Biographical Sketches of Pastors and Missionaries
[p. 107]
I shall not be able to do much labor or missionary work this month. I have to start to Irvine next Thursday and from there to Booneville to repair some machinery to get some money to pay my way to Louisville the first of May.My horse (the only one I have) caught his foot in a bridge in the mountains and is very lame so I am a foot for this, but my motto is trust in the Lord and do good. If two or three of our wealthy churches would take this matter in hand, 50 cents or $1.00 from each one would enable me to get a horse. I think I aught to have two so my wife could go to meeting sometimes with me.
N. B. Johnson The death notice of Elder J. W. Trent in the obituary section of the 1877 General Association minutes reflects upon the fruits of N. B. Johnson's labors in Breathitt County:
Elder J. W. Trent was a member and minister of the Methodist Church about five or six years, and was received and baptized by Elder N. B. Johnson in 1870 or 1871. While a minister of the Methodist Church, he was not only zealous in the Master's cause but useful in serving others. He died of consumption when about 40 years old and was pastor of White Oak and Greenville Churches when he died in Breathitt County, Kentucky, January 1877.Elder J. W. Trent is listed as an ordained minister in Irvine Association minutes in 1870, but that is the only year his name appears, with his address being Breathitt County, Jackson, Kentucky.Brother Johnson served as pastor of Providence Baptist Church from January 1881 through April 1881 when he was forced to resign due to ill health. After lingering illness several months with paralysis, Napoleon Bonaparte Johnson died at his home near Waco, Kentucky, on November 12, 1882, and was buried in Flatwood Cemetery, Madison County, Kentucky.
The following resolution concerning the death of N. B. Johnson was furnished by Mrs. C. A. Christopher, Ravenna, Kentucky, a granddaughter of Brother Johnson. She has the original handwritten copy from the Crab Orchard Church:
December 16, 1882
concerning the death of
Rev. N. B. Johnson
Your committee to whom was offered the duty of presenting suitable resolutions in regard to the death of our late and well beloved pastor — N. B. Johnson — would offer the following
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as a well deserved but feeble expression of our personal sorrow and sincere sympathy with the sorely bereaved and afflicted family.Brother Johnson was our pastor for years and ever showed himself to be not only a true Christian gentleman, but also a good minister of Jesus Christ, a faithful soldier of the cross.
By his untiring and unselfish efforts to minister to the wants of the sick, the afflicted and the distressed, he rose and held the warmest affections not only of the Church but of the entire community.
So that with the family we can truly say our grief is personal for we have all lost a true friend, a Christian Brothe'r. We thank God for so true and good a man and for giving him to labor among us, for he did a good work and we will all hold his memory In highest esteem.
We, of course, bow submissive to the all-wise-Providence which has taken him away, feeling assured that he is now at ease with God and will in the day of accounts receive the plaudit — "Well done thou good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joy of the Lord."
We tinder his sad family our sincere sympathy, our earnest prayers, and if need be our pecuniary substance.
Therefore, be it resolved that a copy of this imperfect expression of our hearts' bereavements be recorded in our Church Bpok of minutes and that a copy be forwarded to the family.
James McAllister G. W. James G. W. King J. H. Hutchings _________
XII. ANDREW J. DAUGHERTY The 1850 census of Estill County lists Andrew J. Daugherty, age 27, as a doctor. A. J. Daugherty was pastor of Mt. Gilead Church in Madison County in 1859. The marriage records in the Estill County Clerk's office show that Elder Daugherty united a substantial number of people in marriage, especially during the 1850's.Brother A. J. Daugherty was called as pastor of Cow Creek Church in September 1883 for one year. He was pastor of Providence from March 1884 through December 1884, attended the Irvine Association that year, and was appointed to preach at the annual meeting. Apparently, 1884 was the only year he attended Irvine Association.
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That is about all known concerning Elder A. J. Daugherty. Perhaps he may have spent most of his ministerial time in Tates Creek Association or perhaps much of his time was taken up with his duties as a doctor._________
XIII. TURNER L. LAWSON We have no information about T. L. Lawson before 1876. Elder Lawson is listed in Irvine Association minutes 1876-1889 as a messenger from Pilot Knob Church in Madison County. His address is listed as Speedwell, Kentucky, 1877-1878; Kingston, Kentucky, 1881; Big Hill, Kentucky, 1882; Kingston, Kentucky, 1883-1885 and Speedwell, Kentucky, 1886-1888.The first mention of T. L. Lawson in Irvine Association minutes is in 1876. He was chosen as alternate to preach the annual sermon for 1877. It was "ordered that we appoint two missionaries to labor in the bounds of this Association, whereupon Elders N. B. Johnson and T. L. Lawson were selected" In 1878, T. L. Lawson preached the annual sermon from II Timothy, 4:2 — "Preach the Word." In 1881, he was appointed on the Sunday School committee which made the following report:
SUNDAY SCHOOLS Your committee submits the following: We rejoice that much is being done in the State at large in Sunday-school work, but regret that we, as an Association, are doing so little in this important work. We welcome each church to organize and carry on a Sunday-school in their midst, thereby instructing the young in the principles of the Christian religion.Very respectfully, T. L. Lawson Fielden Golden James M. Glowers In 1882, T. L. Lawson preached the annual sermon and was elected assistant moderator. "Elders T. L. Lawson and J. B. Lewis were chosen by private ballot as missionaries for the ensuing year." He was also appointed on the religious periodicals committee:
RELIGIOUS PERIODICALS Your committee on Religious Periodicals would respectfully report the Western Recorder as a good Baptist paper, and The Orphans' Friend, published at Louisville, Kentucky, in the interest of Orphan's Home.
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Also, Kind Words published in Macon, Georgia, — a paper adapted to the use of Sunday Schools. Each of these papers, we hartily commend to the patronage of our denomination.T. L. Lawson Isaac Sparks J. M. Neeley T. L. Lawson was elected moderator of Irvine Association for the years 1883, 1884, 1885, and 1888. He preached the annual sermon 1884, 1885, 1886, and 1888. Missionary Lawson filed the following missionary report in 1883:
MISSIONARY REPORT Labor done, 114 sermons, 17 exhortations. Received into the fellowship of the Baptist church — by baptism, 27; by letter, 13; by relationship, 4; total 44. The amount of cash received, $47. Organized three Sabbath Schools, and traveled 976 miles.T. L. Lawson S. J. Conkwright's History has the following to say concerning Salem Baptist Church in Estill County in reference to T. L. Lawson:
Rev. J. J. Edwards was re-called by the church in 1879. . . In November of that year the church called for the ordination of two.of her members to the Gospel ministry, to-wit: Brothers Benjamin S. Burgher and Newton Todd. A presbytery consisting of Reverends T. L. Lawson, J. J. Edwards, and Shelby Todd met, and they were legally ordained . . .Rev. T. L. Lawson was pastor of Providence Baptist Church from January 1885 to August 1885. Also, he was called as pastor of Macedonia Church in Montgomery County in June 1884 and commenced a series of meetings in July, assisted by Rev. John I. Wills, which resulted in 19 additions to the church. But, he served only a short time before resigning and the church called John I. Wills as pastor.In February 1882, the church called Rev. T. L. Lawson, who accepted in April. He served through 1883. . .Reverend T. L. Lawson again served in the pastorate in 1886 and 1887.
After 1889, T. L. Lawson's name does not appear again in Irvine Association minutes. It is thought that he died or was unable to continue actively in the ministry. If the following information taken from the 1880 Madison County census is that of T. L. Lawson's family, and we think that it is since there is only one Lawson listed in the census, he was 81 years old in 1889.
[p. 111]
1880 Census of Madison County, Glade Magisterial DistrictNAME AGE SEX OCCUPATION PLACE OF BIRTH Turner Lawson 72 M Preacher Tennessee Elizabeth Lawson 30 F Wife Georgia Sarah L. Lawson 10 F School Kentucky Arcadia Lawson 8 F at home Kentucky William H. Lawson 5 M at home Kentucky Mary L. Lawson 3 F at home Kentucky_________
XIV. JOHN I. WILLS The 1880 census of Estill County lists John I. Wills as being thirty years old so it is assumed he was born in 1850. It is thought he was a native of Clark County, Kentucky. He was pastor of Providence Baptist Church from November 1886 through March 1888. During his ministry at Providence, he was assisted in a revival meeting by R. R. Noel and twenty additions were added to the church.Rev. John I. Wills served as pastor of a number of churches in Boone's Creek Association. He was pastor of Corinth Church in Clark County from July 1885 through 1890. Brother Wills was pastor of Allensville Church in Clark County twice, first from December 1887 through March 1891 and again from March 1902 through January 1904. He was called as pastor of Union City Church, Madison County, January 1887 and served until 1897.
In 1911 Brother Wills was called as pastor of Beattyville Church, Beattyville, Kentucky, preaching once a month and also serving as pastor of two or three county churches in Lee County, one of them being Zion Church located six miles south of Beattyville. That was the last pastorate of Brother Wills; he was foced to resign because of his advanced age and ill health around 1919.
John I. Wills was unable to attend Boone's Creek Association in 1920. He died September 13, 1920, while the Association was in session at Corinth Church where he had once served as pastor. A resolution was approved in memory of Bro. Wills by the Association. The 1920 minutes have the following remarks recorded:
For many years he was a faithful missionary to this Association and was a regular attender at the annual sessions and always brought helpful and hopeful reports from his work . . . and was an earnest and faithful preacher of the gospel.
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XV. JAMES WILLIAM PARSONS Elder J. W. Parsons was born August 5, 1853, at Crab Orchard, Lee County, Virginia. He was the son of Elijah and Anna Edwards Parsons. His mother was a daughter of Dr. George Grant and Mary Woodward Edwards and a sister of Elder J. J. Edwards. He came to Kentucky at about the age of eight.Brother Parsons was reared at Drip Rock, Jackson County, Kentucky. He taught county schools for fourteen years, was a county magistrate, was county surveyor, and was postmaster of Drip Rock Post Office. He was ordained into the gospel ministry at the age of thirty-six.
J. W. Parsons' name first appears in the minutes of Irvine Association as a messenger from South Fork Church, Jackson County. He is listed as a messenger from that church for the years 1872-1874, 1878, 1881, 1883, 1885-1886, 1888, 1890-1892 and 1895. He served the Association as Assistant Clerk in 1883, Assistant Secretary 1885, and he served as Secretary of Irvine Association for ten years, 1887-1896.
Rev. James W. Parsons is credited with being instrumental in the church's name being changed from Newman to Providence when the location was moved from Newman Cemetery to the present location in 1878. Mrs. William S. Swinford of Berea, Kentucky, youngest of fourteen children of J. W. Parsons, related the following account of how Providence got her name in 1878:
Bro. Parsons was riding horse back from Drip Rock in Jackson County to where the new church was built. In route his horse became lame, and he stopped at a blacksmith shop. He told the blacksmith that he did not have money to pay him for fixing the horse's shoe, but that he would pay him later if he would "trust to Providence". The blacksmith repaired the horse's shoe, and J. W. Parsons proceeded on his journey.The minutes of Providence Church for the 3rd Saturday in February, 1889 states that the call was extended to Brother James Parsons to accept the care of the church and I. O. Dozier and Thomas Turpin were appointed to "confer with the Brother in regard to his accepting the call." J. W. Parsons was moderator at the March 1889 meeting and it is recorded that he accepted the care of the church. Under new business, a committee consisting of I. O. Dozier, Green Edwards, and Nathan Friend was appointed to bear a petition to South Fork Church asking them to ordain Brother Parsons.When Bro. Parsons arrived at the church and related what had happened the church took a collection to pay the bill. After further discussion, it was stated, "We will call the church Providence."
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At the April 3rd Saturday 1889 business meeting, the >outh Fork committee was discharged and it was reported thai^ 5outh Fork Church had petitioned Providence to send her ieacons and ministerial aid to assist in the ordination of Brother Parsons. Nothing further is recorded in the church ninutes concerning the ordination of J. W. Parsons but he is Listed as an ordained minister for the first time in the 1889 [rvine Association minutes. Brother Parsons resigned as pastor of Providence at the December 1889 meeting.The following memoriam is recorded in the minutes of Irvine Association in 1889; it also appeared in the Western Recorder:
Ah! Robie's cold fingers,
How they point our thoughts back
To a hasty visit and transaction
Strewn along our backward track.John 3:16 — "God so loved the world that He gave His only son," to die.I wish to call the attention of the ministers to an incident which has made me eat the bitter herb that the angel told the children of Israel to eat when they roasted the lamb, which, we think, teaches that every Christian's life will, while in this world, have persecutions. God works by means, or did in the days of the Prophets and Apostles, and if he did not now, he certainly would be changeable. I think the ministers ought to preach more practical sermons, and remind the people of the present incidents which are daily occurring. The bitter herb I have eaten is this:
My wife and I and a dear little child went to Texas the last of August, and on our return we stopped in a town called Whitewright to see cousin C. T. Edwards. It was the first meeting day in a nice church. The members of the church saw me and found out I was a minister of the gospel. They appointed a committee to see me and invite me to preach there that night. Right here let me drop a thought. Christ says, "Where two or three agree on earth as touching any one thing, it shall be done." That number had agreed. So they came and asked me to preach for them. I never had a harder task in my life to refuse. I told the bretn.-en I must start to Kentucky that night. On my way I told my wife a time or two that I wished I had stayed and preached. The ministers know how hard it is to refuse, and how heavy the cross is. So I came home. The night I got home my little child was taken sick. In a few days I began to think it was going to die. My mind was called to look back as its sickness seemed to have been
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caused by my refusing to do my duty. In a few days it seemed as if my child was going to get well. I started to the Association. Had sent an appointment to preach at a place called Flat Lick, but was not allowed the house by J. N. (Nathan) Culton — he preached the same week at my church and no objection. I attended the Association. I started home as soon as the business of the Association was over in company with Bros. David Witt and Charles Taylor. Called at Mr. G. F. Engle's. Was requested to preach there that night, but it seemed as if I was compelled to go home. I went on, and when I had gotten nearly home I met my wife lamenting over our dear child. The last breath had just left its little body; the soul had returned to God.The following is taken from the ESTILL EAGLE, Friday, March 28, 1890. Proprietors of the newspaper were W. T. B. Williams, W. H. McCarty and S. P. RichardsonI do think it was God's plan and means to remind me of my duty, and to teach me a lesson not to refuse his children. God our Father gave His only son to die for our sins, and it is, I think, his way yet; We are His. I think if every father and mother who have to give up a dear child would look back it would remind them of some neglect.
J. W. Parsons
THE TRUE FACTS Died — at his residence on Middle Fork, a short time ago, Silas Cox.The details of which are as follows:
Rev. A. B. Williams and I were sent for one evening to call and baptize the said deceased. When we arrived we found him very low and dying. He requested Bro. A. B. Williams to baptize him, and insisted very much and had planned out how it was to be done. His mind was right, as much so as any person's I ever saw to be so low. His plan was to have a large trough brought in and water warmed and poured in. After everything was ready, a song was sung. "Tis Religion That Can Give Sweetest Pleasures While We live." The said deceased engaged in helping sing the song. The said Silas Cox was then taken out of bed in a sheet and was placed in the trough that had been prepared by Bros. F. M. Collins, Josiah Kelley, myself and some others. Rev. A. B. Williams said the ceremony and placed him under the water. As he was lifted up, he remarked, "That's all right." He was placed back in bed and in 10 or 15 minutes the last breath left him. He leaves a wife and several children and many relatives and friends to mourn his departure.J. W. Parsons
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In 1891 the following resolution was offered by the resolutions committee of the Irvine Association:RESOLVED, that we recommend as an Ordinance in our churches foot-washing in connection with the Lord's Supper, which should be performed once a year.As far as is known, no official action was ever taken by Irvine Association on the recommended resolution. However, in 1968 the constitution of Jackson County Association was changed to recognize foot-washing and the Lord's Supper as ordinances of the church.d>J. W. Parsons As previously stated, Bro. James W. Parsons is listed as a messenger from South Fork Church to Irvine Association for most of the years from 1872 to 1896. But, in 1896 a very significant event took place. The South Fork Church was moved from the South Fork of Station Camp Creek to a new location and the name was changed to Drip Rock Baptist Church that year. It is reported that the Drip Rock Church was built on land donated by J. W. Parsons with the stipulation that the property would revert to the Parsons heirs if it ever ceased to be used as a Baptist Church.
After 1896 the name of J. W. Parsons does not appear again in the minutes of Irvine Association. In 1897 he moved from Drip Rock to Berea, Kentucky. He served as pastor of Silver Creek, Pilot Knob, Valley View, and other churches in Tates Creek and Landmark Associations during the next eighteen years. Brother Parsons was secretary of Landmark Association in 1905, 1906, and 1907. He was pastor of First Baptist Church in Irvine in 190S. In 1907 he organized Valley View Church at Valley View, Kentucky, at a meeting held in Miller School House; he was chosen as the church's first pastor. James William Parsons was one of the four first cousins and nephews of J. J. Edwards to pastor Providence Baptist Church. He died at Berea, Kentucky, January 25, 1915, at the age of sixty-one, and was buried in the old section of Berea Cemetery.
Elder A. B. Anderson was called as pastor of Providence Church in January 1890 and apparently served the church only one year. He had moved to Winston in 1889. Minutes of the third Saturday in August 1889 meeting has the following recorded:
[p. 116]
The Baptist Church of Christ at Providence met and after public worship the doors of the church were opened for reception of members and Brother Abijah Anderson and wife presented themselves for membership and were received and the church recognized his ordination and granted to him all the priviledges of an ordained minister of Christ that accords with Baptist usage.During this time, things seemed to have been in a state of chaos. In January 1890, a resolution was passed against dancing and it appears from the church minutes that eighteen church members were dismissed for nonattendance. Then a resolution was passed stating that letters of dismission were only good for six months.J. W. Parsons, Mod. I. 0. Dozier, Clk. Brother Anderson was a messenger from Providence Church to Irvine Association in 1889 and 1890. Apparently these were only two years he was associated with Irvine Association However, he attended the 1896 annual meeting of Irvine Association as a messenger from Tates Creek Association.
The 1890 minutes of Tates Creek Association lists A. B. Anderson as pastor of Viney Fork Church, Madison County, and the 1891 minutes list him as pastor of Viney Fork Church, Silver Creek Church, and Red Lick Church, Madison County; he is also listed as pastor of Drake's Creek Church, Lincoln County. His address is Winston, Kentucky. The 1892 minutes list A. B. Anderson as pastor of Viney Fork, Drake's Creek and Liberty Church in Garrad County; his address is listed as Preacherville, Kentucky. In 1894 A. B. Anderson was pastor of Viney Fork Church, Madison County, Liberty Church, Garrad County, and Crab Orchard Church, Lincoln County, with his address listed as Crab Orchard, Kentucky. The 189S and 1896 minutes of Tates Creek Association lists Rev. A. B. Anderson as pastor of Viney Fork Church, Freedom Church and Crab Orchard Church, with his address Crab Orchard, Kentucky.
The 1898 obituary section of the minutes of the General Association of Kentucky has the following notice of A. B. Anderson's death:
Elder A. B. Anderson died at Crab Orchard, Kentucky, August 25, 1898. He leaves a wife and several children. Three sons are Baptist preachers.The three sons who were Baptist ministers were Elders Joe M. Anderson, John Anderson and Park H. Anderson. Elder Joe M. Anderson moved to Oklahoma and carried on an active ministry there; he was ordained by Viney Fork Church, Madison County, Kentucky, in 1897 and was living in Hobart, Oklahoma, April 25, 1904, as verified by a post card in the possession
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of Mr. Joe Anderson of Waco, Kentucky, a first cousin of Elder Joe M. Anderson. Elder John Anderson is reported to have been a missionary for awhile and carried on an active ministry, mostly in Tennessee, the native state of A. B. Anderson. Elder Park H. Anderson was educated at Georgetown College, Kentucky; Baylor University, Texas; and Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. He sailed September 13, 1907, for Canton, China, as a missionary and upon the death of Dr. Graves who had been a missionary in China for over fifty years, he became the President of Graves Theological Seminary, Canton, China.The 1850 census of Owsley County, Kentucky, reveals that Abijah B. Anderson, age 12, along with three brothers, Isaac, age 9, Francis, age 6, and Mack, age 4, was living with James Hunt and his wife, Nancy. The Station Camp precinct of the 1870 Estill County Census lists A. B. Anderson as age 32, his wife, Margaret, as age 24, and his children John Mack, age 6, William, age 2, and Theresa E., age 1.
Elder John Spencer Arvin was born January 27, 1870. He was the son of Elder William Bartlett Arvin and Jariah (Mariah) Landreth Arvin. He had another brother, Lewis Butler Arvin, who was also a Baptist minister. His brother-in-law, John W. Campbell, who married his sister, Melissa, was also a Baptist minister.J. S. Arvin was ordained by Providence Church in August 1893. Although church records are not available, he probably served as pastor for one year. He is listed as an ordained minister for the first and only time in the 1893 minutes of Irvine Association and his address was listed as Winston, Kentucky. It is probable that J. S. Arvin lived with J. J. Edwards while pastoring Providence. J. S. Arvin1s mother, Jariah (Mariah) Landreth Arvin was brought from Lee County, Virginia, to Estill County around 1858 by J. J. Edwards. Jariah's grandfather, her only known living relative, had deeded a tract of land to J. J. Edwards in Lee County, Virginia in 1856, to care for his granddaughter. This information was furnished by Mrs. Mitchell Thomas of Cleveland, Mississippi, a great granddaughter of Elder W. B. Arvin and Jariah Landreth Arvin.
Unfortunately, we know nothing about the ministry of J. S. Arvin but it is assumed he had a long prosperous ministry. We do know that J. S. Arvin was probably named for John H. Spencer, D. D., author of the two volume History of Kentucky Baptists, published in 1886 after twenty years of research and writing by Dr. Spencer.
Elder J. T. Turpin was born in Estill County, Winston, Kentucky, December 5, 1865. He was the son of Martin and Elizabeth (Betsy) Edwards Turpin. His mother was a daughter of Dr. George Grant and Mary Woodward Edwards and a sister
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of J. J. Edwards. Martin Turpin donated the land where Providence Baptist Church now stands.J. T. Turpin made a profession of faith early in life and united with Providence Baptist Church. In June 1887, he asked for, and the church granted, a license to preach the Gospel. He was later ordained a Baptist minister of the Gospel and enjoyed a number of fruitful pastorates in Landmark and other associations, but most of his over-fifty years of ministry was spent in the present bounds of Boone's Creek Association.
During his long service, Rev. J. T. Turpin baptized more than 1,000 people and pastored twenty churches, a number of which he helped organize and build the church building. One of these was Calvary Baptist Church, West Irvine, Kentucky,, while he was serving as missionary of Boonefs Creek Association. Brother Turpin conducted a revival in a tent at West Irvine during Ju;y 1921 which was very successful with a large number confessing Christ and being baptized. These, together with those who came by letter from other Baptist Churches, he called together and they constituted Calvary Baptist Church. He served the church as her first pastor.
Brother Turpin is reported to have been an earnest gospel preacher with a strong personality and whom large crowds of people cane to hear. He i» remembered for his famous lecture: Man or Monkey at the Head of the Helm — Which?
The following is taken from missionary Turpin's report to Boone's Creek Association in 1920 to show something of his personality and persuasiveness:
. . . I have left in all depots tracts that bring out our doctrinal points. This should be kept up. I wish we could sow the tract of J. B. Moody on "Why Baptism, Why the Church, Why a Baptist" and also the tracts of George W. Truit on "Communion" and "Are You Saved or Lost?" Oh, people of Boone's Creek Association, whom God hath blessed with all this world's goods, won't you please see that our District Board is supplied with means to purchase these tracts for free distribution? . . .Rev. Turpin served Providence as pastor three different times for a total of at least eight years, 1898-1901, 1904-1905 and 1910-1911. He was one of the four first cousins and nephews of J. J. Edwards to serve as pastor of Providence.James Thomas Turpin died at the age of seventy-nine at West Irvine, Kentucky, September 28, 1945. He was buried in Providence Baptist Church Cemetery, near the spot where he was born.
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Rev. T. P. Edwards was born August 7, 1879, at Wagersville, Estill County, Kentucky, and died at College Hill, Madison County, Kentucky, May 16, 19S5. He is buried in Richmond Cemetery, Richmond, Kentucky.Although he pastored a number of churches, including Providence, Waco, Cow Creek, Zion Church in Lee County, and others, Brother Edwards is best known for his forty year pastorate at Chestnut Stand Church in Estill County.
It is understood that J. J. Edwards and perhaps John Ward were instrumental in gathering the Chestnut Stand congregation in the 1850's, with J. J. Edwards serving as pastor for a number of years. After he became too feeble to serve as pastor, the church apparently ceased to exist. In the 1901 Landmark Association minutes, Chestnut Stand is listed as a member Church. T. P. Edwards started preaching there in 1905 and the church is listed as joining Landmark Association that year. However, in 1908 a reorganization of the church took place. Conkwright's History gives the following description of the reorganization of the Chestnut Stand Church from the church's minutes:
We the Baptist Church at Chestnut Stand met on the fourth Sunday in July, 1908, for the purpose of reorganizing a new church, and after service proceeded to organize by electing Brother T. P. Edwards moderator pro tern, and Issac Henry clerk pro tern, and an advisory council consisting of Rev. T. P. Edwards, of Waco Church, and Brother Henry Tipton. The Church covenant was then read and adopted, as was also the confession of faith. Bro. Louis Neal was received into the church as deacon and Brother Isaac Henry as a licensed minister. The call of Brother Edwards as pastor was ratified by the church, and Sister Lou Rawlins was elected church clerk . . .The twelfth annual session of Landmark Association met at Chestnut Stand in 1909. The Chestnut Stand Church prospered and in September 1922 a committee was appointed to raise funds for a new house of worship. Rev. T. P. Edwards had been assisted by Rev. W. S. Shearer in a series of meetings held in July 1922, which resulted in thirty-three additions by baptism and six by restoration to fellowship. They soon raised the funds and erected the house in the spring of 1923.One of the thirty-three additions by baptism in July 1922 was Willie F. Winkler. He had been reared in the Christian Church but came to realize he had never been saved. Brother Winkler was licensed to preach by the Chestnut Stand Church in 1923 and ordained into the gospel ministry in 1924.
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Later, Bro. Winkler moved to Winston and was a messenger from Providence Church to Boone's Creek Association for the first time in 1935. He and Mrs. Winkler are buried in Providence Cemetery.Through the years, T. P. Edwards continued to serve as pastor. In the early 1940's, the church began to lose many of her members,due to an exodus of the residents from the community of Chestnut Stand. The following is taken from the 1949 minutes of Boone's Creek Association:
Brother T, P. Edwards, pastor of Chestnut Stand Church, which did not send a letter, stated that the church was not active at this time because so many members had moved away, but that the church did not ..want to disband, because it had hopes that activity in the near future would be resumed when the members would begin to return . . .Unfortunately, the members did not return and a few years later what had once been a thriving community had a population of zero. Bro. T. P. Edwards, after serving the Chestnut Stand Church as pastor for forty years, saw the church die because the community died, apparently forever.The following notice was written by T. P. Edwards, and published in the IRVINE SUN newspaper but the date is unknown. The article is pasted in the front of the I. 0. (Ibzan Oldham) Dozier family Bible in the possession of Mrs. Marcus Eads of Moberly in Madison County. Mrs. Eads is a daughter of I. 0. Dozier and is now in her ninety-third year (1978). I. 0. Dozier was a former church clerk, treasurer and perhaps deacon of Providence Baptist Church; his grandfather lived in the fort at Boonesborough, verifying the fact that the Dozier family is one of the oldest in Kentucky. The name Park in T. P. Edwards' and Park H. Anderson's name came from the Park family, one of the oldest families in the Wagersville section of Estill County. Also, the Rev. Park H. Anderson in the following article is only one of three sons of Rev. Abijah B. Anderson who were Baptist preachers. Brother A. B. Anderson was a former pastor of Providence.
Estill County Boy in China
Rev. T. P. Edwards has this to relate about a former Estill County boy, who is now a missionary in China:Rev. Park H. Anderson, son of the Rev. Abijah Anderson, was born on Station Camp, June 11, 1880, and was educated at Georgetown College, Kentucky, Baylor University, Texas; and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. He sailed September 13, 1907, for Canton, China, as a missionary, and on the death of Dr. Graves last year, who had been a missionary in China for over fifty years, he became the President of the Graves Theological Seminary in
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Canton, a very important position for the christianizing fields. As the writer was also born on the same creek, and spent a term in the Seminary with him, being about the same age, and our fathers being friends and neighbors, it gives me great pleasure in writing this narative. — IRVINE SUNRev. T. P. Edwards served Providence as pastor 1902-1904 and in 1914. Although there are no church records available, it is thought that Providence was the first pastorate of Brother Edwards and was the church that called for his ordination. However, he is listed as a licentiate as early as 1898 in Irvine Association minutes. He was twenty-three years old in 1902 when he became pastor of Providence. In 1905 T. P. Edwards is listed as an ordained minister in Landmark Association minutes.
Thomas Park Edwards was the son of Abraham S. and Mary Johnson Edwards. She was Abraham's third wife. Abraham was J. J. Edwards' brother and is buried in Providence Baptist Church Cemetery.
P. Newton Taylor was born in Estill County, Kentucky, in 1867. He was the son of John Gideon and Martha Edwards Taylor. His mother was a daughter of Dr. George Grant and Mary Woodward Edwards and a sister of J. J. Edwards. Brother Taylor was an educated man, having attended Georgetown College and spent one term at the Southern Baptist Serminary and taught school before accepting the call into the ministry. It is reported he worked in coal mines in his younger days and was injured in a coal mine accident which left him crippled for life.Rev. Taylor was of slight build; he was bald and wore a mustache and chin whiskers; and he was crippled with one leg shorter than the other. He had one habit for which he was well known. He drank strong coffee. His reported recipe was "one cup of coffee to one cup of brew." He not only drank strong coffee, but he drank it incessantly. It was not unusual for him to get up in the middle of the night and make himself a pot of strong coffee, even when visiting in someone's home. As soon as the first person arose in the morning, he showed up in the kitchen looking for a strong cup of coffee.
Although an educated man, Bro. P. Newton Taylor received very little of this world's material blessings. Nothing, as far as is known, is written of his ministry but it is known he was a dynamic speaker and preached extensively for churches when they were very low and unable to provide any material assistance for his labors. One year it is reported he left home ir May and did not return until September, having spent
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the whole summer preaching in the mountains. During that time he was able to send only fifty cents to his wife he had left home to raise the crop. Whether or not that is true, of course, is unknown.It is known, however, that between February 5, 1913, and October 9, 1913, P. N. Taylor sent a total of twenty-seven money orders, ranging from $.90 to $5.75 each for a total of $74.55, to Mrs. P. N. Taylor at the Winston Post Office. The money orders were mailed from Irvine, Heidelberg, Beattyville, Jackson, and Hazard; they are recorded in a money order register in the possession of Doris Hardy, present postmaster of the Winston Post Office.
Newton Taylor was pastor at Providence in 1912, 1917, 1923 and 1927. He never failed to respond when Providence was without a pastor and called upon him to lead the church.
The following account of P. N. Taylor's death was given by Mr. Edmund Burgher, Sr., Clay City, Kentucky. Mr. Burgher was in the 3C's (Civilian Conservation Corps) and returned home in the summer of 1934 to find no church services being held at his home church, Salem Baptist Church. Being concerned about the situation, Mr. Burgher encouraged his father, who was himself an ordained Baptist minister, to try to persuade Brother Taylor to come to Salem to preach. Brother Taylor readily agreed.
Edmund Burgher, Sr., was present in Salem Baptist Church that day June 4, 1934, when P. N. Taylor got up to preach what was to be his last sermon, a sermon he never completed. Midway through his message, he collapsed in the pulpit and when Mr. Burgher and the others went forward to offer their assistance, Brother Taylor looked and said, "Oh, isn't this beautiful, beautiful; isn't this so nice?"
A doctor was summoned but Pleasant Newton Taylor was dead at the age of sixty-seven. Evidently, just prior to departure from this world where he had labored faithfully for so many years and reaped so little of her material blessings, Brother Taylor caught a magnificent glimpse of his new home through the portals of heaven.
Pleasant Newton Taylor was one of the four first cousins and nephews of J. J. Edwards to pastor Providence Baptist Church. He is buried in the Providence Baptist Church Cemetery.
Rev. W. A. M. Wood served thirty-nine years as missionary under the State Mission Board, mostly in Northern Kentucky. He was born in Louisville, Kentucky, October 1, 1871. He
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lost one leg at eight years of age and walked on crutches his entire life. Brother Wood was converted at 26th and Market Street Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky, and was baptized by the pastor, C. M. Thompson. He was ordained at Corn Creek Baptist Church in Trimble County in March 1893. He began mission work in 1902.Brother Wood's mission territory included Sulfur Fork, Boone's Creek, Campbell County, and North Bend Association. He organized six churches. Rev. Wood was pastor of Providence Baptist Church in 1913, Although the membership increased to fifty under his ministry, it decreased somewhat when he left.
At a called meeting on July 1, 1913, Rev. W. A. M. Wood was called as pastor of the First Baptist Church, Irvine, Kentucky. Brother Wood was not only a gifted preacher, but also is reported to have been a conscientious worker and splendid organizer. He had been at the First Baptist Church only about thirty days when a committee was appointed to solicit funds for a church building. They went to work in earnest, Brother Wood visiting other churches in Boone's Creek Association, and the necessary money was soon raised. The building was completed and dedicated before Bro. Wood resigned in November 1914.
Although Rev. Wood served in four associations, he spent twenty-six of his active missionary service in North Bend Association. Brother William A. M. Wood was forced to retire in 1941 because of failing health.
Rev. H. D. Standifer tells an interesting story about W. A. Wood's initials. It seems it was a standing joke with Brother Wood who claimed his name was Walnut Ash Mulberry Wood.
Rev. H. D. Wise was born January 26, 1860. He came to Estill County from Owsley County prior to 1900. Brother Wise lived on Wagersville Road, at Hoys Fork, and at Rice Station where he operated a blacksmith shop for many years. Bro. Wise was married twice, first to Eveline Isaacs and then to Margaret Crowe, whose maiden name was Hendrix and who later married Shelt White after Brother Wise's death.H. D. Wise is listed as a messenger to Boone's Creek Association from Providence 1916-1921. He was pastor in 1918 and served as Sunday School Superintendent 1919-1921.
Rev. Wise assisted Rev. J. T. Turnin in organizing Calvary Baptist Church, West Irvine, Kentucky, and when the church was built in 1921 he moved his church membership to Calvary.
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Brother Harvey Dyer Wise died July 19, 1922, reportedly from ptomaine poisoning after eating a can of sardines. He and his first wife, Eveline Isaacs Wise, are buried in the Wilson Cemetery on the Newton farm near Wisemantown, Kentucky._________
Allen Emmet Gibson was born August 10, 1893, in Owen County, Kentucky. He attended Owenton City Schools, Owenton, Kentucky, and graduated from Georgetown College, Georgetown, Kentucky, in 1927. Bro. Gibson was converted at the age of 16 at Elk Lick Church in Owen County; he was licensed to preach by the Elk Lick Church, October 14, 1916; and he was ordained into the Gospel ministry by the Elk Lick Church, May 10, 1919.Providence Baptist Church was the first church pastored by Rev. Gibson. Although the lack of church minutes fails to record A. E. Gibson as pastor and Boone's Creek Association minutes do not mention him, he was called as pastor, probably in early spring, in 1919 and served through 1920.
The following information concerning the churches pastored by Bro. Gibson was furnished by Charles F. Gibson, Georgetown, Kentucky, a son of A. E. Gibson. It is not known if the churches are in order since the dates when he pastored them are not available:
Providence Baptist Church, Estill County (1919-1920). Kelate Baptist Church, Harrison County (three different times).After his retirement, Brother Gibson continued to do supply work as long as his health permitted. He died September 22, 1965, and is buried in Georgetown Cemetery, Georgetown, Kentucky.Red House Baptist Church, Madison County. Kirksville Baptist Church, Madison County. Newby Baptist Church, Madison County. Pigeon Fork Baptist Church, Anderson County. Glensboro Baptist Church, Anderson County. Grafenburg Baptist Church, Shelby County. Providence Baptist Church, Mercer County. Dry Run Baptist Church, Scott County. New Friendship Baptist Church, Grant County. Corinth Baptist Church, Grant County. Concord Baptist Church, Owen County (his last church, 1962).
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Willie B. Kemper was born at New, Owen County, Kentucky, December 24, 1881. He married Liizie Brown Claxton in 1904 and they had two children, Bessie Florence Kemper (Mrs. Walter L. Johnson) whose present address is Bryan, Texas, and Willena Owen Kemper (Mrs. Joe Tomlin) whose present address is Owenton, Kentucky.Rev. Kemper entered the Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, in the spring of 1919. He decided to attend Georgetown College and entered school there in the fall of 1919, where he studied under Dr. James Thompson. He lived in Georgetown until 1926.
Providence Baptist Church was the first church pastored by W. B. Kemper. He served as pastor from 1920 thru 1921, While living at Georgetown, he pastored Hays Fork and Red House Churches in Madison County, and he pastored Blanket Creek Church in Pendleton County.
After moving to Owenton, Kentucky, W. B. Kemper had pastorates in Owen and surrounding counties. Some of the churches served include Shilo and Moxley Churches, Mount Vernon and Cedar Gove Churches in Franklin Association, and Mount Hebron and Concord Churches in Owen Association.
At least two young men are known to have entered the ministry under the preaching of Rev. Willie B. Kemper. They are Claude T. Ammerman of Pendleton County and William McGibney of Owen County. Both men attended the Southern Baptist Seminary. Rev. Ammermon recently retired as manager of the Baptist Orphanage in Montgomery, Alabama. Rev. McGibney and Rev. Ammermon have held pastorates in various states and have been useful in the Lord's work.
W. B. Kemper had two brothers, Birchett and Levi Kemper, who were also Baptist preachers. Bro. and Mrs. Kemper operated a country store in connection with the last years of his ministry. She cared for the business after he was unable to help. The last two years of his life were spent in bed crippled with arthritis.
Rev. Willie B. Kemper was an humble, consecrated servant of the Lord. He died December 21, 1943, three days before his sixty-second birthday. Willie B. Kemper, and Lizzie Claxton Kemper are buried at Monterey, Owen County, Kentucky, about ten miles south of Owenton.
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Paul M. Tharp was born January 24, 1900, at Drowning Creek, Madison County, Kentucky. As a young boy his family moved to Illinois. At sixteen years of age, he made a public profession of faith in Christ in the First Baptist Church, Tuscola, Illinois, under the preaching of E. E. Gere, pastor of the church.Being a man who believed in preparing for life's work, Brother Tharp saw the need of an education. He attended Moody Baptist Institute, Chicago, Illinois, 1923-1928, where he received two diplomas; Shurtleff College, Alton, Illinois, 1930-1934; Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1935, where he received a Ph. B. Degree; Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1937-1942, B. D. Degree.
At present, Brother Tharp lives in Longview, Texas, after moving from Fairfield, Pennsylvania, in November 1976. The following is his account of his experiences at Providence where he visited as a small boy and where he served as pastor over fifty years ago.
As a boy living across Drowning Creek in Madison County, Kentucky, I learned about Providence Baptist Church and attended some of the Associational, dinner-on-the-grounds, occasions were usually held during the summer season, I remember the tubs of iced lemonade as well as the Kentucky fried chicken and other goodies.Later, when I was a student in Chicago, on my vacation in 1923 and 1924, I went and conducted spiritual services at Providence.
In 1923 I desired to go to Providence and preach, but being one of those students with more want than wampum, I did not know how I could do it. But I knew that if God wanted me to go, He could help me. Leaving Chicago and going to my home in Gilman, Illinois, my family learned of my desire and bought my cow so that I could make the trip.
The meetings which were in progress when I arrived at Providence were scheduled to close on Sunday night. The people asked me to continue on with the services, which I did for ten days more. God blessed the preacher, and I trust that He also blessed the people. Preston Robinson was the first to respond to the invitation to accept Christ as his personal Savior.
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In 1924 I desired to return to Providence and preach. Again I was penniless and had to resort to Divine providence to get me to Kentucky. My family was concerned and desiring to accompany me, held a family council. It was felt that the best way for all to get to Kentucky would be to buy a car and drive. This was great! My first trip I took by Cow; this one I would take by CAR.On Monday, August 4, 1924, my parents bought the first car they ever owned and dedicated it to the Lord's service. Wednesday morning at 5:45 a.m. my mother, sisters and I started toward Kentucky, arriving there on Thursday evening.
Come Sunday, we went to the Providence Baptist Church and found there two little sisters, the only persons present when we arrived, but they soon left. When the time came for the service to begin, there was no one at the church except our group. We had a prayer meeting asking the Lord to send the people. When we rose from our knees people were standing at the door ready to come in. They continued coming until the service was nearly over. It was learned later that the reason for this irregularity was that we had changed time zones, and there was a difference!
We did not preach that morning but simply talked to the people, using a passage of Scripture found in the book of John. At the close of this first service an old man came to me and, in a broken voice, said, "I agree with and believe what you said. It's the kind of message I like, and it helped me."
At the evening service the house of God was nearly filled with men, women, and children who seemed eager to drink of the Fountain of Life-giving waters. At the close of this evening service, while choir and congregation sang, the invitation was extended. Miss Florence Robinson, a young girl about thirteen years of age, came forward and confessed Christ as her Savior. She was a sister of Preston Robinson who was the first to accept Christ in the meetings the year before.
No day meetings were held except on Sunday. Monday night was meger night so far as attendance was concerned. Heavy rain and hazardous roads reduced the attendance noticeably. There was no preaching, but showers of blessing came in a prayer meeting. On the following Sunday night, 7 August; Mrs. Delia Reed, Miss Ollie Reed, Master Earl Reed, Miss Emalene Richardson and Miss Melvina Richardson publically professed their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior.
Not being ordained, and never having baptized anyone, I was confronted with a question for which I had to seek counsel. I was staying at the home of one of the officers of the
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church and his counsel was, "I think you are the man who ought to do the baptizing." Feeling that it was God's will to bless His work and His workers, I made it a matter of special prayer that night and rose the next morning feeling free about it.Before going to the water, for there was no baptistry in the church, I called the candidates together and explained to them the meaning of and reason for baptism. Then we went to the flowing stream, Drowning Creek, and I baptized six persons. Miss Ollie Reed was the first person I ever baptized.
This strain of joyousness was interrupted by an instance of sadness on Tuesday, when I conducted my first funeral service, that of nine year old Hazel Castel Webb. Her grave is in the cemetery beside the church.
The meetings resumed with evidence of God's blessing. The following Sunday night was the time appointed to terminate the meetings. Some urged me to continue longer. One of the officers of the church rose and took a vote on the matter and it carried unanimously. All seemed eager to have the meetings continued. But I explained to the congregation that they had a student preacher who had to get back to school.
The local newspaper gave this account: "Paul M. Tharp of the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, closed a two-week revival at Providence Baptist Church with eighteen additions by baptism. The meetings were attended by large crowds each night (except moist Monday). Much interest was manifested and will be long remembered."
By the time the Fall Term at Moody closed, as of 15 December, I had received a call to become the pastor of the Providence Baptist Church, and by the first of the year, 1925, was on the field. This was another first for me, my first pastorate. This pastoral relation with the church would offer opportunity to provide some new-member nurture for those who had been received in previous meetings, and to win others.
Besides my pastoral relations with Providence, I went back into the mountains around Pryse Station to hold meetings in school houses and found the people very responsive. Some would walk as much as four miles over the mountain trails, with or without lanterns to attend night meetings. You see they had the advantage over many of our city folk today, who are afraid to walk four blocks by street lights. These meetings were very compensating, and I met many fine folk back there in the hill country.
Also, I went to some of the jails in Irvine and Richmond for meetings and personal witness. Having a keen interest in court procedures, I would stop in at Judge Shackelford's
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Court in Richmond and hear some of the cases. I soon observed that the Judge was an "apple a day," rather, an "apple a break," man. When the Court would be briefly recessed, out would come knife, and the Judge would eat that apple with such zest as to make one drool and desire to join him at apple-fest!As for the Providence Church, hopefully much good was done, but her pastor, being more of a preacher than an administrator, had not achieved much organizationally. Numerically, the work had not grown perceptably. In other words it had not produced any bragging statistics in spite of what I said to my grandson, Robert, years later. I amazed him by saying, "Years ago at Providence Baptist Church in Kentucky, I used to preach to two Million people each Sunday." "Two Million people!" he said in amazement. Yes, the faithful attendance of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Million made this fantastic boast a fact. And I did so much admire and appreciate those lovely two Million people.
All aspects of the work in Kentucky, the church, the school house services, the jail and the personal contacts, brought me into touch with many interesting people and expanded my education. And while I was learning about many things, I was learning that there is quite a difference between conducting a two-weeks evangelistic meeting, and assuming the role and responsibilities as pastor of a church. Six months of experiences as pastor of Providence Baptist Church had infused me with some insights into my own limitations. I resolved to return to Chicago and resume my role as a student and expand my personal and professional preparation for a more mature ministry.
In addition to pastoring Providence for six months in 1925, P. M. Tharp has pastored the following churches: First Baptist Church, Fosterburg, Illinois, 1930-1934; Berean Baptist Church, Bunker Hill, Illinois, 1935-1936; North Chester Baptist Church, Chester, Pennsylvania, 1937-1942; First Baptist Church, Emporium,, Pennsylvania, 1946-1947; Pimlico Baptist Church, Baltimore, Maryland, 1948-1965; Elders Baptist Church, Eldersburg, Maryland, 1965-1966.
In addition to spending a busy life in the ministry, Rev. Paul M. Tharp has written three books: Longsuffering Love, Looking into Life and So Short.
Perhaps it might be interesting to note that Paul M. Tharp is a great nephew of Elder A. B. Anderson, a former pastor of Providence. His grandfather, Francis M. Anderson, was a younger brother of A. B. Anderson and listed as being 6 years old in the 1850 census of Owsley County, Kentucky, and as being 26 years old and living under the household of A. B. Anderson in the 1870 Estill County census of Station Camp Precinct.
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The following information is taken from a tract in the possession of Mrs. Gertrude Flinchum. The tract was published in 1925 while Paul M. Tharp was pastor at Providence.
The HAND SAW spoken of in this message is one that is used, not as a CARPENTER'S TOOL, but as a MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. You may have seen and heard the "Singing Hand Saw" and wondered what had taken place. "Balaam," also, may have wondered what had taken place, when the ass, upon which he was riding, spoke to him — Numbers 22:28, 30. "But God hath chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise" — I Corinthians 1:27, and if God can use a talking ass, I believe he can also use a SINGING SAW to rebuke man for his carelessness and cause him once more to remember God. There are people who hear the saw, and suspicion trickery; I have been asked if I were a ventriloquist; while on the other hand, there are those who hear and enjoy it's music. One has said, "It's a Heavenly Tone."
When a ordinary hand saw is seen being used as a tool in the hands of a carpenter, the event demands no special attention, because it is so common; That is the natural use of the saw. But when a hand saw is seen, drawn out from the sphere of labor, and set apart to the sphere of PROFESSION, being used not as a tool, but as an instrument with which to glorify God in the sweet melody of gospel hymns, one opens his eyes in amazement and asks, WHY DOES IT SING?There is a very particular reason why it sings; though the cause is not detectable to the eye, for the "Singing Saw" looks like an "ordinary saw." Here's the secret: The maker of the "Singing Saw" put into it a SPECIAL TEMPER, which gives it a higher quality, and a richer, sweeter tone than that possessed by an ordinary hand saw.
When a poor, lost sinner is seen pursuing his course in habitual labors, indulging excessively in all manner of sensuality, slaving under the domination of sin, being used as a tool in the hands of Satan, the world scarcely regards it because it is so common. That is the natural state and customary action of the UNREGENERATE MAN, when that same poor sinner comes forth "a new creature in Christ" — II Cointhians. 5:17, redeemed and forgiven by Christ, "In whom we have Redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins" — Colossians 1:14; being used, and henceforth to be used as an instrument of
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righteousness in the hands of God, the world opens her eyes in amazement, and wonders what has taken place.FROM DEATH TO LIFE
The changed state and actions of the man are the results of a mysterious and miraculous work done in the sinner's heart, by God, the maker. "For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God before ordained that we should walk in them" — Ephesians 2:10. It is purely a work of God's grace, through his son Jesus, by His Holy Spirit, unmerited by mortal man.HOW SO?
When the poor, defeated, death-deserving sinner submitted himself to God, and cried for mercy, God said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and Thou Shalt be Saved" — Acts 16:31. This the sinner did, and when he received Christ (by faith) as his personal Savior, God received the believing sinner as a son — John 1:12; and imparted unto him His Holy Spirit — Galatians 4:6, thus giving him a life and a hope which the unbelieving, unregenerate man does not possess; and sanctifying him unto a higher calling, and a Holier service.No more a tool of Satan, but henceforth an instrument of God.
As, therefore, the Special Tempered Saw, when yielded in the hands of the artist, can glorify God by touching and moving hearts with its music.
So, every Spirit Filled Life, that lies yielded in the hand of God, the Divine Artist, can glorify God by winning other lives to Christ.
Friend, are you simply a laboring tool of Satan? Or, are you a praising and glorifying instrument of God? If God can use an Ass, and a hand saw, can He not use you whom He loves, and for whom Christ dies? Will you not yield your life to Him now?
"Behold, now is the accepted time" — II Corinthians 6:2.
PAUL M. THARP, Winston, KY
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Rev. O. P. Jackson was born March 30, 1883, at Kingston, Madison County, Kentucky. He was next to the eldest of nine children born to John Howard and Lucinda Moody Jackson. The eldest child, Cassius, died in infancy. Brother Jackson married Betty Gentry, daughter of Josiah Gentry, June 2, 1910. They had two children, Oliver Perry Jackson, Jr. and Joseph Woodrow Jackson. 0. P. Jackson, Jr. was born in 1913, married Louise Hendricks in 1940 and died in 1975. Joseph Woodrow Jackson was born in 1920, married Betty Boyle in 1941 and died in 1953.0. P. Jackson was a self-made man. He attended Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, and Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. Brother Jackson is reported to have been a very humble, compassionate man. He was admitted to the Kentucky State Bar in 1907 and practiced law for many years.
Rev. Jackson was pastor of Providence Baptist Church from January 1926 through March 1927. Although no specific information concerning other churches pastored by Brother Jackson is available, it is known that he pastored several churches. It is reported that he quit practicing law for a period of time but later started practicing law again.
As previously stated, 0. P. Jackson was a man of compassion; he defended many persons in court with little or no means of paying for his services. Therefore, he was a man who received little of the world's material blessings. In a well known murder trial, 0. P. Jackson defended Parker Denney charged with the murder of his wife; Mr. Denney was convicted and executed. Also, Brother Jackson faced many trials and tribulations in his life. His brother, Tolbert, drowned in 1915 at the age of eight. His father, with whom his mother eloped when she was 13 years old, committed suicide. His mother married a second time and lived in Texas until the death of her second husband. Then she returned to Madison County and later died. His son, Joseph, died in 1953 at the age of 33. All of these events took their toll upon 0. P. Jackson.
Rev. Oliver Perry Jackson died April 15, I960, Union City, Kentucky, at the age of 77. He was buried in the Richmond Cemetery, Richmond, Kentucky.
The first information we have concerning Rev. W. T. Hutton is when he went from Covington, Kentucky, to the South Fork community at Arabia, Lincoln County, Kentucky, in 1915.
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His wife and son, Linsey (W. L.) stayed in Covington. He rode the train to the South Fork community and stayed among the people there.Brother Hutton organized the South Fork Baptist Church and when the membership grew he organized a mission at Locust Grove. Later a mission was organized at Indian Creek and then another at Blue Lick. The three missions were organized as missions of the South Fork Church. Brother Hutton pastored the South Fork Church until 1932. Locust Grove, Indian Creek and Blue Lick Missions grew and became Baptist Churches.
Rev. Hutton was called as pastor of Providence Baptist Church in 1928 at the suggestion of his son, Rev. W. L. Hutton, who served as pastor of Williams Memorial Baptist Church, Ravenna, Kentucky, 1927-1928. W. T. Hutton served Providence one year. The two Huttons apparently did much to stop the practice o£ accepting people of alien baptism into the church, a practice that had caused more than a little confusion and misunderstanding.
After carrying on pastorial work for a number of years in Lincoln County, W. T. Hutton finally moved his family to the South Fork community in 1931. He left in 1932 and none of the present members can remember where he moved. Later Mrs. Hutton died and in the late 1940's Brother Hutton returned to Lincoln County and lived in an apartment over one of the stores in Stanford until his death. He was probably in his mid-seventies.
Bro. Hutton's son, Lindsey, was a minister and his grandson, William Hutton, is a minister of the gospel in California where he has appeared on the show, "This is your Life."
Rev. W. T. Hutton is remembered in Lincoln County riding in a buggy drawn by a blind horse with two of his four grandchildren, Johnny and William, often riding with him.
Rev. E. R. Sams was born at Great Crossings in Scott County near Georgetown, Kentucky, October 10, 1884. He was the fourth child in a family of eleven born to Nancy Emerine and William Sams; three died in infancy. His father died when he was ten years old. He completed elementary school, then dropped out of school and worked to help support the family and send his younger sisters to school. Later he returned to school and attended Georgetown College. In 1918 when the flu epidemic rage rampant, he had his personal possessions packed, ready to go to the Southern Baptist Seminary. That institution was closed for several weeks or months; Brother Sams never got to the seminary.
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In 1909 Ernest Reginald Sams married Edna Clara Cart, who worked faithfully by his side and was a great help to him in his work. To this union were born nine children, seven of whom are still living and all are active in the work of the church. The importance of education was stressed in this home and all of the seven children received a college education; six of them are school teachers.Brother E. R. Sams was ordained to preach by the Great Crossings Baptist Church in 1911 and he pastored a number of churches in the Scott County area. In 1922 he moved to Owen County where he was pastor of Pleasant Ridge Church at Sweet Owen as well as other small churches throughout the area.
E. R. Sams, 0. P. Jackson and Birchett Kemper, brother of Willie B. Kemper who was pastor of Providence 1920-1921, are 1isted as ordained ministers present at the First Baptist Church of Owenton, September 21, 1924, when the churches from the disbanded Concord and Owen Associations, along with the churches in the Ten Mile Association located in Owen County, came together and organized the Owen County Baptist Association.
Brother Sams started his ministry in Boone's Creek Association January 1, 1929, and served as pastor of six different churches over the next twenty years. He was pastor of Providence from March 1, 1929, through 1936; South Irvine from July 1, 1929, through 1933; Calvary from January 1, 1929, through 1938; Drowning Creek 1932; Beattyville 1933-1948 and Zion 1934-1940. In addition to serving as pastor of the above churches, Brother Sams conducted sixteen Bible Schools in 1946, fifteen Bible Schools in 1947, ten Bible Schools in 1948, and nine Bible Schools in 1949.
E. R. Sams was interested in all phases of church work, stressing a fully graded Sunday School, Training Union and Missionary Societies. His personal notes show that he held men's meetings using W. M. U. material; this was before the organization of Brotherhood. He conducted services at mission points throughout Lee County and pioneered in Vacation Bible School work, being assisted in this effort by college students and pastors from over the state who donated two weeks of their time each summer. Georgetown College students also came on Sunday afternoon and conducted services at mission points. Two churches, one at Eager and one at Pleasant Flat, were built as a result of their efforts.
Rev. E. R. Sams, along with T. P. Edwards and George Grubbs, former pastor of Ivory Hill and Beech Grove Churches, is listed among the state missionaries who spoke briefly of their fields of labor before the General Association at Immanual Baptist Church, Lexington, Kentucky, November 14, 1944.
After retirement, Bro. Sams moved to Louisville where he taught a men's Bible Class at Okolona Baptist Church and also supplied pulpits until the time of his death in 1963, at the age of seventy-eight.
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Elmer Q. Wilson was born October 15, 1904, at Drip Rock, Jackson County, Kentucky. His family moved to Irvine when he was about two years old. He attended elementary school in Irvine and graduated from Estill County High School in 1923. Bro. Wilson was converted at the age of eleven and baptized by the Rev. E. C. Hall at White Oak Creek. He married Virginia D. Combs of Lee County, Kentucky, in 1932 and they have two daughters.After serving Providence as pastor 1937-1938, E. Q. Wilson attended Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. Bro. Wilson recalls the following about his ministry at Providence:
I was called as quarter-time pastor September 19, 1937. My sermon subject was, "Going Deeper with God." As well as I remember, there was a fairly good crowd in attendance. At the time I finished my ministry there in early spring of 1938, I was preaching half-time at South Irvine.In addition to his ministry, Rev. Wilson is remembered working for Robert Barker who published the Irvine Times, a weekly newspaper. At this time E. Q. Wilson lives in Clearmont, Florida.One of the outstanding events of my ministry there was the holding of my own revival and being happy to baptize thirteen in Drowning Creek on a cold winter day.
Rev. F. C. Tuttle was born in Estill County, August 7, 1906, and accepted Christ as his Savior under the preaching of T. T. Martin. He graduated from Eastern Kentucky Teachers College and received the Th. M. degree from the Baptist Bible Institute in New Orleans in 1943.In 1932 Brother Tuttle held a revival meeting in the Thomas Schoolhouse in Estill County and thirteen came forward accepting Christ as their Savior. At that time, F. C. Tuttle had not been ordained and he was not pastor of any church so he made arrangements for E. R. Sams to baptize the thirteen and they became members of Providence Baptist Church. Since the church records do not record these additions, it is not remembered who all of the thirteen were, but one of them was Mrs. Stella Thomas, mother of Rev. Tommy Thomas.
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In 1933 Providence granted church letters on the thirteen people received from the Thomas Schoolhouse revival and the Thomas Baptist Church was constituted. Brother Tuttle was the first pastor and the church building was built in 1935-1936. T. W. Turpin and Ora B. Turpin of Providence Church made the weather boarding, door frames, doors and window frames and hauled them from Winston to the Thomas Church site and made no charge for either the haul bill or the labor bill.In 1937 Bro. Tuttle served Thomas and Salem Churches as pastor. In 1940 F. C. Tuttle served Drowning Creek, Providence, South Irvine, and Salem Churches as pastor. In June of 1940, Salem Baptist Church sponsored a two-week mission meeting in Clay City, Powell County, Kentucky, and at the close of the meeting six persons were added to Salem Church. On August 25, 1940, a meeting was called at Salem Church where a Baptist Church was organized with thirteen charter members to be known as the Clay City Baptist Church, to be located in that city.
Rev. Tuttle pastored six churches in 1941, Drowning Creek, Providence, Thomas r South Irvine, Salem and Clay City. In 1942 he pastored South Irvine, Salem, and Clay City. In 1943 he organized Stanton Baptist Church, Stanton, Kentucky, and, in addition to serving as pastor, he continued to serve as pastor of South Irvine, Clay City, and Salem Churches and held a tent meeting at Powell's Valley which led to the reorganization of that church in 1944. In 1944, in addition to serving as pastor of Salem, Clay City, Stanton, and Powell's Valley, Brother Tuttle reorganized Macedonia Baptist Church in Montgomery County as a result of a Bible School and a series of meetings held in a tent. In 1945 he pastored Clay City, Macedonia, Pnwell's Valley, and Salem; in 1946 he pastored Clay City, Macedonia, and Stanton.
In 1947 F. C. Tuttle served Macedonia and Stanton Churches as pastor and organized Owingsville Baptist Church in Bath County. He served as pastor of Owingsville and Stanton Churches in 1948-1949. In 1950 he was pastor of Stanton Baptist Church and organized a Baptist church at Frenchburg, Menifee County, designated the Missionary Baptist Church at Frenchburg.
About 1951 Bro. Tuttle left Boone's Creek Association to continue his ministry in another state where he continued to meet with great success. At this time he has returned to Boone's Creek Association where he is pastor of Spring Street Baptist Church, Mt. Sterling, Kentucky.
In Frank M. Masters' History of Baptist in Kentucky, an informing account is given by F. C. Tuttle of his organizing three churches in County Seat towns:
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In 1943 I set my heart on Stanton, County Seat of Powell County. I purchased a choice lot, secretly, making a payment of fifteen dollars of my own money on it. I then purchased a tent, making a down payment of ten dollars on it, bought a piano on credit, borrowed some chairs, and with Rev. R. Don Gambrell, pastor of Central Church, Winchester, held a three weeks meeting. We organized the Stanton Baptist Church in June 1943 . . .It was not until July 1950 that Brother F. C. Tuttle held the delayed tent meeting which resulted in constituting a Baptist Church on September 3, 1950, designated the Missionary Baptist Church at Frenchburg.In 1946 I moved the old gospel tent over to Owingsville, the County Seat of Bath County, and held a meeting. On September 21, 1946, the only available lot suitable for a church was sold at auction. We had offered the owner $2,000 for the lot and failed to get it. A lawyer tried to prevent us from securing the lot, but by throwing him off our purpose, we secured the lot for $2,010. The church was organized, June 1947, with the help of Rev. Ben F. Mitchell, pastor of the Shively Baptist Church, Louisville. . . . We have been looking across the way to Frenchburg, Menifee County, the last County Seat is Kentucky that does not have an active Baptist Church.
Rev. H. Delmar Standifer was born February 14, 1909, at Pound, Virginia, where he grew up and graduated from high school. He attended Campbellsville College, Campbellsville, Kentucky, and the University of West Virginia; his seminary training was at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.Brother Standifer gives the following account of his ministry before coming to Boone's Creek Association:
I was converted at age twenty-four and became a member of McRoberts Baptist Church in Eastern Kentucky. I started my service to the Lord as a Sunday School teacher. It was there I began my missionary career. I started two mission stations for the Lord and then became Superintendent of Missions in the First Baptist Church, Whitesburg, Kentucky. This church had three missions and two I had started made five over which I sought to minister. Of course I had received a definite and strong call from God to serve Him as missionary. I was licensed to preach in 1934 at age twenty-five. I did seven years volunteer mission work while working in the coal mines for my living.
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While in the seminary, I became pastor of my first church. That was Covington Baptist Church in Oldham County. Before I had finished my seminary work, I received a clear call of God to come to Boone's Creek Association to serve as local missionary. I started by becoming pastor of four churches, Providence, Thomas, Cow Creek, and Panola (Drowning Creek).Rev. H. D. Standifer came to Providence in May 1944 as local missionary and then became associational missionary for Boone's Creek Association before leaving in February 1952 to answer the call of God to become associational missionary to Severn's Valley Baptist Association at Elizabethtown, Kentucky. During Brother Standifer's eight years in Boone's Creek Association, he served nine different churches as pastor, but Providence was the only church served throughout the whole eight years. He started six missions, four of which became churches and three of which are still active.Bro. Standifer had this to say about his ministry at Providence 1944-1952:
I came to Providence in May 1944 and had eight years of glorious ministry. The highlights of my ministry there were five things: (1) numerical and spiritual growth, (2) building a new church building, (3) a mission on Trotting Ridge, (4) the church .becoming missionary in name and practice, and (5) the licensing of Cornelius Horn to preach the Gospel.There is no doubt but that the eight years spent at Providence by H. D. Standifer has had a profound influence upon the church. Even after being gone for twenty-six years, the influence lives vividly on. With the exception of J. J. Edwards, no other pastor has had a greater positive influence upon Providence Baptist Church. When Brother Standifer came to Providence, the church had a membership of 57 and had been without a pastor for over a year; when he left, the church had a membership of 142. Today the church has a membership of over 220.After going to Severn's Valley Baptist Association as associational missionary, H. D. Standifer served four years. In March 1956 he answered the call to be Superintendent of Missions, Duck River Baptist Association, Tullahoma, Tennessee. He served there over eighteen years until retiring from that work June 1, 1974. Brother Standifer is now serving as pastor of Spring Creek Baptist Church in Tullahoma, Tennessee.
As he takes a backward glance, Rev. H. D. Standifer has the following to say concerning his life's work:
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I have had forty-four years of glorious ministry in the service of my Lord. My life has been full and richly satisfying. I have no regrets nor gripes. I was led of God to start thirty-one new churches besides strengthing many more; also, I help build ten buildings. In eight years while in Boone's Creek Association, I was able to report 600 additions to churches to which I ministered.My life has been blessed of God and many choice saints. My personal scripture by which I lived was Phillippians 4:19. "My God shall supply all your need by his riches in glory, by Christ Jesus." To Him be glory now and forever. Amen.
Rev. James A. Sowder came to Providence Baptist Church as pastor May 4, 1952, and only served until January 1953. Providence was his first pastorate and he had just completed his work at Clear Creek Bible School.We have limited information concerning Brother Sowder's ministry in the Gospel. He was born July 2, 1922, at Lancaster, Kentucky. He attended Clear Creek School and Georgetown College and has served in the ministry for twenty-six years. He taught school fifteen years and has three sons, James K., Gerald L., and Terry R. Bro. Sowder lives at Butler, Kentucky, at this time.
Rev. James A. Sowder has the following to say about his pastorate at Providence:
Providence was my first pastorate. I found the church people very understanding and helpful. I thank God for them and the great help they were to me and my wife. I preached my first revival at Providence; I conducted my first funeral at Providence; and I conducted my first baptism service at Providence._________ XXXII. DAVIS H. KING
Rev. Davis King was born April 9, 1919, in Lexington, Kentucky. His parents moved to Madison County, Kentucky, when he was eighteen months old and he was reared about seven miles south of Richmond. He attended school in Madison County and graduated from Kirksville High School.Davis King married Martha Hensley in 1937 and was a farmer until called into the ministry when almost thirty years
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old. Brother King did college and seminary extension work and became a fulltime pastor from preaching his first sermon. He was ordained by Peytontown Baptist Church in August 1948 and his first pastorate was with Harmony Baptist Church, Garrard County, Kentucky.Brother King was saved when he was thirteen years old and the Lord has given him a rich and full life. He and Mrs. King have three children, two daughters and a son, all married. They are Mrs. Beverly Babb (Joyce Faye) who has five children and lives in Hamilton, Ohio; Mrs. Chester Dixon (Linda Sue) who lives near London, Kentucky; and Thomas Edward King, a commissioned officer in the United States Air Force.
Davis King served Providence as pastor from April 16, 1953, until November 13, 1955. He served as pastor and local missionary of Providence and Thomas Churches and Lower Bend Mission on Sand Hill at the same time. He preached at all three on Sunday and kept them on a full time program.
The following information is taken from the church minutes while Brot'i.^r King was pastor of Providence:
June 26, 1955, the new church building was dedicated to the Lord debt free.Davis King recalls the following concerning his ministry at Providence Baptist Church:July 2, 1955, the new seats were delivered and installed, also the new rug and runner. That afternoon Miss Joyce Faye King was united in marriage to Beverly Babb, her father performing the ceremony.
One of the greatest joys of our lives was when Martha and I were at Providence twenty-four years ago. The thing I remember the most was when I drove the bus, taught Sunday School, and preached at Thomas in the morning and did the same for Lower Bend Mission in the afternoons, the people at Providence were always there encouraging, comforting, and praying for us. They never let us feel blue or tired and I felt just as fresh on Sunday nights as I felt in the mornings. We shall always thank the Lord that He let us have a little part in the history of Providence Baptist Church.Over nineteen years of Bro. King's work in the ministry has been with the Kentucky Baptist State Mission Department of the Kentucky Baptist Convention, two years in Estill County and seventeen years in Elliott County at the First Baptist Church, Sandy Hook, Kentucky. Rev. King was called to the
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Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, Somerset, Kentucky, and served as pastor over six years and then returned to Sandy Hook, Kentucky, in 1968 where he is still serving at the present time._________
Rev. Douglas F. Miller was born December 24, 1905, at Cow Creek in Estill County. He attended Cow Creek School, Estill County High School, graduated from Eastern Kentucky University, and obtained a M. A. degree and did post graduate work at the University of Kentucky. Rev. Miller was Superintendent of Estill County Schools from July 1, 1950, until retiring June 30, 1968.Brother Miller was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1948 at Calvary Baptist Church, West Irvine, Kentucky. He has pastored the following churches: Clay City, Heidleherg, Powell's Valley, Cow Creek, Beech Grove, Providence, Thomas, and is presently pastoring Cow Creek for the second time.
Douglas Miller served Providence as pastor from April 1956 until August 1959. In June 1958, the debt on the church seats was paid and the note was burned by Brother Miller. Also, under Bro. Miller's ministry, Providence went to full time ministry, Sunday morning, Sunday night, and mid-week prayer services.
James H. Sparks was born November 11, 1928, at Camden, Tennessee. He married Virginia Usery September 3, 1949, and accepted Christ as his Savior at Rusling Creek Baptist Church, Camden, Tennessee, in 1950.In 1954 Bro. and Mrs. Sparks moved to Michigan where Virginia was saved at Calvary Baptist Church, Roseville, Michigan. It was there they both became active in church work. Brother Sparks served as deacon, Sunday School teacher and worked with the young boys in the church.
Brother Sparks surrendered to preach the Gospel in June 1956. He was licensed to preach by Rusling Creek Baptist Church, July 22, 1956, and he started to school at Lexington Baptist College, Lexington, Kentucky, in September 1956.
Rev. Sparks' first pastorate was Battle Baptist Church, Rose Hill, Mercer County, Kentucky, where he served from October 1957 to August 1959. He was ordained May 17, 1958, while pastoring Battle Baptist Church. He pastored Providence from September 29, 1959, to September 20, 1964. He graduated from college May 23, 1961.
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After leaving Providence, Bro. Sparks pastored Brooksville Baptist Church, Brooksville, Indiana, from September 13, 1964, until July 9, 1972. Then he went to San Bernardino, California, where he pastored Crestview Baptist Church from August 7, 1972, until October 1975. Then he moved to Madison, Indiana, doing supply work and waiting upon the leadership of the Lord for further service. At present Bro. Sparks is assistant pastor of the First Baptist Church, Madison, Indiana.Rev. and Mrs. Sparks have six children: Ritchie, who married Carol Earnhart and teaches at Central High School, Madison, Indiana; Terry, who married Susan Hutton; and Gary, who married Julie Bright. Debra, David and Jonathan are at home. Terry and Gary, along with Bro. Sparks, own the Madison Tool,and Die Company, Madison, Indiana.
While James Sparks was pastor at Providence, the parsonage was built. Bro. Sparks and his family moved from Lexington to the parsonage in March 1962, and the parsonage was completed in August 1962 with a debt of $4,000 owed. In October 1962 Bobby L. Rose was ordained as a deacon and in 1964, shortly after Brother Sparks resigned, the total debt on the parsonage was paid.
For almost the whole time Rev. Sparks was pastor at Providence, he worked at a full time job at Proctor and Gamble Company, Lexington, Kentucky. On June 2, 1963, the church, by secret ballot, voted to call Brother Sparks full time on the church field and to pay him $75.00 per week effective July 1, 1963. On November 6, 1963, at the request of the pastor, the church voted to give him permission to work to help the church finances.
Even though Providence Baptist Church tried to support a pastor full time and failed when Brother Sparks was pastor, seven years later the church tried again and succeeded.
David Douglas Aker was born April 17, 1942, in Pulaski County, Science Hill, Kentucky. He accepted Jesus as his Savior under the preaching of Rev. Ernest Cruse in the Eden Baptist Church, Route 3, Somerset, Kentucky, April 1955 and received good guidance and growth from age thirteen to age nineteen.Brother Aker graduated from Pulaski County High School in 1960. He received a B. A. degree in religion from Cumberland College in 1964. In October 1964, he married Wanda Estes from Pulaski County. They have two children, Tabitha Dawn born February 8, 1967, and Kevin Barton born March 15, 1971.
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At eighteen, just prior to high school graduation, David Aker accepted the Lord's call to preach. After about a year in college, Ringgold Baptist Church near Somerset called him as pastor and, in the fall of 1962, requested his ordination from his home church, Eden Baptist Church. He served Ringgold as pastor 1962-1964. In November 1964, Providence called Brother Aker as pastor and he served until April 1968. While pastor at Providence, he taught the fifth grade at Ravenna Elementary School, Ravenna, Kentucky. He served as pastor of First Baptist Church, Vanceburg, Kentucky, Greenup Association, from 1968 to 1970. While at Vanceburg, he was also county missionary to four other churches in Lewis County. He served Arcade Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky, Long Run Association, as pastor from 1970 to 1975. In August 1975, Rev. Aker went back to Pulaski County as associational missionary of Pulaski County Association.In 1966 the basement to the addition to the church building was built with the rest of the building to be completed later. The bank note on the basement was paid off and burned September 4, 1968, five months after Brother Aker resigned as pastor.
Rev. James Kinney was pastor of Providence Church from June 1968 until September 1969. We have little information about him, but he was born in Petersburg, Illinois, May 15, 1930, and was converted in 1947. His wife, Betty, was born April 22, 1931. They have four sons, James Kinney, Jr., born June 30, 1955; Terry Lee Kinney, born May 7, 1958; Timothy Kinney, born June 15, 1963; and Phillip Kinney, born July 5, 1P64.Brother Kinney graduated from Clear Creek Baptist School and, before coming to Providence, pastored White Lick Baptist Church near Berea, Kentucky. After leaving Providence, he went to Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church, Sinai, Anderson County, Kentucky, as pastor. Further information concerning Bro. Kinney is not available but he lives near Lawrenceburg, Kentucky, at the present time.
Under Brother Kinney's ministry, the debt on the basement to the education annex building was paid, and the note was burned September 4, 1968. The church paid Rev. Kinney $60.00 per week salary plus the utilities on the parsonage. He supplemented his income by driving a school bus for the Madison County School Board.
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James E. Chrisman was born August 28, 1943, in Middletown, Ohio. When five years old, his parents moved to the Knob Lick section of Estill County, Kentucky. He attended the Knob Lick School for eight years and attended Estill County High School. He accepted Jesus as his Savior when he was fifteen years old as a result of attending a series of meetings in an old country church called the Bark Road Baptist Church, Jackson County, Kentucky.Brother Chrisman was called te preach the Gospel at the age of sixteen and was ordained in September 1962 at the age of nineteen. On May 21, I960, James Chrisman married Hazel Alexander from Kerby Knob, Jackson County, Kentucky, three months before his seventeenth birthday. They have two children, James David born February 28, 1968, and Melissa Gail born July 30, 1975.
In 1963 Brother James and Sister Hazel went to Clear Creek Baptist School, Pineville, Kentucky, where they both graduated in May 1966. Bro. Chrisman received the president's medal for the outstanding senior of the year. In August 1966, Rev. Chrisman went to William Carey College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, where he completed two year's work.
Bro. Chrisman remembers the following about his pastorate at Providence Baptist Church:
I served Providence as pastor from January 11, 1970, to August 19, 1973. These were wonderful years; I feel a great deal of spiritual growth took place in the church. Also, we had a very successful work with the young people. I guess that the most remembered accomplishment was that on June 14, 1972, in a regular business meeting, the church voted to complete the educational building in the back of the church. We had our day of dedication on October 29, 1972. Also, during this time we remodeled the old Sunday School rooms in the basement and painted them and the hallway; we put new duct work in the old building for the furnace. We ordained Tommy Thomas as deacon.Rev. James E. Chrisman has served the following churches as pastor: Knob Lick Baptist Church, 1962-1963, Estill County Kentucky; Stoney Fork Baptist Church, 1964-1966, Bell County, Kentucky; Livingston Baptist Church, 1968-1970, Rockcastle County, Kentucky; Providence Baptist Church, 1970-1973, Estill County, Kentucky; Liberty Avenue Baptist Church, 1973 to present, Berea, Madison County, Kentucky. In 1968-1970, Brother Chrisman served as Associational Sunday School
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Director of the Rockcastle Baptist Association; in 1970-1971, he served as assistant moderator of Boone's Creek Baptist iciation; in 1972, he served as secretary of the Estill ity Ministerial Association; at present he is assistant Moderator of Tates Creek Baptist Association. On November 1975, Brother Chrisman dedicated a modern new church building at Liberty Avenue Baptist Church, Berea, Kentucky.Rev. James E. Chrisman was the first pastor Providence ist Church ever supported full time and who did not have other supplementary income. Thus, after one hundred teen years, this feat became a reality at Providence ist Church, Winston, Kentucky.
Rev. D. W. McWhorter was born June 16, 1946, in Casey County, Kentucky, where he grew up on a small farm. At the age of eight, he accepted Christ as his Savior and led a typical country boy's life until his first year in college.Brother Don had long dreamed of becoming a government hunter, and he states that it was during his freshman year of college at the University of Kentucky, preparing to become a government hunter, that he began to receive his call to the ministry. Brother McWhorter had the following to say concerning his resistance to the Lord's call into the ministry:
I regret very much to say that I violently fought the call from God to become a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But fight I did, even to the extent that I finally told the Lord that I would not under any circumstances become a preacher. Needless to say, that first year of college was the most miserable of my life. God finally sent an Angel to take my life and, under the spell of his chilling breath, I lay alone in a room in Lexington, Kentucky, dying; it was only at that point that I said yes to the Lord and began to make preparations to become a messenger of God. The following semester after my surrender to God's call, I moved from the University of Kentucky to Kentucky Southern College in Middletown, the newest Southern Baptist College in the state at that time. It was there that I spent my sophomore and junior years in college.After completing his junior year in college, Brother McWhorter joined the United States Marine Corps. While stationed at Jacksonville, North Carolina, he met his future wife while attending church in Spilman Memorial Baptist Church. After only three months and at the age of twenty-
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three, married Lou Ellen Wilkie who had just turned eighteen.D. W. McWhorter, after serving a year in Viet Nam and being discharged from the Marines in 1971, returned to his hometown, Middlesburg, Casey County, Kentucky, with his wife and daughter, Ellen. A son, Keith Wilson, was born in December 1972 and another son Byron Everett, was born August 5, 1976.
Rev. D. W. McWhorter served the Ellisburg Baptist Church, Casey County, Kentucky, as pastor for two years. He was called as pastor of Providence in November 1973 and resigned July 3, 1977, to accept the pastorate of Mount Pisgah Baptist Church in the Pulaski County Association.
In January 1975, the debt was paid off on the church education building. In June 197S, the church purchased eight acres of land in back of Providence Church for the purpose of extending the parking lot and providing recreational facilities and meeting the future needs of the church. Both F. C. Tuttle (1939-1942) and H. D. Standifer (1944-1952) tried to lead the church to purchase this land when they were pastors of Providence.
William Randall Drummond was born September 8, 1931, at Marietta, Georgia. He attended school in the Cherokee County, Georgia, School System receiving a limited education, completing the seventh grade at Elizabeth Junior High School, Marietta, Georgia.Brother Drummond was saved at the age of 13 at Roselain Baptist Church, Marietta, Georgia; he married his wife, Georgia, in 1950 and they have two sons, William Randall, Jr., age 27, and Jeff, age 17.
Randall Drummond supported himself for twenty-five years as an diesel and gas mechanic in Marietta, Georgia, becoming very proficient and earning an excellent salary. He was ordained a deacon at Piedmont Baptist Church, Marietta, Georgia, where he was a Sunday School teacher, director of Training Union and leader of the bus ministry. Also, he carried on an active jail ministry for 12 years in the Cobb County Jail, 3 years in Hill Haven Convalescence Center, 1 year in the local mental hospital, and S years in the Cobb County Prison. In addition, he preached in many churches and held revivals when asked.
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In 1974 he was accepted as a student at Clear Creek Baptist, Pineville, Kentucky. In July 1975 he accepted the pastorate of Stoney Fork Baptist Church, Pineville, Kentucky, as his first church and moved his family there. He accepted the pastorate of Providence Baptist Church and moved into he parsonage September 11, 1977.Brother Drummond continued school at Clear Creek until graduating in May, 1978. He continues to serve Providence as pastor at the present time with the Lord continuing to richly bless his ministry here.
=============== [From Bobby L. Rose & Lorene Barnes Rose, History of Providence Baptist Church, Estill County, Winston, Kentucky 1856-1978. This is chapter 5. Copied at the Estill County Public Library, Irvine, KY — jrd]
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