December 18th 1852 Brother James A. Kirltey presented a concise biographical sketch of our late deceased brother and minister P. C. Scott which
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was received and on motion ordered to be recorded.
L. Webb, Clk protem. James A. Kirltey, Mod. The subject of this brief biographical sketch was born in Boone County Kentucky July 13th 1823. At an early age he evinced a very great fondness for learning and a singular aptitude in acquiring knowldge. He was more than ordinarily distinguished for amiableness of disposition as well as sprightliness of mind and his moral habits at that age creditable to himself and Parents encouraged the hopeof future usefullness.
His academical strictures chiefly pursued at the Morgan Academy in this Town were prosecuted with such studious application that between seventeen and eighteen years of age he possessed a good liberal education and took charge of a County school which he conducted for several months with commendable success — about this time also he became very anxiously concerned for the salvation of his soul. His early training associations and habits of thought rendered him highly succeptible of serious religious impressions which he had frequently before experienced; but at this particular period he was wholly engrossed with the great inquiry "What must I do to be saved." His views of the nature and evil of sin and the holiness of God, subsequently expressed with much clearness not only wrought within him repentance to God, but mainfestly led to the exercise of faith in Christ Jesus.
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An entire change in the sentiments and sympathies of his soul led him to make a public profession of religion. He was received by the Baptist Church at Middle Creek, and Baptised by Eld. Robert Kirtley on the 31st of August 1842. In December following he united with nineteen brethren and sisters in the constitution of this Church in which he retained his membership during life. It was soon apparent to the church from his piety, zeal, good snese and facility of communication that he possessed gifts which if rightly cultivated, would fit him for eminent usefulness. He was acccordingly licensed to preach the Gospel March 18th 1843 by the unanimous voice of the church and with the decided approbation of judicious brethren of other churches. With unaffected diffidence he entered upon the labors of the ministry and during the next 18 months mingled much with the brethren of surrounding churches, preaching usually on Sabbaths. His progress in the ministry at this early period was rapid yet decided, and his labors highly acceptable wherever he went. He entered Georgetown College as a student, Sept. 2nd 1844, and graduated June 26, 1848. The diligence and application with which he prosecuted his collegiate course together with his general upright, dignified and Christian deportment, won for him not only the confidence and esteem of the faculty but the affection of his fellow students, and the general favour of all who knew him. No student perhaps ever passed through this institution with a more unblemished character or with brighter honors. He was ordained by this church on the 23rd of August 1847. Elders John L. Waller, William Whitaker, James M. Frost and Robert Kirtley acting as the Presbytery, for two subsequent years he conducted the academy in this
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Place with marked ability and success, and at the same time sustained to this church the relation of Pastor, His labors though doubly onerous were discharged with promptness, fidelity and general satisfaction in both relations. In June 1850 he entered upon a course of Theological study at Covington Institute under the direction of Dr. Lynd, during the prosecution of his studies, he continued for some time to visit and preach for this church. His ministerial labors were also shared by the other churches and his influence not a little felt in the sabbath school at Covington. His connection with this institution continued until his death which occured on the 3rd of April 1852, occasioned by the explosion of the steamer Red Stone. He was as universally lamented in death as he was beloved in life and in the death of one so devoted and talented the church has sustianed a loss which can only be repaired by the wise and beneficient arrangements of our great head. He has been called to a higher sphere of labour and his works do follow him. The influence which he exerted as a christian, as a minister and as a teacher in his varied associations fully justifies us in bearing this tractate to his memory that "He though dead yet speaketh."
=========== [From Burlington (KY) Baptist Churchbook, 1852. — jrd]
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