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Constitution of the Columbus Baptist Association (OH)
At the Time of its Organization, 1818

ART. 1. - This advisory council shall be known by the name of the Columbus Baptist Association; predicated on the following BIBLE doctrines, to wit: That there is but one living and true God, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and that these three are one -- that the Scriptures of the old and new Testaments are the Word of God, and the only rule of our faith and practice -- that we are fallen, depraved creatures, and as such, our salvation depends wholly on the sovereign will and mercy of God, "According as he hath chosen us (his people) in Christ before the foundation of the world; that we should be holy and without blame before him in love" -- that sinners receive pardon and justification, only through the blood and righteousness of Christ -- that all true believers will persevere in grace and glory -- that IMMERSION, only, is Gospel Baptism, and professed believers the only proper subjects -- that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both just and unjust -- that, at the general judgment, the wicked shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal.

ART. 2. - The churches composing this Association shall meet, by their delegates (not more than three) and letter, at the time and place of holding the same -- and when so met, and an introductory sermon preached, shall attend to business.

ART. 3. - The churches shall be entered by seniority, and the churches applying for the association, shall be taken up accordingly, and decided by a majority of two-thirds, of the members composing this association.

ART. 4. - No queries, involving the peace and harmony of the churches, shall be admitted.

ART. 5. - The Independency of the churches shall be most religiously preserved; and in no instances shall this association assume any power or authority over the faith or discipline of any church.
[p. 12]
ART. 6. - Any church wishing admittance into this association, by producing their letter and messenger -- if regularly constituted, sound in the faith, and at peace with their sister churches, with the consent of two-thirds of the council, shall receive from the Moderator the right hand of fellowship.

ART. 7. - This association have in view the welfare of the churches; and any church uniting with us on the foregoing principles, may withdraw from that connexion whenever they please -- and any church neglecting to send letters and messengers three years in succession, shall be dropped from the minutes -- and any church becoming corrupt in doctrines, or iniquitous in practice, shall be rejected.

ART. 8 - No ordained minister shall be admitted into this Association without satisfactory evidence of his being in good standing.

ART. 9 - This association shall be a MISSIONARY SOCIETY.

ART. 10 - This Constitution may be altered, or amended, at any annual meeting, by consent of two-thirds of the members present, as messengers.

[From Rev. Jacob Drake, "A History of Columbus Baptist Association (OH) From its Organization to 1837," pp. 11-12. In Columbus Baptist Association Minutes, 1859. These records are in a bound volume at the Denison University Library, Special Collections and Archives, Granville, OH. - jrd]

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