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Mount Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church In the early 1800's, this area of western Kentucky was the destination of many immigrants from the East, particularly Virginia. Into Muhlenberg County came a young man on horseback who was to have a profound influence on many lives. Charley Vincent came here about 1824, took up two thousand acres of land in what is now the Midland-Crescent area, returned to Virginia, and by 1828 had brought a young wife, Elizabeth Highley, then eighteen, back to the homestead. Her brother and two of his came with them then or later.
Charley and Betty had eleven children from whom many of Mount Pisgah's present members are descended. Those eleven children had eighty-four children of whom eleven are still living at this writing. They are Mrs. Leona Jones of New Cypress, Mrs. Edna Bruce of Gishton, Mrs. Clara Vincent of Central City, Mrs. Alice Wilkins of Midland, Mrs. Chloe Wilkins of Bremen, Charley Vincent, Clarence Vincent and Palice Vincent of Central City, their brother Alvis of California, and John L. Jones of Midland. Most of these are still members of Mount Pisgah and attend regularly. At least fifty families of ithe church are descendants of Charley and Betty. A portrait of them has been prepared and hung in the Education Building of the church. Members of his family helped organize the church which was located on his land to which a deed was later secured for the church. Exactly how the church came into existence is not known. There was an organized group which met in various homes during the Civil War. There is no record of their activities prior to 1869, when on September 18, forty members formed an organized body and that day added three by letter and three by experience and baptism. The manner in which they conducted the Lord's business that day is typical of the way the church has attended it ever since, which no doubt partly accounts for the fact that it has never suffered a decline, but has grown soundly, both spiritually and physically.
They met at what was called Charley's Chapel, a school house on the same site as the present church building for the purpose of "organizing a congregation of worshippers at that place into a church." This indicates they had been holding services in the school house. They organized a presbytery of Elders James Ben-net, William Bennett, W. H. Woodburn and Charles Karnes. James Bennett was moderator and R.O.G. Walker was elected clerk. The order of business was as follows: prayer, letters handed in and read, covenant read and adopted, rules of decorum read and adopted, the
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church named Mount Pisgah, the right hand of fellowship by the moderator and council, and the last commission of our Lord committed to the church by Elder William Bennett. The church then went into business session by electing Brother Robert Reynolds moderator and Brother T. D. Forehand clerk. Elder Charles Karnes was elected pastor for a year, and James H. Vincent and T. D. Forehand were elected deacons, after which a presbytery was called to ordain them. The same men served as in the organizing presbytery. Elder William Bennett examined the deacons as to their faith and "found them orthodox." After imposition of hands by the presbytery, they were given a charge by Elder W. H. Woodburn. The deacons returned to the church, and after prayer by Brother R. O. G. Walker, the doors were opened to receive new members. Brothers James H. Vincent, T. D. Forehand, and Robert Reynolds were elected messengers to the association and a letter written. Never was so much done by so few in one day!
This order of business was followed and minutes recorded from then until now. Only a few meetings are missing from the record and two of those were when the weather was so extreme that no conference was held.
Mount Pisgah continued in service, ordaining ministers and deacons, receiving members, caring for the needy, collecting for missions, looking after the moral and spiritual welfare of the membership, and participating regularly in fthe affairs of the association, beginning with R .O. G. Walker and Robert Reynolds in 1870; H. D. Divine, 1915; S. A. Kittinger, 1915; J. Paul Shanks, 1924; Walter Gossett, 1946; Toletis Vincent, 1951; Carroll Bruce, 1955; and Willard Brown in 1960. The Reverend Carroll Bruce and his wife Frances are missionaries in Japan.
Unltil recent years, it was customary to call a pastor annually. Thirty-two have served. Following is a list of their names and the years of their service. 1. Charles Karnes 1869 17. W. W. Woodson 1899 2. Robert Reynolds 1872 18. Samuel Brown 1906 3. R. O. G. Walker 1873 19. W. W. Woodson 1908 4. Charles Karnes 1875 20. W. W. Schwerdifeger 1909 5. T. W. Pritchett 1878 21. J. N. Jarnigan 1910 6. R. O. G. Walker 1879 22. J. W. Gill 1916 7. T. W. Pritchett 1880 23. H. D. Divine 1918 8. W. W. Williams 1881 24. J. W. Gill 1925 9. T. W. Pritchett 1882 25. Paul Shanks 1926 10. R. O. G. Walker 1883 26. W. W. Schwerdifeger 1929 11. L. J. Stirsman 1887 27. H. D. Divine 1933 12. R. F. Hocker 1891 28. S. A. Kittinger 1934 13. J. W. Gill 1892 29. E. E. Spickard 1950 14. W. H. Bell 1894 30. Charles Smith 1957 15. Dallas Mercer 1895 31. H. D. Johns 1962 16. W. H. Woodson 1897 32. Roy E. Gibson 1965
The church Clerks and their terms of service are: 1. Thomas Forehand 1869 8. G. T. Gish 1904 2. S. P. Jones 1881 9. P. M. Vincent 1910 3. A. R. Wilcox 1886 10. S. A. Kittinger 1915
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4. R. C. Jones 1892 11. J. J. Groves 1921 5. O. T. Kittinger 1894 12. C. H. Divine 1948 6. L. A. Vincent 1897 13. A. L. Hawes 1959 7. C. M. Jones 1901 14. Wayne Divine 1966
The family solidarity and sound instruction of pastors, parents and teachers may very well account for the stability and success of Mount Pisgah. A wonderful spirit of brotherhood and respect for each other is a notable characteristic of the church.
Of the nine ministers sent out, five were descended from Charley Vincent, as were twenty-four of thirty deacons, twelve of fourteen clerks, five of the pastors, and most of the choir directors, pianists and organisits. The five choir leaders from 1869 are Luke Vincent, Bob Jones, Andrew Vincent, Charlie Jones, who served from 1890-1940, and Herbert Bruce from 1940 to now. They have served well and long, training the choir and participating in singing conventions.
In our current missionary zeal, we tend to think the early church fathers were concerned only with the needs of their own and their near neighbors. Not so. Before 1900, special collection was made regularly and designated for missions. At first the committees consisted of women. Later men were added to the committees. The ladies were asked to donate their Sunday eggs for missions and, in 1914, a foreign missionary was invited to speak. By 1926, the decision was made to contribute monthly to missions.
As the people were made more aware of the need for increased support and knowledge about missions, an organized society was established. This was in 1952. The Women's Missionary Union and its auxiliary groups have grown tremendously thereby increasing the gifts to the mission boards. The young people, through their study in their mission literature, are knowledgeable about all aspects of the mission program.
The present members owe much to the many faithful of the past, such as Uncle John L. Jones, who was the first member to tithe, the first Sunday School Superintendent, a deacon since 1921, assistant moderator in the past, has always been active and is now regular in attendance at ninety-two years of age. There have been a number of outstanding sainits of his kind, men and women. Jesse Groves will long be remembered for his faith and works over the years. He was a deacon from 1946 until his death in 1959, church clerk for twenty-seven years during which he kept an excellent record of the business proceedings, was Sunday School Superintendent for many years and an inspiration to all who knew him.
It is difficult to separate the physical and spiritual growth of the church. After its inception in 1869, they continued to meet in the schoolhouse until a log house was built adjacent to it. A frame structure was erected next to it in 1894, a year after the loss of thirty members who left to establish Cedar Grove Church. This building stood until 1948 when the present concrete block sanctuary was built. Soon it was inadequate to house the growing congregation and adequately provide for their educational needs, and it was expanded in 1958. By 1965 these facilities had become overcrowded and a four room structure was added to the front and many improvements
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were made for comfort and beauty. It is now a lovely inspirational edifice which has already uplifted the congregation.
Another organization that has been of inestimable worth in improving all phases of the church's activities is the Training Union. Brother Mabra Vincent was its director from 1947-1960, when he resigned due to ill health. In those years his unlagging efforts resulted in a sound program of training of both old and young. Now the Training Union is about half the numerical strength of the Sunday School, but may be considered more than half as strong in other respects because it consists mainly of the members who support all the programs and activities of the church.
The leaders have always been interested in public affairs as they seemed to realize the affairs of the public became their own as individuals and as a church. As early as 1926, they sent a petition to congress asking for an amendment to prohibit the use of the States' money for parochial or sectarian schools. Two years later, a petition was sent to the Congressman asking him to use his influence to "secure a Christian Amendment to the Preamble to the Constitution recognizing God as the only source of all law and order and the Christ as Saviour and King in the Supreme law of our country." And in 1949, the associational clerk was authorized to write to congress requesting that federal funds not be used by religious schools. Today, while many Southern Baptists are torn by the question whether to accept federal loans for construction of colleges, most of the Mount Pisgah people remain adamantly opposed to it as a breakdown in the separation of church and state.
Mount Pisgah stands on the threshhold of a glorious future in carrying out the Great Commission here in its own neighborhood amd in support of local missionary effort, as well as that of the state, nation, and foreign fields, if only she will look to her strength that has steadily been building. Surely it has been to a purpose. BUEL RICKEY VONNIE FRANCE
Editor's Note: Some statistical data gleaned from the Minutes of the Muhlen-berg County Baptist Association which is not included in the main body of the history follows:
The membership of Mt. Pisgah increased from 195 in 1907 to 432 in 1966; her Sunday School enrollment, from no Sunday School in some of the earlier years to 299 in 1963 — 265 in 1966; her total expenditures, from $50 in 1907 to $33,470 in 1959; her mission contributions, from none reported during some of the 1930's to $12,241 in 1965; her property valuation, from $800 in 1907 to $61,000 in 1965; her pastor's salary, from $120 in 1915 to $6,000 in 1965.
Mt. Pisgah has baptized 603 people into her fellowship from 1907 to 1966. _________________
Nelson Creek Baptist Church The Nelson Creek Missionary Baptist Church was organized and established on June 19, 1803, at the home of George Clark near the place where the church now stands.
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The records of Hazel Creek Church show that in 1799 twelve members of that body were authorized to constitute an arm at George Clark's, on the west side of Pond Creek. This step doubtless led to the forming of the Nelson Creek Baptist Church, June 10, 1803, with Isaac and Peggy Davis, Lenox and Sarah Rose, William and Rebecca Cross, John and Martha Durall, Warren Davis, Mary Hunsinger, Mollie Randolph, and Sarah, a black woman, aided by Benjamin Tolbart and James Keil. No acts of this church prior to 1815 have been procured, yet the associational minute book (Gasper River Association) presents the fact that "Being found orderly and orthodox" it was received into the Association in 1813.
The James Keil, mentioned as a charter member, has a short biography in A HISTORY OF DAVIESS-McLEAN BAPTIST ASSOCIATION by Rev. Wendel Rone. The biography on page 272 mentions the name perhaps spelled Keel instead of Kiel. (See James Keel under "Founding Fathers" in this history.) He assisted Rev. Benjamin Tolbert in organizing the Nelson Creek Baptist Church in Muhlenberg County.
The first building was a log structure on the old Morton Road which ran from South Carrollton to Paradise, Kentucky, behind what is now called the Old Cemetery. There was no deed made until the year 1844 when joint deeds were made and given by Phillip Yonts and Jess Moore. In this year the old church was moved from the Yonts plot to the Moore plot. The trustees of the church at this time were John Benton, Thomas Howerton, and James Hack.
Owing to the want of written facts, the early history of this old church cannot be accurately given. For twenty years, or as long as Elder Tolbert did the preaching, nothing is said of choosing pastors, but it is known that Elders Phillip Warden, Zach Earl, and T. L. Garrett each served the church in addition to the first named pastors.
The church is now occupying its third building, a nice building on the Greenville-Rockport road about three miles from the latter place. Respectfully submitted, L. C. RUSS, Clerk Nelson Creek Baptist Church
Editor's comment based on statistics found in the Muhlenberg County Association Minutes, 1907 to 1964: Masters says (p. 180) that Nelson Creek belonged to the Union Association in 1806.
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This Association dissolved in 1812. Hazel Creek, the Mother Church of Nelson Creek, also belonged to the Union Association, but it withdrew in 1811 and became a member of the Green River Association, but withdrew the following year to aid in forming the Gasper River Association.
The editor has not found documentary evidence that Nelson Creek acted in unison with Hazel Creek in these changes, but since both churches belonged to Gasper River in 1813, this assumption seems reasonable.
Nelson Creek remained in Gasper River until 1907 when it became a constituent member of the Muhlenberg County Baptist Association. Rev. R. W. Banks was the pastor — no pastor's salary is reported, but $5 was given to missions that year. Membership had climbed to 166 by 1910 and to 199 by 1915. In 1915 the pastor was paid $120; $15 was given to missions; and $254 was expanded for all local and mission causes.
In 1920 when the 75 Million Campaign was on, the church contributed $265 to this drive for funds.
In 1929 church membership had climbed to 253. Then membership began to decline until only 106 was reported in 1940.
By 1945 membership had reached 366, the pastor was paid $450, and out of a total expenditure of $919, $222 was given to mission causes.
By 1955 the church had gone to full time work. Total expenditures had reached $5,954 of which the pastor received $3,600 and missions received $290.
The 1960 report showed even more advancement: total expenditures, $9,704; pastor's salary, $5,400; mission offerings, $1,066.
Minutes of 1964 reported total expenditures of $11,810; pastor's salary, $4,600; mission offering, $730; Membership 372; Sunday School enrollment, 146; Vacation Bible School enrollment, 96; Training Union enrollment, 89; Brotherhood enrollment, 10; WMU enrollment, 21; value of church property, $42,000.
The total number of baptisms reported from 1907 to 1965 has been 483.
The Muhlenberg County Baptist Association met with this church in 1907 and in 1931. Pastors who have served the church since it has been a member of the Muhlenberg County Association are Brethren R. W. Danks 1907-1910; W. R. Oldham 1911-1913; J. H. Tow 1914; C. S. Truman 1917-1918; I. B. Stuart 1919-1924; Lat Grundy 1925-1928; S. P. Browning 1929-1930; Latt Grundy 1931; J. E. Craig 1932-1935; Dewey Noffsinger 1936-1938; J. L. Parker 1939-.4947; Earl Mitchell 1948; David Mefford 1949-1951; Roy Geary 1952-1957; Stanford Simmons 1958-1960; Larry Huntley 1961-1962; Darrell Browning 1963; Irian Snyder 1964 to present.
During this time the church had had five clerks: W. H. Noffsinger, Claude Walker, S. B. Gatton, W. B. Dockery, and Luther Russ.
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[The Tabular Exhibit of Nelson Creek Church, 1813-1876 - from the Gasper River Association Record listed in the book is not given here. - jrd]
Owing to the want of written facts the early history of this old church cannot be accurately given. For twenty years, or as long as Elder Tolbart did stated preaching, nothing is said of choosing pastors; but it is known that Elders Phillip Warden, Zach. Earl and T. L. Garrett each served in addition to the first named.
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New Cypress Baptist Church Mrs. Gladys DeArmond furnished a part of the material for the history of the New Cypress Baptist Church. Other material comes from Associational Minutes.
As a result of a brush arbor meeting in the New Cypress community "some of the good people from different churches decided, by the help of the Lord, to organize a church."
The Council met on December 22, 1910, with L. J. Stirsman as moderator and J. W. Noffsinger as clerk. Brother P. E. Henvdon and Deacon William Evitts also sat on the Council. Charter members were W. W. and Nina Isbell, N. B., Rosie, and M. E. Board from Old Bethel; William, Lena, Ernie, and Lucy Gossett from Unity; Mary F., Lola, and A. G. Vick, Ed and Robert Locke, Etta Boyd, J. A. and Lena Peveler, J. W. and Ona Noffsinger, and Amby Vick from Cedar Grove.
At the Annual Meeting of the Association in 1911, New Cypress Church presented copy of her Articles of Faith and regular statistical letter, and applied for membership, and, on motion, was received.
The first pastor of this new church was Brother P. E. Herndon (He served as pastor for seventeen years.) The first deacons were W. F. Vick, Pate Locke, and W. W. Isbell. The first clerk, who served for thirty years, was J. W. Noffsinger. W. W. Isbell was Sunday School superintendent; E. C. Gossett, Pate Locke, and Nina Isbell, teachers.
A church was built and dedicated in 1911. "Uncle Frank and Charlie Wright hauled rocks for the pillows [pillars] of the church. Several men worked hard to build the church. Oil lamps were used for lights. The church seated around 300 people."
That first year, 1911, 21 people accepted Jesus as their Savior and 25 joined the church by letter.
Brother Herndon preached his own revivals (always in October) for seventeen years. Baptisms were in Geibel's or Isbell's ponds. The church membership grew from the few charter members listed in a foregoing paragraph to 228 during his pastorate.
New Cypress accepted the challenge of the 75 Million Campaign and contributed $2,490 to missions and benevolences during that five-year period—1920-1924. She also accepted the evangelistic challenge. She added 94 people to her church roll — 79 by baptism and 15 by letter.
Deacons — in addition to those previously named — who have served the church include Tom Stobaugh, Charlie Wright, E. C. Gossett, Jack Mercer, Nevin Todd, James Vincent, Jim Vincent, Jack
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Durall, Jewell Wright, Charlie Vincent, J. S. Isbell, Edgar Watkins, Everett Jackson, Wesley Newman, and George Durall.
New Cypress has licensed two ministers — Roy Shelton and Herbert Stobaugh — and ordained five ministers: Jewell Vincent, James Vincent, George Durall, L. B. Wice, and T. C. Wright.
The value of church property has increased from $1,500 in 1911 to $13,500 in 1965. In 1934 extra land was bought for a cemetery. In 1950 a full basement containing seven Sunday School rooms and a furnace room was added. In 1953 the old New Cypress school building was purchased and from it four more Sunday School rooms constructed. In 1960 a parsonage was purchased and later remodeled. The auditorium is now being remodeled and redecorated.
Church membership reported in 1911 was 54; the largest membership was 294 in 1935; the present membership, 261. The largest Sunday School enrollment — 201 — was reported in 1953; present enrollment, 135. The church has reported 521 baptisms.
Contributions to missions have varied widely. Seven dollars was contributed in 1911; the largest — $1,182 — in 1957; $538 in 1965. The largest expenditures for all purposes came in 1963 — $6,885. Pastor's salaries ranged from $120 in 1911 to $3,511 in 1960.
Pastors who have served the church are Brethren P. E. Herndon, 1910-1926; Frank Farmer, 1927-1933; Ira MicCay, 1934; R. E. Fuqua, 1935-1941; V. A. Turner, 1942 (church went to half time) — 1943; C. E. Daniel, 1944-1945; Bryan Wice, 1946; Fred Fox, 1947-1955; J. W. Robinson, 1956; J. C. Gunn, 1957-1960 (church went to full time); Douglas Strader, 1961-1963; Perry Fletcher, 1964-1965; J. H. Lyon, 1966- .
Present officials of the church are J. H. Lyon, pastor; Jewell Wright, Sunday School superintendent; Charlie Vincent, Training Union director; Mrs. Ernestine Vincent, W.M.S. president; Joy De-Armond, G.A. director; Roy McDonald, clerk; J. S. Isbell, treasurer; Jimmie DeArmond, song leader; Doris DeArmond, pianist; J. S. Isbell, Everett Jackson, Charlie Vincent, and Jack Mercer, trustees.
Other quotations from Mrs. DeArmond's material are: The roads were rough and muddy. Transportation was bad. Most of the people had to walk. They would carry their shoes and put them on after they arrived.
Back in the Twenty's the discipline was very strict, ranging from immoral conduct, drunkenness, dancing and not attending church. They would appoint a committee to go see about you especially if they wanted to join another church. You had to be in good standing. The rules used to be read every year. Three-fourths of our young people don't know what the rules are now.
Our church helped a lot of other churches with financial problems. Some of these churches were destroyed by fire and other causes. Our treasury has gotten as low as fourteen cents.
The church had an organ for many years and it was played by Evie Jones and Mrs. Lillian Bowers. They bought the first piano in 1942.
We are now in the process of redecorating our auditorium. We have already lowered the ceiling and put celotex blocks on it. We have also paneled the walls, extended the pulpit out even with the choir and put down a wall to wall carpet. We are hoping this is just the beginning of New Cypress Church..
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New Harmony Baptist Church New Harmony Missionary Baptist Church had its beginnings in a brush arbor near Gishton led by Brother Herbert Stobaugh in 1933. Another meeting was held the same year by Sister Eula Dell Craig. A mission point was then established in the Joe Peveler store house. Sunday school was organized and Brother Bryant Wice preached regularly once a month at the mission until the church was organized on September 30, 1934. Brother Bryant Wice was elected as first pastor and served faithfully until 1937.
Evie Evans was the first church clerk. She served 15 months, then J. H. (Uncle Jim) Richey served from December 1935 until March 1, 1947.
J. H. Richey was the only deacon from Cedar Grove, so on July 7, 1935, Brother Joe Peveler and Brother Joe Mclntyre were elected deacons.
Brother Ben Woodburn served as pastor from 1937 through 1948, a period of eleven years.
During October of 1937, Brother Joe Peveler's store was deeded to the church. The next year the roofing, siding, flooring, and windows were improved. A piano and benches were bought in 1941. The building was dedicated August 30, 1942. Brother O. P. Bush preached the dedication sermon.
A new church was begun in 1944 on Highway 181. The ground for the church and cemetery was given by the Cleveland Bruce family. The building was ready for services in November 1945 and was dedicated on the fifth Sunday in June, 1947. The dedication sermon was preached by Brother S. P. Browning. In November 1945 the first service was held in the new church. Brother Woodburn was pastor, and J. H. Richey church clerk. During March 1947, T. H. Bruce was elected church clerk.
Brethren Farley Bruce, Clyde Bruce, and Gordon Jarvis were elected deacons in June 1940; Ora DeArmond, E. H. Capps, William Reno, and T. H. Bruce, in August of 1948. Brother Charles Woodburn was ordained as a minister on the same day. The next year Brother John H. Bruce was licensed to preach, and in December 1949 was ordained as a minister.
B.T.U. started in 1949; W.M.U. in 1952; weekly prayer meeting in 1953.
The church went to one-half time in 1952; to full time in 1954. The church started in a one-room house in 1934; today, the
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members can well be proud of the modern place of worship that has succeeded it. Services began in the present building in 1945. Since then the following improvements and additions have been added:In 1952 Sunday School rooms were added: a full basement with four class rooms above. During the same year, 100 folding wooden chairs were purchased for the Sunday School rooms. During 1953 new hardwood floors were put down in the auditorium; a piano, a pulpit, and two pulpit chairs were purchased. During 1954 a new furnace was added, and a plot of ground across from the church was purchased for the building of a parsonage. During 1955 the parsonage was built. During 1959 the auditorium was redecorated from the floor up, and storm -windows and doors were installed. During 1960 four more Sunday School rooms were built; also two restrooms, a pastor's study, and a full basement under the added rooms. During 1961 a new gas furnace was installed under the educational building bringing the value of the property up to $25,000.
Beginning with 1949, pastors who have served the church are Rev. Bryant Wice, 1949-1951; Rev. David Mefford, 1952-1953; Rev. Henry D. Johns, 1954-1958; Rev. Duncan Smith, 1958-1961; Rev. Leslie Moody, 1961-1962; Rev. C. Donald Apperson, 1963; Rev. James Crowell, 1964-1965.
The church has had three Executive Board members since 1948 in this order, Brethren J. H. Richey, Ora DeArmond, and Roy Gossett.
Brother Lawrence Noffsinger who compiled this history was baptized at Bethlehem in 1920, served as church clerk at Bethlehem, served as Sunday School superintendent and Intermediate teacher at Bethlehem, joined the New Harmony Baptist Church in 1952 and has served her as church clerk and Sunday School superintendent. He was clerk of the Muhlenberg County Baptist Association during 1963 and 1964. LAWRENCE NOFFSINGER, Historian
Editor's Note: New Harmony first sent a statistical report to the Muhlenberg County Baptist Association in 1935. That year she reported 43 members — 19 by baptism and 24 by letter. Her membership in 1964 was 217.
In 1936 this church reported the pastor's salary as $47; gifts to missions, $6.00. Total amount spent for all purposes, $54.00. In 1963 the pastor received $3,825; missions received $1,472; and total amount expended was $9,651.
The number of baptisms reported during her 30 years as a church is 222.
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History of New Hebron Baptist Church In 1840 in a remote community in Southeast Muhlenberg County, a small band of 13 members drew their membership from Hazel Creek Baptist Church and established a log church known now as Old Hebron. The name of the first congregation was the United Baptist Church at New Hebron. After four years the church failed from Mormon power. The pastors for the first four years were Elders G. Dunn and J. H. Felts.
After twenty years the church was revived October 15, 1864, with 15 members. The first pastor from 1864 to 1868 was Elder J. E. Gardner. In 1869, Elder W. B. Tatum was called as pastor. Elders Tatum and Gardner alternated until 1876 when Elder J. M. Newman was called as pastor of the flock. Members at this time numbered 71. This information came from the records of the Gasper River Association of which New Hebron was a member at this time.
The Church Covenant at this time read, "As we hope we have heretofore given ourselves to the Lord, we do this day in his divine presence give ourselves in a church compact to each other and do solemnly convenant and agree to fulfill the duty of brethren and sisters to each other — not to expose each other falsely, but in the letter and the spirit of the gospel. "That we will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together in so far as circumstances will justify. We will fill our seats in time of Worship and meetings of business. That we will watch over each other in Christian tenderness and love and endeavor to edify each in striving together for the benefit of the weak of the flock. To raise up the head that hangs down and so make straight paths for our feet lest they which are lame be turned out of the way. That we will endeavor to bear each other's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. "In token of our love and agreement given each other our hand as it is necessary to have some epitath by which to designate our church from others."
Our earliest church records, dated 1844, show they were taken from the old book dated October 11, 1864. The old books have been either destroyed or misplaced. Elder J. E. Gardner was pastor again in 1884. In 1884 the records show that the church was called the Baptist Church of Christ at New Hebron, and the first church clerk on record was J. D. Summer. The church minutes of 1884
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show an interesting fact in that the covenant, rules of decorum, and articles of faith were read at least twice a year.
In April 1898 a motion was made to build a new church. A committee was appointed to select a place. Elders J. E. Gardner, J. W. Wood, and Allie McPherson were appointed. As early as 1895 a discussion had been going on in the church whether to repair the old church building or to build a new one. Elder J. R. Ford was the pastor and J. B. Mayes was the clerk.
The name Missionary Baptist was used for the first time in the minutes of May, 1903. In a called meeting in October 1903, a motion was made to receive the Sugar Grove church building as a gift from S. P. Welburn. A committee of five was elected to secure a place on which to build and to superintend the moving of the Sugar Grove building to the new site. The committee was J. B. Mayes, J. W. Matherly, Allie McPherson, Melvin Gardner, and C. Hughes. The committee report follows:
"We, your committee, submit the following report; we have secured 11/2 acres of land out on the road from D. A. Summer, and have moved and erected the Sugar Grove church building on this location. The house is completed and is out of debt." Respectfully Submitted, J. W. MATHERLY, Chairman J. B. MAYES, Secretary W. T. CARROLL D. R. MATHERLY M. E. GARDNER
On Saturday before the second Lord's day in June, 1904, a motion was made to release the building committee and to accept the church at New Hebron Missionary Baptist Church. Elder J. J. Goodman, Moderator; J. B. Mayes, Clerk.
In 1921 the church invited the Muhlenberg County Baptist Association to meet with us.
The first trustees we have record of were Bros. J. W. Matherly, J. B. Mayes, W. T. Carroll elected April 1904, in a call meeting. The last trustee was Bro. F. O. Gardner in June, 1934. The first trustees have gone to their reward.
According to our record, the clerk serving the longest period was Bro. J. B. Mayes elected as church clerk in 1892 and serving until 1934, making a total of 42 years. Following him was W. C. Gardner from 1934 to 1951; and from 1951 to 1964 Ernest Hunt except the year 1955 when Ben F. Gardner served as clerk.
Our oldest records were destroyed, but we have the names of these deacons who have served the church: Bros. Elias Wood, E. N. McPherson, J. B. Mayes, J. J. Wagoner, J. W. Matherly, J. H. Hunt, P. L. Wood, T. E. Gilman, O. O. Gardner, Oscar Perry, J. M. Gardner, A. V. White, C. P. Mallory, and F. A. Gardner. Some of these have passed on to their reward, others have joined other
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churches of like faith. Three remain: J. M. Gardner, chairman, A. V. White and F. A. Gardner.
Some pastors not heretofore mentioned are Elders J. J. Goodman, J. W. Milan, K. F. Johnson, R. H. Forsythe, Drexel Hankins, C. J. Hughes, David Mefford, Fred Fox, L. A. Whitaker, and J. M. Rogers. Bro. C. J. Hughes is the grandson of Elder J. R. Ford who served the church in the 1900's. Bro. H. E. White is our present pastor.
In 1950, the church again facing the responsibility of either repairing the old church or building a new church, voted to place 15% of the church budget in a building fund. Rev. David Mefford was pastor at this time. In May 1962, the church at a call-meeting pledged the sum of $1,250.00 toward the building of a new church. On July 28, 1962, at a call meeting, Bros. Ernest Hunt, J. M. Gardner, and F. O. Gardner were elected as a building committee. They had the authority to hire a contractor, to build a new church, and to raise money to pay for all building supplies.
On October 2, 1962, ground was broken for the new church. The Rev. Ben H. Newell and the pastor, Rev. H. E. White conducted the ground breaking services at 8:45 A.M. at which 23 members were present.
The church was completed the last of December 1962, and the first service was held in it January 1, 1963. On the third Saturday of July 1963 business meeting, the final note was paid off. The dedication services were held on the fifth Sunday in September, 1963. Knowing that the Lord has been with us down through the years and will continue even unto the end of the world.
Respectfully submitted, ERNEST HUNT CARMON PERRY
New Hebron Baptist Church Notes by the editor based on Muhlenberg County Baptist Association minutes. New Hebron entered the Association in 1907 with 130 members. J. J. Goodman was pastor; J. B. Mays, clerk; and J. W. Matherly, Sunday school superintendent. In 1930 the membership was 136; preaching was on the First Sunday; pastor's salary was $120.00 a year; total expenditure was $168. In 1955 with Fred Fox as pastor the church reported 95 members; pastor's salary, $452.00; missions $359.00; total expenditure, $1,149. In 1964 with H. E. White as pastor of the church reported 96 members; pastor's salary, $567.00; missions, $187; total expenditure, $1,315.00. The church has reported 240 baptisms since 1907.
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New Hope Baptist Church New Hope was constituted near the present site of Moorman in Muhlenburg County, Kentucky, August 1838. The constituent membership numbered twenty-nine who had come from Walton's Creek Church in Ohio County for that purpose. Elders George Render and Alfred Taylor served as the presbytery of recognition. By the end of the month sixteen others were received into the membership bringing the total to forty-five.
The church petitioned the Gasper River Association for membership that same month and continued as a member of that fraternity until the year 1845, when she became a member of the Daviess County Association. She remained in this Association until the year 1907 when she was dismissed to enter the constitution of the Muhlenberg County Association.
From her organization to 1907 the church was served by the following pastors and clerks: Pastors:
Frederick Tanner 1838-1847; James M. Bennett 1848-1851; Kinchen G. Hay 1851-1857; J. M. Peay 1858-1872; W. P. Bennett 1872-1873; J. T. Casebier 1874-1881; I. N. Strother 1882-1883; A. B. Smith 1884-1885; J. T. Casebier 1886-1901; J. T. Taylor 1902-1905; B. F. Jenkins 1906-1907. Clerks:
J. N. Nail 1838-1839; R. Sullivan 1840-1850; J. F. Coffman 1851-1852; R. E. Humphrey 1853-1860; J. K. Sullivan 1861; J. C. Moorman 1862-1873; J. K. Sullivan 1874-1881; W. P. Robertson 1882-1898; C. A. Robertson 1899-1905; Edgar Nichols 1906; W. M. Drake 1907-1925.
The twenty-four year pastorate of Elder J. T. Casebier and the fifteen year pastorate of Elder J. M. Peay were the greatest periods of growth in the history of the church. Her membership never reached more than 110 because of the limited territory within which the church worked. Added to this is the fact the church lettered off members as early as 1840 to constitute Station Church. The South Carrollton Church was constituted in 1851 from members from New Hope. Also, Mt. Moriah Church in Mclean County in 1858 and Island in the same county in 1872.
At an early date New Hope erected a house of worship. The second house of worship was completed in 1857 at a cost of $700.00. This church was near New Hope Cemetery. In 1908 a new house of worship was erected in Moorman where it now stands.
In 1856 New Hope paid her pastor her first stipulated amount
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for salary, the modest sum of $50.00 for one year. This was later increased to $200.00 per year under the pastorate of Elder J. M. Peay but was reduced at still a later date. All records show that the church met her obligations and met them fully. She has been missionary since her organization and gave regularly to the benevolent causes.
New Hope Church entertained the fifth annual session of the Daviess County Association in the year 1848.
In the early 1800's and 1900's she was very strict with her membership. Many were investigated by committee before they were taken into the church. On several occasions she would send out committees to call on members for intoxication. On one occasion it was reported at the regular business that four men of the church had been drunk. A committee of four was appointed to call them to come back to the church and repent of their sinful act. Some came back, others did not. The ones who did not were excluded from the church membership. Members accused of dancing were asked to appear before the church to ask for forgiveness. The records state that when members came and asked the church to forgive them, they usually made faithful members.
A roll call of members was made at business meetings and members who were not attending as they should were visited and asked to come before the church. Members appointed to attend to any needs of the church were expected to do so promptly.
In the year of 1948 New Hope built a basement with six Sunday School rooms and a furnace was installed. In 1953 she built a two story addition onto the church with three Sunday School rooms, a nursery, and a pastor's study on the first floor, and Sunday School rooms upstairs which still have not been completed.
Perhaps the church will never be large numerically because of her small surroundings. Never-the-less, like the church at Philadelphia in the Book of Revelation, it has done much with very little to do with. The church is self-supporting and mission minded. May it continue to be so. Through the efforts and zeal of its good pastors and faithful members, many have been converted unto the Lord. Three oustandiing Baptist preachers have come from her membership in this century.
While serving as pastor at New Hope, Dewey Mercer felt the Holy Spirit calling him into the foreign mission field. He is now serving in Japan with his wife and children.
On December 2, 1951, New Hope ordained Roy Geary to preach the gospel. (The writer of this history gives an inspiring account of Brother Geary's background and of his work since entering the ministry. This will be quoted in the biographical sketch on Brother Geary. Editor.)
New Hope ordained another great orator, James Earl London. He was born to Earl and Maudie London November 16, 1931, at South Carrollton, Kentucky. He was saved at the early age of eight and one-half years and became a member of the South Carrollton Baptist Church. Later he moved his membership to New Hope. The Holy Spirit gripped his heart, and he answered the heavenly call to preach the gospel at the age of seventeen. He became the pastor of
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the Liberty Church in Madisonville, Kentucky. New Hope ordained him October 2, 1949. Liberty being a part time church, he was also called to and accepted the White Plains Church at White Plains, Kentucky.
In September of 1951, both churches requested his services for full time work. He felt led by the Holy Spirit to accept the work at Liberty and ministered there until 1955. White and Liberty he led the church program which included an educational building and sanctuary.
In January 1956 James became pastor of the Nebo Baptist Church. During his ministery there an educational building was erected. In January 1959 James left the Nebo Church and went to Spring Myer Baptist Mission, Cincinnati, Ohio. In March of the same year, Spring Myer Mission was constituted into the Oak Hill Baptist Church.
His denominational activities included Associational Sunday School Superintendent, Executive Board, member in Kentucky and Ohio, and Trustee of Bethel College. He preached the Associational sermon for the Greater Cincinnati Association in 1962.
James graduated from Bremen High School and from Bethel College in Hopkinsville. He received his B. A. Degree from Belmont College in Nashville, Tennessee in 1955. He received his B. D. Degree from the Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville in 1959.
James Earl London completed his mission here on July 7, 1963. and went to heaven to continue his praises to God. Like most good pastors he left no great earthly riches, but was rich in treasures in heaven. God saw fit to pull the curtain of this young man's life and ministry, but some day God will draw aside the certain, and the hidden things wo do not understand now will be brought into view.
The following pastors and clerks have served New Hope since she entered the Muhlenburg County Association hi 1907: Pastors Clerks B. F. Jenkins 1906-1913 Claude Nicholls 1925-1931 J. J. Willit 1913-1916 A. P. Drake 1931-1945 S. S. Ship 1916-1919 Bennie Skimehorn 1945-1948 B. W. Holland 1919-1924 Earl London 1948-1954 S. S. Ship 1920-1924 Dennie Burch 1954-1956 Foster Howard 1924-1925 Roy Lee 1956-1964 J. P. Shanks 1931-1933 A. F. Cox 1933-1936 C.J. Boyd 1936-1937 Ben Woodburn 1937-1946 Earl Mitchell 1946-1949 Dewey Mercer 1951-1952 Toletis Vincent 1951-1952 Dewey Mercer 1952-1955 H. K. Langston 1955-1956 M. O. Hocker 1956-1957 Jewell Vincent 1957-1960 Don Honeycutt 1960-1962 Jewell Vincent 1962-1965 Tom Woodson 1966-
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On July 22, 1958, in his last will and testament, Taylor Bell gave to New Hope Church all land on the west side of U. S. Highway 431, where the present New Hope Cemetery is located.
On February 2, 1940, the New Hope Woman's Missionary Society was organized by the South Carrollton Baptist Church. It had five members. The present membership is fourteen. Presidents of the W. M. S. have been Mrs. Anna Lee, Mrs. Ethyl Drake, Mrs. Dennie Burch, Mrs. Dixie Bullock, Mrs. Mayme Bullock, Mrs. Jewell Vincent, Mrs. C. C. Craig, and Mrs. Less Burden.
Editors Note: New Hope entered the Muhlenberg County Association in 1907 with a membership of 59. She had 169 in 1964. She paid her pastor $150.00 a year in 1907; $2,865.00 a year in 1964. She paid $6.00 to missions in 1907; $572.00 in 1964. Her total expenditure in 1907 was $166.00; in 1964 it was $4,561.00. She reported 342 baptisms from 1907 to 1965. _________________
Oak Grove Baptist Church Unity Baptist Church "extended an arm" unto three neighborhoods in order that memoers living in these localities might meet more conveniently, and better promote religion among themselves and their neighbors who considered Unity Church House too far from their homes. Oak Grove was one of these.
This "arm", composed mostly of members of Unity Church, was constituted as a Baptist Church on September 19, 1846. Fortunately the minutes of that meeting have been preserved. They read:
"To all whom it may concern: "We whose names appear below having (as we firmly hope and believe) been brought savingly to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus Christ our Redeemer through the instrumentality of the gospel, attended by the sanctifying influence of the Holy Spirit, and having been regularly baptized according to His appointment by immersion, and wishing to be constituted a church upon the principles of United Baptists, do hereby in His holy presence give ourselves first to the Lord and then to each other by the will of the Lord, to be hereafter known by the name of the Oak Grove Church of Jesus Christ." (A lengthly "Rules of Faith" and "Rules of Decorum" are inserted here.)
"We do now call upon Elders R. Jones, P. S. Loving, and K. G. Hay to assist us in organizing this church."
Chapter members were Barnet Eades, Thomas Terry, William P. Hancock, Fielding Foster, Thomas C. Eades, Green B. Eades, Wyatt Gates, George W. Terry, Elizabeth Dillingham, Elizabeth Eades, Delilah Foster, Nancy Hancock, Mary Gates, Elizabeth Terry, Huldah Sims, and Fillas (a woman of color).
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After the church was constituted, Elder Richard Jones was chosen as pastor, Wyatt Dates as clerk, and Barnet Eades and Thomas Terry as deacons. In 1846 after a "protracted" meeting, fourteen candidates were baptized and four joined by letter.
Oak Grove joined the Little Bethel Association in 1847 and remained in that body until 1907 when she became a constituent member of the Muhlenberg County Baptist Association.
In the years that followed, many people were baptized almost every year, not only after protracted meetings, but aE during the year. Church discipline was strict, however, and a very frequent entry in the minutes stated that after a committee had investigated a complaint against Brother _____ or Sister _____ and had reported unfavorably, the said brother or said sister was declared by the church to be "no more of us". Dishonesty, immorality, dancing, intoxication, chronic neglect to attend church services, and joining a church of different faith were common causes of expulsion. Yearly statistics of membership are not at hand until 1907. One report gives the membership in 1864 as 111; another 1890 as 129. She entered the Muhlenberg Association in 1907 with 134 members. This membership increased until 1915 when 184 were reported; and then a steady decrease began until in 1930 she reported only 82. A long period of growth followed terminating in 1962 with 243 members. 235 were reported in 1963; 230 in 1964; and 223 in 1965.
The minutes of Little Bethel for 1890 list C. M. Pendley as pastor; P. F. Hancock, clerk; E. W. Eades, P. F. Hancock, and J. E. Beard, messengers. Oak Grove entered the Muhlenberg County Baptist Association with Charles Gregston, pastor; P. F. Hancock, clerk; E. P. Camp, Sunday School superintendent; Benjamin Beard, C. R. Morton, F. A. Adkins, and L. Lovell, messengers. P. F. Hancock served the church as clerk for 50 years.
The first church, a frame building 25X35 feet, was built by the members one mile south of Depoy in 1842 while the church was still an "arm" of Unity. In 1901 the church voted to construct a new building 34X50 feet. It was to be located in Depoy — the site of the present church. The building committee — Lucian Lovell, Netter Adkins, Thomas Beard, and P. F. Hancock — had the new building ready for dedication on the Fourth Sunday in May, 1902. It was debt free by September of the same year.
In 1908 a church committee bought land adjoining the church lot for a church controlled community cemetery.
Electric light were installed in 1927. Seven Sunday School rooms and a bapistry were built in 1946. Gas heat was installed and the auditorium "re-done" in 1951. A parsonage was built in 1954. Four additional Sunday School rooms and a complete kitchen were built in 1960. Then, in 1963, a contract was let to Divine Brothers to tear away the church auditorium and replace it with a modern brick building.
This church can well be proud of its provision for a full time church program. Her church property was valued at $2,000 in 1907; at $50,000 in 1965. Collecting money to pay the pastor was a big problem in the early church. Clerk's records show that from one to twelve men usually held the position of "financial agent". The first three pastors
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were paid $24 a year or less. The salary gradually increased during the 1850's, '60's, and 70's until an annual salary of $100 was reached. During World War I the salary reached $250, and during the 1920's and '30's it reached $300.
In speaking of raising money during this early period, Mrs. Billie Scott, who furnished much of the material for the Depoy church history, says that in 1915 the church chose Andrew Scott, E. P. Camp, Edd Traylor, J. T. Mathis, Tildon Luckett, Jim Locke, J. L. Taggart, Lucian Lovell, P. F. Hancock, E. G. Williams, Netter Adkins, and Mrs. R. M. Adkins to be responsibile for the year's collections. Of those named only three, Andrew Scott, E. P. Camp, and Edd Traylor — are now living. Mr. Camp is 93 years of age. The church went to half time in 1942. That year the pastor was paid $720; in 1043, $900; in 1949, $1,200. She went to full time in 1951 with an increage in salary to $2,600. At present the salary is $3,900 plus annuity payments and a furnished home.
Payments made for missions have varied widely from year to year. The church reported $48 for this purpose in 1910. During the five years of the 75 million Campaign — 1920-1924 — she made a very commendable contribution — $2,232 — an average of over $466 a year. During the depression years, yearly contribution fell under $100; but beginning in 1940 with $157, some representative years were 1945, $835; 1955, $946; 1960, $1,265; 1963, $1,286; 1964, $723; 1965, $712.
The largest total sum spent in any one year was in 1963 — $25,742.
A Sunday School is mentioned several times before 1907. and in that year a Sunday School with an enrollment of 50 — E. P. Camp superintendent — was reported. In 1956 the enrollment was 175; in 1965 it was 126.
Mr. T. O. Jones in his report on "Women's Work" in 1907 states that Oak Grove had a W. M. S. There was probably such an organization throughout her history. In 1959, Mrs. Ruth Westerfield was W. M. S. president. A G. A. chapter was reported that year.
Mid-week prayer meeting began in 1911 and has continued throughout the years.
Oak Grove has reported 374 baptisms from 1907 through 1965. Many devoted Christians have served Oak Grove during her 120 year history. Space in this history allows the naming of only two groups — its deacons and its pastors.
Deacons who have served the church and the year they became deacons are Brethren Barnet Eades and Thomas Terry, 1846; Wyatt Oates, 1848; William C. Eades, 1851; R. W. Eades, 1866; Edward T. Sanford, 1868; J. F. M. Brown, 1870; Benjamin Bard, 1883; Lucian Lovell, 1887; Robert Adkins, Thomas Baird, and J. T. Mathis, 1901; Leonard Whitfield, and Jim Locke, 1920; Monroe Ray, Will Hancock, and Fred Phillips, 1921; Edgar Hayes, 1932, B. E. Oates, Rosevelt Stewart, and Arthur Camp, 1933; Albin Scott; Van Jernigan, 1945; Terry Wimberly and Ezra Scott, 1953; Billie Scott, Mitchel Kinkade, and Charles M. Scott, 1960; Union Uzzle.
Pastors, with the year they began service, have been Brethren Richard Jones, 1846; James W. Spurlin, 1847; Calvin Meacham, 1849; M. H. Utley, 1854; Wm. D. Pannell, 1859; John F. James, 1869; Wm. D. Pannell, David Whittinghill, 1871; W. H. Woodson, 1873; James
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Bennett, 1878; T. W. Pritchett, 1874; W. W. Williams, 1880; T. D. Rust, 1877; Charles Kounes, 1878; J. N. Strother, 1882; L. J. Stirsman, 1883; J. T. Casebier, 1884; C. M. Pendley, 1888; W. H. Woodson, 1892; W. P. Henry, 1894; Charles Gregston, 1903; J. R. Kennerly, 1908; G. H. Lawrence, 1911; O. M. Shutt; 1917; D. S. Edwards, 1919; E. E. Spickard, 1922; C. S. Wales, 1924; L. P. Whitaker, 1925; Frank Farmer, 1928; E. E. Spickard, 1935; George Lovan, 1942; Drexel Hankins, 1943; Hughlan P. Richey, 1947; W. W. Crowder, 1949; Johnnie Bruce, 1951; T. H. Vincent, 1953; J. H. Maddux, 1958; James J. Vincent, 1959._________________
Penrod Baptist Church Prior to 1904, the church at Penrod was called a Union Church. At this time any denomination could have services in the church building.
On November 26, 1904 the church was organized and named Penrod Missionary Baptist Church. There were thirteen members who helped to organize the church. They were W. H. Hughes, William Garrett, Lonnie Matherly, P. L. Wood, E. M. Bewley , Jemmima Hughes, Melvina Garrett, Nannie Wood, Mary Belle Kir-patric, Anna Curtis, Rachel Penrod, Era Hughes, and D. B. Moore.
Penrod Baptist Church is located on a hill east of Highway 431, and can be seen from Highway 431. The church lot consists of about one and one-half acres including the cemetery.
In 1948 the members decided to tear the old building down and build a new building that would have separate Sunday School rooms. Up to this time all classes were conducted in the auditorium which was the only room.
The work was done while Brother Raymond Forsythe was pastor. The new building, constructed of concrete blocks, has an auditorium that will seat about 200 people. There are three Sunday-School rooms back of the auditorium. In the basement are five Sunday School rooms, an office, and a hall. The building is heated by a furnace.
Back of the church building is the cemetery. There are forty graves at the time of this writing. On August 1, 1954, the church became a full time church. Brother Bonnell Key was called to be pastor of the church at that time. The pastor's salary is based on $55.00 a week.
The church has not met the requirements for a Standard Sunday-School. The average attendance for Sunday School is approximately seventy. Total membership of the church is 125.
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The property of the church is valued at $18,000.00. The deacons are John Arnold, H. C. McMallen, Clarence Cox, Melvin Free, and Raymond C. Flemming who is chairman. John Arnold, Melvin Mclnitos'h, and Jodie McMilten are the trustees of the church.
Ministers who have pastored this church are J. E. Gardner, J. R. Gardner, J. R. Kennerly, A. C. Dorris, E. M. Moss, L. P. Whitaker, J. H. Tarn, A. B. Dorris, E. F. Johnson, R. H. Forsythe, D. Hankins, W. W. Johnson, J. M. Rogers, R. H. Forsythe, Dewey Mercer, Robert Bozarth, Bonnell Key, Homer Laster, Stanford Murphy, Harold Greenfield, Jewell Vincent, J. H. Lyon, and William L. Cook.
Brother Dewey Mercer is now a missionary in Japan.
The ones who have been church clerks are P. L. Wood, L. Matherly, Q. C. Clark, B. L. Walker, H. B. Smith, R. H. Forsythe, H. C. McMillen, Early Fulkerson, John Arnold, and C. F. Baugh. John Arnold was clerk for the longest time. He served as clerk for twenty years. FITCHUGH BAUGH, Historian
Editor's Note: P enrod Baptist Church reported 22 members in 1907 as a constituent member of the Muhlenberg County Baptist Association. There was a steady increase until 1955 when she reported 136; in 1965 the membership was listed as 124. In 1908 this church reports $5.00 as gifts to missions. These gifts increased year by year until in 1965 they amounted to $1,329.00. Penrod paid her quarter time pastor $75.00 a year in 1907; in 1965 she paid her full time pastor $2,860.00. The total amount spent for all purposes was $85.00 in 1907; in 1964 this total was reported as $5,358.00. This church has reported a total of 290 baptisms. _________________
Powderly Baptist Church Brother A. N. Whittinghill and Brother C. S. Truman held a revival in Powderly early in January, 1910. As a result, Brother Whittinghill baptized Mrs. Roxie Edwards, Mrs. Ethel Mercer, Claude Mercer, Ollie Heltsley, Walter Heltsley, Harry Bradley, Hallie Knight, Emma Murphy, and Charles Baker at the Greenville Baptist Church on January 23, 1910. On the following night, January 24, C. S. Truman, A. N. Whittinghill, and W. J. Mahoney organized the Powderly Baptist Church. She joined the Muhlenberg County Baptist Association that year with 18 members. J. T. Casebier was pastor, T. M.
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Heltsley and Claude Mercer, messengers. Claude Mercer was clerk the following year and held this office in the church until 1925.
In 1912, T. G. Woodson pastor, there were 18 additions to the church, bringing the membership to 39. The following year this pastor baptized 11. By 1920 there were 84 members; Sunday School enrollment was 128; she ihad half time preaching; paid her pastor $600; paid for $463 for missions; paid for all purposes $1,283.
On May 7, 1921, a committee was appointed to solicit funds for an annex to the church. Brother Dave Oldham acted as chairman; H. D. Devine, moderator; Claude Mercer, clerk.
On January 14, 1923, a committee was appointed by the moderator to work out a plan for Sunday School rooms. H. C. Mooningham, P. A. Edwards, W. E. Heltsley, and Thad Powell composed the committee. This committee reported that the rooms would cost about $820. The report was accepted and Thad Powell, P. A. Edwards, and W. E. Heltsley were retained as a building committee. Four Sunday School rooms were completed in 1923.
In 1924 — the close of the 75 Million Campaign era — Powderly Baptist Church had a membership of 124 and a Sunday School enrollment of 144. SHE HAD CONTRIBUTED $2,040 to the 75 Million Campaign. She was one of the two churches in Muhlenberg County (Greenville was the other) that had exceeded its quota.
After this period of intense promotion, Powderly declined in membership, mission contributions, Sunday School enrollment, etc. Membership remained under 100 for a twenty year period; the church went back to quarter-time preaching; the pastor's salary was drastically cut; mission contributions were either entirely lacking or very low; and Sunday School enrollment dropped below 100.
In 1948 Powderly went to full time with Rev. Victor Phelps as pastor. The previous year her membership had been 88; her Sunday School enrollmetnt, 53; her mission offering, $9; her total expenditures $261; her baptisms, not any. She remained full time for two years, baptized 22 people and received 8 others by letter, bringing her membership to 118; brought the mission offering in 1949 to $102; and increased her total expenditures to $1,498.
In 1950 Powderly went back to half time and remained half time until 1958. Then in 1959 Brother Victor Phelps was again called for full time ministry. That year there were 21 additions to the church and the mission offering was $271 — the highest since the 75 Million Campaign, and not exceeded again until 1965 when it was $290. Her Sunday School enrollment almost equalled the 167 reached in the early 1920's. Membership reached 201 in 1964; 205 in 1966.
In 1956 a baptistry was put in the church and the rostrum was remodeled. In 1962 three more Sunday School rooms were built on the east side of the church. Flourescent lights were installed in the auditorium.
Mrs. Emmett Cessna of Powderly is the only living charter member.
Powderly has baptized 274 people into her church fellowship. In 1967 she led the Association in the number of baptisms — 27 — Odell Leigh, evangelist.
Pastors who have served the Powderly Baptist Church are Brethren J. T. Casebier, 1910. and '11; T. G. Woodson, 1912 and '13;
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J. W. Gill, 1914 and '15; J. W. T. Givens, 1916; H. D. Divine, 1917-1919; W. W. Couch, 1920; H. D. Divine, 1921; W. W. Crouch, 1922 and '23; L. P. Whitaker, 1924 and '25 and '26; J. W. Wheeler, 1927; J. R. Branson, 1928 and '29; J. G. Taylor, 1930; no pastor, 1931; T. G. Woodson, 1932-1934; Bryan Wice, 1935-1941; no pastor, 1942; C. E. Daniel, 1943 and '44; Dewey Noffsinger, 1945-1947; Victor Phelps, 1948 and '49; Robert Bozarth, 1950; S. A. Kittmger, 1951-1958; Victor Phelps, 1959-1961; Gene Harper, 1962 to present, 1966._________________
Roland Memorial Baptist Church A group began to meet in a mission status under the direction of Brother J. B. Matheny, Missionary of the Muhlenburg County Baptist Association, in an old garage building owned by Brother Austin Rose. This building is located one and a half miles west of Greenville, Kentucky, on Highway 62. The first service of this mission group was held on the first Sunday of May 1950.
The mission group met in a called business meeting on June 25, 1950. At that meeting Brother J. B. Matheney acted as moderator. He called the meeting to order and the following were tentatively elected to serve as officers of the mission group: deacons, Brother Fred Groves and Brother Gene Lewis; assistant moderator, Brother Ollie Ray; clerk, Brother Austin Rose; treasurer, Mrs. Ollie Ray.
At this same meeting the acting moderator, J. B. Matheny, was authorized to make arrangements for the organization of the mission group into a New Testament Church. The name of this church was to be The Roland Memorial Baptist Church. This name was selected in honor of Brother and Mrs. Roland Peterson who gave the plot of ground on which the present building stands. The date for organization was July 2, 1950. Thus, on July 2, 1950, the following churches met in the front yard of Mrs. Lizzie (Locke) Slation: Bethlehem, Browder, Cave Springs, East Union, Central City First, Greenville First, Greenville Second, Riverside, Vernal Grove, New Hope, South Carrollton, Drakesboro. and Ebenezer. Brother Claude Richey was the moderator of the council. The mission group presented their tentative officers and their articles of faith and expressed their desire to cooperate with the Muhlenberg County Baptist association as it engaged in world missions, etc. Brother S. A. Kittinger made a motion that the group be recognized as a New Testament Church and that its officers, articles of faith, and name be accepted. Ben Woodburn seconded the motion. Brother John Givens gave the message to the new church.
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Charter members were Mr. and Mrs. Austin Rose, Jerry Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Groves, Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Grace, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Adrin Lee, Mrs. Lizzie Locke, Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Ray, Mrs. Docie Wells, Mr. Robert Locke, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lewis, Mr. Bobby Ray, Miss Edna Ruth Munday, Mrs. Thelma Robards, Bro. and Mrs. J. B. Matheny, Miss Ann Ray, and Miss Jean Matheny.
The first action of this newly born church was to exercise its God-given right to secure a place of worship. Under the direction of Brother J. B. Matheny and a committee composed of Fred Groves, Arvin Grace, Jr., J. C. Sparks, and Austin Rose the basement structure was erected. The church entered to worship on the second Sunday of July 1950.
The following people had the rare privilege of holding first positions in this New Testament Church: Sunday school superintendent, Adrain Lee; secretary, Ann Ray; teachers, adults, Austin Rose; young people, Mrs. Owen Grace; juniors, Mrs. J. B. Matheny; primaries, Mrs. Arvin Grace, Jr.; beginners, Mrs. Ollie Ray.
Mrs. Frank Robards was the first flower chairman. First messengers to the Association were Austin Rose, Gene Lewis, and Jerry Rose. The first Executive Board member by Brother J. B. Matheny. The first full-time pastor was Brother Charlie Smith. He began his services on the first of March 1951 at a salary of $30. a week. It was a while Brother Smith was pastor that the church built its pastor's home. He moved into it in January 1952.
The church borrowed $500.00 from the State Board of Kentucky Baptists to assist in the construction of the new building. Work was started October 8, 1955. The first worship service was held in the new building the first Sunday in March 1956. This was done while Brother Porter Cole was pastor.
Pastors who have served our church are Charles Smith, Harvey Holland, Harvey Taylor, Porter Cole, Robert Bozarth, Archie Oliver, and Marvin Freeman the present pastor. The church has ordained two deacons; also one preacher, Raymond McDonald.
From a membership of 27 and a budget of $3,929.21 to a membership of 215 and a budget of $17,024.00 shows something of the material growth of the church has made. It has done much which cannot be measured materially.
Editor's Note: Roland Memorial is one of the youngest churches in the Association — constituted in 1950. Its growth percentage-wise has far outdistanced most of the other churches in the Association.
It started with a membership of 29 which it has increased to 217 — 123 of these were by baptism. It has increased it's pastor's salary from $595.00 in 1951 to $5,200.00 in 1964; its mission offering from $13.00 in 1950 to $3,137.00 in 1963; its total expenditure from $2,628.00 in 1950 to $18,889.00 in 1964.
In 1964 it had a Sunday school enrollment of 244, a Vacation Bible School enrollment of 138, a Training Union enrollment of 115, a Brotherhood enrollment of 37, and a Woman's Missionary enrollment of 33.
In 1966 this church reported 15 baptisms, 222 members, $3,192 contributed to missions, and $17,404 expended for all purposes.
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South Carrollton Baptist Church Wendell H. Rone in his A HISTORY OF DAVIESS — McLEAN BAPTIST ASSOCIATION gives this account of the early history of the South Carrollton Baptist Church:
"South Carrollton Church was constituted in the town of South Carrollton, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, on June 28, 1851. The early record states that, persuant to a previous appointment, a prsebytery composed of Elders K. G. Hay and J. M. Bennet convened at the above mentioned date and place and constituted the church on eight members. Their names were as follows: E. G. Hall, Elder Richard Jones, Francis Jones, Malinda Hall, Franklin Jones, Dr. W. P. Bennett, Mary Wallace, and Amanda Bennett.
"In September, 1851, Elder Richard Jones and E. G. Hall were appointed as messengers to the Daviess County Association. The petition for membership was received and the church continued as a member of this Association until the year 1907 when she went into the constitution of the Muhlenberg County Association.
"From January, 1852, to August 12, 1853 the church held no business meetings and on the last mentioned date was recognized after a protracted meeting, conducted by Elders John G. Howard and I. R. Allen, had caused must interest to be aroused. At this meeting the following presented themselves for membership in the reorganization: William Shrewberry, B. Hall, J. Noffsinger, Martha Shrewsberry, Harriet Noffsinger, S. J. Blacklock, Mary G. Jones, Margaret Durham, Eliza A. Jones, F. Jones, William Melton, R. Shrewsberry, Julia Shrewsberry, Amanda Terry, E. G. Hall, Charles W. Dozier, Annie Shrewsberry, G. W. Terry, F. Foster, Mary Steel, Mariah Ford, Sarah J. Fields, S. Asberry Field, M. Ford, America Batsel, Delia Foster, Mary P. Hall, and a colored woman named Rittie.
"At the above meeting Bro. C. W. Dozier was elected clerk and Brethren E. G. Hall and William Shrewsberry were elected and ordained as deacons.
"During her stay with this Association (Daviess County) the church reported the following pastors: I. R. Allen, 1853-1854; J. F. Austin, 1855-1856; J. M. Peay, 1857-1872; A. G. Davis, 1873; J. M. Peay, 1874-1881; B. F. Swindler, 1881-1884; W. P. Bennett, 1885-1889; E. J. Maddox, 1890-1892; J. T. Casebier. 1893-1896; T. M. Jackson, 1897; I. W. Bruner, 1898-1902; C. E. Hutchinson, 1903-1905; J. D. Hocker, 1906; and J. F. Winchell, 1907."
For a number of years before and after the Civil War the church had many colored people in her membership. Brother Rone says, "In February, 1869, twenty-four members of this race were added
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to the membership of the church by baptism. After the Civil War the colored members were organized into a church of their own with the assistance of the white brethren.
"This church enjoyed a very fruitful ministry during the years 1875 to 1900 when the CoHege was functioning. Since the last mentioned date the decline in population caused the church to suffer considerably, and at times the cause was despaired of completely, but a faithful few kept the good work going."
The church had a membership of 230 in 1878. This number had dropped to 67 in 1907 when the Muhlenberg County Baptist Association was constituted; to 48 in 1916. For a number of years during the 1920's no report was made to the Association. In the 1940's the membership had increased to over 100, and in 1964 the membership was 155.
Brother Rone concludes his history of the church with this paragraph: "The sessions of the Daviess County Association were heJd with the church in 1875 and 1892 and were occasions of joyous fellowship. The labors of Elder J. M. Peay with this church for a period of almost twenty-five years were unparalleled in that day and time. For many years Bro. Peay made his home at South Carrollton and served for some time as the first president of the South Carrollton Male and Female Institute. This institution later became the West Kentucky College, of sacred memory to many within the bounds of this Association who secured their education there."
The first church building was made of logs and stood in what is now the old South Carrollton Cemetery. In later years the old log building was in a bad state of repairs and the Baptist and the Methodist congregations began using the old Presbyterian church building. The Baptist church had no house of worship of its own until the year 1865. The lot for this new building was donated to the church by Bro. Edmund Blacklock. This building served the ohurch until the present new brick building was constructed in 1913 under the pastorate of Rev. J. J. Willett. The new church was dedicated in 1915. Bro. Samuel P. Martin of Owensboro preached the dedicatory sermon.
In the church minutes for November 14, 1965, this statement is made, "Board of Deacons recommended church finish four of the Sunday School rooms — approximately Two Hundred dollars." Recommendation adapted. Rev. WILLARD L. BROWN, Moderator FRANKLIN A. DOWNS, Clerk. Other quotations from church minutes are: January 12, 1878. "Our pastor, Rev. J. M. Peay, assisted by Rev. W. P. Bennett, began a series of meetings on the night of October 22, 1877, and continued three weeks and three days which resulted in more than 80 conversions and 61 added to the church: by baptism 49, by letter 5, by restoration 1, by relation 1. Five were not present (Evidently for baptism)."
June 27, 1915. "Suggested at Sunday School June 27, 1915, that it be recorded in the minutes of this meeting that we had Sunday School in our new church. Sunday School superintendent, C. E. Wolcott; assistant, R. N. Sullivan; organist, Mrs. Annie Downes. Number present, 59."
October 7, 1916. "Meeting called to order by moderator. Business
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of recording names of those who joined the church: Mrs. Joe Wheeldon, Harry Wheeldon, James Nunan, Aileen Brown, Mary Ellen Jarvis, Pauline Moorman, Darrell, Ruby Neal, Ruby Nicholls, and Lona May Lewis."J. J. WILLETT, Moderator S. P. JARVIS, Clerk