by the church refused to take their Seats and request their attendance at our next meeting.
Jan 1822
The refference respecting Sister Mariah was taken up she found guilty of sin and failing to give satisfaction was excluded.
The committee appointed to see the black members and report to the church those that refused to take their seats and request their attendance inform the church of two - Namely Fanny and Kizza.
Sister Fanny being present and agreeing to take her seat gave satisfaction. Sister Kizza being absent the matter was taken up and Bro. L. Robinson appointed to cite her to next meeting.Feb 16, 1822
The refference respecting Sister Kizza was taken up she found guilty of Sin and failing to attend the call of the church was excluded.24 August 1822
Received Kizza a black member from a state of exclusion.Nov 23, 1822
No business brougth forward. Bro. Lewis Conner and James Dicken were in attendance and were invited to preach.Jan 25, 1823
Eliot a black member belonging to Bro. Wm Montague laid in a complaint against himself for getting into and [sic] affray on the 24th day of Decm 1822. The matter was taken up and he found guilty of sin and failing to give satisfaction was suspended and brethren T. Whitaker & Joseph Graves were appointed to get what information they can of the affray amd make report next meeting.22 Feb, 1823
The refference respecting Bro. Eliott was taken up, satisfaction obtained & he restored to fellowship.22 March 1823
On motion agreed that next Wednesday the 26th of the present be set apart as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer to meet at this place about 10 Oclock AM.April 23 1823
Bro. L. Robinson requested a letter of dismission for sister Malinda Vickers and informed the Church that she had some idea of joining a society of people not in union with us. The letter was not granted and Bro. W. Montague appointed to inform her of the cause and assertain [sic] her mind and make report.24 April 1824
The ordination of Landan Robinson
A list of the various ordained men from the sister churches is given. "The matter was then submitted to the helps, who took it up. After inquiring of bro. Robinson in relation to his faith and call to the ministry they went fully into the investigation of the matter, and agreed that bro. Robinson was a proper subject for ordination, therefore it is agreed that his ordination take place the ensuing day."Lord's Day following
After preaching bro. Robinson was set apart to the work of the ministry by prayer & imposition hands of brethren Matthews, Wilson and Dicken.24 July 1824
Rec'd a request from the church at Middle Creek for helps in settling a difficulty with one of their members at their next meeting. The matter was taken up and brethren Tho. Whitaker, Joseph Graves & L. Webb were appointed to attend accordingly.22 Jan 1825
Bro. Joseph Graves brought in a complaint against Joseph a black member belonging to bro. B. Deulany for striking a man with a stone. Also another complaint by bro. McCoy against the said bro. Joseph for stealing turkeys from bro. Harvey, for which he was tried before a magistrate & publicly whipt, the matter was taken up first in relation to the first charge, for which he acknowledged he was guilty of sin: Secondly in relation to the second charge (which he deneyed) the church found him guilty of sin in this charge also. Satisfaction was not obtained. Therefore in consideration of both charges he was excluded.March 1825
The church agreed to pay bro. C. Montague $10.00 "for keeping the [meeting]house and spring in order, and furnishing candles for light for the present year."25th June 1825
Bro. Thomas Whitaker brought in a complaint against Sister Fanny, a black member belonging to Mrs. Cave for leaving her husband and having an illegitimate child. The matter was taken up she was found guilty of sin. satisfaction was not obtained and she was excluded.=============== [From Microfilm copies at the Boone County Public Library, Main Branch, Burlington, KY. — Jim Duvall]
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