Added 2.26.09
A Brief Sketch of the Rise of the Baptists in the
Central and Western Parts of the State of New York
By John M. Peck and John Lawton, 1837
Early Baptists of New York
By Thomas Armitage, 1890
Early Baptists in New York
A History of the Baptists
By John T. Christian
History of the First Baptist History,
New York City, (1745-1845)
Baptist Memorial and Monthly Record, 1846
By S. H. Cone
Hudson River Baptist Association
Historical Report on the Churches
From the Minutes, 1845
Early Baptist Schools in New York State
Added 9.8.09
Fifth Avenue Baptist Church
New York City
Thomas Armitage, Pastor
The New York Times, June 8, 1874
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An Historical Sketch of the Baptist Missionary
Association of the State of New York
By John Peck, 1837
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A History of the Stanton Street Baptist Church, NYC
With a Sketch of its Pastors, 1860
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Baptist History Homepage