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      Editor's note: This portion of Book II has some miscellaneous notes and they are included here. Mrs. Jean Houston extracted the most important issues contained in these churchbooks and recorded them in hand-writing on yellow legal pads. Any items in brackets [ ] were added by this editor. — Jim Duvall

Dry Creek Baptist Churchbook II
Kenton County, Kentucky

Rules of Dry Creek Church — 13 Rules.

At bottom — Query: Does this church consider it an offence for any one or more of her members to joined the Masonic or any other society not of our faith & order.
Answered in the affirmative.

The fourth day of Saturday in June 1822 these Rules were abolished by the Church & others adopted which is to be found on page 19 & 20 of this book.

2 blank pages

Church meeting held for Dry Creek 4th Sat. Nov. 1818
Church agreed to take the Gunpowder [Baptist Church, Boone County, KY] Rules for government.
Meetings at members homes.

Feb. 1819 — Message from Leonard Cristler from Gunpowder Ch. for help in ordination of Frank Craig
Next church meeting to be at meeting house.

March, 1819 — Absalom Graves called as pastor.

July 1819 — The church agrees to meet at the meeting house on the first friday in august next to prepare for the accomidation of the association.

March 1820 — Church agrees to build an addition of twenty feet to the length of this house for better accomodations of this church. John Hawkins, John & Nancy Cornelius rec'd.

Apr. 1820 — Church agrees to proceed to finish the unfinished work about the old house such as making benches & fencing — up in the galleries [balcony].

May 1820 — Nancy & Nelly Garrison, Sally Neal rec'd by ltr.
Mazu Brown & Ester Cole by exp[erience].
Bullitsburg req[uested] help in ordination of James Dicken.

June 1820 — Bro. Wiggington cited for whipping his wife.

Aug. 1820 — Bartlett Graves cited for intoxication.
Bro. Wigginton's confession Satisfactory — forgiven.

Dec. 1820 — Same query about Masonic. Still affirmitive.

March 1821 — The Church being informed that a deed of co____ made to them as a ch. for the lot of ground on which the meeting house stands is of no force
now proceed agreeable to an act of the legislator embraceing such causes (cases) to appoint.
(to receive a deed from Adam Glore & Bartlett Graves [& or to] hold the title of the same for the use of the church. The s'd title to be vested in the s'd trustees & their successons for use forever as trustees.)

John Arnold
Nelson Grimsly
Roger Wigginton
Jas. Robnson
Wm. Stephens
May 1821 — John & Peggy (wife) Wicoff rec'd by letter. Lucinda Massey bapt[ized]. Complaint — Nelson Grimsley joined Free Masons, agreed to "never go among the Masons again." — Forgiven.

Aug. 1821 — Polly Banister (?) Bapt[ized].
Benj. W. Leathers cited for joining Masons.

Oct. 1821 — Gunpowder [Baptist Church] requested help in ordination of Bro. [Lewis] Conner.
Leathers denied joining Masons.
Invited to help ordain John Arnold.

[Churches that participated in the ordination]

Bullitsburg (Bro. Graves)
Crews Creek (Northcutt, Stephens) Sandrun (Montague & Whitacre (?) Gunpowder (Cashman) Lebanon (Vickers & Griffin) Middle Creek (Garnett, Brady) Bethel (Bro. Baldwin)

above is consent for ordination — did not know him well and expressed a wish that Bro. Arnold "should go more a broad and wait a while longer."

May 1822 — Church agreed to take up ordination of Arnold.
Send to following for council

June 1822 — (p. 19) Rules of govt. adopted — referred to at beginning. 13 rules.
"Communion season to be April July & Oct. in every year till altered by the ch."

July 1822 — Christopher Wilson (Mod.)
Ordination of Arnold unanimous in favor.

From Banlick — John R. Stpehens, Jesse Petty, Lewis Cleet, Elam Grisol (Grizzel)
Crewses [Crews] Creek — Bro. Wm. Hume — Phillip Roberts
Gunpowder — Bro. Christopher Wilson — Wm. Rogers
Lebanon — Jeramy Griffin, Wm Vickers
Sandrun — [Wm.] Montague
Bullitsburg — James Dicken, A. Graves

Moses Scott, Ben Northcutt, Edw. J. ____, Elijah Anderson & Enoch Morgan invited to take seats & give council.

p. 24 — Items of Attention
1st — Trustees appointed by the church to receive a deed for the meeting house lot to be found on p. 11 (Feb, 1821)
2nd — Rules of decorum pp. 19-20.
3rd — Second appointment of trustees to fill vacancies p. 36.
4. — Presant Covenant p. 73.
5. — Commencement of the revival 1829. p. 75.
6. — Articles of faith on page 162.

p. 25 — Blank.

p. 26 — Bro. John Stoncipher died on the 22nd day. [month?, 1822]

March 1823 — Request from Licking to assist in the ordination of Robert Ware by Bro. James Fowler & Israel Ware.

June 1823 Request from Crewses Creek by Bro. Presly Williams for help in assistance in ordination of Phillip Roberts.

August 1823 — John Wicoff to take deed for the church to Campell Co. court [house] for recording.

May 1824 — Thomas Riley & wife Sarah - Baptized
Henry Wicoff & Wife Sally - Baptized

June 1824 — Thos. Buckner - baptized.

July 1824 — James Cornelius & Buford Rice - Rec'd Baptism
John Miller & wife Rec'd Baptism

Message from Middle Creek by Bro. Jamison Hawkins & Ben Case for help in a difficulty.
Geo. Morrel & wife Nancy Baptized.

August 1824 — John Wicoff applied for leave for self and others to join in a contemplated constituion in their neighborhood. Granted.
To meet at Fredam [?] schoolhouse.

September 1824 — Allason [?] Lynons Baptized.

October 1824 — Joseph & Fanny Cowgill rec'd by letter.
John Wicoff & wife Sally dismissed to join a new constitution. [Springfield B. C.]

Church agreed to furnish money to pay for recording deed of meeting house lot.
Motion made to consider propriety of appropriating part of meeting house lot to the use of a burying ground. Negative.

November 1824 — Request from Springfield for help in ordination of John Wicoff as deacon.

December 1824 — Absalom Graves released as pastor.

January 1825 — John Arnold called for pastor.

February 1825 — Bro. Cowgill lodged complaint against Lucinda Massey for having a bastard child.

[In Progress]


Kentucky Baptist Histories
Kenton County Baptists
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