Burlington Baptist Church (KY), Pastoral Gallery
Heritage Day
May 29, 1988
Christian Friends:Praise and thanks to God for our great Christian Heritage. The church families here in Northern Kentucky have such a rich heritage and so many of our early church records are preserved. We, as the History Committee of Burlington Baptist Church, feel very honored and grateful that you as a church gave us an opportunity to help preserve these records. It is our obligation and desire to help you appreciate and develop a strong interest in your heritage. Webster defines heritage as something handed down from one's ancestors or the past. History is important, since one cannot improve the future without a knowledge of the past. A church which does not know itself and what it has been will encounter difficulty in climbing beyond its present level. Isaiah 51:1 states: "Listen to me, you that want to be saved, you that come to me for help. Think of the rock from which you came, the quarry from which you are cut." This year we accepted the challenge to find pictures of our former pastors for a Pastoral Gallery. We have had 28 pastors since our origin in 1842. After 12 months of research, we have found 13 of them. The oldest photograph found was of Rev. Robert Kirtley in the 1903 minutes of the North Bend Association. Rev. Kirtley died in 1872, and from his history, we believe the picture was taken near the time of the Civil War. Randy Dill, with his expertise and knowledge of photography, copied the picture and we took it to Georgian Portraits for restoration. We were so elated with the results that we were anxious to proceed with the project. We felt it proper to provide a biography of each one and relate the highlights of the period that they served as our pastor. Please be aware that these 13 men made great contributions in God's work, but there were men that served between them that we do not have pictures of and a report of them is not in this book. Their contribution was just as important in the establishment of this fine church today. Let us remind you also this church would not have grown without God's love and the many members that were faithful servants over the years. We dedicate the Pastoral Gallery to our forefathers who came to Boone County from other lands to have the freedom to worship God.
The History Committee: Mrs. Elizabeth M. Kirtley, Chairperson/Church Historian Mrs. Maude Kelly Mrs. Isabelle Cropper
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Forward On November 4, 1842, sixteen people gathered at the home of Squire Scott in Burlington, Kentucky, for prayer and praise to God and plans to organize a baptist church. Rev. Robert Kirtley served as moderator and Squire Scott served as clerk. They asked and received the approval of Bullittsburg and Middle Creek Baptist Churches, these were neighboring churches, and several members from these churches would be coming into the new church. On Tuesday, December 13, 1842, the Baptist Church of Christ at Burlington, Kentucky was formally constituted with 20 members present. From the Philadelphia Confession of Faith, the Articles of Faith and the Church Covenant were adopted. It is interesting to note that of the 20 members at this time, five were black, and after the church was organized many of the early members were of the black race. Things were not easy for these faithful Christians. As we read the minutes of the early days, we find there were many problems and yet they met them one by one as they were presented and conquered them so that, sometimes slowly but always steadily, the church grew until it has become the organization we have today. We have grown from 20 to 644 resident members, from horseback to rockets to the moon, from home remedies to organ transplants, but God's love and purpose has been the same. He promised "If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." God kept His promise to the faithful members and the pastors that served Him in this church for the past 145 years. To God be the glory for this great work.
CHARTER MEMBERS: Randall Larimer, Squire G. Scott, G. H. Scott, Perryander C. Scott, Benjamin Cave, Willis Wilkes, Lucy Wilkes, Sarah Ann Webb, Nancy Larimer, Felicia Garnett, Harriet Scott, Margaret Scott, Mary E. Scott, Agnes Scott, Clarissa Hamilton, Catherine Karrick, Elizabeth A. Randall, Maria Armstrong, Lucinda Berkshire, John M. Garnett.
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Burlington Baptist church adopted The Articles of Faith and the Church Covenant when it was constituted December 13,1842. Our church was founded on these, and we still have them today. These were guidelines to be followed for church procedures and discipline. As we read the old minutes, we learned they were very strict on church discipline. The Covenant was read to the church members at least once a year. This is your opportunity to read it today.
Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, we do now in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations.
We also engage to maintain family and secret devotion; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment; to avoid all tattling, backbiting and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Saviour.
We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of our Saviour, to secure it without delay.
We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will as soon as possible unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this con-venant, and the principles of God's word.
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Rev. Robert Kirtley
Robert Kirtley was born May 30, 1786, on the Rapidan River in Virginia, in that part of the territory of Culpepper County which is now known as Madison County. He was the great-grandson of Sir Francis Kirtley, who came to the United States in 1710 and settled on the James River on a tract of land secured to him by patent from King George II. Rev. Kirtley's parents were Jeremiah and Mary Kirtley. In 1796, they emigrated to Kentucky and located in Boone County, one mille from the Ohio River in the community where Bullitsburg Church had been organized in 1794. Having been converted to the Baptist faith under the ministry of Rev. George Eve, in Virginia, they united with Bullittsburg Baptist Church. Boone County was known then as Campbell, and it was still a wilderness. The only roads were buffalo paths, Indian and wagon trails. Those early families worked hard for the church and their community, and helped in the development of our government, constructing roads, etc. Robert was ten years old when his family left him near Lexington, Kentucky to receive some education for a short time under famous Parson Stubbs. Soon he came on to Bullittsburg and received more education from a fine Christian man, Absalom Graves. All told, eighteen months duration was the extent of his education. The bible was about the only reading material he had. At the age of twenty, he married Polly Thompson from a fine Christian family in the vicinity of Lexington. They were blessed with nine sons and one daughter, some of whom died in infancy or early youth. He labored hard with his family and friends clearing the forests and cultivating the land.Robert Kirtley was always respectful of religious persons, but it was in February, 1811, after much wrestling with his lost condition, that he accepted Christ as his Saviour and was baptized. This was during one of the Great Revivals, and there were 170 members added to Bullittsburg Baptist Church, several young churches were organized, and six young men were raised up to the ministry.
The following year witnessed the breaking out of hostilities between Great Britain and this country. Robert Kirtley was one of the many Kentuckians who went to protect his country, and the families and homes of those exposed settlements. He served as a Lieutenant in a company of Kentucky Militia under General William Harrison. After the war he studied his bible diligently and proceeded to make himself useful in the Lord's work.
On June 8, 1817, he was ordained a deacon of Bullittsburg Baptist Church. During the following year there was another Great Revival time. Bullittsburg Church added 165 members by baptism and 611 were added to the North Bend Association. On July 3, 1819, Bullittsburg licensed Robert Kirtley to preach the gospel. After much encouragement, he agreed for Bullittsburg Baptist Church to ordain him a minister of the gospel on August 4, 1822. For four years, Robert Kirtley, Absalom Graves, Chichester Matthews, and James Dicken jointly served the church in pastoral labors. They also did the work of evangelists throughout a very extensive boundary, comprising the counties of Boone, Campbell (which then included Kenton), Grant and Gallatin in Kentucky, and on the north side of the Ohio River in Ohio and Indiana. In 1826 the last of his co-workers died. He was the only preacher for Bullittsburg and this was a tremendous load to bear in those days. He had great insight into human character and purposes of men. This gave a great vantage ground in the coming years of trial through which he passed.
For many years, Robert Kirtley was active corresponding messenger from North Bend to the Elkhorn, Bracken, Franklin, Concord, Laughery, and other associations. He recalled 13 years of service from 1826 to 1839 as good years of seed sowing and a harvest time near at hand.
On the Lord's day in November, 1839, he had the priviledge to baptize two of his sones, Robert E. and James A. Kirtley in the Ohio River. This was but a first fruit of the great and gracious in-gathering. Both of these men were ministers of the gospel and served the Lord for many years and many souls were saved. In 1831, Robert Kirtley was elected Moderator of the North Bend Association, a position which he held for 32 years. Seeds of discord were sown during these years, and at the associational meeting in 1840 at Sand Run Baptist Church, six churches, with their ministers, withdrew from the North Bend Association and organized themselves into a body under the title of "The Salem Association of Predestinarian Baptists." In Robert Kirtley's circular letter to the association he wrote: "Let both preachers and private members remember that humility and love are necessary fruits of our doctrine, the highest beauty of our character and strong guards of our church." At the meeting of the North Bend Association for 1842, held with the church at Bullittsburg, a revival spirit began publicly to be displayed.
On December 13, 1842, the Baptist Church of Christ at Burlington was formally constituted with twenty members. Rev. Robert Kirtley served as their pastor and moderator at this meeting, and the Articles of Faith and the Church Covenant were adopted. Bullittsburg and Middle Creek Baptist Churches were neighboring churches, and they gave their blessing and support to this new church. The moderator gave the right hand of Christian fellowship in behalf of the church to all persons that had been baptized and admitted to the membership.
In January, 1843, 30 people made donations for the purchase of a lot and the construction of a substantial brick house to be used as a place of worship. There were several black members at this time. Mill Wilkes was ordained as a deacon in May, 1843. In May,
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1843, Lot Number 28 in Burlington was purchased for $100.00 for the new building site. The building committee reported that the lumber and bricks and the carpenters had been obtained for the building. On May 26, 1843, a delegation went to Big Bone to help organize the church there with 44 members. In August, 1843, Burlington Baptist Church was received into the North Bend Association. The church set aside the Friday before the third Saturday in January, 1844, for fasting and prayer in humiliation to Almightly God. P. C. Scott and G. H. Scott were licensed to preach the gospel. The new house of worship was dedicated in May, 1844. The entire cost was $1,939.84. In addition, the women of the church bought the bell, stove, and lamps. The church had been meeting at the court house.Messengers were sent to the North Bend Association at the First Covington Baptist Meeting House in August, 1844. The letter of the state of Burlington Baptist Church reported nine baptisms, three additions by letters, two dismissed by letter, and one by exclusion, for a total of 43 members. They had regular preaching once a month, and regular social meetings once a week, and reported that they had been highly favored with the visits of preaching breathren from a distance during the last year.
Bullitsburg Baptist Church invited Burlington Baptist Church to assist in the ordination of James A. Kirtley to the ministry on the first Saturday in October, 1844. In July, 1844, the church agreed to meet for worship on each Sabbath day. In September, the committee reported that Brother Drury had agreed to attend on the first, James A. Kirtley on the second, Robert Kirtley the third, and George H. Scott on the fourth Sabbath in each month. On December 20,1845, James A. Kirtley was invited to preach two Sabbaths in each month for the ensuing year.
Rev. Robert Kirtley continued serving the Lord with equal earnestness and efficiency to build up churches and especially young interests in the faith and fellowship of the gospel. He continued as pastor of Big Bone until 1852, and Bullitsburg until 1871. He completed 32 years of service as moderator of the North Bend Association in 1862. The North Bend Association met at Middle Creek Baptist Church for only one day in 1862, because of the consequence of the war.
Rev. Kirtley's wife, Polly, died in 1851, and this was a sad time for him. About this time, his son, James A. Kirtley, was associated with him in pastoral labor. In 1858, his second wife died. The feebleness of old age was creeping over him. He continued to preach according to the measure of his strength until Christmas, 1871, when he preached his last sermon at Bullittsburg. He spent the remainder of the winter reading the Word of God, and speaking to his visiting brethren concerning the Kingdom of God. On the 8th of April, 1872, the good and great servant went to his reward.
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Rev. James A. Kirtley
1845-1847 — 1851-1879
James A. Kirtley was born in Boone County, Kentucky, May 26, 1822. His parents were Rev. Robert and Polly Kirtley. In his boyhood, he attended the common school of his neighborhood. He made a profession of religion, and with his brother, Robert E., was baptized in the Ohio River by his father on the first Sunday of November, 1839. He united with the Bullittsburg Church. He was licensed to preach the gospel in 1842, having for a year previous, exercised in public prayer and exhortation. He entered Georgetown College the same year. On August 6, 1844, he married Margarite Jane Scott, who departed this life on February 19, 1873. They were blessed with six children: Eusebius (a minister), Robert, Mary Harriet, Mrs. Maggie (W. O.) Kirtley, George P., and Mrs. Anne Gareth (W. L.) Cropper. On April 28, 1874, he married Mrs. H. L. Huey, and they were blessed with a son, Rev. James A. Kirtley, Jr. He was compelled to leave college in the spring of 1844 because of temporary failure of his eyes. During his college days, he devoted his vacations to active labor in preaching the gospel. He was ordained a minister of the gospel at Bullittsburg Baptist Church the first Sunday in October, 1844, by Robert Kirtley, Asa Drury, and William Whitaker. He was associated with his father in pastoral work for about three years, at the same time he was preaching once a month at Warsaw, Kentucky. During this time he was preaching at Burlington Baptist Church on the second Sabbath of each month.On December 20, 1845, Burlington invited him to preach for the church two Sabbaths a month for the ensuing year, but due to his heavy schedule, he could only come the one Sabbath a month as he had been doing. The North Bend Association was held at Big Bone Baptist Church. There was great disturbance by huckster wagons that were selling spiritous liquor, beer, cider, melons, etc. Members were urged to correct this. The circular letter was by Rev. James A. Kirtley, and tremendous blows were dealt Hyper-Calvinism, Campbellism, and Universalism. Burlington reported in their letter to the association that no money was given to missions because they did not have it. They had one addition and six dismissals by letter, with a total of 39 members. Their plea to the association was, "Brethren, pray for us that we may be united, humble and a devoted church." Brother Horatius Jones, Burlington, gave himself as a missionary to the Indians in the west, "to repair the now savage plains, to assist in civilizing, moralizing, and Christianizing the poor Indian." It was agreed on January 16, 1847, that it was the duty of the church to contribute to the support of the ministry. A
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committee was appointed to hold subscriptions in January each year for this. Rev. James A. Kirtley received $52.00 for his service in 1847. In February, 1847, horse racks were erected in front of the church. In May, 1847, Burlington sent help to Big Bone Church for the ordination of Robert Huey as a deacon. The North Bend Association met at Burlington in August, 1847. Stands were erected under some shade trees to accommodate the attendants. On August 23, 1847, neighboring churches came as helps for the ordination of Perryander C. Scott by Rev. Robert Kirtley, for the gospel ministry. A notice of this was sent to the Baptist Banner. At the close of the meeting, Rev. James A. Kirtley asked to be relieved of his obligation as pastor, for he had accepted a call to the Baptist church at Madison, Indiana. The church gave him a certificate of merit for his work. The Governor of Kentucky declared a day of Thanksgiving which the church observed with other denominations in the community. P. C. Scott served as pastor of Burlington from 1847-1851, and upon his resignation in September, 1851, Rev. James A. Kirtley came back to preach at Burlington. In accordance with the President of the United States, the church agreed to observe the first Friday in August as a day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer to Almighty God, and it was further agreed that a committee meet with the other denominations in town and agree upon a place for holding a general meeting for the above purpose. One dozen hymn books were ordered in 1850. A committee was appointed to examine and correct the list of members. It was discovered that 72 people had been members of the church since its beginning, 37 of whom had been dismissed by letter or otherwise.P. C. Scott died December, 1852, in a boat accident. The Executive Committee at the 1852 meeting of the North Bend Association employed James A. Kirtley and Robert Vickers to do missionary work in the association. Burlington, Big Bone, Walton, Florence, Petersburg, and Taylorsport were the points fostered by the Executive Committee. So a more orderly manner of missionary work had its birth at the 1852 meeting.
A protracted meeting was held at Burlington November 20, 1853, to December 4, 1853, and 15 people accepted Christ and were baptized. There were now 51 members.
March, 1854, helps were sent to Middle Creek Baptist Church to ordain Brother Sebern P. Brady as a deacon of that church. In May, 1854, helps were sent to Sand Run Baptist Church to ordain Lewis Webb as a deacon of that church. It was agreed in August, 1856, to list the number of white members and the number of black members separately and report the amount of contributions for benevolent purposes in the associational letter.
The North Bend Association was held at Burlington in 1856. A committee was appointed to erect a stand and seats to accommodate the attendants. A committee was appointed to preserve order at and about the association. In October, it was reported that eleven members were baptized since the September meeting.
In 1857, the first mention was made of having a systematic plan for contributions for benevolences; under which heading is listed Home Missions, General Association, Bible Society, Indian Missions, and Foreign Missions. In 1857, Rev. James A. Kirtley declined further service as a missionary for the North Bend Association.
In April, 1858, it was agreed that $30.00 for housekeeping, fuel, etc. be raised by apportionment among the white male members of the church. In 1858, the financial report to the association was Indian Missions $3.25, Foreign Missions, $1.00, and General Association, $1.00. On November 17,1859, the church selected Brother John H. Smith to be ordained as a deacon. Sister Smith was consulted about her willingness to render any assistance within her power to Brother Smith in the performance of his duties as a deacon. He was ordained November 18, 1859. It was reported March 16, 1861, that "colored Sister Harriet" formerly property of Brother William H. Buckner, had been absent from this part of the state for some time and no one knew her residence, so her name was removed from the church roll. During these years committees were appointed to visit several different members and ask them to give reasons why they were not attending church. Several were called before the church for dancing, and if the member desired not to ask for forgiveness and wanted to continue, their names were removed from the church roll. Due to the war, there was only a one-day session of the North Bend Association in 1862.
In 1863, Burlington drew up subscriptions for the associational missionary, Brother German. Each member was urged to give the proceeds of one day's labor. Agricultural Fairs as then conducted were declared productive of demoralizing and evil tendencies, and the churches were urged to discontinue them by withholding from the same their time, influence, and means. The delegates to the association were to be white male members and in good standing in their own churches. In September, a committee was appointed to determine the whereabouts of certain "colored" members who had absented themselves from the church, having not notified the church of their leaving. The citizens of the town requested the priviliege of holding a Sabbath School in the church building. The church agreed, provided the Sunday School did not conflict with its services.
In 1865, Rev. James A. Kirtley was elected as moderator of the North Bend Association. The church agreed to repaint the cupola and purchase new window blinds. A subscription list was presented to each member of the church. This was the first time women were ever asked to contribute to the church.
In 1868, Burlington, Bullittsburg, and Big Bone churches agreed to pay their pastor, Rev. James A. Kirtley, a stipulated sum per year, Burlington's part to be $125.00. Our church resolved that we approve the keeping of a Sabbath School in the church and recommend the cooperation of the members in the keeping of said school. In 1869, new coal stoves were bought for the church. The first Sunday School convention was held.
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In August, 1870, Brother R. K. Graves was licensed by Burlington to preach the gospel. He was ordained as a minister by helps from neighboring churches on February 17,1872. In April, 1872, Rev. James A. Kirtley wrote "The History of Bullittsburg Baptist Church and Biographies" at the request of the association.In 1875, for the first time we find a woman was asked to serve on a committee. The purpose was to solicit money for hymn books, but later the committee was discharged after being asked to refund the money already collected. At the meeting of North Bend Association in 1875, held at Big Bone, the circular letter adopted was a condensed Centennial Sermon prepared by James A. Kirtley. It is published in the 1875 minutes of the association, a very inspiring message.
The North Bend Association met with Burlington Baptist Church in 1876. This was a centennial celebration of the first Baptist sermon preached in Kentucky.
Rev. James A. Kirtley continued preaching at Burlington until 1879. After leaving Burlington, he continued preaching at Bullittsburg until 1898. In 1877, James A. Kirtley helped to ordain his son, Eusebius, to preach the gospel. In 1898, he buried his brother, Robert E. Kirtley, who had been a great servant of God. Prior to this time, he had buried his son, Eusebius, who had been a fine minister and was only 37 years old at his death.
At the 1896 session of the North Bend Association, Rev. James A. Kirtley, having served as moderator for 30 consecutive years, positively refused a re-election. Elder B. F. Swindler was elected moderator, and Rev. Kirtley graciously accepted the position of Assistant Moderator. Rev. James A. Kirtley served as moderator of North Bend Association for 30 years, as pastor of Bullittsburg Church for 42 years alone, and five years with his father. He served as pastor at Big Bone Baptist Church for 49 years and four or five with his father. He was pastor at Burlington for 30 years. Some of these he served simultaneously. Rev. Kirtley attended the 1903 Centennial Associational meeting and was highly honored and thanked for his many years of service for the Lord. In 1903, he had the privilege to help ordain his son, James A. Kirtley, Jr., as a minister of the gospel. During his lifetime he wrote several apologetic and polemic works including Cody's Theology Examined and The Design of Baptism Viewed in Its Doctrinal Relations. Rev. James A. Kirtley departed this life February 16, 1904, after 60 years as a minister of the gospel. A special memorial to him was presented at the North Bend Association, October, 1904: "Be it Resolved; That we bow in sorrow and humble submission to the will of our Heavenly Father, thanking Him for the long and helpful ministry of our brother and for his clean and unspotted Christian life, is ever in memory with us, as an incentive to holy service and righteous living."
Rev. T. L. Utz
Rev. T.L. (Tandy Lee) Utz was born December 15, 1856 in Boone County, Kentucky. His parents were Absalom Jefferson Utz and Susan Tanner Utz. Rev. Utz married Carrie Elizabeth Johnson on November 13,1879. To this union a son and a daughter were born. Carrie Elizabeth died December 11, 1888. On May 7, 1891, Rev. Utz married Carrie Pearl Pearson, and to this union a son and a daughter were born.Rev. Utz spent his early life in the Big Bone Church neighborhood and became a member of that church. In 1883 he was elected clerk of Big Bone Baptist Church. In February, 1888, Big Bone Baptist Church granted a license to Rev. T. L. Utz, O. M. Huey, and S. M. Adams to preach the gospel. Rev. Utz was called to preach at East Bend Church in Boone County. On January 25, 1889, he was ordained as a minister of the gospel at Big Bone Baptist Church.
In 1890 he was called to Burlington Baptist Church as their pastor. During his pastorate at Burlington, he preached at other neighboring churches on alternate Sundays. He was pastor of Florence Baptist Church in 1891 at the same time as Burlington.
Messengers were sent to the North Band Association in 1894. It was held at Bullittsburg Baptist Church and our messengers were R. S. Cowen, Thomas D. Goodridge, James Kelly, Samuel Hall, and John Roberts. Rev. T.L. Utz was appointed an alternate delegate from the association to attend the Southern Baptist convention. Rev. Utz gave the report on the Baptist Orphans Home at the meeting, and he helped to prepare the minutes of the associational meeting for the press. R. S. Cowen and James Kelly represented Burlington on the Executive Board of the association. Burlington reported 19 baptisms and a total of 94 members. The pastor's salary and church expenses were $300.00. Forty dollars was given for missions and $17.00 for the Orphans Home. A Centennial Day for Bullittsburg Baptist Church was observed at the meeting, and a 100-year history of the church was added to the minutes.
In 1895, Rev. Utz preached the annual sermon on missions at the North Bend Association held at Walton Baptist Church.
Rev. Utz served as pastor of Burlington Baptist Church until 1896. After he left Burlington, he continued to pastor other local churches.
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In 1897, he conducted a series of meetings at East Bend and Belleview with great acceptance and several additions to the churches.In 1898, he preached at Sand Run on the first Sunday of the month, at Belleview on the second and fourth Sundays, and at East Bend on the third Sunday of the month.
The Sunday School Union of Boone County, Kentucky's annual convention was held in Burlington on Thursday, July 21, 1898. Rev. T.L. Utz gave the message on "How to Develop Church Love in Sunday School." He continued preaching in local churches for a total of 19 years. Rev. T.L. Utz went to be with the Lord on August 12, 1908.
Rev. J. L. Sproles
Rev. J. L. Sproles was called to be the pastor of Burlington Baptist Church in 1901.The North Bend Association was held at First Baptist Church, Covington, Kentucky, on October 8-9, 1902. Rev. Sproles, D. E. Castleman, D. E. Lawell, and R. S. Cowen were the messengers from Burlington Baptist Church. D. E. Castleman was re-elected clerk of the North Bend Association, an office he had held for several years. The moderator, Rev. B. F. Swindler, introduced Rev. J. L. Sproles to preach the annual sermon on missions. His text was from Revelation 2:29. D. E. Castleman was accepted as a member of the Executive Board from Burlington. The associational letter, prepared by clerk D. E. Lawell of Burlington, gave the following report: Increase — nine by baptism, two by letter, one restored. Decrease — 11 by letter, one by exclusion, one by death. Total membership — 130. Value of church property — $2,000.00. Pastor's salary — $550.00 per year. Gifts: Orphans' Home — $11.45; ministerial aid — $5.00; Ladies Mite Society gave $5.00, and the church gave $52.05 to missions. D. E. Castleman was Sunday School Superintendent; the Sunday School report was two schools, nine teachers, 65 enrolled, average attendance 45, one pupil baptized, contributions $37.00. Rev. J. L. Sproles, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Missions gave the associational report. The Foreign Mission Board asked Kentucky for $25,000 for that year, which would mean a 50% increase in gifts. Rev. J. L. Sproles was appointed to report on the work of the Sunday School Board at the Thursday morning session on October 9. A committee was appointed for the Centennial Meeting of the association in 1903, which would meet at Belleview, Boone County, Kentucky — J. A. Kirtley, B. F. Swindler, D. E. Castleman, G. W. Ossman, and G. W. Stacy.
In September, 1902, the Burlington Baptist Church helped to reorganize Gunpowder Baptist Church.
In 1903, messengers were sent to the 100th Annual Session of the North Bend Association held at Belleview, Kentucky. Moderator B. F. Swindler, C. W. Daniel, J. L. Sproles, S. M. Adams, and Clerk D. E. Castleman were appointed to cooperate with the general committee to solicit funds for Georgetown Endowment Fund. Rev. J. L. Sproles served as chairman of the Committee on Orphans Home, and submitted the annual report. Messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention from the association were B. F. Swindler and J. L. Sproles. Messengers to the general association were C. W. Daniel, S. M. Adams, J. L. Presser, J. L. Sproles, W. S. Taylor, E. L. Vickers, B. F. Swindler, G. W. Hill, E. B. Atwood, C. A. Earl, and John Cropper. R. S. Cowen served on the executive board from Burlington Baptist Church. The Ladies Mite Society gave $10.00 for missions. Rev. J. L. Sproles was appointed as chairman of the Missions Committee for the ensuing year. Burlington reported three baptisms and total membership of 121. Pastor's salary was $415.00 per year for two Sundays a month. At this time, Rev. Sproles was pastor of Bullittsburg for two Sundays a month also. An historical sketch of the North Bend Association of Baptists, 1803-1903, was presented and recorded in the minutes.
Rev. J. L. Sproles left Burlington Baptist Church in 1904.
Rev. J. W. Campbell
Rev. John Waller Campbell was born in 1858 in Washington County near Springfield, Kentucky. He was the second son of William Thomas Campbell and Mary Frances Isham Campbell. At an early age, Rev. Campbell married Annie E. Askren of Washington County who lived only a few years. Later, he married Melissa Arvin of Campbellsville, Kentucky, the daughter of Rev. W. R. Arvin. Rev. Campbell was the father of three daughters and one son.In early years, Rev. Campbell attended school at Texas Academy in Washington County and at the Taylor Academy in Campbellsville. Later he attended the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.
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Rev. Campbell became a Christian and joined the Baptist church in 1874. He was licensed to preach in 1888 and was ordained as a minister of the gospel at Bethlehem Church in Washington County. His first pastorate was at Mt. Gilead Baptist Church in Green County, Kentucky. He served as pastor of 14 churches in Central and Eastern Kentucky before coming to Burlington Baptist Church in March, 1913.At Burlington, he preached only two Sundays a month, the second and fourth; the first and third Sundays he preached at Bullitts-burg Baptist Church. Notes of events during his pastorate at Burlington:
September, 1913 — The North Bend Association held its 110th meeting at Burlington Baptist Church. Brother Will Smith and his bride of one day attended this meeting. (April, 1988 — Brother Smith is a member of Burlington Baptist Church at 99 years of age.) The 1913 annual report of Burlington was 114 members, four baptisms, four by letter, $41.00 for missions, $9.40 Orphans Home offering, $4.70 for ministers' aid, and the pastor's salary was $300.00.
October, 1914 — $50.00 was paid to Brother Brown for revival.
April, 1915 — The deacons were appointed as a discipline committee.
July, 1915 — The Ladies Aid gave a communion set. The pastor and deacons accepted an invitation to attend the ordination of Brother Will Smith as minister of the gospel at Belleview Baptist Church on July 16, 1915.
September, 1915 — Messengers were sent to the North Bend Association at Hickory Grove.
October, 1915 — Brother Dudley was paid $42.10 for revival and $6.00 to Sister Carver for boarding him.
December, 1915 — $15.00 was given to missions and a box valued at $30.00 was sent to the Orphans Home.
January, 1916 — Brother R. B. Huey was appointed to take charge of the Scott Fund of $1,000.00 and make an effort to lend it.
February, 1916 — The church did not call Rev. Campbell for the coming year.
Rev. Campbell continued his ministry at Bullittsburg Baptist Church until 1937. During his ministry, he baptized and married many people and preached the funeral of many friends from far and near. His life may best be summarized as one of gentle devoted service to his Lord through his church, his people, and his family. One of his outstanding characteristics was his power in prayer. He went to be with the Lord on June 9, 1952.
Rev. R. E Demoisey
Rev. R. F. (Rivolettee Francois) DeMoisey was born March 25, 1886 at Walton, Kentucky, Boone County. His father was Francois Mario DeMoisey, who was born in France, and he died when Rev. DeMoisey was seven years old. His mother was Adelaide Charlotte Edwards and she died when he was ten years old. He was raised by his mother's brothers, Adolphus and Lykirkus Edwards. Their father was a doctor from Scotland.When Rev. DeMoisey was 16 years old, he joined the U.S. Navy and served as a Gunner's mate on the U.S. Arkansas for four years. When he returned to Walton, Kentucky, he met and married Johnnie Beulah Carpenter on June 5, 1907. Her maternal grandfather, Rev. Buford Rice, was a circuit riding minister for Predestinarian churches in the Salem Association. Johnnie and her mother were members of the Southern Baptist Church at Walton, Kentucky. Through his wife's influence, Rev. DeMoisey became a member of the Walton Baptist Church also. He served as Sunday School teacher, Sunday School superintendent, and was ordained a deacon. On August 10,1914, he was ordained as a Southern Baptist minister.
By this time, he had a growing family — five sons and five daughters. For financial support, he remained a U.S. government employee and traveled 100 miles to Louisville, three nights a week by L &. N Railroad to attend the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He preached the gospel for 47 years, pastoring nine different churches in Boone, Kenton, and Grant Counties in Kentucky.
On October 8, 1916, Rev. DeMoisey came as pastor for Burlington Baptist Church for $300 per year to preach two Sundays a month. Notes of events during his pastorate at Burlington Baptist Church:
November, 1916 — the membership list of the church was revised and rewritten with 89 members. A cement sidewalk was constructed in front of the church and $73.22 was collected to pay for the same.
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January, 1917 — Petersburg Baptist Church was being built, and upon their request for financial help, the church collected $4.75. After a discussion by the church, $5.00 given by the Ladies Mite Society was also accepted.April, 1917 — The church was insured with Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company for $1,600 for the building, and $400 for the furnishings. The premium was $4.00 per year. The pastor's salary was raised to $400 per year to continue to preach two Sundays a month. A committee was appointed to solicit funds to pay the pastor. It was agreed that Burlington Baptist Church cooperate with other churches of the town for weekly prayer meetings.
May, 1917 — Burlington Baptist gave $1.00 to Stewartville Baptist Church.
June 10, 1917 — Sunday morning services were dismissed for the dedication of Petersburg Baptist Church.
September, 1917 — Messengers were sent to the North Bend Association held at Belleview Baptist Church.
November, 1917 — R. S. Cowen resigned after serving 20 years as Mission Committee. C. L. Gaines was elected to replace him.
May, 1918 — The church sent E. E. Kelly to the General Convention at Hot Springs as a messenger.
August, 1918 — $64.35 was collected for revival expenses held by Brother Hamilton and Brother DeMoisey.
September, 1918 — Messengers were sent to the North Bend Association held at Big Bone Baptist Church. $615.40 was raised by subscription from the members for a metal roof for the church.
February, 1919 — The pastor's salary was raised to $420 per year.
May, 1919 — First janitor was hired for $4.00 per summer month and $5.00 per winter month.
June, 1919 — Seventy-five cents was paid for mowing of the yard. E. E. Kelly resigned as Sunday School superintendent, and C. L. Gaines elected.
September, 1919 — $74.30 was collected to finance a Revival and Bible Institute. Seven persons united with the church. $512.00 was solicited for the new Delco light plant. The large hanging lamp of the church was given to Mrs. Eliza Walton, in appreciation of her hospitality to the visiting ministers.
February, 1920 — The church advertised in the Recorder, that it would call a pastor on the fourth Sunday of January, 1920.
April, 1920 — Rev. DeMoisey called for another year. His salary was raised to $450 per year for preaching two Sundays a month.
September, 1920 — Brother D. H. Willett, Nicholasville, Kentucky, held a ten-day revival, and there were 25 united with the church.
December, 1920 — L. R. McNeely and C. L. Gaines were ordained as deacons. J. B. Arvin also assumed duties of deacon at this time, having previously been ordained and elected.
January, 1921 — The pastor's salary was raised to $650.00 per year for two Sundays a month. Brother DeMoisey was called for another year. Burlington gave $105.67 for the seventy-five million campaign for missions.
September, 1921 — There was a roll call of 144 members.
November, 1921 — The church declined to participate in a Union Sunday School Convention at Burlington church, because we have our own Sunday School work mapped out for us.
Rev. DeMoisey was not called as pastor for 1922. He continued serving as pastor in other churches until it was necessary for him to retire because of failing health. On June 30, 1938, he received an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree in a ceremony held at Florence Baptist Church. He was affectionately called "the marryin' parson." A record kept by him showed names and dates of over 1,500 couples. This was also true of his having preached many funerals.
After many years of service, Rev. DeMoisey went to be with the Lord on November 18, 1961.
April, 1988 — A tribute by his daughter, Lucy DeMoisey Allphin: As a daughter I may be prejudiced, but my father truly lived by the Golden Rule. I never heard him speak ill of anyone or do an unkind act. It was a joy to grow up in such a home. By today's standards, I suppose that we were "poor" in worldly goods, but we didn't know it as we had loving parents, a belief in God, and a trust that all things worked for good if we did as we should.
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Rev. W. W. Adams
William Waller Adams was born September 16, 1892, at Chelsea, Alabama. He received his A. B. degree in 1919 from Howard College, Birmingham, Alabama. He received his Th. M. degree in 1922, and Th. D. degree in 1925 from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He served as pastor of Baptist churches near Birmingham, Alabama from 1915-1919.Burlington Baptist Church called W. W. Adams to be their pastor on April 8, 1922. His salary was $650.00 a year for two Sundays a month, and his transportation to and from Erlanger, Kentucky was furnished. From there he rode the L & N train to Louisville to continue his education at the Southern Baptist Seminary. In July, the first B.Y.P.U. was authorized and organized at Burlington Baptist Church. Sunday School teachers had training classes. In September, a revival was held by the pastor; there were 23 additions. Also in September, 1922, committees were appointed to solicit funds and submit a plan to dig and equip a basement for Sunday School rooms under the church. In October, the church called Rev. Adams for full-time preaching. The basement was completed in December. A resolution of thanks was published in the Boone County Recorder to neighbors and friends who were not members of the church for their assistance in labor, money, and other things rendered in building the basement.
In April, 1923, the pump organ was replaced by a piano donated by Sister Katie Riddel. Rev. Adams was given the Ford coupe that he had been using. In August, C. L. Gaines, L. T. Clore, R. S. Cowen, Samuel Hall, and J. W. Kelly were appointed trustees of the church. In December, a budget system was approved in the amount of $3,000.00. The individual envelope finance system was inaugurated, instead of the old system of a special subscription on every item as needed.
In 1924, the pastor's salary was increased to $1,800.00. In March, 1924, a resolution of duties for the trustees and deacons was adopted and recorded in the minutes. In June, the church paid $25.00 to Rev. Adams for expenses to the Southern Baptist Convention in Atlanta. Rev. Adams married Beulah Reeves on June 6, 1924. The church voted to pay rent on rooms for the pastor. Street lights were installed in Burlington, and the church paid its fee of $10.00. Some hitching posts were fixed at the church, and chairs were purchased for the basement Sunday School rooms. In November, foreign mission work was added to the budget. It was agreed to have the church building connected to the Boone County Electric Service. A Women's Missionary Society for the church was sanctioned and organized. In December, the Ladies Aid donated light fixtures to the church. Our membership increased to 207, from 179 in 1923.
The church budget for 1925 was increased to $3,500.00. On May 3, 1925, Rev. Adams resigned as pastor. He served as professor of New Testament Interpretation at Eastern Baptist Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from 1925 until 1946. He was president and professor of New Testament Interpretation at Central Baptist Seminary, Kansas City, Kansas, 1946-1954. In July, 1954, he became professor of New Testament Interpretation at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. Adams is the author of: Forward with Christ (1931), The Life of Christ in Outline (1935), The Scripture Says (1939-1943).
Rev. R. L. James
Richard Lee James was born April 11, 1896. He accepted Christ as his Saviour in 1904 at Macon, Georgia. He was licensed and ordained to preach the gospel in 1912. On May 28, 1923, he was married to Lucille Downey at Aurora, Indiana. Five children were born to this union. Rev. James served as pastor for five churches located in Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio.September 30,1934 — Rev. R. L. James was called to serve as pastor of Burlington Baptist Church. In November, a revival was held and there were 16 additions. In 1935, the pastor was paid $20.00 a Sunday and house rent. During this year, the cupola on top of the belfry was removed and the church was given two coats of paint. At Christmas, seven baskets were delivered to the needy families in the community.
March 29, 1936 — Cline L. Vice was ordained as a minister of the gospel. A revival was held by Brother E.G. Miller, and 19 were added to the church by baptism and letter. Record attendance for 1936 was 124 in Sunday School, and record offering was $22.12 on March 29, with 110 present. Total church receipts was $2,212.72.
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During the 1937 flood in January and February, the church housed a large number of refugees from Lawrenceburg, Indiana. A large number of members of the church as well as other citizens of the town helped in the many details of the work. Member subscriptions paid for redecorating the church in 1937.Rev. R.F. DeMoisey held a revival in October, 1938.
In March, 1939, the church voted to sponsor the Boy Scout Troop. On August 20, 1939, our morning services were dismissed for the all-day meeting held at Gunpowder Baptist Church. On December 28, 1939, James C. Vice was ordained a minister of the gospel. In the financial report of the church, it showed the amount collected for the year was $1,929.23, and the balance on the parsonage debt and other obligations was $1,863.34.
On April 2,1940, our church was represented by the pastor and deacons at the recognition of Trinity Baptist Church in Newport, Kentucky. On May 19, 1940, Thomas Hensley and Virgil Vice were ordained deacons, with Brother J.S. Kirtley presiding. Because of the financial burden of the parsonage, it was sold at auction on August 28, 1940.
November 25, 1940 — Brother R. S. Cowen died at the age of 96 years. He was the oldest member in point of service in the church. On January 26, 1940, Rev. R. L. James preached his farewell sermon at Burlington Baptist Church. He was called to Forest Hills Baptist Church in Evansville, Indiana. Rev. James continued witnessing for the Lord in Kentucky and Ohio. After fifty years of service, Rev. R. L. James went to be with the Lord on July 22, 1955.
Rev. Roy A. Johnson
Rev. Roy A. Johnson was born June 23, 1892 near Walton, Kentucky, to Fletcher and Annie Johnson. All of his early life was spent near the place of his birth. He was saved at the age of 14 in the New Banklick Baptist Church. In 1919, after returning from the battlefields of France, he surrendered to preach the gospel. He began preaching at the Crescent Springs Baptist Church in 1921, and he was ordained as a minister of the gospel at South Side Baptist Church several months later. While serving the Lord in Northern Kentucky, he was pastor of five churches and two missions, and served as interim pastor at least 12 times after his retirement.Rev. Johnson was very active in associational and state work. He assisted in the organization of five churches, in the ordination of 10 ministers and 50 deacons. Over 3,000 people made a decision for Christ as the result of Rev. Johnson's 56 years of ministry. He performed over 1,700 weddings, and conducted over 1,800 funerals. Rev. Johnson was married twice, and the father of one son.
In April, 1941, Rev. Roy Johnson came to serve as pastor of Burlington Baptist Church. The old parsonage had become a financial burden to the church and had been sold at auction in August, 1940. The members made individual subscriptions to pay the debts left after the sale. The final note of indebtedness was paid off and the church was free of debt for the first time in several years. In June, 1941, Albert Weaver went as a messenger to the Southern Baptist Convention in Birmingham, Alabama. In July, Lee Huey and Owen Hoard were received as deacons. A financial plan was adopted whereby 10% of all money received into the church, exclusive of special offerings, was given to missions. In September, a very successful revival was held, with 35 additions.
In February, 1942, a furnace was purchased to heat the upstairs and the basement. In March, a library was opened. The North Bend Association was held at Burlington Baptist Church in September, 1942. Burlington's report on membership, baptisms, Sunday School, and missions was the best report they had ever had. December 13, 1942, was the 100th anniversary of the church. A history was written. One hundred fifty of the 328 members answered the roll call. There was an average attendance of 131 in Sunday School for the year. Sixty men attended the Men's Bible Class on Easter Sunday.
In 1943, the church continued to grow, even though many of the men left to enter the armed services. On September 24, 1944, Elza Poston, Robert W. Clore, Howard Lizer, and Earl Smith were ordained as deacons. Pocket quarterlies were purchased for the members in the armed services. In December, a $3,000.00 War Bond was purchased.
In 1945, the church purchased a mimeograph machine and began a church bulletin. The average Sunday School attendance was 137, and the largest attendance was Easter Sunday with 208 present.
In 1947, the church basement was remodeled with permanent walls. One hundred dollars was donated to the local volunteer fire department for new equipment. On April 6, 1947, the church dedicated a new electric organ that cost $2,600.00. Four mattresses were purchased for the associational Bethel Baptist Encampment.
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In 1948, a lot adjoining the church was purchase for a parsonage. The church proceeded with plans to build an addition to the church. On October 27, 1948, the church licensed Bob Brown to preach the gospel.On January 9, 1949, Robert Walter Brown was ordained a minister of the gospel at Burlington Baptist Church with Rev. Roy Johnson bringing the message to the candidate. In September, a bus was hired to travel the Woolper Creek Road to bring passengers to Sunday School and church on Sunday mornings. On November 13, 1949, Morton Oliver, Jr. was ordained a minister of the gospel at our church upon the request of the Bethany Baptist Church of Grant County. The church borrowed $10,000.00 for work on the parsonage.
On August 6, 1950, the new parsonage was dedicated. A lot in back of the parsonage was bought for $100.00.
In 1951, during the remodeling of the church and the construction of the addition to the church, our evening services were held at the Methodist church. The other services were held at the school. On July 8, 1951, the new baptistry was used to baptize seven candidates. Approximately 500 were present for the dedication of the remodeled church and new educational plant. This construction had cost $26,000.00.
In October, 1952, Rev. Johnson resigned as pastor to accept the pastorate of Florence Baptist Church. During his pastorate the resident membership had grown to 418.
Rev. Johnson continued serving the Lord as pastor of churches in Northern Kentucky. Throughout this area, and especially in Boone County, Rev. Roy A. Johnson was the most revered Baptist leader of our time. He went to be with the Lord on December 30,1977.
Rev. Samuel S. Hill, Jr.
Samuel S. Hill, Jr. was born October 25, 1927 at Richmond, Virginia. His parents were Dr. Samuel S. Hill, Sr. and Mary B. Hill. From early childhood, he was in a Christian home. During high school, he was called to a Christian vocation. In 1947, he was ordained a minister of the gospel at Georgetown Baptist Church. He received his education from Georgetown College, Vanderbilt University, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Duke University. He served as pastor of Gilead Baptist Church near Richmond, Kentucky, before coming to Burlington Baptist Church in January, 1953. In 1953, Burlington Baptist Church approved a budget of $17,798.00.In March, 1953, a Mission Emphasis Week was led by Bro. Bill Dyal, a missionary to Guatemala who was supported by the church. In April, a nursery was established by the Stepping Stone Class. On May 6,1953, the balance of the church debt was paid. In October, a sound system was approved and installed in the church.
On August 22, 1954, William Jarrell, Albert Weaver, and Alvin Clore were ordained as deacons of the church. On October 14, 1954, Bro. Bryant Talbert was called as minister of music for a salary of $30.00 per week.
In June, 1955, the church paid the expenses of Eddie Wayne Brown to do mission work in the Kentucky mountains for the summer. The church licensed Albert W. Weaver to preach the gospel. The church pledged its moral support to the organization of a Baptist church at Hebron, Kentucky, in the vicinity of Mineola Pike and Donaldson Road.
Rev. Samuel S. Hill, Jr. resigned as pastor in August, 1955, after a term of inspiring service through evangelism, mission emphasis, and youth work. After leaving Burlington, Rev. Hill went on to graduate school, then to teach at Stetson, North Carolina, and Florida. Rev. Hill states that his calling to be a teacher of religion in the university has been deeply gratifying. Several members of Burlington Baptist Church helped him realize that teaching was his main gift. In April, 1988, he is teaching in Florida.
Rev. Robert Wallace
Rev. Robert Wallace was born August 26, 1918 at Bardley, Union County, Kentucky. His parents were Robert Edward and Beulah Leiah Wallace. During a Methodist revival at Wheat-croft, Kentucky in 1930, Rev. Wallace accepted Christ as his Saviour. He was called to preach the gospel during a revival at Providence, Kentucky, in 1949. He was ordained as a minister of the gospel in June, 1951 by his father, who was pastor of the Pride Baptist Church. He received his high school education at Wheatcroft, and attended Georgetown College and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. On August 8,1940, he married Opal McDowell, and they were blessed with two daughters. He served as pastor at Indian Creek Baptist, Cynthiana, Kentucky, and at Clover Bottom in Versailles, Kentucky.In October, 1955, he came to Burlington Baptist Church to serve as pastor. The church voted to purchase a church bus.
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The budget for 1956 was $19,323.00, with 431 resident members. A used piano was purchased for use in the basement. The envelope system of giving was adopted for the coming year. The church voted to rent three rooms for Sunday School use in the Loomis building. As had been the custom for several years, the church voted to match the W.M.U. donations for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, for a total of $386.00.At the January 2, 1957, meeting, the building committee reported the purchase of the Willis property for $3,750.00. Jim Norwood was called as Minister of Music. June Brown was sponsored as a Vacation Bible School worker at Prestonsburg, Kentucky. In August, a free will offering was taken to send New Testaments to Africa.
In 1958, work began on the building of the present educational plant. Sixty thousand dollars were borrowed for this work.
The budget for 1959 was $25,863.00. The building was dedicated on April 5, 1959. This building had 31 Sunday School rooms, a study, a complete kitchen, dining and recreation area, fuel oil furnace with hot water heat, and concrete floors for a cost of $65,000.00. There were 20 baptisms and ten additions by letter for a total of 510 resident members reported for 1959.
Rev. Wallace gave his resignation effective November 8, 1959, to become pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church, Webster Groves, Missouri. Rev. Wallace continued his ministry and spent 18 1/2 years at Paris, Kentucky. He retired in October, 1980, and moved to Grandview, Missouri. Rev. Wallace states that the Lord blessed him during his 36 years in the ministry, and when he retired and moved to Missouri, God had a new ministry waiting for him. This is the Minister of Outreach at the First Baptist Church, Grandview, Missouri. In April, 1988, he sends his greetings to Burlington Baptist Church and states that he is still happy in the Lord's work. To God be the Glory.
Rev. William P. Cubine
William P. Cubine was born January 18, 1933 at Louisville, Kentucky. Early in life, he accepted Christ as his Saviour. He married Mary Elizabeth McMakin, and to this union a son and a daughter were born. Besides serving the Lord, he was active in many activities on campus as he attended Georgetown College. He attended the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville and the Lexington Theological Seminary in Lexington, Kentucky. He has been very active in associational and Kentucky Baptist Convention work. The first church that he served as pastor was Jamestown Baptist Church, Jamestown, Kentucky; this was in 1958.He was called to be pastor of Burlington Baptist Church on January 20,1960. The church budget for 1960 was $24,038.00. The pastor's salary was $4,420.00 and use of the parsonage.
In April, 1960, the church licensed Ronald Morris to preach the gospel. The pastor led a successful spring revival. Dr. John M. Carter held the fall revival; there were 40 decisions. There was a new record of 420 in Sunday School. There were 13 deacons serving in the church. In November, the church voted to finance a basketball team, which they had been doing for several years. A United States flag, with fifty stars, was purchased.
The 1961 budget for $38,121.00 was accepted. Choir robes were purchased in January, 1961. The church voted to participate in the Sunday School Enlargement Program, as outlined by the convention. Homer Martinez held a revival in July, and 31 came for baptism.
The 1962 budget and nominated officers were accepted. A camera and a supply of film was purchased for Mildred Ryle to record her mission work in Hawaii that summer. William Dyal went to the Foreign Mission Board, and the church voted that the money they had been giving him would be given to the Cooperative Program.
In September, 1963, Gary Griesser was called as music director. The church was redecorated and new carpet was installed. In the annual report, there were 25 baptisms and 21 additions by letter. Total receipts for 1963 was $37,787.00.
In February, 1964, the church voted to participate in the Christian Education Campaign for 45 months. On June 21, Brother Thomas Hensley was named deacon emeritus. The Loomis property was purchased for $22,500.00. In August, 1964, the church constitution was adopted to be used as a guide for church policies in the future.
In April, 1965, David Erion was called as Minister of Music. A Home-coming was held August 8,1965. Harry Scroggin was elected as a deacon, and ordained October 31, 1965. Rev. Cubine resigned as pastor, effective October 10, 1965, to accept the pastorate of Central Baptist Church in Paris, Kentucky. He served there until 1978. In May, 1978, he was called as pastor to the Immanuel Baptist Church in Paducah, Kentucky. April, 1988 — he is still serving the Lord at this location.
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Rev. Paul J. Godsey
Paul J. Godsey was born September 25,1928 at Stearns, Kentucky. His parents were John and Alma Godsey. He was married to Christine Booth on March 19, 1950. They are the parents of three daughters.At the age of nine years, Rev. Godsey accepted Christ as his Saviour at the First Baptist Church of Stearns. In 1948, he was called to preach the gospel and was licensed by the First Baptist Church, Stearns. He was ordained as a minister of the gospel on September 11, 1952 at the Beechland Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky. He graduated from Cumberland College and Carson-Newman College. In 1956 he received a Th. B. degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He has been active in associational and Kentucky Baptist Convention work. He served as pastor at Somerset and Loyall, Kentucky.
Paul Godsey was called to be the pastor of Burlington Baptist Church, effective February 6, 1966. The budget that year was $39,355.00. The pastor's salary was $5,200.00, with retirement benefits, car expense, and use of the parsonage. Dr. W. W. Adams taught a Bible Study course on the book of Revelation in April 20-24, 1966. In June, Rev. and Mrs. Godsey and Mrs. Carl Griesser were delegates to the Southern Baptist Convention at Detroit. On July 17, 1966, the remaining indebtedness on the educational building was paid. Aluminum siding, gutters, storm doors and windows were installed at the parsonage. Paul W. Davis was called as Minister of Music in October, 1966.
On March 8,1967, the deacons recommended the church license Roger Conrad to the gospel ministry. In May, the church voted to underwrite the cost of Bro. Bob Montgomery cutting records made of the church choir for the cost of $2.00 each, for a total of 100 records. August, 1967, the church gave $100.00 to the First Baptist Church of Burlington. Francis Carpenter was ordained a deacon on September 29, 1967. On October 11,1967, Bro. Earl Smith was elected Deacon Emeritus. The parking lot was developed and paved for $2,000.00 In the annual report for 1967: receipts — $43,907.58, 23 baptisms, 17 additions by letter, 450 resident members, and 283 average Sunday School attendance. The 125th anniversary of the church was observed December 13, 1967. A history of the church was prepared by Isabelle Cropper, Ruth Kelly, A. W. Weaver, and Lee McNeely.
Al Cadenhead was called as Minister of Music on December 11,1968. Carl Bell was ordained as a deacon on September 26,1969.
In June, 1970, Rev. Godsey was a member of the South Pacific Crusade to New Zealand, Australia, and New Guinea, and attended the Baptist World Alliance at Tokyo, Japan. In June, 1970, the church purchased the Marsh property for $28,000.00, and made it available as rental property. Al Cadenhead was ordained in his home church in La Grange, Georgia. Carl Griesser and Robert Walton were ordained as deacons on October 25, 1970. A kindergarten was established in the church in September, 1970.
Al Cadenhead resigned as Minister of Music, effective June 20, 1971. The church received and dedicated the Conn organ and Mason & Hamilton piano on July 25, 1971, given in memory of Miss Mary Bess Cropper. In July, 1971, a set of bells for the Children's Bell Choir was purchased in memory of Ronnie Maxson. On December 26, 1971, a special offering was given toward the purchase of property for a Baptist Student Center at the Northern Kentucky State College.
In January, 1972, Rev. Godsey taught a seminary extension class in Christian Ethics at First Baptist Church, Covington, Kentucky. Jim Maddox was called as Minister of Music in January, 1972. The church licensed him to the Ministry of Music and Religious Education on April 12, 1972. A new church directory was printed in 1972. Air conditioning was installed in the sanctuary, pastor's study, secretary's office, and two class rooms. The church basement was remodeled during 1972.
In April, 1974, the church gave a $200.00 donation at Bullittsburg Baptist assembly for a tractor; $500.00 was given to a tornado victim that month. The church paid $600.00 to support a student at Cumberland College for 1974. Jim Maddox resigned as Minister of Music effective May 19, 1974. Gary Galloway was called as Minister of Music for the summer months. In August, 1974, aluminum siding was put on the Marsh house. The church purchased a maxi-van to be used in the bus ministry on November 17,1974. In December, 1974, $221.21 was given to Paul Fordjour, a student from Ghana. Ronnie Morris was endorsed by the church for participation in the Steel Valley Pioneer Missions Campaign in Ohio during March 22-27, 1975. On March 23, 1975, a reception was held for the 25th wedding anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. Godsey.
In August, 1975, the church gave approval to our young people to go to Minerva, Ohio to conduct vacation bible school, and paid $100.00 toward their expenses and furnished the bus for transportation.
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In March, 1976, choir robes were given in the memory of Mrs. Zora Scott by her sisters Dorotha Griesser and Betty Scroggin. Also in March, the Burlington Baptist Church minutes from 1842-1965 were put on microfilm by the Kentucky Historical Society. The church agreed to share in the Kentucky Baptist College Scholarship Fund by giving $200.00. Mr. Ron Saulsbury served as Minister of Music on a temporary basis. Edwin Bridley was ordained as a deacon on October 3, 1976. At the close of this service, Virgil Vice was presented a Bible Dictionary and Bible Commentary in appreciation for the 40 years of service as clerk of Burlington Baptist Church. Rev. Jim Bradshaw was called as Minister of Music, Youth, and Education on November 14, 1976.The Wednesday night family ministry program was adopted in January, 1977. A budget of $93,680.00 was adopted for 1977. On April 3,1977, the church approved the recommendation of the Steering Committee to enter the "Together We Build" program to proceed in the construction of a new sanctuary and necessary remodeling, removal, or relocation of existing structures, with a debt limitation of $240,000.00. The church was incorporated in May, 1977. The parsonage was sold and removed from the premises. An allowance of $3,540.00 was added to the pastor's salary to recompense for his housing, which made a total annual salary of $18,000.00. Ground breaking ceremonies for the new sanctuary were held September 18, 1977. Dan Poston, Charles Harvey Kelly and Hollis Gritton were ordained as deacons on October 16, 1977. Kathy Carpenter was given $100.00 for her summer missionary work in Kansas. Several members participated in the Billy Graham Tri-State Crusade held in Cincinnati, Ohio October 21-30, 1977. Sunday School attendance for November 27, 1977 was 430.
Children's church was begun February, 1978. Congratulations were sent to Belleview Baptist Church for their 175th anniversary on July 12,1978. Due to shortage of workers, Vacation Bible School was not held that year. Howard Lizer was made Deacon Emeritus. Jim Bradshaw resigned as Minister of Music, Youth, and Education effective December 31,1978. Larry Burcham and Arnold Robinson were ordained deacons November 19, 1978.
On March 4,1979, the last church meeting was held in the old sanctuary. On March 11, 1979, the church entered the new sanctuary for the morning worship service. Four hundred sixty-nine were present for Sunday School, and a larger crowd filled the sanctuary for the worship hour. On March 14, 1979, the church accepted a grand piano, given by Mary Jane Blain in memory of her mother, Aline Brady. On May 8, 1979, the Kentucky Historical Society microfilmed the church minute books dated January 8, 1964 through April 15, 1979. They also microfilmed brochures on Together We Build, a copy of the North Bend Association Daily Record dated September 7-9, 1887. Copies of these and our earlier microfilms were placed in the cornerstone, the library of records at the Southern Baptist Seminary, and the Boone County Library. On June 3, 1979, Ray Spaulding was hired as Minister of Music and Youth. The new sanctuary was formally dedicated on June 17, 1979. On September 17-18, 1979, the Northern Kentucky Baptist Association met at Burlington Baptist Church. The Church reported 27 baptisms, 23 additions by letter or statement, and a total resident membership of 594. The value of the church property was reported as $600,000.00. In the financial report by the Steering Committee, the cost of the new sanctuary, through January 8, 1980, was $499,059.08.
On July 20, 1980, Steve Huff was called as Minister of Music, Youth, and Education. On October 19, 1980, Carl Smith and Jim Washam were ordained deacons. Puppets for a puppet ministry were purchased in memory of Allison Wainscott with memorial funds.
Two matching cabinets were purchased for the storing of church historical records in February, 1981.
On April 7, 1982, the church gave $500.00 to aid the St. Helens Baptist Church in Michigan, and to continue to give $100.00 per month for the next three months. The church agreed to underwrite the expenses for a group to go to assist a new church in the Indian Lake, Michigan, area in August, 1982. A twenty-passenger bus was purchased for $26,000.00 in May, 1982. Jim Guthrie and Lee McNeely were ordained deacons on November 7, 1982. On November 17, 1982, the church voted to amend the church constitution by deleting the phrase "and a member of a Baptist church of like faith and order" in Article I, Section 1, Number 3. On December 25, 1982, the church donated $300.00 to the West Branch, Michigan Mission, $150.00 for bus fare for Fred Gensman to Oneida, and $200.00 love gift to Oneida Institute.
On June 8, 1983, a church sign with lighting was erected in front of the church for a cost of $5,000.00. In September, 1983, the church sent letters of recommendation to Southeastern and Southern Baptist Theological Seminaries on behalf of Tom Noyes. October, 1983, a video ministry was approved and was financed by the memorial fund. Ken Clore and Tommy Thompson were ordained as deacons on October 30, 1983. The funds of the late Albert Weaver estate that were given to the church were distributed as follows: $15,000.00 to missions, $50,000.00 to church debt, $20,000.00 to purchase a new bus, $75,000.00 to be set aside for future development needs. Choir robe stoles were purchased for $600.00 from the memorial fund.
On June 13, 1984, the church gave a gift in honor of George Jones' 14 years of service as executive Director and Treasurer of the Northern Kentucky Baptist Association. Dawson Lancaster was ordained as a deacon on October 14, 1984. On December 2, 1984, Steve Huff resigned as Minister of Music, Youth, and Education to accept a position with the Ohio Baptist convention. In December, 1984, the church hired a permanent part-time worker in the nursery for Sunday School morning worship and prayer meeting. On October 17, 1984, the church voted to commend Elizabeth Kirtley to the Home Mission Board for mission work in 1985.
In February, 1985, children's choir robes were purchased with money from the memorial fund. On July 10, 1985, the church licensed Tim Guthrie for full-time Christian service. A computer was purchased for $6,800.00. On August 14, 1985, Randall Dill was hired as Associate Minister, with primary responsibilities in music. Hardware for the computer was purchased for $4,000.00 from the memorial fund. Steve Cannon and Mike Osborne were ordained as deacons on September 19, 1985. On October 9, 1985, the church
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voted to purchase the Poston property on the east side of the church for $96,000.00, and the Marsh property on the west side of the church for $45,000.00.On February 2, 1986, there was a special recognition of the Godseys' 20 years of service with the church. Ron Morris was commissioned for a church building trip to Brazil on June 11, 1986. On November 12, 1986, the church voted to purchase a baptistry for the St. Helens Baptist Church in Michigan for $1,000.00. On December 10, 1986, the church agreed to make the organist and pianist paid positions, with Christine Godsey continuing as pianist, and Sandy Osborne as organist.
January 11, 1987 was a day of celebration and thanksgiving in recognition of the retirement of debt on the sanctuary. In February, 1987, the church adopted the Expanded Church Annuity Plan as presented by the Kentucky Baptist Convention. Two hundred dollars each was given to Elizabeth Kirtley, for mission work in New Orleans, and Jackie Walton for mission work in Houston, Texas. Sunday School attendance on Easter Sunday, April 19, 1987, was 503. Chris Barnett was called as Minister of Education on September 6, 1987. On September 16, 1987, the church gave $300.00 to the Southern Hills Baptist Church, Hamilton, Ohio as a mission project. On December 9, 1987, the church gave $100.00 each to Elizabeth Kirtley and Jackie Walton for mission work in Arizona and Mexico in 1988. On December 9, 1987, the church agreed to fund the History Committee's project "Gallery of Former Pastors' Portraits" for $1,500.00.
One hundred dollars was given to support Lori Munsie for a Campus Crusade for Christ at Daytona Beach, Florida in March, 1988. The church supported Teen Challenge Youth Rally on April 19,1988 at Boone County High School with a donation for $200.00.
May 1, 1988 — Rev. Godsey has been with us for 22 years. There has been much growth in our church. Four hundred seventy-four have accepted Christ as their Saviour, been baptized, and received into the fellowship of our church. There have been many additions by letters and statements. There has been a large turnover of the membership by members moving to other communities and uniting with the local churches. Our present membership is 644 resident members and 362 non-resident. Our Sunday School enrollment is 835 with an average attendance of 353. In our music ministry, there is an enrollment of 229, with an average weekly attendance of 170. Our mission program enrollment is 144, and 1987 gifts to missions was $73,236.00. Our property value is $1,641,000.00, and our present church debt is $87,933.00. Our approved budget for 1988 is $317,175.00. Rev. Godsey has two fine staff assistants, Randall Dill as Minister of Music, and Chris Barnett as Minister of Education. There are two full-time secretaries, Mrs. Joy Walton and Mrs. Bonnie Brown. To God be the glory for the growth of our church. Observance of the charge given by our first pastor, Rev. Robert Kirtley, in a circular letter in 1840: "Let both preachers and private members remember that humility and love are necessary fruits of our doctrine, the highest beauty of our character and strong guards of our churches", can help us with God's guidance to continue to grow in the future.
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Burlington Baptist Church Pastors 1842-1988 Rev. Robert Kirtley 1842-1845 Rev. James A. Kirtley 1845-1847 Rev. P. C. Scott 1847-1851 Rev. James A. Kirtley 1851-1879 Rev. A. M. Vardaman -1882 Rev. E. N. Dicken 1882-1884 Rev. Carney 1884-1885 Rev. J. H. Fullilove 1885-1890 Rev. T. L. Utz 1890-1896 Rev. Hoover 1896-1901 Rev. J. L. Sproles 1901-1904 Rev. M. D. Early 1904-1906 Rev. C. G. Skillman 1906-1907 No Pastor 1907-1908 Rev. Allie Stith 1908-1909 Rev. H. C. Wayman 1909-1910 Rev. J. H. Wells 1911-1911 Rev. C. E. Baker 1912-1912 Rev. J. W. Campbell 1913-1916 Rev. R. F. DeMoisey 1916-1921 Rev. W. W. Adams 1922-1925 Rev. A. B. Wood 1925-1927 Rev. C. M. Bates 1927-1928 Rev. F. E. Walker 1929-1934 Rev. R. L. James 1934-1941 Rev. Roy Johnson 1941-1952 Rev. Samuel S. Hill Jr. 1953-1955 Rev. Robert Wallace 1955-1959 Rev. William Cubine 1960-1965 Rev. Paul J. Godsey 1966-
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A Tribute To Our Heritage We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers;
Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father;
Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.I Thessalonians 1:2-4 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.Hebrews 12:1-2
We are indebted to many persons for their encouragement, assistance, and information. Burlington Baptist Church for approving and financing the project; Randall Dill — photography and guidance; Georgian Portraits — copy/restoration; Hebron Art and Custom Framing — framing; the A. B. Closson, Jr., Company — name plates; Lohr's Quickprint — printing and Mrs. Bonnie Brown — typing.Reference sources: The pastors, families, and friends; Burlington Baptist Church minutes; North Bend Associational minutes; A History of Kentucky Baptists by J. H. Spencer; A History of Baptists in Kentucky by Frank M. Masters; Big Bone Baptist Church History; A History of Ten Churches by John Taylor; History of Bullittsburg Church and Biographies by James A. Kirtley; Bullittsburg Ministry of Faith, 175 Years by William Bruce Campbell; Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky; Western Recorder, The Encyclopedia of Southern Baptists; and The Boone County Banner, Editor Rev. H. Max Lentz, 1890.
============ [From Burlington Baptist Church, Pastoral Gallery, Heritage Day, May, 29, 1988.
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