Sketches of the History of the Elkhorn Baptist Association, Kentucky
By Basil Manly, Jr., 1878
[Continued][p. 24]
In the portion of these sketches published last year, the origin of the five churches which composed the Association at first was traced; then the constitution of the Association was described. and its history followed for the first decade, closing with 1795.
Resisting the temptation to make discursive remarks, or to attempt philosophical reflections on these early days, of the religious history of our State, we have endeavored to present, in the bare form of annals, the substance of what has been preserved in documentary shape, leaving it to other hands,or to a subsequent time, to deduce the proper practical conclusions.
Second Decade -- 1796 to 1805.
1796 -- Town Fork.
John Gano preached from Ps. cxxxiii:1: "Brethren dwelling together in unity." Ambrose Dudley, Moderator. 31 churches, 43 baptized, 193 received by letter. Total, 1934.
New churches, McConnell's Run (now Stamping Ground) and Stone Lick.
"Agreed that, in regard to an union with our United Baptist brethren, it is the wish of this Association that every possible and friendly effort be made in christian love, to cultivate intimacy and harmony in conversing, praying and preaching together, which will give an opportunity to know how near we agree in gospel principles and discipline. And that a committee be appointed to confer with any committee they may appoint, and whatever plan they may agree to be made known to the different churches for their consideration.
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Bros. John Gano, A. Eastin, Jos. Redding and Ambrose Dudley are accordingly appointed"
Query from Licking -- Whether the Church is justifiable in shutting the door against a member of a sister church that offers his membership, for the cause of retailing of liquors according to law? Answer --No.
Qery from McConnell's Run -- Is the ancient and general custom of preaching funeral sermons founded on the Scriptures or not? Deferred.
1797 -- Clear Creek.
John Shackleford preached from Eph. iii:8. Ambrose Dudley, Moderator. 27 churches report 340 baptized. Total, 2335.
New churches, Green Creek, Lick Creek, Beaver Creek.
The query on funeral sermons (1796) is answered -- That funeral processions, attended with singing, conform too much to the anti-christian customs and ought to be omitted in the churches of Christ. But there can be no impropriety in a servant of Christ preaching at that time and place, for he is to be instant in season and out of season. Christian prudence ought to decide on the subject. But to suppose a sermon necessary to the decent burial of the dead, we wish discountenanced.
The committee to visit the United Baptists reported that they conferred with a committee appointed by the United Baptist Association, on the following principles:
1. Respecting man and his utter inability to recover himself. On which they were agreed.
2. How and by what means he is recovered. There they agreed.
3. On Regeneration. On this they agreed.
4. On Justification. On this they agreed.
5. On the Perseverance of the Saints. Here they agreed.
6. On Church Discipline. Here they agreed.
7. Whether any of our members holding the doctrine of general provision would be a bar of union? This was not answered.
The Association approved of the conduct of their committee, and the following proposition was made:
Shall we unite with said United Baptists agreeably to the report of the committee and acceded to by them [the United Baptists]? Which was agreed to, and the right hand of fellowship interchangeably given by the Moderator and the Messengers of said United Baptist Association.
Query from McConnell's Run. -- Are the churches bound by the Scriptures to contribute to the support of pastoral ministers?
Answer -- God hath ordained that they who preach the gospel should live of the gospel.
Dismissed the Columbia Church (Ohio) to form a new Association.
Committee to meet in Mason county to consult as to forming a new Association. [Resulted in the organization of the Bracken].
Churches are cautioned against Robert Smith, an excluded man preaching
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in different parts of the State, and John Gano, William Wood, Ambrose Dudley, Augustine Eastin and John Mason are appointed a committee to guard against any irregularities in the ministry.
1798 -- Forks of Elkhorn.
John Gano preached the Introductory for the last time, from the text 2d Peter i:15: "Moreover I will endeavor that ye may be able, after my decease, to have these things always in remembrance." A. Dudley was Moderator.
33 churches report 63 baptisms, 105 received by letter. Total, 2,376.
New churches, Flower Creek, Lewis Creek. Query from Marble Creek -- Whether it is consistent with our duty to God and our children to have them taught while at school to read books of human institution, until they are well acquainted with the Scriptures; and whether the reading such books has not a tendency to lead their tender minds into a disesteem of the Bible? Answer -- That the design of sending our children to school is to have them taught to read; and such books, though of human institution if moral in their nature, as will answer that end are the best; and after our children are taught to read, we ought to give them every encouragement to read the Scriptures.
Agreed to recommend to the churches to consider the propriety of publicly catechising their children.
1799 -- Great Crossings.
David Barrow preached from John ii:56. A. Dudley, Moderator.
31 churches; 29 baptisms. Total, 1,723.
New churches, Hurricane Creek, Elk Lick, Russell's Creek, Drennon's Lick.
First correspondence with Bracken Association, throqgh her messengers, Lewis Craig and David Thompson.
"We find the churches composing our body divided respecting a catechism and the act qf catechising their children. Agreed to let the matter rest at present."
Query from Hanging Forks -- May those who formerly embraced the system of Universalists now join us without an utter renunciation of those sentiments? We advise they may not.
We advise the churches of our Union to beware of encouraging any stranger to preach among them without proper credentials and a fair character.
1800 -- Bryant's.
A. Eastin preached from Psalms lxxiii:24. A. Dudley, Moderator.
26 churches, 82 baptisms. Total, 1,642.
New church, Dry Run, (afterward, for distinction, called Dry Creek), Buck Run Church, in Woodford county, is reported dissolved by mutual consent.
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1800 -- South Elkhorn.
A. Dudley preached from Gal. vi: 14. Glorying in the Cross. David, Barrow, Moderator.
27 old churches reported and 9 new ones. Baptisms 3,011. Reccived by 1etter 318. Tota1, 4,853.
Among the churches reporting the largest number of baptisms are:
Big Crossings (Great Crossing) 376 Bryant's (Bryan Station) 367 Clear Creek 326 South Elkhorn 309 Forks of Elkhorn 216 North Elkhorn 170 Marble Creek (East Hickman) 133 Grassy Lick 107 Bullittsburg 104 Silas 90
New churches received are, Mouth of Elkhorn, Eagle Creek, Silas, G1enn's Creek, North E!khorn, Twins, South Benson, Dry Run, Port William, North Fork.
The first correspondence with Tate's Creek Association, through her messengers, is received.
Request from South Elkhorn to send missionaries to the Indian nations. Agreed to appoint a committee of five members to hear and determine on the call of any of our ministers, and if satisfied therewith to give them credentials for that purpose; to set subscriptions on foot to receive collections for the use of said mission; and it is recommended to the churches to encourage subscriptions for said purpose, and have the money lodged with the deacons, to be applied for that purpose whenever called for by the committee. The following brethren are appointed: David Barrow, Ambrose Dudley, John, Price, Augustine Eastin, Geo. Smith, or any three of them.
Agreed that a committee be appointed to attend the Separate Association, and write them a friendly letter, and use such means as may appear right to them to bring about a union; and if it should appear necessary, that they call a convention of the churches to carry the union into effect. The committee are D. Barrow, A. Dudley, J. Price, Wm. Payne and J. Redding.
Agreed that Bro. Walter Cave, Richard Young and others be appointed a committee to receive the bounty of the churches for the benefit of our aged brethren John Gano, David Thompson and J. Sutton, as an indication of our !ove and care of them in their old age; and it is recommended to the churches to make frequent contributions and send them to the committee, who are to distribute the same as to them may appear right, and render an account to the Association.
A most important result of the action mentioned above with reference to the Separate or South Kentucky Baptists, was the "General Union," which was effected by the representatives of the two Associations assembled at Howard's Creek, Clark county, 2d Saturday in October, 1801.
The terms of union are the following:
1. "That the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the infallible word of God and the only rule of faith and practice.
2. That there is only one true God, and in the Godhead or Divine Essence there are Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
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3. That by nature we are fallen and depraved creatures.
4. That salvation, regeneration, sanctification and justification are by the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ.
5. That the Saints will persevere through grace to glory.
6. That believers' baptism, by immersion, is necessary to receive the Lord's Supper.
7. That the salvation of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked will be eternal.
8. That it is our duty to be tender and affectionate to each other, and study the happiness of the children of God in general; to be engaged singly to promote the honor of God. 9. That preaching Christ tasted death for every man shall be no bar to communion. 10. And that each may keep up their association and church government as to them may seem best. 11. That a free correspondence and communion be kept up between the churches thus united.
Unanimously agreed to by the joint committee.
Ambrose Dudley, David Ramsy,
John Price, Thomas J. Chilton,
Joseph Redding, Moses Bledsoe,
Robert Elkin, Samuel Johnson.
Ratified by a convention from all the churches unanimously, and agreed to lay aside the names of Regular and Separate, and to travel together in future as United Brethren.
These very simple articles formed the basis of a quite extensive and on the whole permanent conciliation between many good brethren of somewhat diverse views. It was under the influence of the general revival of religion that they were adopted.
The circular of the Elkhorn Association of August, 1801, shows their cordial desires not only for a general union of God's people, but the spread of the truth in all lands.
After speaking of the pleasing accounts of the work of God in most of, the churches, the refreshing season, &c., they say: "We greatly wish you peace and happiness, and that God may continue his power among us, and spread his work far and wide, until the whole earth is filled with the knowledge of God. Unto this end we now address you on the Nature and Necessity of Practical Godliness." Then follows an able and impressive appeal to cultivate "that vital principle formed within us by the Spirit of God enstamping the divine image on the soul," and to labor for the benefit of "mankind, the subjects for whom Jesus Christ shed his blood."
It must not be overlooked, however, that in connection with tins great revival, which extended generally through the whole of this Western country, there was much that was crude and irregular. The pnenomena called "the
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jerks" appeared in various parts of Kentucky, but it is somewhat noteworthy that they occurred less among the Baptists, so far as can now be ascertained, than among other denominations. Time does not allow a full discussion of these extraordinary manifestations, of which a pretty full account may be found in Dr. Alexander's work on Religious Experience.
1802 - Cooper's Run.
J. Redding preached from 1 John iv:19. A. Eastin, Moderator.
36 old churches and 1 new report 488 baptisms. Total, 5,310.
The new churche are Twelve Mile, Rockbridge, Clover Bottom, Brush Fork, Bank Lick, Hillsboro, David's Fork, Mile Creek, Mt.Pleasant, Mt. Gilead, Union, Ridge of Drennon's Creek.
First correspondence with the Green River Association.
Query from South Elkhorn -- What constitutes valid baptism? Answer -- The administrator ought to have been baptized himself by immersion; legally called to preach the gospel; ordained as. the Scriptnres dictate; and the candidate for baptism should make a profession of his faith in Jesus Christ, and be baptized in the name of the Father, of. the Son and .of the Holy Ghost by dipping the whole body in water.
The committee on a plan to direct the churches in our union, in the reception of excluded persons who have moved to this State, advise "that the church which the person wishes to join, write to the church from which said person was excluded, and get a statement of the offense committed and the acknowledgment, of which they are to judge. But in case the church is dissolved, they are to act at discretion."
Committee respecting Indian Missionary is continued.
1803. (April). Crossings.
This was what was termed an "Occasional Association." Thirty-three churches were represented. Messengers from eight churches on Green river were received. A committee was appointed to visit Cooper's Run and convince them of their error on the subject of the Trinity; also, Flat Lick; Indian Creek and Union churches. David Barrow, John Price, Ambrose Dudley, Joseph Redding and Carter Tarrant were requested to act, and the Association, by a unanimous vote, reaffirmed its old article on that subject.
1803. (August) Town Fork.
Cooper's Run Church was dropped for denying the doctrine of 'the Trinity, and holding that Jesus Christ is not truly God; and that part of Flat Lick which holds to their constitution and the divinity of Christ, is considered the church.
At the request of Town Fork Church,.the Association unanimously voted that the union with the Baptists south of Kentucky river does not in the least remove them from their constitutional principles.
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A circular letter is appended on "the important subject of the Divinity, Lordship and Humanity of the Lord Jesus." It is brief, but pointed and clear, bristling all over with Scripture quotations.
1804 -- North Elkhorn.
"Among the corresponding messengers appear John Taylor, from Long Run; Jeremiah Vardeman, from South District. Vardeman. Jacob Creath and David Barrow preached on Sunday.
Several churches present suhstantially the same queries. "Is it not a cause of distress for churches to be constituted so near each other as they frequently are with us; and is it not the duty of the Association to do something to remedy the evil?
"Is it not necessary for the Association to form some plan for the constitution of churches and the ordination of ministers?" Debated and ordered to lie on the table.
Request from the Crossings: -- To appoint a day of fasting and prayer, and that our brethren of other denominations be invited to join us. The last Wednesday in September was appointed for that purpose.
Circular letter by A. Bainbridge was on "the Divinity, Personality and Work of the Holy Ghost upon the hearts of the elect."
The minutes for this year are contained in five pages; printed by Joseph Charless, Lexington, Ky., 2,000 copies for 5l, 15s.
A notice is agreed to be inserted in the minutes of "the death of our aged and beloved brother, John Gano, who departed this life August 9, 1804, aged nearly 80 years. He lived and died an ornament to religion."
1805 -- Bryan's.
Long Lick Church, lately constituted, is received. The surrounding Associations are well represented -- Salem, Tate's Creek, Bracken, North Bend, South District, North District, Long Run, Green River and Russell's Creek. These correspondences by messengers in these days were felt to be of great consequence, and furnished a substitute for one more general convocation of brethren from all the Associations in the State.
The preaching on the Lord's Day is stated to have been to "a very large assembly," and judging from the texts must have been peculiarly solemn and stirring. Joseph Redding preached from 2d Cor. v:17. "Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold all things are become new." Jeremiah Vardeman, from I Cor. xvi:22. "If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema, Maranatha." David Barrow, from I Cor. v:10. "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ."
A request of three churches is presented to revise the Confession of Faith and Church Discipline. A committee appointed for the purpose, to report
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next year: Elders Ambrose Dudley, Joseph Redding, John Price and Carter Tarrant, with Bros. Robert Johnson, Bartlett Collins and John Payne.
Query from Glen's Creek -- Is it right for Baptists to join in and. assemble at barbecues on the 4th of July? Answer -- No.
"This Association judges it improper for ministers, churches or associations to meddle with emancipiation from slavery or any other political subject; and as such we advise ministers and churches to have nothing to do therewith in their religious capacities."
Complaint is made of members going off disorderly before they were regularly dismissed, and it was agreed that they should be publicly reproved by name in the minutes. This was modified afterwards to omitting their names from the record.
A brief circular, hastily prepared instead of the regular one, laments the coldness and deadness of the churches, and dwells on the fact that Jesus is still the same and his religion the same. "By the religion of Jesus we mean the implantation of those divine graces of the Holy Spirit which leads all the children of God to discover the entire insufficiency of all created enjoyments, and human or creature righteousness to make them happy or accepted with God, discovers unto them the suitableness and entire sufficiency of the dear Redeemer, and enables them to believe and rejoice in him as their all in all." Such are the themes on which those ancient worthies loved to preach and write.
Third Decade 1806 to 1815.
1806 -- Crossings.
Revised Confession of Faith and Discipline are referred to the next Association, and the churches are advised to make themselves acquainted with the old and the new, and certify their opinion upon each separately iri their letters to the next Association.
Circular Letter by Geo. Eve cautions against delusion in religion, and urges family worship with especial earnestness. "Let heads of families stand within their houses as priests of God offering the sacrifice of prayer and praise continually. Let your houses become as churches of God; let them be the places where prayer is made, where God's word is read, and where suitable instructions are given. Happy is the family whose united hearts are engaged in prayer to God; happy is the man who is the head of such a family; happy the members of a house which is blessed, because of the ark of God; happy the church which consists of such families."
1807 -- David's Fork.
In the whole Association this year only fifteen baptisms are reported; in 1808, only nine; and in 1809, twelve. In 1806 there had been only eighteen; in four years but fifty-two in all. This is a grievous falling off in aggressions
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upon the kingdom of darkness from the work of some previous years, especially from that remarkable year of 1801, when 3,011 baptisms were reported.
There seems to be nothing worthy of note in the minutes for these three years, except that in 1807 a query is discussed from North Fork and Clover Bottom, in regard to Carter Tarrant and his emancipation principles.
It is during this period, however, that the influences were at work which resulted in dissensions, and the withdrawal of some of their most valued brethren to form the Licking Association.
1808 -- Silas
This is the last Elkhorn Association over which Ambrose Dudley presided as Moderator. No business of importance transacted.
1809 -- North Elkhorn.
R. Johnson is elected Moderator. During this year several churches have withdrawn, so that the number of members reported has fallen from 2,933 the year before to 2,199. One new church, however, Beaver Creek, is received.
1810 -- Clear Creek.
This year only twenty churches report, and the number of members is reduced to 1,800. The baptisms have been 159; but there is no intelligence from the fourteen churches at Bryan's, Boone's Creek, East Hickman, Forks of Elkhorn, Elk Lick, Raven Creek, Mouth of Elkhorn, Silas, Dry Run, Rockbridge, Bush Creek, Mill Creek, Little Huston, Flat Lick. These ominous blanks indicate dissension and alienation. A division has been created in the Association, and the initiatory steps have already been taken to form the Licking Association, by an assemblage to be held at Bryan's.
Brother Darnaby presented a letter signed by fifty-one members at Bryan's, which was read and referred. It stated that the majority had violated usage, and had agreed to send letters and messengers to an Association at Bryan's, which they conceived a violation of their engagement to the Elkhorn Association; praying also to be considered a part of this body, and asking advice. The Association sent a committee to visit the church at Bryan's, and while unanimously declaring their friendship and fellowship with said members of the minority, recommended patience, and deferred any further advice till the next Association.
Meanwhile, they "agreed to send a friendly statement to the brethren who may meet at Bryan's." This is printed in the minutes, and seems to have been conveyed at once, while the body remained still in session, awaiting the peaceful reply which they thought it reasonable to expect. They had selected brethren whom they "conceived most likely to win the others to friendslup," viz: John Taylor, George Waller, Gabriel Slaughter, James
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Suggett and James Johnson. They express their "sorrow that a difference in sentiment respecting the constitution and government of the Association has taken place;" assure their brethren that it never was their wish wantonly to hurt the feelings of any; are sorry that such a thing should have taken place, and express a willingness to cast into the sea of forgetfulness, as much as possible, the former difficulties, and bear and forbear, and endeavor to live in future in that state of brotherly love which Jesus Christ has prescribed. If this proposal is not acceded to, they ask the other brethren to let them know what they are willing to do.
During the absence of this fraternal deputation, they say "every heart beat high with the hope that our brethren who had convened at Bryan's, would consider the consequences of a division, and would reach forth to meet us the hand of peace and brotherly affection; but we cannot describe our mortification and disappointment at the answer received."
It curtly stated that they could by no means accede to the terms proposed; and added, "If you will in your minutes say that you have, in the heat of temptation and jealousy, given us just cause of grief, then in that case we are willing to say on our part, that although we are not conscious that in any of our public acts we have given you any just cause of offense, yet our feelings have been hurt, and we have spoken rashly and unadvisedly, for which we have been and still are sorry. Taking all things into consideration, we are of opinion it will be for the happiness of each to continue as we are at present, in two Associations."
The Elkhorn brethren express their sadness at this reply, and "regret that nothing would give satisfaction but a confession of those things, of which we cannot, in conscience, think ourselves guilty. We want the fellowship of our brethren, but cannot purchase it at the expense of truth and our respectability."
There does not appear at this time to have been any other cause of "distress and grief," but the decision of the Association with respect to the Town Fork Church, sustaining it against three charges of disorder brought against it by the church at Bryan's, and the subsequent recognition of the minorities at Bryan's and Dry Run as component parts of the Association.
An unhappy difference had arisen in a matter of business, relative to the exchange of a slave, between Thomas Lewis and Jacob Creath, both members of Town Fork Church. Out of this grew other difficulties, which produced a pamphlet entitled, "A portrait of Jacob Creath," by Elijah Craig. This induced the Town Fork Church to call for a committee of helps from eighhteen churches, who met in July, 1807, and investigated, for four days, the, fourteen charges contained in said pamphlet against Creath; at the close of which they unanimously acquitted him, on each of them separately, and on the whole together.
Afterwards other charges were brought against Creath by Joseph Redding, of Dry Run, which were investigated and negatived, except one, which was
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withdrawn by the prosecutor. The church at Bryan's took the Town Fork Church under dealings for negativing the charges. Town Fork justified herself. Bryan's then in 1808 brought three charges against Town Fork before the Association which met at Silas. The Association, "after hearing all the charges explained, determined that the said church was not guilty of disorder as charged."
In consequence of this at the Association of 1809, which met at South Elkhorn, ten churches were absent. A circular letter was issued, signed by Joseph Reddig and six other preachers, proposing to hold a meeting of the dissatisfied brethren at Bryan's, at the time of the regular Association in August, which had adjourned to meet in 1810 at Clear Creek. This letter was of the most extraordinary and disorganizing character, it is said, and evidently the production of wounded feelings or disappointed expectations. The correspondence between the two sets of brethren thus assembled at Clear Creek and Bryan's has already been sketched. Such seems to have been the origin of the "unfriendly dispositions and jealousies produced," as the Elkhorn brethren allege, "by a difference of opinion in matters of practice, and conducted with too much zeal and heat." And this account of the matter is not contradicted, but confirmed by the other party, in their documents, so far as I have seen them.
It will be unnecessary to follow the somewhat protracted course of negotiation in detail, which resulted first in the narrowing down of the points of disagreement to the question whether the Association did wrong in recognizing, as the church, the minority of fifty-one members at Bryan's, the previous difficulty at Town Fork having, apparently, dropped out of. view, and the Dry Run difficulty having been settled among themselves.
The Elkhorn Association, joined by the friendly suggestions and mediation of surrounding Associations, continued to solicit peace with their much esteemed brethren of the Licking, until in 1818 correspondence was formally renewed, as appears from the following minutes of the Licking Association.
"Received a letter from the Elkhorn Association desiring a correspondence; which was agreed to, and their messengers. James Suggett, G. G. Boone and John Foster, invited to seats, and received the right hand of fellowship."
This was done by unanimity; a rule having been adopted by them that every measure carried must be unanimous. The next year, however, 1819, they declined to send a letter and messengers to Elkhorn, though a large number of the members present were in favor of it. The suspension was on account-orthe old difficulty, recognition of the minority.
Though it is extending this sketch a little beyond the boundaries I had prescribed for myself at present, (the second and third decades of our history), I will add here, for the sake of completeness, a short extract from Dr. Fishback's "Defenseof the Elkhorn Association," published in 1822: "In 1820, the Elkhorn sent a letter and messengers again to the Licking
[p. 35]Association, whereupon the latter made the follo\ving minute: 'From Elkhorn Association a letter was received by their messengers, E. Waller, J. Sims, and E. Mason. The same being read, on motion agreed, that it be laid upon the table, and the correspondence dropped; seeing that the original difficulties remain untouched by that Association, and that new ones have arisen respecting doctrines -- they holding in connection with those churches and preachers that hold and advocate doctrines contrary to those on which that Association, as weIl as this, was constituted.'
"It was in answer to this minute that the Elkhorn made the following reply in 1821: 'With regard to the first charge, we had with pleasure cherished the hope, and did believe that it was buried, never again to be revived, when the right hand of fellowship was given by them to our messengers in 1818.'
'As to the second charge, of our holding in connection with us churches and preachers who hold and advocate doctrines contrary to the constitution on which their, as well as our, Association was constituted -- we reply: When general charges are made, they can only be repelled by general terms. Our constitution remains unchanged, and we have adhered to it during all our difficulties with that Association; and it seems to us that those charges were made as a pretext to justify their own unwarrantable course in refusing to receive our messengers. And, notwithstanding those charges, we have the peculiar pleasure to find that our sister Associations still continue their correspondence with us, and that their love, esteem, and affection seem to be undiminished.'"
"The above minute of the Licking Association of 1820 exhibits the first intimation of a difference of doctrine between that and the Elkhorn Association; and this they describe as a new difficulty.
"From the preceding detail of facts and circumstances, it is abundantly manifest that there was no reason for asserting that difference of doctrine had a bearing on the original division; and that nothing but "unfriendly dispositions and jealousies, produced by a difference of opinion in matters of practice" in the trial of Jacob Creath, &c., were the only occasions of the unfortunate differences," (Page 41, "Defence of Elkhorn Association"). 1811 -- Great Crossings.
New churches joining are Bethlehem and the North Fork of Licking.
The Association, being informed that East Hickman, Stony Point, Raven Creek, Rock Bridge, Brush Creek, Mill Creek, Little Huston, and Flat Lick, with others, had embodied and called themselves the Licking Association, agreed that they be no longer called in the roll of churches.
1812 -- David's Fork.
New churches are Georgetown, Mouth of Beaver Creek, Hartwood.
A letter was read from a church, consisting chiefly of slaves and people of
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color, calling themselves an Aftican church, which indirectly made application for the liberty of uniting and corresponding with the Association. "Agreed that we wholly disapprove of such constitutions; therefore the liberty applied for is not granted."
At the request of several churches for a day of fasting and prayer, the 3d Thursday of August. is recommended, being the day appointed by the Executive of the United States, and also 1st Frlday of October, as recommended by the North District Association.
1812 -- Special Meeting at Bryan's.
A letter from the church (the minority) at Bryan's is presented by six brethren, appointed for the purpose, to defend the church against five charges brought by the Licking Committee to the Elkhorn Committee. No one appearingto prosecute them, the charges were severally considered, explanations were made, and the Association resolved that from the explanations and the evidence adduced, they could see no cause of complaint against the church.
A copy of the constitution of the General Meeting of Correspondence of the Baptists of Virginia was presented and referred for future consideration.
1813 -- Forks of Elkhorn.
Big Spring, Woodford county, received.
The subject of a General Meeting of Correspondence, like that in Virginia, is continued, with a request that the churches, as well as our sister Associations, will peruse the constitution proposed in the first number of the Gospel Herald, published in Frankfort, by Silas M. Noel, and inform us as to their minds. The churches at Union, Beaver Creek, Mouth of Raven Creek, North Fork of Licking, and Indian Creek, are dismissed to form a new Association (Union Association).
"The laudable Institution, established by a Missionary Society, in India, for printing and circulating the Bible in different languages, erected at a vast expense," having lately been destroyed by fire, it is recommended that earnest and liberal contributions be made. Samuel Ayres, of Lexington, Charles Buck, at the Forks of Elkhorn, Wm. Hubble, at Georgetown, and Gabriel Slaughter, in Mercer, are appointed to receive and transmit funds.
1814 -- Mount. Pleasant.
Elk Lick applies to resume its former station as a member of this body. There appearing some opposition, the letter is laid over till Monday, and then referred to a committee to visit the church.
A letter from Rev. Luther Rice on missionary subjects is received and laid over till Monday, but no further action is recorded.
The proposal for a general meeting of correspondence is rejected.
A committee of twelve is appointed to manage the existing diffictllties
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with Licking Association before any committee or tribunal appointed by the corresponding Associations.
1815 -- Town Fork.
As to Elk Lick, agreed that although this body feels every sympathy for the situation in which that church had placed itself by going with the majority tothe Licking body; yet good order prevents us from receiving them at this time.
A circular letter from the Rev. Luther Rice, Agent of the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions for the United States, was read. Its object was to present, through the Association, to each church in our union a copy ot the report os said Board for 1815, and by means of a Secretary, to keep up correspondence with that Board. Elder Sllas M. Noel was appointed Secretary, and the reports were distributed to the churches and paid for.
The missionary preacher, Luther Rice, having arrived after the election of preachers for Sunday, Elder Walter Warder gave place to him. Elder Stevens, from New York, preached from Jeremiah xxxi:29; Luther Rice from Matthew vi:10, "Thy kingdom come;" and lsaac Hodgen on Repentance and Conversion." A large congregation listened with good order and attention, and a liberal contribution of $150 to $200 was collected for missionary purposes. ___________ ["Sketches of the History of the Elkhorn Association, Kentucky," by Basil Manly, Jr.; from the Elkhorn Association Minutes, 1878, pp. 24-37. — jrd]
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