In a letter from Dr. Noel to Rev. Mr. Brantly
Frankfort, (Ky.) May 5, 1828.Dear Brother,
At this moment I can give you a brief intimation in regard to an extraordinary revival in one of the churches under my care. After a long absence, I met the Baptist church at Great Crossings, (in Scott county,) on the first Saturday and Sunday of last month. An unusual degree of solemnity and concern pervaded the congregation, which could be but partially accommodated in one of the largest meeting-houses in the West. Two weeks after this, I had the pleasure of baptizing fifty-one persons upon a credible profession of their faith in Christ. Two weeks afterwards, (viz. yesterday,) at the same place I baptized fifty-nine, making one hundred and ten received by this church by baptism in one month. Indeed several others were received, as yet unbaplized. The Choctaw Academy is about two miles distant from this meeting-house, and among the candidates for baptism, were four Indians, two Creeks and two Choctaws, all of them young men, and of promising talents. There are about one hundred Indians in this institution, under the care of the Rev. Thomas Henderson, an excellent preacher, until the state of his health made it necessary for him to suspend his pulpit labours. Brother Sampson, an intelligent and pious Choctaw, frequently preaches to them in his vernacular tongue, (he cannot yet speak in our language.) I think the Head of the church is about to crown his labours. Many of the young men are at this time under deep concern. Among the many valuable services rendered to his country, by the Hon. Richard M. Johnson, his unremitted attention (when at home) to the interest of this seminary, will not be considered the least.This revival has embraced the heads of many families; in about ten instances, both husband and wife; and persons of all ages, from fourteen to eighty. Among others, two natives of Africa.
Accept assurances of high regard from yours, most sincerely,
S. [Silas] M. Noel ========= [From The American Baptist Magazine No. 7. July, 1828, p. 216. Document from Google Books. — jrd]
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