Baptist Authors and History, 1527-1800
By Joseph Angus, D. D.I. - BAPTIST AUTHORS FROM 1527-1600.
BOOKS and public documents published against Baptists throw more light on the early history of the body in England than any extant Church records.
The following are some of the works which show the wide spread of Baptist sentiment, both in England and on the Continent, before the seventeenth century. Up to the last date no English Bapitst is known to have written any defence, nor is there any authentic history during the sixteenth century of the existence of English Baptist churches.
1517 - ZWINGLE, H.: Contra Catabaptistas. Tiguri. B.M.
1535 - BULLINGER, H.: Adv. omnia Catabaptistarum Prava Dogmata... Tig. A.; U.C.
1536 - ARTICLES devysed by the Kynge's Highness... to establyshe Christen quietnesse. K. Henry's Creede - agt.
Anab. A.; B.M.
1536 - THE PILGRIMAGE OF GRACE "To have the heresies of Luther, Wickliffe, the works of Tyndale... and such other heresies of Anabaptists annulled." Froude ii. 568. A.; B.M.
1546-1640 - INIVNCTIONS AND ARTICLES: Contain several cautions and orders for inquiring into Anab. doctrines and practices. See Sparrow's Colins, and separate Articles. A.; B.; B.M.
1548 - HORTENSIUS, L.: Tvmvltvvm Anabaptistarum Liber unus. Basil. [The origin of many unfounded charges agt. E. Baptists.] A.; B.M.; B.
1549-1552. - COMMON PRAYER of Ed. VIth. (First and Sec. Edns.) denounces Anab. by name. A.; B.M., &c.
1550-1551 - Notes of Interrogatories and Answers before the INQUISITION at Venice, Bologna, Rome, &c., with details of the Beliefs and Practices of Anabaptists in those cities and in other parts of Italy. Published by Emilio Comba, Florence, and tr. by J. T. Betts, Esq. (MS.) A.
1551 - BULLINGER, H.: A most sure defence of the baptisme of Children agt. the pestiferous secte of the Anab., tr. by Jno. Veron. A.; B.
1551 - TURNER, WM., M. D.: A Preservative or triacle agt. the Poyson of Pelagius lately styrred up agayn by the lurious secte of the Anab. devysed by W. Turner, Powles Ch. yard. B.M.; S.; U.C.
1552 - THE DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND to W. Cecill "... wishes the King would appoint Mr. Anox (John. Knox) to the See of Rochester... a whe stone to the Archbp. of Canterbury and a Confounder to the Anabts. lately sprung up in Kent." State Paper Kalendar (Domestic); Rolls Court.
1560 - A PROCLAMATION ag. Anabaptistes, given in Arber's Stationers' Co. Register, i., 570.
1560 - KNOX, JOHN: An Answer to a great number of Cavillations, by an Anabaptist (it contains the Pamphlet). A.; B.M.; S.
1560 - VERON, JNO: An Apology or Defence of Predestination [agt. Anabts. and troublers of the Church]. A.
1562 - SIMON MENNO: (First ed. of his treatise on Saving Truth. &c.) A.
1565 - DE BRF.S, G.: La Racine des Anabaptistes avec tres ample refutation, &c. [again in Dutch in 1570, and pub. in America (at Cambridge) in 1688], W.
1569 - A PROCLAMATION agt. dispearsing, buying, and allowing of seditious books; another (1570); another (1573); others (in 1583 and 1588). See Arber's Register, vol. i.
1571 - WHITGIFT, JOHN: Answer to a Certain Libell. an admonition to Parlt with Certayne Notes of Anabts. out of Zwingli. W.
1575 - DE PAEDOBAPTISTARUM errorum origine per Mart. Czechium (a Polish Author). A.
1588 - SOME, R.: A Defence... and a Refutation of many Anabaptistical absurdities on Magistracie, Baptisme, &c. B.M.; A.; W.
1588 - [UDALL, J. &c]: Martin Marprelate. The Epistle, &c. The beginning of a large Literature. A.; B. M.; &c.
1589 - SOME, R.: A Godly treatise wherein are examined many execrable Fancies given out by H. Barrow and J. Greenwood: and by other of the Anabt. order. A.; B. L.; Y. M.
FRATRES POLONI; - Socinus, F. (1539-1604); Crallius (1590-1633); Slichtingius (1592-1661); Wolzogenius (1596-1658). The Polish Brethren, as they were called, were Unitarians and Baptists, having defended Believers' Baptism in their works. See indexes in their collected works, 7 vols., fol. 1656. Some have ascribed the existence of the English Baptists to their teaching, but a reference to the above dates shows that there is no ground for this statement. A.
The references are to the following: -
Brief notices of the more eminent of the names may be found in -
CRAMP'S (J. M., D.D.) Baptist History from the Foundation of the Christian Church to the present time, 1871, and in
WOOD'S (J. H.) History of the General Baptists of the New Connexion. 1847.
And in Dr. Cathcart's Baptist Encyclopaedia, Philadelphia. 1881.
For the history of ministers in particular districts special notice is due to such works as JOSHUA THOMAS'S History of the Welsh Associations, published in Rippon's Register; DOUGLAS'S History of the Northern Churches; HARGREAVE'S Life of Hirst, 1816; FULLER'S (J. G.) History of Dissent in Bristol, 1840; GOADBY's Bye-Paths of Baptist History; and Baptists and Quakers in Northamptonshire, 1650-1700, &c.; CATHCART'S Baptist Encyclopaedia, Philadelphia. 1881.
Bampfield, F., M. A., b. 1614, d. 1683. London, Wiltshire Notice of in Ca, C, W - Died in Newgate
* Barber, E., Bishopsgate-street, 1641; B, C, I, T, W
* Barebones, P., 1640 (see Jessey's Life, 7, II, 83, and Dexter).
* Barrow, U. "Answer to B. P. in favour of I, B." 1642.
* Bishop, G., "Election and Reprobation," 1663.
* Blackett, I., Durham (see Douglas's History).
* Blackwood, Chr., 1644-1660, Staplehurst, Northumberland,
* Caffin, M., Horsham, &c., 1653 Т
Camelford, Gab., Furness Fells, d. 1676 Ca, E
* Canne, J., Amsterdam, Bristol, 1640 ... B, I, W
* Cary, P., Dartmouth, 1685, d. 1710 ... I
Chamberlain, Dr. P., London, 1650 ... U
* Cheare, Abr., Plymouth. 1648 B, C, I
Clayton, J., Shad Thames, 1660, d. 1689 T
* Сое, С., Bedford (see Bunyan's works).
* Collet, В., Bourton, 1660 I
* Collier, Thos., Hampshire, &c., 1645 B, C, I
* Collins, H., Wapping (afterwards Prescot-street), 1677, d. 1702 C, I
* Collins, W., Petty France, 1675-1702 W
* Cornwell, F., M.A., Marden, Cranbrook, 1643. First used laying on of hands, T, i., 120 B, I, T
* Сох, В., М.А., 1639, Devon, Coventry, Lon. B, I, T
* Coxe, N., D.D., Petty France, 1675-1688 C, W
* Danvers, H., near Aldgate, d. 1687 C, I, W
* De Laune, T., Schoolmaster, London. "A Plea for Nonconformity." Died in Prison .. I
* Dell, W., M.A., Master of Caius College, Cambridge ... Ca, T
* Denne, H., 1643, Fenstanton, &c., Canterbury, London, d. 1660 B, C, E, I, T, W
Denne, J., Lincolnshire ... T
* Doe, C., London I
Donne, I., Keysoe (K. Coll.), imprisoned with Bunyan ... Ca, I
* Drapes, E., London, "Gospel Glory," 1649 I
Du Veil, C.M., D.D., Gracechurch-street C, I, T, W
* Dyke, D., M. A., b. 1617, Devonshire-square, d. 1688 ... B, C, W
* Ewer, S., on Baptism .. .. .. .. W
Ewins, T., d. 1670, Broadmead . . . Ca, I
* Everard, R., recommended by Marsom T
* Field, H., Burnham, "Last Legacy" of
Fisher, S., Ashford, 1649 Ca, C
Forty, H., London, Abingdon, d. 1692 C, I
Frewen, Paul, Warwick T Ca., C
Gibbs, J., Newport Pagnell, Olney С, Ca, I
Gifford, A., Bristol, b. 1649, d. 1721 ... С, I
Gifford, J., Bedford, 1650, Bunyan's "Evangelist" Ca, C, E, I
Gosnold, Jno., Pembroke Hall, London, d. 1678, Ca, C, E, I
* Haggar, H., Stafford, baptised Danvers
* Hammond, G., Biddenden, 1648 I, T
Hardcastle, Thomas, Shadwell ; Broadmead, Bristol ... Ca, C
* Harrison, Major-General. "Head of the Baptists in England" E, U
* Harrison, T., Petty France, 1689-1699 W
Head, Josh., Bourton-on-W Ca
* Helwisse, Thos., London, 1615, d. 1620, Founder of the first General Baptist Church B, E, T, W
Hobson, Paul, Crutched Friars, Northumberland, &c Ca, C, W
* Hooke, Jos., Bourn, " Apology for Believers' Baptism," 1701 ... T
Horrockes, T., Essex, see Davids' History of Nonconformity in Essex Ca, E
How, S., "Cobbler," Deadraan Place, 1639, warmly praised by Roger Williams W
* Hutchinson, E., "On the Covenants and Baptism," 1676 ... C, I
* Hutchinson, Col., and Mrs.(see Memoirs, and Toulmin's Neal. iii.)
* Ivee, Jer., Old Jewry, 1655-1674 C, T, W
* James, Jno., Whitechapel, 1661, executed B, C, E, T
* Jeffry, W., b. 1616, Bessels Green B, C, I, T
Jennings, Jno., Bishopsgate, 1675, was imprisoned twelve years C, I, T
* Jessey, H., b. 1601, bap. 1645, d. 1663, Founder of an open Communion Church, urged a revision of the authorised version Ca, C, I, W
* Keach, B., b. 1640, Horselydown, 1668-1704 C, I, W
* Keach, Elias, Hymns, 1696, in the Huth Library C, I
* Kifftn, W., b. 1616, Devonshire-square, 1644-92, d. 1701, imprisoned. See Orme's Life C, I, W
* King, D., near Coventry, 1650, Southwark I
* Kingsworth, R., Staplehurst
* Knollys, Hans., b. 1598, London, d. 1691. See Kiffin's Life, 1692 B, C, E, W
* Knutton, Immanuel.
* Lamb, Thos., Colchester, Colman-street, b. 1640, d. 1672 ... B, C, E, I, T
Lamb, Is. (son of above), Ratcliffe Highway, often preached before Blake and Penn, d. 1691. T. Oates became one of his members C, I
* Laurence, H., Sec. of Council of State, Milton's friend ... C, E
* Lilburne, Jas., Col., Devonshire-square, &c.
* Loveday, S., East Smithfield, 1660, d. 1685 T
* Ludlow, E., " Head of Baptists in Ireland " E
Maisters, Jos., b. 1640, London, d. 1717 Ca, I
* Marlow, Is., Maze Pond. Wrote against singing, answered by Keach, 1692. One of the Treasurers of the Fund,
blarsden, Jer. (called Ralphson from his father's name). Imprisoned with Bamp�eld B, Ca, E
Marsom, J., Luton, 1675. Imprisoned with Bunyan, d. 1726 ... I
Milton, John, b. 1608, d. 1674. See Masson's Life; he held Baptist Views.
* Minge, Thomas, "Gospel Baptist," 1700.
* Monk, T., Buckingham, author of Creed of 1678 T
* Morton, J., Lon., 1610, Colchester. A Colleague of John Smyth B, C. E. T
* Nicholas, J. St., Lutterworth, d. 1698 C, I
* Norcott, J., the successor of Spilsbury, at Wapping, d. 1675 ... I
* Oates, Sam., Co-pastor with Lamb, Coleraan St., Essex, 1646, d. 1666. Tried on charge of murder for baptizing a convert. B, C, I, W
* Oates, Tilus, He was a Baptist, was excluded, then became a clergyman, and afterwards a Roman Catholic C, I
Page, Edw., Bristol
* Palmer, Ant., Bourton and London, 1678. Leominster, Worcester Ca. I
* Pardoe, W., "Ancient Christianity Reviewed," written in Leicester and Worcester Prisons ... I, T
* Patients (or Patience), Thos., assistant of Kiffin, Devonshire Square, Dublin, 1644, d. 1666 B, C, I, U, W
* Pendarves, J., В.A., b. 1622, Abingdon, 1652, d. 1657 ... C, I
* Piggott, John, London I, T
* Piggott, Thomas, Amsterdam (see Barclay).
* Plant, Thomas, London I, T
Plimpton, J., Dublin, 1696-1698.
* Porter, J., Dispute at Ellesmere, 1656.
Powell, Vavasor, the Apostle of Wales, died in prison, 1671 ... Ca, C, E, I
* Prince, Thos., against Kiffin, 1649.
Prudhom, C., Bridlington, 1698.
* Purnell, R., Bristol, 1652-1659.
Quarrel, T., Llangwm. (See J. Thomas's History of Associations in Wales) Ca
* Richardson, S., Colleague of Spilsbury, 1647 I
* Rider, W., first Pastor of Keach's Church, 1652, C, I
* Robotham, J., Upminster.
*Russell, W., M. D., d. 1701, Northamptonshire, Portsmouth, &c.
* Sharpe, I., Frome, d. 1740. A Convert of Bunyan's.
Sickelmore, Jno., 1640, Portsmouth and Chicester ...
* Simpson, Jno., London, 1650, d. 1662 B
Sims, John, Southampton, 1646 (Edwards' Gangraena) ... I
Smith, F., Bookseller, imprisoned by Judge Jeffries, d. 1691 ... T
Smith, W., Welton T
* Smyth, Jno., Amsterdam, Lincolnshire, d. 1610 B, C, E, I, W
* Spilsbury, Jno., Wapping, 1633. Founder of the 1st Particular Baptist Church (?) B, C, W
* Spittlehouse, J.
* Stanley, F., East Haddon, Northamptonshire, d. 1696 ...
* Steed, Robt., Dartmouth, 1640, and co-pastor of Hansard Knollys C, I
* Stennett, Ed., Wallingford, I
* Stennett, Joseph, b. 1663. Pinners' Hall, 1690 to 1713. Suc. Bampfield C, I
* Stennett, Joseph, D.D., Little Wild-street C, I
* Sturgion, John, 1661. Plea for Toleration C, U
Terrill, Ed., Schoolmaster and Minister, Bristol, b. 1635, d. 1686 Laid foundation for Bristol Academy I
Thomas, W., d. 1693, Bristol, trained ministers I
* Vane, Sir Henry.
Vaughan, H., Olchon, Radnorshire, 1633-1653, Pastor of first Baptist Church in Wales (see Myles) . . .
* Walwyn, R., Herts.
* Walwyn, W., London
Whinnell, T., Taunton I
Wilcox, T., b. 1622, d. 1687. Often imprisoned. Cannon-street and Southwark. "A Choice drop of Honey," &c C, I
Wilkinson, Jno., 1619 ...
* Williams, Roger, b. 1599, d. 1683. Founder of first Baptist Church in America (See Biography of) B, W
Wise, Laurence, Chatham, Goodman's Yard Ca, E, I
Woodward, W., Harlow, 1662-1712 and Davids' Essex ... Ca, C, I
Woolwich, Hez.
Wright, Jos., b. 1623, Maidstone. Twenty years in prison ... I, T, W
* Wyke, A. (see Edward's Gangraena).
Wyles, N., Colchester.
[The Baptist Handbook for 1896, by Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland, 1895, pp. 183-190. The document is from Google Books; thanks to Steve Lecrone for locating the book. - JIm Duvall]