Baptist History Homepage

      There is no known history of this Association; just a few remnants of information have been randomly located. As more information is found it will be posted. — Jim Duvall
      Churches of the Salem Association of Predestinarian Baptists, KY — (1845)

Churches					Number of Members
Mud Lick - B						40
Forks of Gunpowder - B 					82
Bethel - B						17
Crew's Creek						--
Four Mile						69
Salem - B						20
Brush Creek						39
Mount Pleasant - B					41
Dry Creek						30
Covington						11
Little Hope						19
Providence						13
Bank Lick						11
Ash Run							 9

Total						       413

[The Minutes of the Salem Association of Predestinarian Baptists, 1845. Churches with a "B" were located in Boone County, Kentucky.]


Existing Circular Letters —
Short Histories of Some Churches —
and Some Minister's Bios


      The Association sent a Corresponding Letter to some other Associations.

From the Minutes of the Licking Association of Particular Baptists, 1849 [Central KY]:
      "From Salem Predestinarian Baptist Association, a Letter by her Messengers: J. W. Rogers, G. Foster, L. Conner. [p. 3]
      "Saturday's session was closed by 'Prayer by Elder Conner.' [p. 4]
      Sunday morning — Lewis Conner was one of three preachers who spoke at the Association. He used Titus ii, 14 as his text: 'Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.'" [p. 4]


     "The Salem Predestinarian Association, to be held at Gunpowder, Boone county, Ky., on the 4th Friday in August, 1850."
     Appointed Messengers from Licking Association: "T. P. Dudley, S. Jones, W. Rash, W. Wigginton, James Dudley, J. M. Theobald, J. H. Walker, J. V. Wright," [p. 4].

Boone County Baptists
Baptist History Homepage