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History of Elkhorn Association
R. M. Dudley

Sixth Decade.


The Association met with the Clear Creek Church Sunday, August 13th. The Introductory sermon was preached from Acts 20, 28, by Elder W. C. Buck, who was present as a visiting brother. The Association was composed of eighteen churches and 3,277 members. Baptisms reported for the year, sixty-nine. Of the ministers present as members of the body only one remains, L. W. Seeley, who was present as a licentiate of the First Church Lexing:ton. Wm. Suggett was elected Moderator, and Elijah Hawkins Clerk. Messengers were present from Franklin, Salem, Concord, Baptist, Sulphur Fork, Union, South District, Boone's Creek, North Bend, Long Run, Bracken, Tate's Creek and Licking Associations. In the days of mud roads and horseback travel the Asssociations kept up correspondence with each other better than we do now with our turnpikes and railroads. The Circular Letter was prepared by Elder Edmund Waller. From it we make this extract, pertinent now as then: "We deem it important that every church should have her own pastor to dispense the word of life among them; and that they should meet on every Lord's day for worship, whether they have preaching or not; by which means gifts in the churches would be developed and improved." &c. To the letter to the Licking Association a postscript was added, stating some objectionable doctrines and pratctices alleged to be taught and encouraged by members of said Association. Association set apart first Saturday in November as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer to the great Head of the Church for a revival of religion.


Association met with Dry Run Church 2d Saturday in August. Sermon by Elder E. Waller, John 17, 20. Suggett, Moderator; Hawkins, Clerk. Baptisms 173; Glen's Creek Church was received into the Assocaition from Baptist Association. Hillsboro Church also received this year; also East Hickman. This last church had been a member of Licking Association. In 1834 Licking Association passed a resolution declaring "non-fellowship with Missionary, Bible, Tract and Temperance Societies, Theological and Sunday schools and Baptist conventions as religious institutions." In 1835 East Hickman sent the Association an enquiry whether said resolutilon "was intended to prohibit members of churches composing her body from contributing" to said societies. Though the answer was "No," it did not satisfy East Hickman; for in 1836 she sent neither letter nor messenger to the Licking Association. In 1837 she applied for admission to Elkhorn and was received. Among the messengers from East Hickman was R. T. Dillard. Elder T. P. Dudley was present, a messenger from Licking, and of all the ministers then present alone survives. The pulpit was occupied on Sunday by Vaughan, Dillard and Noel. The Circular was read by Noel. It recounts the cheering condition of Zion at home and abroad. "We counsel ministers," says the Circular, "not to suppose they have done their duty when they have labored one or two hours on one day in seven; but rather to give themselves wholly to the work." The Association decided to send no letter to Licking Association this year.
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Association met with David's Fork Church 2d Saturday in August. Sermon by Dillard, Mark. xvi.15, 16. Great revivals in many of the churches. Baptisms reported 668; 113 at Stampmg Ground; 186 at David's Fork; 117 at 1st Church, Lexington, 99 at Paris. Sugget, Moderator; F. C. McCalla, Clerk. Circular by Dillard on "Personal Piety." Association passed a vigorous resolution against the practice of charging toll on Sunday to persons going to their regular places of worship, and memorialized the Legislature to forbid it.


Association met with Paris Church second Saturday in August. Sermon by J. D. Black from Heb. i:1, 2. Baptisms reported 408. Great revivals in Stamping Ground, Great Crossings and Glen's Creek. Sugget, Moderator; McCalla, Clerk. This meeting marks the first appearance of J. M. Frost in the Association. Circular by Waller, a noteworthy document, short, crisp, jointed and practical. Resolutions urging the importance of speedily adopting measures not only to release pastors of the churches from secular employment, but to supply the destitute throughout the State, suggesting that a better plan for the accomplishing of these objects cannot be devised for the present than that which has been proposed by the General Association, which was respectfully and affectionately referred to the churches for their adoption


Association met with Glen's Creek Church 2d Saturday in Angust. Sermon by Elder G. O. Sedwick, of Paris, Rev. i:5, 6. Baptisms reported 327. Sugget, Moderator; McCalla, Clerk. Among the messengers from 1st Church, Lexington, appeared W. F. Broaddus. Mt, Vernon Church received into the Association. Circular by Elder Drake, of Lexington. Elder J.D. Black appointed Missionary of the Association, with an advisory Executive Committee, composed of E. Waller, Milton Burch, Wm. Sugget, Y. R. Pitts, F. C. McCalla. To aid in this enterprise a contribution of $137 was taken up. A resolution was adopted urging the churches to sustain Sunday-schools in their respective congregations. Concerning this meeting Elder Buck says: No one present will soon forget the heavenly season of prayer and praise we then and there enjoyed.


Association met with East Hickman second Saturday in August. Sermon by Broaddus, 1 Cor. 1, 9. Glorious revivals. Only one church reported no additions by baptism. Total baptisms 860. Total membership 5,193. Sugget, Moderator; McCalla, Clerk. In this meeting W. F. Broaddus appeared as at once a messenger from a church and corresponding messenger from a sister Association in Virginia.

Elder J. D. Black made his report of work done as Missionary as follows: Twenty protracted meetings; 323 baptisms; 351 sermons and 121 days in the actual service of the Association. For this he received the sum of $350. Black was reappninted Missionary, and in addition Elder A. G. Curry, of Paris, and Y. R. Pitts were appointed by the Executive Committee in April, 1842. Resolutions were adopted warmly commending the objects of the Kentucky Baptist Education Society and their college at Georgetown, and urging the churches to patronize and support the college. Elder Howard Malcom, President of Georgetown College, made his first appearance in the body at this meeting.


Association met with Stamping Ground Church 2d Saturday in August. Sermon by Elder JOseph Leake, Deut. xxxiii:28. Baptisms reported 458.
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William Rodes, of East Hickman, Moderator; McCalla, Clerk. Versailles church received. She had been a member of Licking and withdrew from her to unite with Elkhorn. Center Ridge Church, Grant county, also received. J. L. Waller, J. M. Frost, W. M. Pratt, preached on Sunday, Waller was a visitor from Long Run. This was Dr. Pratt's first appearance in the body. Elders Black and Dillard were appointed Missionaries, and the field of labor was extended at the will of the Missionaries and the Executive Committee. Resolutions were again offered strongly recommending Georgetown College to the confidence and support of the churches.


Association met with Hillsboro second Saturday in August. Sermon by Y. R. Pitts, John iii, 7. Baptisms reported390. Membership of the Association 5,474. Rodes, Moderator; McCalla, Clerk. A communication was received from the American Indian Mission Assiociation, in reply to which the Association warmly pledged itself to the support of missions among the Indians. Your committee are pleased to find that long ago our brethren were engaged in the work. Brother John Young was sent out as a missionary to the Indians by a committee acting for the Elkhorn Association, as the following certificate will show. "I, John Youg, certify that I ordained and and sent out as a Missionary to the Indians by Ambrose Dudley, David Barrow, George C. Smith, Joseph Redding, Austin Eastin, John Price and Lewis Craig, in the month of September, 1801. Given under my hand this 2d day of November, 1842." Executive Committee reported little work done for lack of funds. Committee authorized to employ a missionary at $30 per month, and $179.80 was raised for this purpose.

Centre Ridge Church dismissed by letter. At the close of the sermon on Sunday morning, R. T. Dillard took a collection for Georgetown College. J. L. Waller appeared as pastor of Glen's Creek. During this year past Edmund Waller had been called to his reward. The Association passed this resolution.

Resolved, That this Association cherish with lively emotions the memory of Bro. Waller as a man of eminent piety and christian zeal, and as a most indefatigable and useful minister of Jesus Christ. May his example of piety long live in the memory of those who remain to labor in the vineyard of Chrlst.

Met with Georgetown Church. Sermon by Wm. Craig, John i:1. "Baptisms reported 144. Rodes, Moderator; McCalla, Clerk. T. J. Fisher and S. L. Helm preached at the Grove. First appearance of these two brethren at the Association. Elder Frost took collection for General Association. Churches were urged to form societies auxilary to the Indian Missionary Association, and Elder McCoy was invited to address the Association, which he did, and took pledges for the Mission.

The Missionary Board reported that they had employed Elder J. H. Kenney, of Bourbon, to labor as Missionary at a salary of $30 per month. The Board pointed out the importance of a systematic mode of raising funds, and proposed that the Association appoint one brother in each church to make collections in his own bounds, and bring up the sarme to the next meeting of the body.

The following resolution was adopted at a later hour:
Resolved, That the Home Missionary operations of this Association, as heretofore conducted be discontinued, and that hereafter we co-operate with the General Association.

In regard to a misunderstanding between the Lexington and Mt. Vernon churches, the Association forbears to interfere further than give advice.
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This year the Association published in her minutes a relaible statistical table of the meeting of the body from the organization to that time.


Association met with Mt. Vernon Church 2d Saturday in August. Sermon by Elder E. Darnaby, Ezk. xi:19, 20. Baptisms reported 156. Moderator; McCalla, clerk. At this meeting D. R. Campbell (venerable and beloved name) made his first appearance in the Associatiori, and preached on Monday. At this session the Association determined to change its time of meeting from the second Saturday in August to the Tuesday after the second Saturday in August. W. M. Pratt first appeared as pastor of the Lexington church.

The circular consists of a brief statement of the condition of the churches. I will merely append a list of the churches, together with the names of the pastors.

Clear Creek  						W. F. Broaddus. 
Great Crossings.					Y. R. Pitts. 
Bryall Station. 					Edward Darnaby.
Stamping Ground.  					J. R. Black. 
David's Fork.  						R. T. Dillard. 
Big Spring.  						No regular pastor. 
North Fork (Franklin county) 				B.F. Kenney. 
Mt. Pleasant 						Y. R. Pitts. 
Silas.  						J. D. Black. 
Georgetown.  						H. Malcolm. 
Hartford. 						J. Lucas. 
1st Lexington.   					W. M. Pratt. 
1st African, Lexington.  				London Ferrell. 
Paris.							Edward Darnaby.
Dry Run.						J. R. Black. 
Cane Run. 						B. P. Drake. 
Long Lick. 						W.  R. Combs. 
East Hickman.   					R. T. Dillard. 
Glen's Creek.  						J. L.Waller. 
Hillsboro.   						Josiah Leake. 
Mt. Vernon.   						L. W. Seeley.
Versailles.  						J. L. Waller and W. T. Broaddus.

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