Editor's note: The two Dry Creek Baptist Churchbooks were turned over for a short period of time, to Mrs. Jean Houston now living in Florence, KY. She copied what she could and summarized some of the Minutes to give a "snapshot" of the church's activities at the time; her deligence preserved what we now have. We don't know of the whereabouts of the originals. These are the only records of this church, which was one of the earliest Baptist churches in northern Kentucky. The church divided in 1840 and a portion became known as Predestinarian and the other portion remained missionary. By the early 20th century both groups ceased to exist.The church was organized on July 19, 1800 with "helps" from Bullittsburg and Mouth of Licking Baptist Churches. When S. P. Brady wrote a history of the church in 1873, he said the Churchbook records had been lost from 1800 to 1805. Book I begins in 1805.
Any insertions in brackets [ ] are by this editor. - Jim Duvall
Dry Creek Baptist Church
Campbell (now Kenton) County, KentuckyBook I
(1st Meeting Nov. 1805 - last - 4th Sat. Nov. 1818)
(1st Minutes 4th Sat. Nov. 1805 - last - 4th Sat. Nov. 1818)
[ p. 4]
Rules and Regulations of the Ch. at Dry Creek
1. This ch. agrees to meet the fourth Saturday in every month to begin at 12 oClock.
24. Rules & Reg.
[Note: This refers to the business meeting of the church which was on a Saturday; the worship service was on the following Sunday. Most frontier churches met only once a month because of the difficulty of traveling.]
[ p. 1]
The Ch. at DryCreekCrick in Campbell Co. was const[ituted] the 19th day of July in 1800 by the assistance of the ch. at Bullitsburgh & the mouth of Licking. which attended and const. us on the doctrine of Grace contained in the Philadelphia Confession faith having first given themsleves to the Lord and to one another by the will of God,thathaving unanimously agreedto& covenanted together, that we will mention the old & new Testaments to be the word of God, & we will defend the Doctrine of Christ['s] imputed Righteousness & his gospell & that he is able to save to the uttermost, and the Doctrine of Election & the final preservation of the Saints thro life to glory, together with the Doctrine of Baptism by Emerson and the Resurection from the dead and his assention in to Eternal glory and of his coming the Second time without sin into Salvation and that he will Judge the world in Righteousness at the Last day, and we farther agree that it is our Duty to Attend our stated meetings of busniess, and to keep up the publick worship of God,
and to the Covenant above we have given our harty consent and commanded our said Clerk to sign our Respective names there to ---John Leathers Clerk 3 papagraphs on p. 1 - # 5-6-7-8 on back.
loose sheet in back - "Principles & Terms of Union Agreed upon & entered by the Baptist Ch. of Jesus Christ Const. at ________ in Campbell Co. Ky.
[In Progress]
Additional Information
The following are references from:
Bullitsburg Baptist Churchbook, Sunday 29th June 1800
Agreeable to the request of our brethern at Dry run [Baptist Church], [we] appointed brethren Taylor, Cave, Kirtley and Conner, to attend at dry run Meeting house on the third Saturday of this [month] — Instant in order to assist them in a Constitution [organization of a church,] if to them it may appear Expedient.Saturday August 2d 1800
Agreed that the following members (to Wit) John Leatherer Adam Clark, Margaret Clore Moses Vickers and Mary Vickers be dismissed from our Care who have formed a Constitution [organized a church] at Dry Run.Saturday 15th of June 1803
A messuage [sic] from Dry Creek Church by one of her members to this Church requesting helps in the ordination of Brother Vickers, the matter taken up and appointed Brethren Deweese, Cave, Kirtley and Webb to attend at Dry Creek meeting house on the fourth Saturday in this month agreeable to the request of that Church.Saturday the 5th of February 1803
A matter brought in by brother Deweese to know whither [sic] it is expedient for this church to Join the depending [impending] association to be held at Dry Creek meeting house next July. The matter taken up & refer'd.Saturday the 5th of March 1803
The reference respecting our joining the depending [impending] association on Dry Creek continued. Agreed to reconsider the propriety of our rule of white male members not attending church meetings. The matter thereof taken up and after due consultation [it was] ordered that the rule be discontinued.Saturday the 2nd of April 1803
The reference respecting our joining the depending [impending] association on [at] Dry Creek [Baptist Church was] continued.Saturday the 4th of June 1803
The reference respecting our joining the depending association to be held on [at] Dry Creek [on the] last friday in July next, taken up & after full investigation is answered in the affirmative.
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