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Index of the Circular Letters of the
Broad River Baptist Association (NC)

In Deacon John R. Logan's Sketches, Historical and Biographical, of the Broad River and King's Mountain Baptist Associations, from 1800 to 1880 is a very comprehensive account of circular letters of those two associations, with complete lists of the letters, their subjects and writers, while in connection with biographical sketches of the writers, the circular letters are often published in full, but sometimes with abridgement. In the accounts of the proceedings of the Association the circumstances, social and religious, under which the letters were written are often indicated. The lists of the writers and their subjects for the Broad River Association follows:

Year Writer Subject
1802 Thomas Burgess - Temperance
1803 Perminter Morgan - Doctrines of Grace
1804 Joseph Camp - Church Discipline
1805 Ambrose Carlton - Advocacy of the Son of God
1806 Perminter Morgan - Constitution of a Gospel Church and Door of Admission thereto
1807 Ambrose Carlton - Duties of Deacons
1808 William King - Union and Utility of an Association
1809 David Doyale - How far is an agreement in Religious Sentiments essential to Christian Union and Communion?
1810 No record
1811 Drury Dobbins - Good Works
1812 Author unknown - Gifts and Qualifications of a Gospel Minister
1813 George Brewton - The Baneful Effects of Covetousness
1814 William King -
1815 Ambrose Carlton - The Scriptural Reasons why the Baptists do not Commune with other Denominations of Christians
1816 Drury Dobbins - The Union betwixt Christ and his Church
1817 Hosea Holcombe - The Declension of Religion and the Causes thereof
1818 William King - Of a Baptist Church receiving Members who were Baptized by Immersion in the Methodist Society
1819 Borrowed from Kehukee - Good Works
1820 Berryman Hicks - The Foundations on which Christians can be Agreed
1821 Drury Dobbins - Important Necessity of the Operation of the Spirit of God upon the Soul
1822 Samuel Gibson - On the grand Utility of Faith to the believing Mind
1823 Jacob Crocker - The Manner in which the church of Christ should proceed in calling a pastor
1824 Thomas Bomar - Christian Liberty
1825 Berryman Hicks - The signification of Baptism and what it seal's to its proper subjects
1826 Hugh Quin - Law and Grace
1827 Gabriel Phillips - Intemperance
1828 George Wilkie - Wherefore Thou art no more a Servant but a Son, then an Heir of God through Christ
1829 Drury Dobbins - The Divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
1830 Berryman Hicks - Qualifications and Office-work of a Deacon
1831 No record
1832 Dr. John W. Lewis - The Proper Method for a Church to pursue in calling a Pastor or Supply, and the duties incumbent on them to each other
1833 Philip Ramsour - The Method to be pursued to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the Bonds of Peace
1834 Berryman Hicks - The Design of circumcision, and the difference between that and baptism
1835 Drury Dobbins - The Duty of a Church in the Choice of a Deacon
1836 Berryman Hicks - The Nature of Popery and its probable Tendency in the United States 1838 Drury Dobbins - To show who Melchisedec was, and to run the analogy between his priesthood and that of Jesus Christ
1839 James M. Webb - The Divine and special Call from God to Men to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the Evidences that manifest themselves in a person so called
1840 S. G. Hamilton - Brotherly Love
1841 James M. Webb - Communion
1842 Andrew Fuller - Church Discipline (adopted)
1843 Drury Scruggs - The Mission of John the Baptist
1844 Drury Dobbins - The Nature and proper Observance of the Lord's Day
1845 Micajah C. Barnett - Temperance
1846 Wade Hill - Domestic Missions
1847 Micajah C. Barnett -The Unpardonable Sin
1848 Drury Scruggs - Synopsis of the Life and Character of Elder Drury Dobbins
1849 Thomas Curtis - On Baptism as to Mode, Subject and Manner, and more especially in reference to those Paul found at Ephesus
1850 Thomas Curtis - Christian Communion
1851 M. C. Barnett - The Nature of a Call to the Ministry, and the Duty of the Churches to their Gifted Brethren
1852 Micajah C. Barnett - Humiliation and Prayer
1853 William Curtis - The Final Perseverance of the Saints
1854 A. J. Cansler - The Fellowship of Churches
1855 William Curtis - The Correlative Duties of Churches and Ministers
1856 Thomas Curtis - Popery, and its probable tendencies in the United States
1857 Micajah C. Barnett - Sabbath Schools
1858 Thomas Curtis - The proper observance of the Sabbath by our churches and people
1859 John S. Ezell - Personality
1860 William Curtis - Systematic effort in spreading the Gospel
1861 Drury Scruggs - Collection of historical statistics
1862 William Curtis - The wants of churches
1863 M. C. Barnett - National calamities
1864 E. A. Crawley - The making of our lives to correspond to the meaning of the ordinance of Baptism
1865 M. C. Barnett - The importance of Sunday-schools to our churches, and the best method of conducting them
1866 M. C. Barnett - Revivals of Religion
1867 William Curtis - Christian ministry
1868 William Curtis - Ministerial Education
1869- 1871 No letters - During these years an "associational" which from year to year was expected to serve as the circular letter, was in preparation, and was finally published out of season between the sessions of 1870 and 1871.
1872 No record
1873 No record
1874 No record
1875 J. G. Carter - The Final Perseverance of the Saints in Grace
1876 J. R. Jefferies - The Teachings of Christ
1877 John R. Jefferies - The Nature, Design, Qualifications and Duties of Deaconship
1878 Lewis Meng - The Importance of Teaching our Peculiar Principles and Tenets as Baptists

[From George W. Paschal, History of North Carolina Baptists, Volume 2, p. 291. -- jrd]

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