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Members of Forks of Gunpowder Baptist Church
Boone Co., Kentucky, 1825-1897

      These membership lists were copied from a transcription in the possession of Bob England of Boone County in 1998 by Stephen W. Worrel.

      Use the "find" feature to search for specific names. (Remember that the spelling of names varied considerably in those days.)

     A List of the white Members names transcribed April 14, 1865 by order of the church at the Forks of Gunpowder

When Recd / Members Names / How Received / How Dismissed
3rd Sat. 1825/John Underhill/by experience & baptism/ deceased June 2nd 1882
ditto/Ephraim Blankenbecker/ditto/deceased July 6th 1866
ditto/Elizabeth Blankenbecker/ditto/deceased
ditto/Hannah Delph/ditto/deceased May 3rd [1869?]
ditto/Jonas Utz/ditto/deceased April 11th [1873?]
ditto/Elijah Rouse/ditto/deceased June 10, 1875
ditto/Peggy Rouse/ditto/deceased Feb. 5, 1875
ditto/Francis Holsclaw/ditto/deceased Dec. 18th [1877?]
ditto/Rhoda Aylor/ditto/deceased Oct 31st 1874
ditto/Lyster Aylor/ditto/deceased Oct the second 1886
ditto/Stanton Aylor/ditto/excluded by letter August 1865
ditto/Elizabeth A. Aylor/ditto/excluded
ditto/Lewis Helm/ditto/deceased May 6th [1877?]
ditto/Nancy Snyder/ditto/deceased Sep the 1st, 83'
ditto/Rhoda Underhill/ditto/[no entry]
ditto/Jacob J. Carpenter/ditto/deceased April 15, 1884
ditto/Lucinda Rogers/ditto/deceased Feb. 7th [18??]
ditto/Polly Underhill/ditto/deceased
ditto/Alpha Utz/ditto/deceased
ditto/Elizabeth Utz/ditto/deceased May 1870
ditto/Polly Johnson/ditto/deceased April 3rd 1870
ditto/Eliza A Deer/ditto/deceased March 1865
ditto/Joel Delph/ditto/deceased Feb. 20th 1874
ditto/Lucy Delph/ditto/deceased Sep 13 1876
ditto/Virginia Conner/ditto/[no entry] 
ditto/Levina White/ditto/deceased Aug 18-1889
3rd Sat. in Feb. 1858/Adaline Clore/by letter/[no entry]
ditto/Sally L. Montague/[no entry]/deceased Nov the 8th 1868
ditto/Wilson Conner/[no entry]/deceased Nov the 10th 187?
ditto/Nancy A. Beeman/[no entry]/deceased October the 18 1866
ditto/Nancy Watts/[no entry]/deceased June the 1st 1875
ditto/Jonas Clore/[no entry]/excluded
ditto/Virinda Clore/[no entry]/excluded
ditto/Margaret Carder/[no entry]/deceased August the 5th 1868

[Page 409]
mar.1863/Ephraim Helm/by experience and baptism/deceased Sep 8th 1897
June 1865/Eliza Jane Helm/experience & baptism/[no entry]
Sept. 1883/Ruben Acre/experience & baptism/excluded
3rd Sat April 1825/Alpha Underhill/[no entry]/deceased [ill] 18th 1854
Oct 1882/Martin L Aylor/by experience & baptism/ excluded
Sept.1883/Mary Vaughn/by experience & baptism/[no entry] 
May 1889/Jefferson Cox/by relationship/deceased
August 1889/James Jarrell/by letter/deceased
August 1893/Martin L Aylor/restored 
      List of the names of the persons of color belonging to the Church at the Forks of Gunpowder as transcribed by order of the Church April 14th 1865

Names / To whom belonging / How Dismissed 
Clarisa/belonging to Rouse/excluded July meeting 1866
Marge/belonging to Aylor/deceased November 1890
Fanny/belonging to Brady/excluded July meeting 1866
Rachael/belonging to Chinn/excluded July meeting 1866
Betty/belonging to Fowler/excluded July meeting 1866
Hannah/belonging to Yager/excluded July meeting 1866
Lewis/belonging to Willis/[no entry]
Lydia/belonging to Webb/deceased


[Prepared by Stephen W. Worrel, 1998. Used with permission.]

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