Editor's note: A copy of the 1816 Minutes was later found and published. It is included at the end of this document. - jrd
History of the Elkhorn Association
By Rev. R. M. Dudley, D.D.
1879Fourth Decade -- 1816 to 1825.
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(The minutes of this year's meeting are missing.).* It was to be held with the Great Crossings Church; Elder John Taylor was to preach the Introductory Sermon.
----- *Anyone knowing where there are old minutes of the Elkhorn Assoociation is earnestly requested to look among them for a copy of the minutes of 1816.
The Association met with the Hillsboro Church, August 9th. The Introductory Sermon was preached by Elder Davis Biggs. Letters and messengers from twenty-nine churches were present. Thos. Bullock was elected Moderator, and Silas M. Noel, Clerk. In some of the churches there had been remarkable revivals and ingatherings -- to South Elkhorn there had been added 158 members; to Glenn's Creek, 65; to David's Fork, 64; to Mt. Pleasant, 151. Three new churches were added to the body -- Providence, (Jessamine Co.), 1st Baptist Church, Lexington, and Union. James Welch, a Missionary from the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions for the United States was present, and irivited to a seat. After the second sermon on the Lord's day, by the authority of the Association, Silas M. Noel made an appeal for missions, and $76.19 were [sic] contributed.
A question came up to the Association from the Glenn's Creek Church "on the subject of Free Masonry." The select committee appointed to frame an answer, made the following: "As we understand that the essential part of the Masonic institution is secrecy, the Association find themselves disqualified to give an opinion on the morality of the institution. We, therefore, with due regard, to the rights of private judgment and individual situation, would advise the members in our connection, in no case to join themelves to a Masonic Lodge;" which report was received and adopted. In connection with this business "liberty was granted to Glenn's Creek Church to withdraw and join Franklin Association" This was Glenn's Creek in Anderson or Mercer county.
Answer was made to a query from the Dry Run church, that "in general we conclude it improper for a church to receive persons excluded from another church."
Met with South Elkhorn Church, August 8th. Sermon by Elder John Ficklin. Bullock re-elected Moderator; Thos. Henderson elected Clerk, S. M. Noel having removed to Franklin Association. Remarkable revlvals and ingatherings in some of the churches, with more or less addltions to all. Great Crossings, 95; McConnel's Run (Stamping Ground), 57; David's Fork, 50; Long Lick, 46. Baptist church in Paris, newly constituted, was received into the Association, with a membership of 88.
In answer to questions from the First Baptist Church, Lexington, "on the subject of Masonic and Tammany Societies," by a select committee the Association reaffirmed its action of the last year on Masonry, and as respects
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the Tammany society, "we find that some of its principles of union, particularly in the 3d, 12th and 16th Articles, seem to be secrecy; we, therefore, without being understood to cast reflections on that, or any other society, either civil or political, give it as our opinion that the church in Lexington acted correctly in entering into the above resolution [by "which it was considered inconsistent for the members of her body, hereafter, to unite themselves to the Masonic, Tammany, or any other society, the principles of which is secresy (sic)."]
New efforts were put forth "to open a friendly correspondence and union with the Licking Association," which have been anticipated and already described in the history of the meeting of 1810. It is here repeated, however, that the correspondence was agreed to by the Licking Association, the messengers of Elkhorn were "invited to seats, and received the right hand of fellowship." Extract from Licking Minutes for 1818. It is also here added that the next year messengers from Licking were present at Elkhorn, among them the venerable Ambrose Dudley, who, in connection with Wm. Warder and Jos. Vardeman, were appointed to preach on the Lord's day. It should also be remembered, that the causes of the unhappy division and alientation were not differences in doctrine. According to the showing of the Licking brethren this was not so. In the letter of the committee of Licking Association appointed to meet the committee of Elklhorn to consider and adjust their difficulties and differences, in the letter bearing date of Sept. 26th, 1811, it is said: "those unfriendly dispositions and jealouaies that have too long existed among brethren, professing the same faith and order" were "produced, as we conceive, by a difference of opinion in matters of practice, and conducted with too much zeal and heat." Radical and important difierences in doctrine have been developed since the division, with reference to which we are willlng to be judged by the Word of God; but differences of docrine had nothing to do with the division itself. The first mention of doctrinal difference is made ten years after the separation, and is then spoken of by the Licking brethren themselves as a new difficulty. This is clearly shown by the printed Minutes of both Associations. Correspondence was alternately dropped and revived until the two bodies parted company and fellowship unto this day. With these remarks we drop the subject altogether.
"The committee to whom was referred the papers of missionary import, beg leave to report that the Association is highly gratified with the attention paid her by the missionary societies, and wish them success in the highly important cause in which they are engaged." Bro. Ben Stout was appointed Secretary to keep up correspondence with the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions in place of S. M. Noel.
Learning that one "Mr. Smith had it in contemplation to write a history of the Baptists in the Western country," the Association Resolved, "that it is her opinion that he a totlally disqualified for such a work, and therefore explicitly disapproves of it." Association continued in session four days.
Met with Big Spring Chnrch, August 14. Sermon by Elder Henry Toler, Eph.i: 4. Letters and messengers present from thirty-two churches. Bullock and Henderson re-elected Moderator and Clerk. Great falling off in the number of baptisms reported, though the spirit of revival seemed to linger in the Great Crossings, (which reported 34 baptisms); and David's Fork, (which reported 20). First Baptist Church, Lexington, reported 38 baptisms. Church at Nicholasville received into the body. The body reasserted her hearty interest in the clause of rnissions, and she expressed her desire for the obaervance of the Lord's day, and condemned the resort of
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wagons, carts, &c., to the Association for the purpose of selling anything on the Sabbath.
The Tates Creek and Dry Run churches were, at their request, dismissed to join other Associations.
The churches were encouraged to aid the Lexington church in finishing their house. The preacher of the Introductory sermon was, in future, "to be chosen by private ballot -- the highest on the polls shall preach the Introductory sermon, and in case of failure, the next highest."
Met with the Great Crossings, August 12. Sermon by Elder Jas. Fishback, Acts xvii:30, 31. Thirty churches represented. Bullock and Henderson re-elected Moderator and Clerk. No marked revivals in any of the churches.
"Bro. John Taylor presented to the Association a pamphlet, written by himself, on the subject of missions, which was referred to the committee on arrangement." At a later session of the body, "after much discussion it was agreed to strike out that item from the arrangement, and return the pamphlet to the author."
At this meeting, three churches, Hillsboro, North Elkhorn, and Mt. Island, belonging to the body, having expressed some doubt and scruples respecting the cause of missions, a committee, composed of brethren Creath, Sugget, Fishback, Johnson and Henderson, was appointed, to write a letter to the churches, asking instrunction as to whether they desired to drop correspondence with the Missionary Board. The letter recognized the Association as ready to comply with the will of the churches; that contributions were purely voluntary, &c., &c. It also, proceeded in a wise and temperate manner to remove difficulties, answer objections, &c., &c. "If we drop correspondence with the missionary societies, one great object of this Association will be lost."
An earnest circular to the churches on the Bible, our guide in all matter of doctrine and duty.
Met with the church at Bryant's Station, August 11. Sermon by Elder Jacob Creath, Gal, vi:11. No marked revival in any church; the accessions generally small. Bullock, Moderator; B. S.. Chambers, Clerk. Lower Bethel Church (Bourbon county) recently organized, was received into the Association.
On the subject of corresponding with the Board of Missions, it was resolved, Whereas, "there is a respectable minority of the churches of this Association opposed to the continuance of correspondence with the Foreign Mission Board of Mission; whereupon, Resolved, that for the sake of peace it is expedient to discontinue the correspondence, which has produced some difficulty in the minds of many of our brethren."
Queries came, this year, from the 1st Baptist Church, Lexington, as to the validity of baptisms by unordained ministers, and as to the admissibility of ordaining men of color to the Gospel ministry. Brethren Vardeman, Fishback, John Edwards, Edmund Waller and Jacob Creath were appointed a committee to report their opinion thereon to the next Association.
Qnerles from Mt, Union Church, at Mt. Tabor, as to whether it was advisable in the Association to alter the rule of voting on subjects of vital or general nature, by giving each church one vote only; and whether it was orderly in a church to send a member or members to the Association, knowing them to be hostile to such Association. Both queries answered No.
This year came a reguest from David's Fork, to-wit: As it is a time of general coldness in religion among us, would it not be advisable to appoint
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a day of fasting and prayer to be observed throughout our connection that the Lord would again visit us with the outpouring of his spirit and the revival of his work? The Association accordingly appointed and recommended the 2d Wednesday in Octoher following as a day of fasting and prayer. The Associations corresponding were invited to unite in keeping the day. (Query: was the coldness attributable to the decline of the missionary spirit?) The papers and interest of the Missionary Society transferred to that Society at its next meeting in Lexington, April, 1822.
The circular letter for this year is an earnest, faithful admonition to the churches to abide by the terms of union between the Regular and Separate Baptists, 1801.
Met with Stamping Ground. Sermon by Vardeman, Col. i:18. Bullock and Chambers re-elected. A better year followed the day of fasting and prayer, with seasons of refreshing in Clear Creek, Stamping Ground, Hillsboro and Long Lick.
Greenup's Fork, (Owen county), newly constituted, admitted to the body. Correspondence with Concord Association, "lately, organized in Henry county," entered into.
In answer to the queries from Lexington Church last year, the Association reaffirmed its definition of valid baptism given in 1802, (see above), and answered "that it is not regular to receive such members"* In answer
*About the year 1801, there originated in Lexington an African Baptist Church, through the ministry of a slave named "Captain," who was a member of a separate Baptist church at the mouth of Boone's Creek. Soon after "Captain" came to Lexington that church dissolved, and he was never ordained by that or any other church. In 1821, "Captain" being 90 years old, and his church being very large, the members made application to the 1st Baptist Church in Lexington to be received as an arm of the church, and thus brought in connexion with the Elkhorn Association. The members acknowledged the irregularity of their baptism, "still, that it was performed in faith, and valid in the sight of God, and therefore feel unwilling to be baptized over again. But they are willing, and think it right, to discontinue the practice in future as soon as some regular system can be adopted." This matter was referred to the Elkhorn Association by the 1st Baptist Church; and the Association advising the church to receive this application. A formal union was effected between the two churches, on the terms proposed, September 18, 1823, and London Ferrill, a man of color, and who was a member at the constitution of the 1st Baptist Church in 1817, and who was ordained by said church in August, 1822, assumed the charge of the African Church, and continued until his death, October 12,1854. His ministry was eminently successful. See minutes 1st Bap. Ch., vol.1, pages 58 to 151 inclusive. WM. M. PRATT.
to the second query, "that they know of no reason why free men of color may not be ordained ministers of the gospel, the gospel qualifications being possessed by them."
At their request, the Big Spring, Mt, Gilead, Boone's Creek (Athens), and Lexington churches, were dimissed to join other Associations.
Met with Clear Creek, August 9th. Sermon by Edmund Waller, Eph. ii:18. Bullock and Chambers re-elected. Great revival at Clear Creek, with refreshing seasons at Hillsboro and 1st Church, Lexington.
Mt. Vernon church received into the body.
Boone's Creek Association "lately organized" admitted to correspondence
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At the request of Bethlehem, the 2d Saturday in October appointed as a day of fasting and prayer, "that God would revive his good work among us, that many souls may find redemption through the precious blood of Jesus."
Ministers, of the Association requested to visit and preach for the churches at Town Fork, Nicholasville and Mt. Moriah.
We find this important resolution, "That the members of this Association, as far as practicable, will, during her next meeting, spend an hour; at least, evening and morning, in social prayer, beginning in the morning at or before sunrise at their respective places of lodging, for the out-pouring of the spirit of God upon this Association and worshipping assemblies, and for a revival of religion iri the churches composing her body. And it is recommended to the churches to have weekly or frequent prayer meetings between the present and the next meeting of the Association, for the same purposes; and the preachers of the gospel are requested to use their influence to promote them.
1824. Providence, (Jessamine co.), Aug. 14. Sermon by Elder John Edwards, Song of Sol. ii:4, 5. Bullock and Chambers re-elected. No marked or general revivals; accessions to the churches small. Mt. Moriah and Lower Bethel dismissed at their request to Boone's Creek Association; and Greenup's Fork to Concord Association. Only routine business. Circular letter this year is a vigorous defence of Scriptural, or Close Communion.
1825. Met with North Elkhorn, (Scott county), August 13. Sermon by Elder Jas. Suggett, Acts xi:26. Bullock and Chambers re-elected. Letters showed meagre results from the churches, ony 98 baptisms in the 27 churches.
A committee was appointed to meet with the church at Bethlehem, 7th of September, as "helps, for the purpose of aiding them to settle their difficulties, agreeably to the spirit of meekness, love and mutual forbearance with each other."
Nicholasville dismissed to join Boone's Creek Association.
It was resolved, that the churches, at whose meeting houses the Association may hereafter meet, would be expected to take suitable steps to prevent the disorder arising from buying and selling in the vicinily of public worship on the Lord's day. The Clerk adds a note of remark upon the general disorder, not only in the way mentioned, but also of laughing and talking and coming and going of a large number of people.
Fifth Decade
Met with Paris, August 12. Sermon by Elder Jas. Suggett, 1 Cor. i:23, 24. Bullock and Chambers re-elected Moderator And Clerk. Accessions to the churches very small.
Hillsboro, Clover Bottom and Glen's Creek were dismissed at their request, to form another Association.
In answer to a query from North Elkhorn, whether the Association would receive a letter from any church not headed "the Baptist Church of Christ," the Association disclaimed any right to prescribe to churches the manner or form of heading or commencing her letters.
Met with David's Fork, Augnst 11. Sermon hy Elder Jacob Creath, Ps. lxiv:11. Bullock and Chambers re-elected Moderator and Clerk. Acessions to the churches very small.
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At the suggestion of the church from Versailles, the Association resolved that, whereas the introduction of queries from the churches in relation to their internal concerns and difficulties, had resulted in many difficulties and great disorder, and much to the injury of the cause of Zion, the churches are earnestly advised never to bring their difficulties to the Association for adjustment, because we believe that the Association is an improper tribunal, and unfitted for the task for the want of the high authority of Heaven to sanction its acts of adjudication.
The association noted "with deep and serious regret," the existence of. a difficulty in the 1st Baptist Church, Lexington, led on by Dr. Jas. Fishback. Two letters were presented to the Association, one from the First Baptist Church, the other from the Church or Christ, on Mill street. The Association recognized the former as the regular body.
Met with Mt. Pleasant, August 9th. Sermon by Vardeman, Eph.ii::8, 9. Bullock and Chambers re-elected Moderator and Clerk. Glorious revivals among the churches this year; 1,676 additions by baptisms; to Great Crossings, 338; to David's Fork, 294; to Paris, 200; to Bryan's, 135; to Mt. Pleasant, 106, &c.
Cane Run Church admitted to the Association.
Correspondence opened with Baptist Association on Glen's Creek.
Elder Luther Rice, the returned Missionary and the companion and friend or Adoniram Judson. was present, and "being an eminent preacher of the gospel from a distance, Elder Jacob Creath, who was one of. those appointed by the Association to preach on Sunday, gave place to Bro. Rice."
The Clerk adds: "The great additions made to many of the churches, seemed to have excited and prompted a general feeling of love and joy and union among the messengers."
No copy of the Minutes for this year can any where be found. It is a most important minute, and anyone knowing of old minutes of Elkhorn Association, is earnestly requested to examine them for a copy of the minutes of 1829.
The body was to meet with 1st Baptist Church, Lexington Sermon to be preached by Elder John Bryce. [These records were recovered and are at the end of this section. -- jrd]
1830. Met with Silas, (Bourbon county), August 14. Sermon by Elder G. Gates, John xii:35. Wm. Suggett, Moderator; Uriel B. Chambers, Clerk. Additions to the churches small.
The engrossing topic of this year was the division produced by the followers of Alexander Campbell. Three of the churches, which, according to the ratio fixed on by the Association, were entitled to only three messengers each, sent ten. The pastor at two of those churches were the Creaths, Senior and Junior, who sought thus to acquire undue influence in the Association. Much confusion grew out of this in the opening of the session, until their own friends [of the three churches] "becoming ashamed of their conduct, publicly remonstrated against it, when, with much seeming reluctance, they finally yielded, and agreed to be governed by the ratio fixed on by the Association."
On complaint of the church at Clear Creek, and of the Franklin Association, against the church at Versailles, [one of the three mentioned above], that she has held in her membership preachers who have taken part in constituting minorities of churches that have departed from the faith and constitution of this body, on motion of Elder Vardeman:
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Resolved, That the church at Versailles be dropped from further correspondence with this Association.
Resolved, That the church at Providence [another of the three] be dropped from further correspondence with this Association, for non-conformity to the rules of this Association, and for receiving into her membership a preacher (Jacob Creath, Jr.) who has in faith and practice departed from her constitution; and who has taken part in constituting [churches of] minorities, who have also departed from the faith."
A committee was appointed to confer with South Elkhorn Church "relative to certain grievances entertained against her for having departed from the faith and constitution of this Association; and for having disregarded her rule relative to an equal apportionment of representation in this body." South Elkhorn was the third church referred to above, and the next year was dropped from the correspondence of the Association.
This is the second and grievous rent which the Association sustained. While it appears that but three whole churches were dropped from the list in nearly all there were minorities which withdrew and organized themselves into churches. Great were the alienation and strife that ensued, and great were the losses that the Association sustained. From a membership of 4,346 in 1828, the Association was depleted to a membership of only 3,039 in 1834. Many of the most prominent names among the ministers and private members of the Association reappear no more upon her minutes, but are noted among the followers of Alexander Campbell. As the doctrines of Mr. Campbell are well known, and the movement known as the Current Reformation belongs to general history, and we have only to do with it so far as it touches the history of this Association, we dismiss the matter without further remark.
Among the messengers from the Licking Association appear the names of T. P. Dudley, Wm. Rash and R. T. Dillard.
Walter Warder, Wm. Vaughan and T. P. Dudley occupied the stand on Sunday; R. T. Dillard, S. M. Noel and S. Clark preached at the meeting house.
Met with Great Crossings, August 13. Sermon by Elder Edmund Waller, Acts xvi:29, 30, 31. Suggett and Chambers re-elected Moderator and Clerk. Additions to the churches small.
Nothing outside of the usual routine at this meeting. The Circular contains a faithful warning against prevalent intemperance.
Met with Big Spring, August 11. Sermon by Elder Jas. B. Smith, Luke xvi:2. Suggett, Moderator; Geo. W. Eaton, Clerk. Few baptisms reported.
At 4 P. M., Sunday, Bro. Joel S. Bacon, President of Georgetown College, delivered a discourse at the meeting house.
The first Saturday in September was recommended to the churches to be observed as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer to Almighty God that he would be pleased to avert from us the pestilence that is raging in many parts of our land, or to mitigate its severity if it should be his righteous will to bring it upon us. The Clerk adds that the business of the Association was conducted with an uncommon degree of good feeling and unanimity.
Met with North Fork, August 10. Sermon by Elder T. D. Blackburn, John iii:1. Suggett and Eaton Moderator and Clerk. Gracious revival in Stamping Ground, with 105 baptisms.
Third Lord's day in September appointed as a day of fasting, humiliation
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and prayer, in view of the awful judgment God has been pleased to send on our land, and of the low state of religion in many of our churches.
Met with Cane Run, August 9. Sermon by Jas. D. Black, Isa. lxi:1, 2, 3, 4. Suggett, Moderator; Elijah Hawkins, Clerk; F. C. McCalla, Assistant Clerk. A report of revival among the churches, with good members added to several.
"This Association, in answer to a question made by the church at North Elkhorn on the subject of communion, are of opinion that it is improper for a member of any church in communion with this Association; to commune with any other denomination."
1835. Met with Bryant's Station, August 8. Sermon by Elder M. Duvall; Rom. iv:25. Suggett, Moderator; Hawkins, Clerk. Churches in a lively state, as shown by the baptisms.
Dry Run church (Scott county) received into the Association.
The unhappy division that has existed for the last eight years in Lexington church. reported healed. Church at Pleasant Green dissolved.
Resolution, "We desire to thank the great Head of the church for the peace and brotherly love that has prevailed this session throughout."
Following are the records for 1816 and 1829. They were re-published in the Associational Minutes; but the date of re-publication is not known. -- jrd
Introductory -- John Taylor. Moderator -- James Johrison. Clerk -- Chas. Buck.
Twenty-seven churches. Baptisms, 44; letter, 62; restored, 9; dismissed, , 132; excluded, 40; died, 25 -- total, 2693. Versailles church admitted.
On a motion to receive the messengers of the Franklin Association, one of them stated that he was to have written a letter of correspondence to us from Franklin, and hand it to us, but the publication of a pamphlet by Judge Davidge, a licensed preacher of Big Spring Church, had produced such excitement among his brethren, that he had declined offering a letter, and would vote for the Franklin Association to decline any union.with us until the cause of complamt was removed. Upon which the motion was withdrawn, and moved that a friendly letter be sent them. The motion was afterwards renewed, and the messengers took seats.
Preachers for. Sunday -- Henry Toler, William Warder and J. Vardeman.
Motion and request from Big Spring Church called up. The doctrines of a certain pamphlet by H. Davidge, entitled "An address to the advocates of a partial Gospel," appeared to have produced difficulties in that church, and between.it and other churches. It was finally resolved to adopt the following advice prepared by Brother Noel:
We advise the church at Big Spring, if she is grieved with the pamphlet written by H. Davidge (entitled &c.), to treat with the author in a gospel way. And we recommend to the churches of our union to discountenance the doctrines and sentiments therein contained." Day of fasting and prayer, second Thursday in November, circular letter by H. Davidge -- Exhortation to Good Works.
A letter from D. W. Staughton, Secretary of the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions to Dr. Noel, Corresponding Secretary of Elkhorn Asssociation, was read:
The Kentucky Missionary Society appointed Bro. Vardeman a missionary to visit our Western settlements, to receive contributions and preach the word. Said society will meet at Shawnee Run the last of this and the first of next month. To the Rev. Silas M. Noel, Cor. Secretary of the Elkhorn Baptist Association:
DEAR SIR -- Instructed by the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions, I have the pleasure of addressing you. Your heart has no doubt been enlarged and gladdened at a view of the signs of the times in which we have the felicity to live. In the rise and spread of missionary and bible institutions, the Lord has opened prospects before us of the near approach of the latter days, which prophets and kings, which martyrs and reformers never say. While other religious communities are clad with zeal as with a cloak, the reflection is pleasant that our own denomination has been stirred up to holy and vigorous action. It is not assuming too much to say that a large proportion of the mission ardour which is felt by thousands may be traced to the influences of the spirit of GOD on the heart of our excellent brother, DR. WILLIAM CAREY.
The success attendant on the mission, whose more immediate seat is at Serampore, on the waters of the Ganges, has excited no common degree of surprise and gratitude. Our American churches have heard the display of
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the arm of the Redeemer in the east with those thankful sensations which the translations of the Scripture, the conversion of idolaters, and the visible growth of the empire of the Messiah, are calculated to originate and support. Twenty stations have already been formed by that favored institution and about forty preachers, most of them natives, and a few years ago worshippers of ideal divinities, false and dead, are now teaching men to turn from their vanities, and to serve the living and true GOD.
One of these mission stations, highly important on account of the greatness of the population, the wretched condition of the inhabitants, and its proximity to the Chinese Empire, is the kingdom of Burmah. The God of Mercy, who, a few years ago, gave to our denomination our worthy brethren, LUTHER RICE and ADONIRAM JUDSON, has in his providence, without any concurrence on our part, placed the latter at Rangoon, a principal seaport of the Burman dominions. By the present time, himself and his companion in life have no doubt surmounted the difficulties attendant on an acquisition of the language of the country. Oh, that in this new tongue, our brother may be assisted to preach the wonderful things of the kingdom of GOD!
In December last our brother, G. H. Hough, member of the Baptist Church, in Pawtucket, R. I. with his wife and two small children, together with our sister, Charlotte H. White member of the Baptist Church in Sansom Street, and who it was believed would not only be an acceptable associate of Mrs. Hough, but might become useful as an auxiliary in the mission, set sail from the port of Philadelphia for Calcutta on their way to Rangoon. Edward Thompson, Esq., furnished a passage and provisions for the voyage without any charge to the Board. They are now probably at their destination. May the Head of the Church send great prosperity.
For the purpose of inciting, with the blessing of God, a missionary flame among our churches and associations, and of encouraging the formation of auxiliary institutions, the Board, have believed it their duty to continue Brother Rice some time longer in this country. His labors during the last year and the preceding have been wonderfully blessed. He is appointed to fulfill a similar course during the current year, at the close of which a meeting of the General Convention will ensue. His amiable disposition, his exemplary deportment, his self-devotion to the most excellent of causes, must ensure him the kindest attentions of all who love the kingdom of the Son of God.
The attempt which in the course of the good providence of the Lord has recently been made to combine the Baptist denomination in the United States in one ardent effort to transmit the gospel to the heathen is indeed something new and unexpected, but it is beautiful and prosperous. Our European brethren have commenced the glorious race before us. We have wished them God speed. We have endeavored to assist them. The time, however, has come when the Lord calls on us as a body, ourselves to act for the glory of his name. This conviction is generally felt, and the brethren throughout the Union come forward in the work with holy readiness, awakened zeal and humble joy.
It is the wish of the Board to concentrate the common exertions to the utmost practicable degree. They will be happy to maintain with yourself and your brethren a constant and intimate correspondence. Their Second Annual Report you will shortly receive. They will find pleasure in communicating to you all the interesting information they may at times possess, and with be gratified by any useful observation or intelligence which you may find it in your power to impart.
Wishing you, most sincerely, much of the presence and blessing of the Lord Jesus, and uniting with you in prayer and effort that the "sons of the stranger" may "join the themselves to the Lord to serve him and to love the [p. 23]
name of the Lord."
I am, dear sir, very respectfully yours, WILLIAM STAUGHTON, Corresponding Secretary.
Introductory -- John Bryce. Moderator -- Thos. Bullock. Clerk --B. S. Chambers.
Twenty-two churches . Baptisms, 429; restored, 21; dismissed, 217; excluded, 55; died 56 -- total, 4488.
The church of Pleasant Green, Scott county, received, and Sulphur Fork Association received in correspondence. Preachers for Lord's day -- Vardeman and Dillard, First Baptist Church; Vardeman and James E. Duvall, First Presbyterian Church; John Smith and W. Morton, Methodist Church; J. Creath, Sr., and J. Creath, Jr., McChord Church.
Circular Letter by Elder J. Creath, Jr. -- Exhortation to various Duties.
Resolution regulating the representation of churches in Association. Every church shall be entitled to two votes; if composed of one hundred members, three votes; and one vote for every additional hundred. And we recommend to the churches in our connexion to send messengers to the Association agreeably to the number of votes they wiIl be respectively entitled to, according to the above ratio.
Resolved, That we recommend to our citizens generally, and particulary to the brethren of our denomination, to organize Bible societies in the different towns and congregations throughout the State of Kentucky.
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[Statistics chart]
[A work in progress.]
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