The following document about the church is from county records:
June Term 1825
At a County Court begin and held at the Courthouse in Burlington on Monday the 6th. day of June 1825. Present Cave Johnson, Chas't Scott & Reuben Graves, Esq'rs. Present Moses Scott, Esq'r.
"Ordered that the certificate from the Church at the forks of Gunpowder appointing David Hoshal, Ab'm Vaughn, Elijah Kirtley, Tho's Cushman, & Jn'o Crisler as trustees for said Church to receive deeds, &c. — be Recorded." [CO/ B-421] — Provided by James Duvall.
From Bullittsburg Baptist Churchbook, November, 1826 -
The helps appointed to attend at the church at Gunpowder to afsist in the Ordination of Bro. Jno. S. Carter as a deacon reports that they attended according to their appointment and that upon consultation it was agreed by all present that the Ordination should take place — Which ordination was posponed in consequence of the bad weather until their last meeting where it took place accordingly —
From Bullitttsburg Baptist Churchbook, April, 1827
A request from the church at The forks of Gunpowder was rec'd for helps to attend them on the third Saturday in this month to give them and in a matter of difficulty respecting Bro. Wilson — upon consideration it is agreed to send six of our members as helps upon that occasion. To wit Brethren Robt. Kirtley Winfield Early, Edw'd Graves Rowland Botts Joseph Botts & Reuben Graves
[p. 150]
Boone County Baptists
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