"The Association of Particular Baptist Churches annually held at Philadelphia, to the Board of Particular Baptist Ministers in London:
"Reverend brethren, -- We greet you well: and, as a part of that community, in the British dominions, (whereof you have in some sort the superintendence,) we offer you our acquaintance; and solicit a share of your public care and friendship. Our numbers in these parts multiply; for when we had the pleasure of writing to you, in 1734, there were but nine churches in our Association, yet now there are twenty-eight, all owning the Confession of faith put forth in London, in 1689. Some of the churches are now destitute; but we have a prospect of supplies, partly by means of a Baptist academy lately set up. This infant seminary of learning is yet weak, having no more than twenty-four pounds a year towards its support. Should it be in your power to favor this school any way, we presume you will be pleased to know how? A few books proper for such a school, or a small apparatus, or some pieces of apparatus, are more immediately wanted, and not to be had easily in these parts. We have also, of late, endeavored to form a library at Philadelphia, for the use of our brethren in the ministry, who are not able to purchase books. This design also wants the assistance of our brethren in England.
"However, our design in writing to you in this public manner is, to renew a correspondence which hath been dropped for some years past; and if you think well of it, we shall be glad to hear from you against our next Association in October. You may direct to our brother Morgan Edwards, at Philadelphia.
"We commend you to the grace of God, and desire your prayers for us, and remain your brethren in the faith.
"Signed, by order of the Association,
[Taken from Philadelphia Baptist Association Minutes, 1762. jrd]
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