Burlington Baptist Church
Obituaries Listed in the Churchbook, 1800sAt a church meeting held for the church at Burlington, Saturday 17th Jany., 1846
Brother S. G. Scott reported the Death of our Black brother George belonging to the estate of John Tomlinson dec.____________
At a meeting held for the Church at Burlington Dec. 19th 1846
The death of our black Sister Fanny is also reported.____________
At a meeting held for the Church at Burlington Dec. 19th 1846
Bro. G. H. Scott reports the death of our black Bro. Squire belonging to Mr. Riddell.____________
At a meeting held for the Church at Burlington 3d Sat. in June 1849
Bro. Wilkes reports the death of Bro. Benjamin Cave, who departed this life May 20th____________
At a meeting held for the Church at Burlington Sat. 21st July 1849
Bro. Wilkes reports the death of our colored Bro. Horace, belonging to Chiles Coleman, who departed this life on the 9th inst.____________
At a church meeting held for the Church at Burlington Saturday July 20th 1850
Bro. P. C. Scott reported the death of our beloved Sister Mary E. Buckner also presented by Same a short sketch of Sister Buckner which writing on resolutions such unanimously received and ordered to be recorded on our church Book.Whereas it becomes our painfull duty to record the death of our much beloved Sister Mary E. Buckner who departed this life Thursday July 11th 1850
that asiwe feel bereaved in view of this death of one so signally examplary in her Christian deportment and conversation. But our sorrow is mingled with joy, for we are assured that our loss is her infinite gain; that having endured the sacrifices and toils, incident to this church militant, she has entered the blis and glory of the church triumphant.That Sister Buckner in her consistent life and frequent prayers has left a rich legacy to the church, a name [?] sacred in our memories and an example worthy of our imitation.
That as a church we tender our sympathies to the surviving relations & friends of the deceased, and Expecially to Mrs. Elizabeth G. Dudly who in this dispensation of Providence must feel so deeply bereaved and that with the consolations of the Gospel, we offer the affectionate administration of our Saviours, "be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not not the Son of man cometh."Resolved that a copy of this resolution, signed by the Moderator and listed by the church be presented to Mrs. Dudly. Baptist Ch at Burlington July 20th 1850 Attest W. H. Buckner Clk P. C. Scott, Mod.
At a church meeting held for the church at Burlington Sat. October 19th 1850
The decease of our Young Brother E. P. Craig, who departed this life on Wednesday 16th Inst. was reported.____________
At a church meeting held for the church at Burlington Sat. 21st December 1850
The minutes of last meeting were read. Bro. Early reports the decease of John a colored Brother belonging to Mer. Delph.____________
Boone County Baptist Churches
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