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The Bible Controversy as it Related to Translations by Baptist Foreign Missionaries
From the Columbus Baptist Association (OH) Minutes, 1836

A committee, consisting of Brn. Drake, Bennet, Smith, Peters, and McLeod, were appointed to make a report on the Bible question. On Monday this committee reported the following preamble and resolutions:
WHEREAS, the American Bible Society have refused to aid in the circulation of the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament, where the Greek word Baptize, and it cognates, are translated by a word signifying to immerse, and have thus consequently refused the aid of said society in the circulation of those translations which we verily believe to be correct -- the language of which translations are spoken by one half of the human family destitute of the sacred volume; therefore

1. Resolved, That we regard the fromation of the American and Foreign Bible Society as an important era in the history of the Bible, and the millions of immortal souls to be benefited by it.

2. Resolved, That we will aid with our prayers, our influence, and our money, in sustaining and circulating those translations which most fully, corrrrectly, and intelligently convey the sense of the inspired originals.

3. Resolved, That in view of the pressing call for immediate aid, in printing and distribution of the translations aforesaid, that the churches composing this Association be requested to form Bible Societies within their bounds, and to forward the amount thus raised to the Amercian and Foreign Bible Society, either directly or through the treasurer of this Association, that the society may, if possible, receive it by their next meeting in April, 1837.

4. Resolved, That it is expedient to form a State Bible Society, and that the delegates at the next Convention be instructed on this subject.

D. C. Bowles and J. McLeod were appointed delegates to the Bible Convention.

[Jacob Drake, "A History of the Columbus Baptist Association (OH), from its Organization to 1837," published in Columbus Baptist Association Minutes, 1859. These records are in a bound volume at the Denison University Library, Special Collections and Archives, Granville, OH. - jrd]

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