Churches of the North Bend (KY) Baptist Association
By Lewis Webb, Clerk — 1842
Bullettsburgh. — This is the oldest church in North-Bend Association. It was constituted in June 1794, by those faithful and efficient servants of the Lord, Joseph Redding and William Cave. This church was constituted on the Ohio River, nearly opposite the North Bend. — Its present location is opposite the mouth of the Miami River in Boone Couniy. This church in the beginning consisted of only seven members. Its progress, however, was prosperous. Having by continued emigration received very considerable accessions of old and experienced members; they soon became respectable in numbers and strong in council.As early as the year 1800, they experienced a refreshing from the presenceof the Lord, and numerous addition by baptism. Subsequent to this period from time to time, this church has enjoyed seasons of refreshing, so that at one time it contained four hundred members. It has repeatedly dismissed members for constitution; so that Bullettsburgh is emphatically the mother church of North Bend Association. Many efficient and useful ministers of the Gospel, have been reared up at Bullettsburgh, and have not only supplied their own church, but many destitute churches in the vicinity. This church has uniformly enjoyed uninterrupted harmony until recently, a few discontented members withdrew and united with others in constituting a church that does not fellowship of correspond with North Bend Association.
Dry Creek. — This church is located in Kenton County, about seven miles south west of Covington. It was constituted by counsel from Bullettsburgh and other churches, on the 19th day of July, 1800, with an aggregate of 22 members. This church has enjoyed several seasons of refreshing and numerous additions by baptism, and for many years has been one of the most numerous, and prosperous of North Bend Association. It has recently sustained loss in numbers by separation, and that portion of the church, that have seceded have united with an association not in fellowship with North Bend Association. Several usefull ministers of the Gospel have been reared up at Dry Greek.
Middle Creek. — This church is in Boone County, about six miles west of Burlington. It was constituted March I2th, 1803, with an aggregate of 23 members principally from Bullettsburgh. This church progressed along slowly for several years, and did not enjoy as much harmony as was desirable. In 1811 it experienced a gracious refreshing from the presence of the Lord, and large additions by baptism. — Since which period it has enjoyed repeated revivals, and has been one of the most prosperous and harmonious churches in the Association. The devider of brethern has effected less here than elsewhere, and notwithstanding their supply of preaching is from abroad they are a happy, united and efficient church.
Sand Run. — The location of this church is in Boone County opposite North Bend. It was constituted March 20th 1819 with an aggregated 78 members, from Bullettsburgh church, having first obtained the consent and approbation of that church, which generously aided in the constitution and afterwards continued to mingle with them in worship, so that they have ever appeared like one people. For a few years this church was prosperous and grew up to respectability both in numbers and in council. It has usually enjoyed peace and harmony, although by removal and otherwise its numbers have been gradually diminishing for several years. A small portion of the church have seceded and are now in union with on Association not in fellowship with North Bend.
East Bend. — This church is in Boone County, and was constituted on the 25th day of December, 1819 with an aggregate of 14 members. For many years the progress of this church was slow, but for several years last past its prospects have been improving. It has recently been much revived and refreshed by considerable additions by baptism, so that it is now a prosperous and happy church.
1st. Covington. — This church was constituted March 10th, 1838, by Elders Samuel W. Lynd, John B. Cook, Francis Craig and James Vickers with 19 members. It would seem that some of the materials of this church have been rather inharmonious, for although they have not existed long as a church, they have undergone trials, difficulties and divisions. It is hoped that after the various secessions, peace and harmony have been restored; and that they have lost more in numbers than efficiency. Notwithstanding those dissensions; this church has been abundantly blessed with revivals and additions by baptism and otherwise, so that they may be considered a prosperous church; and as they occupy a locality so important, with the blessing of God we indulge the hope that they will grow up into a strong host.
------------- [From Northbend Baptist Association Minutes, 1842, pp. 4-5. — Jim Duvall]
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