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The History of the Miami Baptist Association [OH]
From its Organization in 1797 to 1836

by A. H. Dunlevy, 1869, Chapter 1.

The History of the Miami Baptist Association [OH]
From its Organization in 1797 to 1836

by A. H. Dunlevy, 1869, Chapter 2.
The First Baptist Church in Ohio

The History of the Miami Baptist Association [OH]
From its Organization in 1797 to 1836

by A. H. Dunlevy, 1869, Chapter 3.
New Light Revival

The History of the Miami Baptist Association [OH]
From its Organization in 1797 to 1836

by A. H. Dunlevy, 1869, Chapter 4.

The History of the Miami Baptist Association [OH]
From its Organization in 1797 to 1836

by A. H. Dunlevy, 1869, Chapter 5.

The History of the Miami Baptist Association [OH]
by A. H. Dunlevy, 1869, Chapter 6
This chapter is biographies of frontier pastors.
It is the longest in the book, so I made two parts.
The author does not have them in alphabetic order.

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