Rev. Joseph Angus, D. D.
By Thomas Armitage, 1890
Our English brethren have produced many notable educators, but none more eminent than DR. ANGUS, the principal of Regent's Park College, London [now Oxford]. He was born at Bolam in 1816; entered King's College, London; but went to Edinburgh, and in 1837 took his Master's Degree there, after competing successfully for the first prize in mathematics, logic and belles-lettres; besides taking the gold medal in moral and political philosophy. At the close of his course he
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gained the students' prize, open to the whole University, on the influence of the writings of Lord Bacon. He began to preach early, and before he was twenty-one became pastor of the Church so long presided over by Dr. Gill and Dr. Rippon. In 1838 Dr. Chalmers delivered a course of lectures in 'Defense of Church Establishments.' A prize of one hundred guineas was offered for an answer. Dr. Angus replied to his renowned tutor in divinity, and the examiners, Drs. Raffles, J. Pye Smith and Mr. William Tooke, unanimously awarded him the prize. For nearly ten years, 1840-49, he was Secretary of the Baptist Missionary Society; during which time there was a large increase in its funds. In 1847 he visited the West Indian Stations, to complete the independence of the Churches there. In 1839 he became Principal of the College at Stepney, now Regent's Park, which has become a powerful institution under his management. Within the last twenty years a fund of £12,000 has been raised as a fund for the support of students, besides a sum of £30,000 for supporting professorships of Biblical Literature at the college. A Lectureship has also been founded to bear his name. He is a finished and prolific author. His series of 'Hand-Books on the Bible,' the 'English Tongue,' 'English Literature,' etc., are most valuable productions, being widely known and used, as are his many other works. He was a member for nearly ten years of the London School Board, and for an equal term he was an examiner in the University of London. He also served as one of the late revisers of the New Testament, made for the Convocation of Canterbury. Few men are more accomplished or exert greater influence amongst the literati of Great Britain.___________ Essays by Joseph Angus, D. D.:
Baptist Authors and History, 1527-1800
Baptist Baptism Before 1641
=========== [From Thomas Armitage, A History of the Baptists, Volume 2, 1890; rpt. 1988, pp. 588-89. — jrd]
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