Baptist History Homepage


Rev. John Myles and the Founding of the
First Baptist Church in Massachusetts

By Henry M. King, 1905

Swansea Baptist Church Covenant of 1663
Rehoboth, Massachusetts

The First Baptist Churches in Massachusetts
By John T. Christian

Baptists in Massachusetts to 1652
By A. H. Newman, 1894

Letters to Isaac Backus About Persecution in Massachusetts
[From two women who were jailed.]
The Life and Times of Isaac Backus

The Persecution of Baptists in Early Massachusetts
A History of the Baptists
By John T. Christian

Persecution of Ashfield, Massachusetts Baptists
Philadelphia Baptist Association, 1770

History of the First Baptist Church
Boston, Massachusetts

By Nathan Wood, 1899

History of the First Baptist Church
Boston, Massachusetts — From 1665

Early History of First Baptist Church
Boston, Massachusetts
By David Benedict, 1848

Discipline in the First Baptist Church
Boston, Massachusetts
By Nathan E. Wood, 1899

The Boston Baptists
By Thomas Armitage, 1890

The History of the First Baptist Church of Boston (1665-1899)
By Nathan E. Wood, 1899
A Link

Incidents in the History of the Harvard Baptist Church
Harvard, Massachusetts
By G. W. Samson, 1876

Early History of the First Baptist Church
Salem, Massachusetts

With Recollections by Lucius Bolles, the first Pastor

A History of the Rowe Street Baptist Church, Boston, MA
With the Declaration of Faith and The Church Covenant, 1853

A Google Book Link
The Greenville Baptist Church
150th Anniversary
Leicester, MA, 1889

American Baptist Histories
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