Particular Baptist Church, Bryan's.Sundry disposed Baptist[s] in the neighborhood of Bryans on North Elkhorn having at several times Considered their scattered state, and the want to Discipline among themselves, after mature Deliberation, have thought good on the Third Saturday of March One thousand seven and Eighty-six — To send to the Churches of South Elkhorn and Big Crossing, for help to see if they are fit to form a Constitution, and Desire those Churches to meet at Bryan's the Third Saturday in April, and were accordingly met by Lewis and Benjamin Craig, from South Elkhorn, and William Cave and Bartlette Collins from big Crossing, properly Delegated.
Present Augustin Eastin, Henry Roach, William Ellis, Joseph Rogers, Bettey Darnaby, Judith Tandy, Elizabeth Price and Anne Rogers, after Consultation with ourselves and the help present we agree to unite and fom a Constitution and adopt the Philadelphia Confession of Faith, as the best human Composition of the Kind and Contains a summary of the articles of our Faith, particulary we Receive what is generally termed the Doctrine of Grace as they are therein contained, and have appointed the Third Saturday in the Month as our Monthly meeting, adjourned until the Third Saturday in May.
Augustin Eastin Henry Roach William Ellis enr. Joseph Rogers Bettey Darnaby Jutith Tandy Elizabeth Price Anne Rogers
Lewis Craig ) S. Elkhorn Benjaaln Craig ) Helpe.
William Cave ) Big Crossing Bartlette Collins ) Helpe.
[p. 2]
Met according to adjournment at Bryan's the Third Saterday in May 1786, After prayer to almighty God for the Divine blessing Proceeded to business —
Rec. Into union. Rev. Ambrose Dudley, Agnes Ellis, Anna Dogges, Sarah Davis, William Tomlinson, and proceeded to form and lay down a plan of Government by which we wish to be ruled or regulated in future —
First with respect to our discipline in all matters of a private nature we Do agree to observe the rule laid Down in the Eighteenth Chapter of Matthew, and all publick transgressions to be treated as such —
Secondly all matters teching fellowship to be Determined by uninimity, and all other matters by a Majority of the Male members. Then Dismist untill Meeting in Course —Augustin Eastin, Modr.
(rules of Decorum See June 1790)At a Church Meeting held at Bryans the 3d Saterday in June, William Turpin and Sarah McLaughlon from Peters Creek Church, Sarah Saunders from Deep Creek, State N. Carolina, and Margaret Robertson and Elizabeth Doggett from Nassaponax Church by Letters, and Recommendation, then Dismist until meeting in Course.
Augustin Eastin, Modr. At a meeting Called on sunday following liberty granted for Brot. Eastin and Dudley with as many as can with Convenience attend on Coopers Run to receive and Baptize. Also recd. by letter William Payton from Peters Creek Church
A. Eastin, Modr.
[p. 3]
Added by Baptizing in Consequence of the above permit James Brown —A. Eastin At a Church meeting held at Bryan's 15th of July 1786
Ambrose Dudley chose Moderator and John Mason Clerk. Recd. into fellowship William E. Waller, John Mason, Leonard, Young, Henry Kamper, Lettey Kamper, Reubin Underwood, Frances Underwood, Salley Ellis, Ann Dudley —
Agreed that Brother Roach be sent as a help to the Church at the Big Crossing —
Chose our Bren. Ambrose Dudley and Angustin Eastln to attend the Depending [impending] Association, then Adjourned till Meeting in Course —At a Church meeting held at Bryan's 19th August 1786
Ambrose Dudley, Moderator, John Mason Clerk. Recd. into fellowship Robin a negro man belonging to Mrs. Chapman —
Querry, whether we Consider persons Members of the Church before or after Baptism, referred to next meeting.
Rec. into Fellowship Elizabeth Kelley, Recd. Jacob Rodes for Baptism, also Ann Turpin.
Ambrose Dudley nominated to take the Pastoral Care of this Church, Henry Roach, William E. Waller, William Ellis and John Mason for Elders, John Darnaby, William Tomlinson and Joseph Rogers for Deacons referred to the next Meeting.
[p. 4]
At a Church meeting held at Bryan's 16th of Sept. 1786
Ambrose Dudley Moderator, John Mason Clerk.
References from last meeting, a Querry whether we consider persons to be Members of the Church before or after Baptism. Answered after Baptism — References Concerning Brother Dudley taking the pastural care if [of] the Churoh Continued. Nomination of Elders Continued —At a Church meeting held at Bryan's the third Saturday in October 1786 — Ambrose Dudley Moderator, John Mason Clerk.
Refferences respecting Brother Ambrose Dudley Call to take the Pastural Care of this Church, Taken into consideration.
Agreed that Tomorrow be appointed a day of fasting and Prayer to Almighty God for his Divine blessing on his accepting the Call, Agreed to continue the references respecting Elders and Deacons to the first saterday in November and the Day following to be appointed a Day of Fasting and Prayer. Recd. into fellowship John Tandy by Experience.Sunday Ootober 22 1786 Met agreeable to appointment and our beloved brother Ambrose Dudley agreed to take pastural Care of this Church being Unanimously Called by the Church. Recd by recommendation Mary Young, Mildred Waller and Anna Mason.
At an appointed Church meeting at Bryan's the first Saterday in November 1786 — Ambrose Dudley Modr. J. Mason Clerk.
Unanimously agreed by this Church to receive Brother Wilwiam E. Waller in the full power of the ministry, to act as such
[p. 5]
in this Church when Called or wherever the Lord shall call him to that work.
Taken into consideration our refference respecting Elders and Deacons, after examination our Brother John Mason, William Ellis, and Henry Roach, chose by the Church as Elders — and Brother John Darnaby ae a Deacon, then adjourned Till tomorrow 10 o'clock.Sunday Morning met and proceeded to business, our Bro. John Mason, William Ellis and Henry Roach agreed to receive the Call of the Church to serve as Elder, and was ordained accordingly, also our brother John Darnaby agreed to serve the Church as a Deacon and was likewise ordained.
At a Church meeting held at Bryan's third Saturday in November, 1786. A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Ck.
William Peyton came before the Church acknowledged he had been Drunk. We, the Church are of opinion that he be under the dealing of the Church till further information.
Then adjourned till meeting in Course —At a Church metting held at Bryan's the Third Saterday in December 1786 —
William Peyton came before the Church and for the sins of Drunkenness and profane swearing, the Church are of the opinion that he be not considered a member in this Church until he come in by repentance.
[p. 6]
Agreed to nouinate Brother Leonard Young as a Deacon. Recd. into the fellowship of this Church Frances Rice, Benjamin Robinson and Mildred Robinson.
Delegated our Brethren Ambrose Dudley, Augustin Eastin and Willliam E. Waller to prepare a letter to, and attend the Depending [impending] Association at Big Crossing, then adjourned until Meeting in Course.A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clerk. At a Church meeting held at Bryan's the 3rd, Saterday in January, 1787 —
The Church unanimously chose Brother Young to serve them in the office of Deacon —
Agreed that tomorrow be set apart a Day of Fasting and prayer to proceed to the work of Ordination.
Received by experience Owney Hailey, and Juda a negro woman belonging to John Proctor, then adjourned till meeting in Course.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the Meeting House at Bryan's the Third Saterday in February 1787 —
Proposed by Brother Young (and agreed by the church) to appoint three Brethren to proportion Expenses to be paid by the Church to purchase necessaries for the use of this Church.
The Church appointed our Bren. William Ellis, Leonard Young and Joseph Rogers who are Directed to lvy levy Eight Dollars on the
[p. 7]
male members in our Church to Defray Expense.
Recd. into fellowship of the Church Joshua Yates and Ann Yates, by Letter, also Jane Rice. Then adjourned till Meeting in Course.Ambrose Dudley, Mdr. John Mason, Clerk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting House at Bryan'a third Saterday in March 1787 —
The Church having taken into Consideration respecting such persons as are Baptised living in the bounds of our Church and are not yet Joyned.
Agreed that Henry Roach, John Mason, William Eills, Benjamin Robinson and Joshua Yates, labour with such persons to know their reason and report to next meeting. Then adjourned till meeting in Course.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's third Saterday in April 1787 —
Henry Roach and John Mason made report to the Church that Mr. Farrer offers no Objection against Joyning Society, neither Does his wife, also that Mr. Charles South Smith and his wife has no objection to Joyning our Society when some Distress may be Resoved between them and one of our members.
Agreed that Henry Roach and John Mason Urge Mr. Charles Smith to take any member of our Church under gospel Dealing with whom he may be Difficulted, and report to next meeting.
[p. 8]
William Ellis and Joshua Yates reported to the Church that Joseph Robinson and his Sister have no Objection against joining our Society, also reported that James True Condemns the Doctrines and principals of the Church.
Querry, whether it be the duty on members of society to have public prayer for their infants —
Querry, whether it be duty to practice laying on hands on new Baptist members —
Querry, whether washing saints feet be Duty —
Querry, whether in praying for the sick it be Duty to make use of Oyl
Then adjourned till meeting in Course.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's third Saturday in May, 1787 —
The Church after Considering a Querry from last meeting whether it be duty for members of Society to have publick prayer made for their infants, are of opinion that in publick Meeting it is Scripturelly tradition —
2. Querry from last setting whether it be the Duty to practice Laying on of hands on new Baptist members, referred till after the next association.
3. (Entry marked out)
4. Querry, whether it be Duty to make use of Oyl in praying for the sick (Continued)
[p. 9]
Then adjourned till meeting in Course.A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's Third Sater Day in June, 1787.
Taken into consideration, the Fourth Querry from last Meeting respecting the use of Oyl in praying for the Sick (Continued)
Then adjourned till meeting in Course,Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church metting Called and held at the meeting house at Bryan's on friday July the 6th 1787 —
The Church after Considering the Expediency or Inexpediency of our Church meeting for Discipline being in private or publick, are of opinion that they be altogether in private, and,
Querry, Respecting a mode for Receiving members into the Church agreed that persons offering to Joyn the Church after such Questions are asked as the Church thinks proper, the person to withdraw, the Church to Determine respecting their fellowship, and note to the person, and not give the right hand of Fellowship till after they are Baptized —
Querry, Continued from last meeting respecting making use of Oyl in praying for the Sick —
Agreed that persons sick, and Calling for the Elders of the Church, act agreeable to their faith with respect to the making use of Oyl.
[p. 10]
Then Adjourned till meeting in Course —William E. Waller, Mdr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's Third Saterday in July 1787 —
The Church chose Ambrose Dudley, William E. Waller and Henry Roach to represent us in the association to be held at Bryan's Meeting house first saterday in August, 1787, and appointed Ambrose Dudley and John Mason to prepare a letter etc.
Then adjourned till metting in Course.A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at Brother Ambrose Dudley's August 16th 1787.
Received into fellowship by letter, Joseph R. Farrer and Jane his wife. Then adjourned till meeting in Course.A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at meeting house at Bryan's Third Saterday in August 1787 —
Received report from the association held at Bryan's first Saterday in August 1787. By our Brethren Ambrose Dudley, William E. Waller and Henry Roach, who were Delegated to attend said association and approbate the proceeding of the same.
Recd. into the Church Elizabeth Mosby by letter, also James, a negro man belonging to John Rogers by experience.
[p. 11]
Then adjourned till meeting in Course.A. Dudley, Mdr. J. Mason, Clk. At a meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's Third Saterday in September 1787.
Rec. into the Church Moses Quesenberry and Ann his wife by letter.
Then adjourned till meeting in course.William Ellis, Mdr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's Third Saterday in Octoter, 1787 —
Then adjourned till meeting in Course —
William Ellis, Mdr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's third Saterday in November, 1787 —
Adjourned till meeting in Course.William Ellis, Mdr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church Meeting Held at the meeting House at Bryan's Third Saterday in March 1788 — Rec. by lettter Levi Hunt from Marble Creek Church, and John Hunt and his wife, Samuel Bryan and his wife, and Mary Bryan from said Church.
Then adjoumtd till meeting in Course.Ambrose Dudley, Mdr. John Mason, Clk.
[p. 12]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's Third Saterday in April 1788.
Agreed to Consider some mode to be adopted for receiving Members into the Church from other Churches not in Union with us, the Church are of opinion that such members be received by giving the Church Satisfaction to such Questions as they Require.
Querry, what is the Duty of Church members, Referred.
Then adjourned till meeting in Course.Henry Roach, Mdr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church Meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's Third Saterday in May 1788.
Querry from last meeting, Respectin the Duty of Church members, in what it Consents, — First, we unanimously agree that it is the Duty of Church members Diligently to Search the Scriptures and to take them for the man of their Council. Secondly, that it is their duty to attend Church Meeting for Business as well as meeting for public worship. Thirdly that it is Duty to Keep up the worship of God in their families morning and Evening. adjourned to meet in Course.A. Dudley, Mdr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church Meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's Third Saterday in June 1788 —
The minutes with the Circular letter from our association held at Criag's [Craig's] meeting house South Elkhorn 31st of May, and first and second of June 1788 presented by our messengers and accordingly
[p. 13]
read. The Church Except to the terms, resolved and Excommunication.
A motion made, whether our practice of not giving the right hand of Fellowship till after Baptism be continued. Agreed to discontinue said practlce and so [to] give the right hand of Fellowship when the Experience is recd.
Then adjourned till meeting in Course.A. Dudley, Mdr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's Third Saterday in July 1788.
Recd. into the fellowship of the. Church for Baptism Anne Walker, Diana Higgin, and John Macintosh, and Frances Riddle by Examination.
Then adjourned till meeting in. Course.
A. Dudley, Mdr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting Called at John Mason's Thirteenth of August, 1788. The Church took into Consideration the Conduct of our Brother William E. Waller, in his manner of leaving of us, we are unanimously of opinion that his Conduct was Disorderly, and for the same Disfellowship him.
Adjourned till meeting in Courae.A. Dudley, Mdr. J. Mason, Clk.
[p. 14]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's, third Saterday in August, 1788 —
Recd. into fellowship of the Church by Letter Frances Barnan from Read Stone Church also Catron Millner by letter from Goshen Church. William Smith recd. for Baptism and Mary Proctor, William Higgin Ditto, Rodes Smith Do., Mary Smith Do., John Sharp Do., Unice Smith Do., Salley Compton by Examination. A motion made respecting a plan for the Support of a minister Referd. Then adjourned till meeting in Course.
A. Dudley, Mdr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's Third Saterday in September, 1788 —
A Refference from last meeting Respecting a plan for the Discharge of our Duty in Supporting our Minister.
The Church are of oppinion that the Minister of our Church Receive from us the sum of Fifty pounds to be paid in such Property as each person Shall think proper at the Common Selling price and that the Proportion for each one to pay be assertained by a member of the Brethren appointed for that purpose.
Recd. into fellowship of the Church for Baptism Susana Hankins.
Then adjourned till meeting in Course.Ambrose Dudley, Mdr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's Third Saterday in October, 1788.
The Church agreed to give Brother Jacob Roades a letter of Dismission on his request to Join the Church on Cooper's Run. Recd.
[p. 15]
into fellowship Catherine Sharpe for Batptism.
The Church have appointed Bro. Ambrose Dudley, Henry Roach, John Mason and Leonard Young to Represent us in the Depending Association at the meeting house at Clear Creek. Then adjourned till meeting in Course.
A. Dudley, Mdr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's Third Saterday in November, 1788.
Recd. Elizabeth Foster, John Bridges and Nancy Bridges by letter and examination and John Ellis for Baptism and Bro. Farrer's Negro woman Jenney for Ditto, and Bro. Boswell's Negro Man Simon for Do.
On a motion made for more Deacons to be appointed the Church have Nominated Several Bren for Consideration till next monthly meeting.
Then adjourned till meeting in Course.
A. Dudley, Mdr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the Schoolhouse near Benjamin Hailey third Saterday in December 1788.
The Church took under Consideration a motion made last Church meeting for more Deacons to be appointed to Serve this Church have unanimously Chose our Brethren Benjamin Robinson and Samuel Bryan to that office, and refered their Ordination till our next monthly meeting.
Recd. for Baptism Reubin Macdonald. Then adjourned till meeting in Course.A. Dudley, Mdr. J. Mason, Clk.
[p. 16]
At a Church meeting held at Bryan's third In Jany, 1789. The Church have set apart tomorrow a Day of Fasting and prayer to God for Ordination of our Brethren Benjamin Robinson and Samuel Bryan to the office of Deacons to Serve this Church. Recd. into this Church Bethither Milner by letter and Elizabeth Jones by letter and Examination, and Moses Frairier for baptism.Ambrose Dudley, Mdr. John Mason Clk. Sunday 18th of January. The Church agreeable to appointment met and accordingly set apart our Brethren Benj. Roblnsion aad Samuel Bryan by ordination for the office of Deacons.
John Mason Clk. At a Church meeting Called at Brother William Ellises 20th of January 1789.
Brother John Macintosh was brought before the Church for a Disorderly departure from us, after hearing the matter over and labouring with the sd. Macintosh, First the Church are of oppinion that he it guilty of usurping the Keys to himself and trampling under foot the Authority thereof and, Secondly that he Justly comes under the Charaeter of a Sismatick and Covenant Breaker and added to all this he refuses to hear the Church consequently he is Excluded from our Communion.Ambrose Dudley, Mdr. John Mason Clk. At a Church meeting held at the School house near Benjamin Hailey's third Saterday in February 1789.
[p. 17]
Recd. into the fellowship of the Church Richard Mitchell and his wife Susanna Mitchell by letter and Examination, and William Ellis Int. for Baptism. Elizabeth Franklin by examination and Elizabeth Ellis Do. for Baptism. Adjourned till meeting in Course.A. Dudley, Mdr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at Brynn's meeting house Third Saturday in March 1789.
Recd. into the Church by letter and Examination Whorton Schooler and his wife Margaret Schooler, and Hannah Cropley by letter, Rawleigh C(h)inn recd. for Baptism, agreed to give a letter of Dismission to sister Milley Brady.
Recd. a negroe man Frank belonging to Bro. William Smith for baptism and Anram Farguson for Do.
The[n] adjourned till meeting in Course.Ambrose Dudley, Mdr. John Mason Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's Third Saterday in April
Recd. into fellowship of the Church Amos Millner by letter and Ann Tompkins by Examination, Mary Farguson for baptism and Nancy Caliver for Do.
Then adjourned till meeting in Course.
A. Dudley, Mdr. John Mason Clk. At a Church mseting held at the house at bryan's Third Saterday in May 1789
Recd. by letter Alexander Monroe. Four Brethren appointed to
[p. 18]
attend the association the last saterday in this Month at B. Crossing, to-wit, Bren. Abrose Dudley, Henry Roach, John Mason and Leonard Young. Bren. Ambrose Dudley and John Mason to write the Circular letter to said association and assert a Querry therein for the advise of the association, to-wit, Whether laying on of hands on new Baptised members is a gospel Duty. A report made to the Church by Bren. John Mason and Henry Roach that Brother William Turpin and Sister Nancy Turpin and Sister Salley Turpin have gone out from us and joyned the Methodist Class, the Church after considering the matter are of oppinion that they be Considered no more of us, and Consequently out of our Communion.
Then adjourned till meeting in Course.Ambrose Dudley Mdr. John Mason Clk. At a Church meeting Called and held at the house of John Mason May 21st 1789.
The Church took into consideration the standing of our Sister Milley Waller who has left us, and Joined a Church not in our union, are of oppinion that she be considered no more of us; while in her present standing.
Likewise the case of our Brother Joseph Rogers, First for his misconduct in Striking Mr. Robert Price. Secondly for Suffering the rails of the meeting house fence to be Destroyed. Thirdly for Neglecting of attending Church meeting to which Several Charges our Said brother Rogers gave Satisfaction to the Church and Consequently continued in our fellowship
Then dismist till meeting in course.
Ambrose Dudley Mdr. John Mason, Clerk.
[p. 19]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's Third Saterday in June 1789.
Recd. into the fellowship of the Church by certificate Martha and Thomas Kelsey and Hannah Kelsey by letter. Also Julian Clarkson, Elizabeth Clarkson, Mary Clarkson, Mourning Clarkson and Susanna Mosby by letter. Recd. John Conway for baptism. The Church have chose our Bren. Ambrose Dudley, John Mason and Leonard Young to attend a General Association to be held at Harrod's Meeting house the second Friday in August. The Church have agreed to hold monthly meeting on the first Saterday and Sunday in each month near Mr. Jeremiah White's where the meeting house is to stand. Recd. by letter John Shropshire and Mary Shropshire.
Then dismist till meeting in course.Ambrose Dudley, Mdr. John Mason Clk. At a Church meeting held at the place where the new meeting house is to be built near Mr. Jeremiah White's first Sunday in July 1789.
Recd. into fellowship of the Church by letter Elizabeth Shropshire and Enoch Smith, Sister Sarah True by Examination, and Oved boon for baptism.
Then dismist till meeting in Course.Ambrose Dudley Mdr. John Mason Clk.
[p. 20]
At a Church meeting held at Bryan's at the meeting house Third Saterday in July 1789
Report was made by John Mason and Henry Roach in consequence of a former appointment to urge Mr. Chs. Smith to take any member of this Church under Dealing with whom he was Difficulted, the said Bren. have urged the matter to Mr. Smith according to their appointment.
Recd. into Fellowship John Shropshire Int. by letter. Recd. Harry Bartlett Senr. for baptism; Penny Chinn for Do., Hugh Rankin and Thomas Tillery for Do.
Then Dismist till meeting in Course.A. Dudley Mdr. J. Mason Clk. At a Church meeting held at the schoolhouse near Benjamin Hailey's first Saterday in August 1789.
There being no business laid before the Church,
Dismist till meeting in Course.A. Dudley Mdr. J. Mason Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's Third Saterday in August 1789.
Report was made by Bren. Ambrose Dudley, John Mason and Leonart Young who were appointed to attend a General association at Harrod's meeting house, South side Kentucky, they to try to Effect a union with our Brethren south side Kentucky, that there is no union.
Recd. for Baptism Samuel Price, Recd. Vincent Self by Examination, Recd. for baptism Cathran Boon.
[p. 21]
Querry whether a Slave Being forced from his wife is at liberty to Marry another . . . Referd.
Recd. for baptism Susanna Berry.
Then dismist till meeting in Course.
Ambrose Dudley Mdr. John Mason Clk. At a Church meeting held at the metting house on David's fork first Saterday in Septembtr 1789.
Querry from last meeting, whether a Slave being forced from his wife is at liberty to marry another — a minority of the Church thinks they have not. Then dismist till meeting in course.
A. Dudley Mdr. John Mason Clk. Sunday morning 6th of September 1789 at the meeting house on David's Fork, Bro. Rodes Smith brought an Accusation against Aggy, a Negro woman belonging to Bro. Wm. Smith for Telling a falsehood. She denied sd. charge but the Church are of opinion. She is guilty, and in consequence thereof Disfellowship her.
Ambrose Dudley Mdr. John Mason Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's third Saterday in September 1789.
Recd. by letter and examination Lettice Self into fellowship of the Church, Likewise Wm. Grant Senr, & Elizabeth Grant, Ann Estes rec. for baptism, John Jones by letter and examination
Then dismist till meeting in course.Ambrose Dudley Mdr. John Mason Clk.
[p. 22]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house on David's Ford first Saterday in October l789.
The Church took into consideration the matter of Bro. Henry Roarch Exercising his Gift among us — and do advise that he continue his Gift in Lectureing and Exhortation, and when Ever he has a particular desire, to take a Text, he may and advance Doctrine.
A motion was made, what Shall be done with members that fail attening Church Meeting for Business — Agreed that such members be dealt with as for any other disorder.
Then dismist.Ambrose Dudley Modr. J. Mason Clk. At a Church Meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's 7th Day of October 1789. An accusation brought by Bro. Roach against Bro. John Tandy, who not being present, Bro. John Manson and Alexander Monro ars requested to cite sd. Bro. Tandy to come before the Church on the third Saterday of this month, at the meeting house at Bryan's at 10 o'clock . . . Bro. Richard Tomlinson laid a matter of distress with himself before the Church, the matter being fully Discust he is acquitted.
Then dismist.
Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's third Saterday in October 1789.
Bren. John Mason and Alexander Monro made report that they have cited Bro. John Tandy to come before the Church this day to give
[p. 23]
Satisfaction respecting a complaint heretofore Lodged against him, for Publickly Opposing the Doctrines of Grace as held and supported among us, he the said Tandy failing to appear but dispiseing the government, and Trampling under foot the Othority of the Church, in Consequence thereof he is Excluded from our Union. Then proceeded to other business.
Recd. for baptism James Welch, Ann Welch & Dinah, a negro woman belonging to Bro. Thomas Jones. Chose our Bren. Ambrose Dudley, John Mason, Wm. Ellis Sene [Sr.], & Leonard Young to represent us in the Association to be held the last Friday in this month at Boon's Creek meeting house, and that Bren. Ambrose Dudley anl John Mason write the Letter to sd. Association. Bren. Wm. Eills, Senr. John Mason & Leonard Young are appointed to Levy on the Church to purchase wine etc. Then diamist.Ambrose Dudley Modr. John Mason Clk. At a Church Meeting hald at the Meeting house at Bryan's Third Saterday in November 1789.
Recd. John Estes for Baptism and Nancy Mosby by Letter, on a Motion made concerning a plan for the Church to Discharge their Duty to our minister, Agreed that a Subscription be produced for the members to Subscribe at discretion to be paid in produce by the first day of March, 1790.
Bren. Wm Ellis Senr., John Mason and Leonard Young who were appointed last meeting to Levy on the Church for the purpose of purchasing Wine etc., made their Report. The Church are satisfied with the accct, etc. The Deacons are directed to provide Glass for the meeting houae and a Lock for the meeting house at Bryan's. Then dlaaist.A. Dudley, Modr.
[p. 24]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house on David's Fork first Saterday in December 1789.
No business appearing before the Church . . . . Dismist.A. Dudley Mod. John Mason Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's Third Saterday in December 1789.
Recd. Charles Thomas, John Barnett and Sally Terry for Baptism. William E. Waller came before the Church and gave full satitisfaction for the cause for which he was Disfellowship'd, and is recd. into Union again.
Bren. Ambrose Dudley and John Mason apointed at the request of the Church on South Elkhorn to attend at their meeting on Friday next. Then dismist.
Ambrose Dudley Modr. John Mason Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house on David's fork first Saterday in January 1790.
Rec. Martha Schooler by Letter and Examination, Milly Waller came before the Church and gave full satisfaction and Recd. into Union. Then dismist.A. Dudley Modr. J. Mason Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryan's Third Saturday in January 1790.
Querry in what Light do we understand that part of God's Blessed word contiained in the 18th Chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel from the 15th to the 18th Verse. Debated and referred to next meeting. Then dismist.Ambrose Dudley Modr. John Mason Clk.
[p. 25]
At a Church meeting held at the meeting house on David's fork first Saturday in February, l790.
Recd. by letter and examination Jane Thomas, and Elizabeth Wiggin, and Joseph Allin by Letter.
Querry from last meeting referr'd. Then Dismist.A. Dudley Modr. J. Mason Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans Third Saturday in February, 1790.
Recd. into Union, Winneford Smith, by Certificate and Examination. William Turpin came before the Church, and gave full Satisfaction for his disorderly withdrawing from us and is recd. again into the Union, Likewise Nancy Turpin came forward, gave Satisfaction and is recd. into our Union. John Tandy gave the Church Satisfaction for his Disorderly withdrawing from us and is recd. into Fellowship. John Mckentosh Came Forward and gave Satisfaction for his disorderly departing from us and is recd. into Fellowship.
In answer to a Querry referr'd from last meeting in what light do we understand that part of God's Blessed word contain'd in the 18th Chapter of St. Matthews Godpel from the 15th to the 18th Vierce.
We do believe it is a particular direction given by Jesus Christ to his Church, to be Observ'd in all private matters of Difficulty and dealing. Then Dismist.
A. Dudley Modr. J. Mason Clk. At a Church meeting for Dicipline held at the Meeting house at Bryans 24th of February 1790.
An Accusation was laid before the Church against Bro. Richard Tomlenson, for speaking reproachfully of the Church. Agreed that Bro. Tomlenson,
[p. 26]
Wm. Tandy, & Rawleigh Chinn Cite him to appear before the Church first Saturday in March at the Meeting house on David's fork by 11 OClock to answer to Sd. Accusation. Then Dismist.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house on Davids fork firs[t] Saturday in March 1790.
Rec'd Lucy Ellis into Union by letter and Examination. Then Dismist.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meenng house on Davids fork for Dicipline first Saturday in March 1790.
Bro. Ric'd Tomlenson appear'd before the Church and was accused with speaking reproachfully of the Church, upon his Confessing his fault he is restored to Fellowship with a reproof & Caution. Then Dismist.Ambrose Dudley, Modr. John Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting held at the meeting house at Bryans Third Saturday in March, 1790.
On a Motion made to the Church respecting Bro. Wm. E. Waller's gift, what they Conceive it to be, the Church are of Opinion that Bro. Wm. E. Waller has a profitable gift, but mainly in Exhortation, yet that he is at liberty to Exercise it in doctrine when Ever he finds free. Then Dismist.
A. Dudley, Modr. J. Mason, Clk. At a Church meeting call'd for Dicipline at the Meeting house at Bryans Third Sunday in March 1790.