Rev. W. A. M. Wood served thirty-nine years as missionary under the State Mission Board, mostly in Northern Kentucky. He was born in Louisville, Kentucky, October 1, 1871. He
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lost one leg at eight years of age and walked on crutches his entire life. Brother Wood was converted at 26th and Market Street Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky, and was baptized by the pastor, C. M. Thompson. He was ordained at Corn Creek Baptist Church in Trimble County in March 1893. He began mission work in 1902.Brother Wood's mission territory included Sulfur Fork, Boone's Creek, Campbell County, and North Bend Association. He organized six churches. Rev. Wood was pastor of Providence Baptist Church in 1913, Although the membership increased to fifty under his ministry, it decreased somewhat when he left.
At a called meeting on July 1, 1913, Rev. W. A. M. Wood was called as pastor of the First Baptist Church, Irvine, Kentucky. Brother Wood was not only a gifted preacher, but also is reported to have been a conscientious worker and splendid organizer. He had been at the First Baptist Church only about thirty days when a committee was appointed to solicit funds for a church building. They went to work in earnest, Brother Wood visiting other churches in Boone's Creek Association, and the necessary money was soon raised. The building was completed and dedicated before Bro. Wood resigned in November 1914.
Although Rev. Wood served in four associations, he spent twenty-six of his active missionary service in North Bend Association. Brother William A. M. Wood was forced to retire in 1941 because of failing health.
Rev. H. D. Standifer tells an interesting story about W. A. Wood's initials. It seems it was a standing joke with Brother Wood who claimed his name was Walnut Ash Mulberry Wood.
[From Bobby L. Rose & Lorene Barnes Rose, History of Providence Baptist Church, Estill County, Winston, Kentucky 1856-1978, pp. 123-124._________ [From Campbell County Baptist Association Minutes, 1926, p. 29.]
In 1914 the Board employed Rev. W. A. M. Wood as Field Worker. He organized Silver Grove Church and a house of worship was built under the direction of the District Board. He also organized and built a church at Demossville. He served this Association five years and resigned to accept the work in North Bend Association._________ History of Mentor Baptist Church
[From Campbell County Baptist Association Minutes, 1939.]
The following preachers have held revivals with us: Brother Turner, A. L. Crawley, Brother Jenkins, H. C. Wayman, Brother Hare, Marvin Adams, G. W. Argribrite, L. M. Theobold, T. J. Porter, W. A. M. Wood, and perhaps others._________ [Material collected by Jim Duvall.]
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