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History of Elkhorn Association
By R. M. Dudley

Seventh Decade

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The Association met with Mt. Pleasant Church, Tuesday, 11th of August, 1846. The Introductory Sermon was preached by Elder J. L. Waller from Gal. vi:14, "God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." The Association was composed of twent-three churches and 5,549. Baptisms reported for the year, 187. Of the messengers then present, only nine linger on the shore of time. B. Branham, W. B. Galloway, J. H. Darnaby, B T. Blewitt, N. Switzer, W. M. Pratt, E. D. Isbell, W. D. Dillard, L. W. Seely, so rapidly and remorseless are the revages of death. Wm. Roles was elected Moderator, and F. C. Mccalla, Clerk. Corresponding messengers were present from the following Associations: North Bend, Baptist, Concord, Boone's Creek, Frankin, South District, Ten Mile, Bracken, Sulphur Fork, Tate's Creek. Over against this there were present last year['s] messengers from only four Associations, North Bend, Long Run, Boone's Creek, [and] Baptist. Bethlehem Church (Bourbon county) applied for membership. The application was referred to a committee which reported favorably, and the church was received. The following resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, An impression exists that this Association has a rule prohibiting our ministers from filling the Moderator's office,
Resolved, That we recognize no such rule as the law of this body, but consider our ministers eligible to any office to which the body may think proper to appoint them.
It was voted "that it is not expedient to publish in its present shape the circular prepared by Elder Seely," but he was requested to continue his researches into the history of this Association with a view to rpesent a fuller account of our past history. A contribution was taken up on Thursdaay, by authority of the body, "in aid of the Geenral Associaiton.'
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Association met with Silas Church, Tuesday, August 17th, and continued its session as usual through three days. Introductory Sermon by D. R Campbell from Joshua xiii: 1, "And there remaineth yet very much land to be possessed," a text characteristic of the an gressive nature of the preacher. Baptisms reported for the year, 420; 44 in David's Fork, 92 in Georgetown, 63 in First Church, Lexington, 20 in East Hickman, 31 in Mt. Vernon, 18 in Cane Run. F. C. McCalla was elected Moderator, and J. M. Davis, Clerk. The Circular Letter was read by W. M. Pratt and adopted by the body. It was voted that the time of meeting be left to the decision of the majority of the churches, to be indicated in the next annual letters of the churches to this Association. It was ordered that the next meeting of the body be held Thursday after the second Saturday m August, 1848.


Association met August 15th with the Great Crossings Church. Introductory Sermon by W. M. Pratt, Isaiah ii:2, 5. Baptisms r:eported, 285; of them 150 were in the First African Church, Lexington. F. C. McCalla, Moderator, J. M. Davis, Clerk. Bro. D.C. Hatch was appointed Treasurer of the Association. A committee was appointed to devise a plan to appropriate the monies given to benevelent purposes by the churches, as directed by the donors. It was voted to change the time of holding the Association back to the second Saturday in August. The following is a copy of the letter sent to the General Association.
DEAR BRETHREN -- Recognizing in your organization a powerful agent for supplying the destitute of our State with the preached Gospel, it gives real p1easure to co-operate with you by sending delegates to your ensuing annual meetmg. Our pleasure is heightened by the consideration that the churches composing our body have, at the present session, sent up contribution which they request us to send to you to aid in the great object for which y are associated. In this movement we think we see a prospect of a more efficient effort in this excellent work than our churches have ever previouly made. God grant that al1 our brethren may have their sympathies awakened in behalf of the thousunds of our race who are perishing for lack of knowledge.
The following resolutions were adopted:
WHEREAS, Most of our churches have sent up to our present session contributions for the spread of the Gospe1, with the request that this body should become the organ of transmitting their funds to the treasuries of the seven benevolent societies for whose benefit they have contributed.

Resolved, That this Association hai1 with pleasure this movement on part on the churches, as indicating the growth of that spirit which is destined finally to fill the earth with the knowledge of God.
The North Fork Church (Franklin county) was, at her request dismissed frorn the Association. The General Associotion was requested
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to appoint a day of fasting nnd prayer to be observed by the churches. The following resolutions were offered by Elder W. E. Broaddus:
1. Resolved, That the pastors of our churches be requested to set before their charges the claims of the various benevolent institutions which expect their support at our hands, and to encourage our brethreri to make contributions to said institutions annually through our treasury.
2. Resolved, That this Association cordially recommend to our brethren the claims of Georgetown College to their prayers and patronage, and especially that they be prepared to respond efficiently to the effort now in progress by the agent (Bro. Frost) to increase the endowment fund.

Association met with David's Fork, August 11th; 12th and 13th. Introductory Sermon by Elder B. P. Drake, Heb ix:22. Baptisms reported 284; 25 in Bryan's Station, 99 in Stamping Ground, 34 in Paris, no intelligence from Big Spring Church. R. T. Dillard, Moderator, Wm. M. Pratt, Clerk. Marked falling off in the correspondence of the body. Church at Nicholasville received "after hearing her articles of faith." Resolutions offered by J. L. Waller commending Georgetown College, "an institution adapted eminently to promote the well being of our beloved Zion aud the State," the Western Baptist Review and Baptist Banner. The Treasurer's report shows $592.67 raised for benevolent purposes.


Association met with Versailles Church, August l0th, 11th and 12th. Sermon by Elder T. J Drane, I John iv:8. Baptisms reported for the year 668; 62 in Great Crossings, 52 in East Hickman, 137 in Stamping Ground. 40 in Dry Run, 25 in Hlllsboro, 47 in Mt Pleasant,. 57 in David's Fork. J. L. Waller, Moderator, F. C. McCalla, Clerk. Dr. J. L. Reynolds, President of Georgetown College, made his first appearance in the body. R. T. Dillard was appointed to preach on the subject of 'The Lord's Supper" at the next association on Sunday, at the stand. Resolutions commending Georgetown College were adopted again this year.


Association met with Cane Run, Saturday, August 9th, l0th and 11th. Introductory Sermon by Elder J. L Reynolds, John xix:5. Baptisms reported 289. R. T. Dillard, Moderator, F. C. McCalla, Clerk. Church at Sandersville applied for membership and was received. J. W. Kenney presented the Circular Letter. It was a plea for the theory of a General Atonement; but inasmuch as the Association had long before decided that diversiity of sentiment on this subject should be no bar to commumqn, and inasmuch as the body did not wish "to commit itself to one side of the question by the official publication of the letter," the letter was returned to the writer with "the thanks of the body for the conscientious labor with which he had discharged
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the duty" assigned him. Elder J. M. Frost was appointed to preach a sermon at next association on the "Proper Observance of the Sabbath." It was "voted that hereafter the church with which the Association may meet be requested to appoint a committee to see that order be maintained on the premises," The following extract from the Corresponding Letter is as well worth consideration now as then:
BREHREN -- We would that the correspondence with our sister associations would be something more than form, affording as it does an opportunity to enquire into each other's spiritual welfare, to provoke to good works, to excite to kindlier charities, to fill our hearts with love one to another; but above all, to increase our love to Him who so loved us as to lay down his life for us.


Association met with Dry Run Church, Saturday, August 14th, 15th and 16th. Introductory Sermon by Elder W. M. Pratt, Isaiah xxxv:8, 10. Baptisms reported 474; of which number there were 45 in East Hickman, 86 in Georgetown; 212 in African Church, Lexington. J. L. Waller, Moderator, F. C. McCalla, Clerk. Ordered that a collection be taken up for the General Association. Time of meeting changed back to Tuesday after second Saturday in August. Ordered that the business of the body be transacted from 9 to 11, Wednesday and Thursday. W. M. Pratt was appointed to preach at next association on "Personal Piety."


Association met with Nicholasville Church, Tuesday, August 16th, 17th and 18th. Introductory Sermon by Elder J. R. Barbee, Heb. ii:14. Baptisms reported 246. R. T. Dillard, Moderator, W. M. Pratt, Clerk. Elders Pratt, Campbell. and Pitts were appointed to devise a "plan for obtaining and circulating in the bounds of the Association religious books and tracts of a doctrinal. and practical character." Thecommittee recommended the appointment of a central committee * * * "to originate a depository, to procure the right sort of books, and to superintend their circulation and sale." The recommendation was adopted and Lexington selected as the place of the depository. It was agreed to raise for the work $1,000. G. R.Pitts was appointed to preach on the second day of the next association on the "Sin of Covetousness." A collection was taken up at the stand for the General Association. "Elder S. L. Helm, accompanied by Sister Eliza McCoy from the Indian Territory, was requested to present the subject of Indian Missions to-night." Elder Helm addressed the body introduced Mrs. McCoy, and took up a collection for Indian Missions of $186. On motion of D. R. Campbell, J. L. Waller was permitted to address the body on the subject of "Revision of the English Scriptures."
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The following note is added to the minutes of this meeting by the Clerk:
The meeting throughout was well attended, strict attention given to the word preached, perfect order prevailed, and withal it ,vas one of the most edifying and refreshing seasons of the Association enjoyed for many years.


Association.met with Clear Creek Church, August 15th, 16th and 17th. Introductory Sermon by EJder J. D. Black, Job ix:2. Baptism reported, 146. R. T. Dillard, Moderator, W. M. Pratt, Clerk. A committee was appointed to consider the necessities of Long Lick and Hartwood churches. A recommendation was made to aid Long Lick in the support of her pastor. It was voted that. the general interests of the Church occupy the attention of the Association from 9 A. M. to the hour of preaching (Wednesday). Depository committee reported that only $161 were raised, that wonderful reluctance was manifested in buying religious works, but that the enterprise was destined to be of great benefit to the Association. On motion, a central committee of ten were appointed a Missionary Board of this Association; that said committee were to devise and cause to be presented to the churches of this Association a plan to supply the destitution in our bounds, to make appropriations of money to sustain feeble interests, and to promote the welfare of the churches composing the Association. It was further resolved, that the General Association ought to form some plan which shall more effectually bring out the resources of the chnrches for the thorough evangelization of our country and other lands. The Missionary Board was appointed with Lexington as their meeling place. Resolutions were adopted discountenancing the whisky traffic, dram drinking, card-playing, dancing, visiting circuses and theatres. A collection was taken up for Indian Missions of about $200.

Association met with Bryan's Station Church, Tuesday, August 14th, 15th and 16th. Introductory Sermon by Elder S. W. Lynd, Acts ii:47. Baptisms reported 533; 54 at Great Crossings, 81 at Mt. Pleasant, 55 at First Church, Lexington, 56 at Mt. Vernon. R. T. Dillard, Moderator, W. M. Pratt, Clerk. Elder H. F. Buckner, Indian Missionary, and wife were present. The remarks of Elder B. awakened a lively sympathy and hearty cooperation. A collection of $133.30 was raised. The Association refused to return to Saturday as the time of meeting. Elder Lynd was requested to furnish a copy of his sermon for publication in Western Recorder. It was voted to pay Elder S. Arnett $35 for labors at Long Lick, and S. S. Perry $35 for labors at Sandersville. The report of the Missionary Board shows that $1,912.25 were contributed to the various benevolent objects, though
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only a small part of the sum came into the hands of the Financial Secretary of the Board. Of this amount $174.68 were for Elkhorn Association, $144 for General Association, $124.50 for Bible Society, $296.40 for Indian Missions, $42.30 for Foreign Missions, $60.90 for various objects.


[From Elkhorn Baptist Association Minutes, 1884, pp. 23-28. — jrd]

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