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James Robinson Graves
A Picture of the younger J. R. Graves
Distinguished editor, author, publisher, fearless advocate and faithful defender of the New Testament system of doctrines, champion of the God-given prerogatives of a New Testament church, pulpit orator. — Sketch of Tennessee's Pioneer Baptist Preachers by J. J. Burnett
[As] "extreme as the views of Dr. Graves have by many been regarded as being, there is no question but that they have powerfully contributed to the correction of a false liberalism that was current in many quarters thirty years ago." — E. T. Winkler, editor of Alabama Baptist in 1871.
Dr. Graves preached, by special invitation, to the theological students at the Seminary at Greenville, South Carolina, in 1874. Meeting John A. Broadus soon after, a friend asked his opinion of it. He replied: "Well, it may be termed a great sermon. Graves has what many of us lack, that which has marked all distinguished orators. It is called personal magnetism. The old rhetoricans called it ACTION. It is the intense concentration and mastery of all one's power in an extempore delivery." — O. L. Hailey
"The Life, Times and Teachings of J. R. Graves
The Christian Repository
By Samuel H. Ford
[A twelve-chapter bio.]
J. R. Graves, LL. D.
The Baptist Encyclopedia
J. R. Graves
Sketch of Tennessee's Pioneer Baptist Preachers
By J. J. Burnett, 1919
J. R. Graves, LL.D.
By Joseph H. Borum, 1880
James R. Graves
J. H. Spencer, 1885
The Preaching of J. R. Graves
By O. L. Hailey, 1929
J. R. Graves as a Preacher
By Samuel H. Ford
Satan Dethroned and Other Sermons
[There are twelve sermons here.]
By J. R. Graves
J. R. Graves / Alexander Campbell Dispute
By Samuel H. Ford, 1900
John L. Waller's Opinion of J. R. Graves
By Samuel H. Ford, 1900
Baptist Biographies
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