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      Editor's note: Early records of the FBC, Covington are not available. The following is gleaned from the Northbend Association Minutes. They show statistics, the names of the Pastors for the various years and the names of some of the people involved in the work. The information is sketchy at best, but it gives some idea of the early activities of the church, at least within the association.

First Baptist Church
Covington, KY
From Northbend Association Minutes
By Jim Duvall

1838 August 17th @ Salem, Verona
Received a letter from a church recently constituted at Covington, Ky., by their messengers, brethren John B. Cook, Philip S. Bush and Bryce M. Patten, stating that their object was to cultivate an acquaintance with the brethren of the North Bend Association, and that they would ask for admittance into this Association, but that all the brethren of that church were not prepared at present, so to do. On motion the brethren bearing said letter were invited to a seat as visiting brethren.

1839 August 16th @ Bethel, Union
The Association being organized, opened a door for reception of churches — whereupon, was received a letter from the First Baptist Church at Covington, Ky., by their messengers, brethren Joseph T. Roberts, John W. Jones, Rowland Willard, Lewis Roach, and Philip S. Bush, asking admittance into this association; which letter, together with their articles of faith and church covenant, were read. Objections were raised by some of the brethren to the first clause of article 3d, which is as follows: "That man was originally created Holy." And also to article 6th, which is as follows: "That all who hear the Gospel are called upon to repent and believe it, and that their guilt consists principally in their unbelief and opposition to the plan of grace which the Gospel reveals." After some investigating, which arose in consequence of these objections, the church was not received.

1840 August 21st @ Sand Run
On application the first Baptist Church at Covington, was received into union with this Association, and their messengers' names were accordingly enrolled.
FBC sent messengers Joseph T. Robert, Bartlett Bennett, P. S. Bush, R. Willard and J. C. Bush. There were 78 members of the church.

1841 August 20th @ East Bend
The church appointed seven men as messengers, three attended: P. S. Bush, D. Sears, D. Beale; four failed to attend: Joseph T. Robert, Bartlett Bennett, A. Hughes and A. Ambrose.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 15; Rec'd by letter, 55; Restored, 1; Dismissed by letter, 12; Excluded, 4; Deceased, 1; Total membership, 132.
P. S. Bush was appointed to write the Corresponding Letter to the next Elkhorn Association; Jos. T. Robert to write to the next Union Association and to visit the next Elkhorn Association. Roberts was also the alternative to preach the next Introductory sermon.

1842 August 19th @ Bullettsburgh
The church appointed ten men as messengers, seven attended: Asa Drury, Pastor; Bartlett Bennett, P. S. Bush, Daniel Beall, Thos. Abbot, L. Roach, A. Ambrose, J. S. Bush, W. W. Carnahan and W. Gallup, Jr. (the last two were listed as licensed ministers of the church).
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 3; Rec'd by letter, 7; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 17; Excluded, 7; Deceased, 0; Total membership, 113.
Bro. Drury was appointed the alternative to preach the next Introductory sermon.
J. S. Bush was one of the men to visit the next Union Baptist Association, Harrison County.
Thos. Abbot was one of the men to visit the next Ten Mile Baptist Association, Grant County. He and Asa Drury were to visit the next Campbell County Association.
A short one-paragraph sketch of the church was written for the Minutes by Lewis Webb.
P. S. Bush wrote the Circular Letter on Justification.

1843 August 18th @ Dry Creek, Kenton County
Elder A. Drury preached the introductory Sermon from Romans 11chapter, 4th verse: "But what saith the answer of God unto him? I ahve reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal."
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 100; Rec'd by letter, 30; Restored, 4; Dismissed by letter, 11; Excluded, 3; Deceased, 1; Total membership, 232.
W. W. Carnahan was appointed to write the Corresponding Letter to the next Union Association, Harrison County.
A. Drury was one of the men to visit the next Elkhorn Baptist Association, Georgetown and the next Campbell County Association @ Flagg Spring.
Bro. Drury was chosen to write the next Circular Letter.

1844 August 16th @ FBC, Covington
The North Bend Association of Baptists held its forty-second annual meeting with the First Baptist Church in Covington, Friday, August 16, 1844.
The me representing the church at the meeting were: A. Drury, P. S. Bush, L. Roach, A. M. Paxton, Thos. Abbot, W. H. Wood, J. C. Peacher, Isaac Cooper, R. H. Ball, A. Ambrose.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 24; Rec'd by letter, 16; Dismissed by letter, 10; Excluded, 1; Deceased, 2; Total membership, 252.
Asa Drury, Pastor at FBC, wrote the Circular Letter on "The Public Worship of God." Asa Drury, Thos. Abbot and J. C. Peacher from the church, along with two other men from other churches, were appointed to visit the Campbell County Association to be held at Licking Baptist Church in September. Asa Drury was also appointeed to visit with the Elkhorn Association the following August to be held in Woodford County, KY.

1845 August 15th @ Middle Creek, Boone County
The messengers from the church at the meeting were: A. Drury, O. N. Sage, W. F. Nelson, A. Ambrose, J. S. Bush, E. B. Fuqua, I. Cooper, P. S. Bush. Drury and Sage are listed as ordained.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 0; Rec'd by letter, 9; Restored, 2; Dismissed by letter, 18; Excluded, 13; Deceased, 1; Total membership, 226.
Asa Drury was one of four men appointed to prepare the Corresponding Letter to the Associations.
Prayer led by Bro. Nelson.
Asa Drury was one of the men appointed to visit the Concord Association to be held in Carroll County.
W. F. Nelson was one of the men appointed to visit the Ten Mile Association to be held in at Bethel in Boone County. W. F. Nelson and O. N. Sage were appointed to visit the Campbell County Association @ Wilmington in Kenton County.
Bro. Drury offered the following resolution, which was read and taken up
Resolved That a committee of _____ be appointed to consider the expediency of establishing a depository of Baptist publications in the bounds of this Association, and to report thereon at the next session of this body. Which resolution was taken under consideration and on motion, agreed, that the blank be filled with a member from each church: whereupon brethren, Drury, R. Kirtley, Craig, Whitaker, D. M. Scott, G. H. Scott, Robinson and riley, were appointed that committee.

1846 August 21st @ Big Bone
The messengers from the church at the meeting were: J. M. Frost, A. Drury, P. S. Bush, T. Abbot, I. Cooper; the following are listed but did not attend: W. F. Nelson, O. N. Sage, L. Roach, R. H. Ball, D. R. Williams, A. Ambrose.
Frost, Drury, Nelson and Sage are listed as ordained.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 3; Rec'd by letter, 18; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 9; Excluded, 3; Deceased, 3; Total membership, 231.
Brother Drury, along with three others, was appointed a committee to prepare letters to Associates with wich they correspond.
Bro. Frost was on the Circular Letter committee.
J. M. Frost and A. Drury were to visit the Elkhorn Association next year in Bourbon County.
Bro. Frost and four other men from other churches were appointed to attend Campbell County the next September.
Bro. Frost was to preach the following day. He was the alternate to preach the introductory sermon the next year. Frost also to write the next Circular Letter.
A committee to solicit subscriptions to establish a depository of Baptist books at Burlington, Kentucky. Resolved, That a committee of one from each church be appointed to solicit subscriptions with the view to carry the above resolution into effect: A. Drury and six other men were appointed that committee.

1847 August 21st @ Burlington
The messengers from the church at the meeting were: J. M. Frost, D. R. Williams, A. Drury, and I. Cooper; the following are listed but did not attend: P. S. Bush, W. Wood, J. Shutt, L. Roach andR. H. Ball.
Frost and Drury, are listed as ordained.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 9; Rec'd by letter, 25; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 24; Excluded, 2; Deceased, 4; Total membership, 236.
Bro. Frost , who was appointed at our last Association to prepare the Circular Letter, read the Circular Letter from the Lonmg Run Association in the year 1841. which was not adopted. Whereupon he and two other brethren was appointed a committee to write a Circular Letter.
J. M. Frost was one of the men appointed to visit the Elkhorn Association to be held in Scott County next August.
J. M. Frost, D. R. Williams and I. Cooper were among the men to visit the Campbell County Association in September.
On Motion, the following resolution was taken up and adopted:
Resolved, That we recommend to the favorable consideration of the churches the objects promoted by the Kentucky and Foreign Bible Society - viz. The distribution of the Scripture in different languages.

1848 August 21th @ Sand Run
The messengers from the church at the meeting were: J. M. Frost, and P. S. Bush, J. C. Bush, I. Cooper, c; W. Clayton; the following are listed but did not attend: D. R. Williams and R. H. Ball.
J. M. Frost is listed as ordained.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 1; Rec'd by letter, 5; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 5; Excluded, 4; Deceased, 1; Total membership, 187.
J. M. Frost was appointed to a committee to inspect the Circular Letter.
J. M. Frost was appointed, with two other men to visit the Elkhorn Associastion in August, 1849 in Fayette County; he also was to visit Concord Association in Carroll County in August, 1848.
P. S. Bush was appointed to visit the Campbell County Association in Newport the next month.
J. M. Frost was chosen to preach on Saturday.

1849 September 4th @ East Bend
The messengers from the church at the meeting were: S. W. Lynd and P. S. Bush, the following are listed but did not attend: D. R. Williams, Jas. Semple, F. Smith, J. P. Semple, C. W. Clayton and Isaac Cooper.
S. W. Lynd is listed as ordained.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 0; Rec'd by letter, 19; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 8; Excluded, 0; Deceased, 2; Total membership, 188.
Prayer by Bro. Lynd.
Bro. Lynd and two other men were invited to preach at the stand today.
S. W. Lynd was appointed to visit the Elkhorn Association, the Union Association and Campbell County Associations.
P. S. Bush to visit Union Association.
Bro. Lynd chosen to be the alternate preacher of the introductory sermon next year. He also was chosen to preach the next day.
FBC sent $25.00 to the General Association of Baptists in Kentucky, the largest amount of any church in the Northbend Association. S. W. Lynd, along with four other men, was deliver the money and letter prepared to the General Association.

1850 September 10 @ Bullettsburgh
The messengers from the church at the meeting were: S. W. Lynd. E. I. Owen, P. S. Bush; the following are listed but did not attend: F. Smith, Jas. Semple, J. Shutt, J. A. Walthall, I. Cooper, C. W. Clayton, J. D. McGill, and Wm. Wood.
S. W. Lynd and E. I Owen are listed as ordained.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 32; Rec'd by letter, 28; Restored, 3; Dismissed by letter, 6; Excluded, 2; Deceased, 2; Total membership, 246.
P. S. Bush was appointed to bear the letter to the General Association.
S. W. Lynd was was appointed to the committee of four to examine and report on the Circular Letter.
Prayer to end the day's activities by Bro. Lynd. S. W. Lynd and E. I. Owen were appointed to visit the Elkhorn Association in August, 1851 in Fayetter County.
Isaac Cooper was appointed to visit the Campbell Association in Flag Spring in August, 1851.
S. W. Lynd and E. I. Owen, along with other men, were to be messengers at the General Association of Baptists which was to meet at FBC on the 17th of October next.
Brother Lynd was one of the preachers chosen for the next day.
On motion of brother Lynd, Resolved, That we recommend to the churches of this Association to hold proptracted meetings, under the immediate direction of the pastors of the churches. aided by such ministering rethren as can be procured to assit in the work.
FBC gave $20.00 to the General Association.
The concluding prayer of the association was by bro. Lynd.

Note — The pastor's name and the statistics of the church are given for the following years.

1851 S. W. Lynd, Pastor
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 2; Rec'd by letter, 25; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 13; Excluded & Dropped, 19; Deceased, 4; Total membership, 238.

1852 S. W. Lynd, Pastor
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 1; Rec'd by letter, 6; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 12; Excluded & Dropped, 3; Deceased, 5; Total membership, 225.

1853 No Pastor listed.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 3; Rec'd by letter, 9; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 32; Excluded, 8; Deceased, 1; Total membership, 160.

1854 No Pastor listed.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 3; Rec'd by letter, 15; Restored, 1; Dismissed by letter, 7; Excluded, 6; Deceased, 2; Total membership, 164.

1855 S. L. Helm, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 42; Rec'd by letter, 33; Restored, 3; Dismissed by letter, 16; Excluded, 5; Deceased, 3; Total membership, 218.

1856 S. L. Helm, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 14; Rec'd by letter, 15; Restored, 1; Dismissed by letter, 6; Excluded, 7; Deceased, 3; Total membership, 232.

1857 S. L. Helm, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 29; Rec'd by letter, 25; Restored, 2; Dismissed by letter, 51; Excluded, 3; Deceased, 6; Total membership, 206.

1858 S. L. Helm, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 20; Rec'd by letter, 17; Restored, 3; Dismissed by letter, 23; Excluded, 12; Deceased, 1; Total membership, 230.

1859 No Pastor listed.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 5; Rec'd by letter, 6; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 14; Excluded, 0; Deceased, 0; Total membership, 226.

1860 William Price, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 8; Rec'd by letter, 18; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 13; Excluded, 1; Deceased, 4; Total membership, 233.

1861 No Pastor listed.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 6; Rec'd by letter, 6; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 15; Excluded, 1; Deceased, 1; Total membership, 228.

1862 No Letter sent.

1863 W. Pope Yeaman, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 6; Rec'd by letter, 17; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 2; Excluded, 1; Deceased, 4; Total membership, 173.

1864 W. Pope Yeaman, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 6; Rec'd by letter, 13; Restored, 1; Dismissed by letter, 17; Excluded, 0; Deceased, 0; Total membership, 175.

1865 W. Pope Yeaman, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 16; Rec'd by letter, 20; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 8; Excluded, 0; Deceased, 3; Total membership, 202.

1866 No Letter sent.

1867 W. Pope Yeaman, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 21; Rec'd by letter, 12; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 6; Excluded, 3; Deceased, 3; Total membership, 171.

1868 No Pastor listed.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 12; Rec'd by letter, 12; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 20; Excluded, 2; Deceased, 0; Total membership, 174.

1869 No Pastor listed.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 75; Rec'd by letter, 15; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 20; Excluded, 0; Deceased, 1; Total membership, 300.

1870 W. H. Felix, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 3; Rec'd by letter, 6; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 22; Excluded, 0; Deceased, 1; Total membership, 289.

1871 W. H. Felix, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 7; Rec'd by letter, 17; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 14; Excluded, 0; Deceased, 4; Total membership, 295.

1872 W. H. Felix, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 26; Rec'd by letter, 16; Restored, 2; Dismissed by letter, 15; Excluded, 0; Deceased, 1; Total membership, 288. (This and the following years' numbers do not add up, but they are what the records show — Jim Duvall)

1873 W. H. Felix, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 6; Rec'd by letter, 17; Restored, 1; Dismissed by letter, 0; Excluded, 0; Deceased, 3; Total membership, 286.

1874 Statistics not available.

1875 W. H. Felix, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 11; Rec'd by letter, 6; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 19; Excluded, 6; Deceased, 3; Total membership, 278.

1876 W. H. Felix, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 9; Rec'd by letter, 20; Restored, 2; Dismissed by letter, 15; Excluded, 9; Deceased, 3; Total membership, 290.

1877 W. H. Felix, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 20; Rec'd by letter, 11; Restored, 2; Dismissed by letter, 17; Excluded, 2; Deceased, 1; Total membership, 303.

1878 W. H. Felix, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 12; Rec'd by letter, 10; Restored, 1; Dismissed by letter, 10; Excluded, 1; Deceased, 5; Total membership, 314.

1879 W. H. Felix, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 3; Rec'd by letter, 10; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 12; Excluded, 11; Deceased, 4; Total membership, 300.

1880 W. H. Felix, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 1; Rec'd by letter, 7; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 11; Excluded, 1; Deceased, 2; Total membership, 294.

1881 W. H. Felix, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 8; Rec'd by letter, 10; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 7; Excluded, 7; Deceased, 2; Total membership, 293.

1882 W. H. Felix, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 46; Rec'd by letter, 4; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 16; Excluded, 18; Deceased, 1; Total membership, 318.

1883 W. H. Felix, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 2; Rec'd by letter, 15; Restored, 1; Dismissed by letter, 17; Excluded, 0; Deceased, 2; Total membership, 302.

1884 W. H. Felix, Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 11; Rec'd by letter, 20; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 18; Excluded, 5; Deceased, 3; Total membership, 312.

1885 No Pastor listed.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 0; Rec'd by letter, 4; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 20; Excluded, 1; Deceased, 7; Total membership, 290.

1885 Statistics not available.

The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 1; Rec'd by letter, 2; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 18; Excluded, 0; Deceased, 0; Total membership, 311.

1888 A. C Davidson
The statistics are not available.

1889 A. C Davidson
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 63; Rec'd by letter, 56; Relation, 4; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 9; Excluded, 1; Deceased, 3; Total membership, 377.

1890 A. C Davidson
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 76; Rec'd by letter, 21; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 11; Excluded, 2; Deceased, 6; Total membership, 455.

1891 A. C Davidson
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 28; Rec'd by letter, 89; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 13; Excluded, 2; Deceased, 6; Total membership, 490.

1892 A. C Davidson
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 30; Rec'd by letter, 34; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 18; Excluded, 0; Deceased, 1; Total membership, 533.

1893 A. C Davidson
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 4; Rec'd by letter, 23; Restored, 2; Dismissed by letter, 18; Excluded, 0; Deceased, 5; Total membership, 539.

1894 No Pastor.
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 1; Rec'd by letter, 20; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 22; Excluded, 0; Deceased, 5; Total membership, 533.

1895 C. G. Jones
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 59; Rec'd by letter, 19; Restored, 1; Relation, 5; Dismissed by letter, 19; Excluded, 1; Erasure, 23; Deceased, 4; Total membership, 570.

1896 C. G. Jones
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 22; Rec'd by letter, 13; Restored, 8; Dismissed by letter, 19; Excluded, 1; Deceased, 4; Total membership, 589.

1897 C. G. Jones
The statistics not available.

1898 C. G. Jones
The statistics not available.

1899 C. G. Jones
The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 9; Rec'd by letter, 13; Restored, 3; Dismissed by letter, 20; Excluded, 7; Deceased, 5; Total membership, 608.

The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 28; Rec'd by letter, 23; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 27; Excluded, 1; Deceased, 8; Total membership, 617.

The statistics for the church that year were: Rec'd by baptism, 8; Rec'd by letter, 20; Restored, 0; Dismissed by letter, 13; Excluded, 3; Deceased, 3; Total membership, 541.


[From Northbend Baptist Association Minutes. — Jim Duvall]

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