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Jane Mason Huey
Big Bone (KY) Baptist Churchbook

     At a meeting of the Bigbone Church on the 4th Saturday in Feb 1859
     Brother James Kirtley Mod. and after complying with the rules of the church Proceeded to Business:

     Reported the Death of Sister Jane Huey who departed this Life on the 2nd day of Feb, 1859 on Motion the church apointed Brother Benjamin Alen & John C. Riley to Prepair a short Biography of the Life and Death of sister Jane Huey to be Recorded in the church Book and also sent to the Western Recorder for Publication.

     At a meeting of the Bigbone church on the 4th Saturday in April 1859
     Brother James A. Kirtley Mod. and after complying with the Rules of the church Proceded to Business

     The committee who was apointed to Prepair a short Byography of the Life and Death of Sister Jane Huey Reported Following

     Died at her Late Residence in Boone County, Ky Feb. the 2nd 1859 Mrs. Jane Huey in her 81st year.

     Sister Huey was Born in Bedford County, Pensylvania Dec, the 20th 1778. Her parents emigrated to this state when she was but a child and at a time when indian depredations kept the sparce settlements in continual dread it was while stationed near the Presant site of Louisville that she lost Her father who was slain and scalped By the Ruthles hand of the savage

     In her 19th year she was Maried to Mr. Samuel Huey deceased who for a number of years Previous to his Death was a worthy & esteemed member of middle creek church & sister Huey was Baptized in to the fellowship of middle creek church in March 1819 where she was esteemed and Loved by all who knew her. In May 1843 she united with a Number of Brethren and sisters in the constitution of the Bigbone church assembling for worship near her Residence and in this church she Retained her membership till Death. In the Desase of sister Huey the church laments the loss of a mother in Iseral while a Large number of children grand children & other relatives and numerous friends who mourn her Departure will Long cherish the memory of her christian virtues and Pious worth with in a few months previous to her death her place in the house of worship was seldom vacated and she though now Dead yet speaketh.

which was Received and adopted By the church. No other Business. Adjourned and Brother Ambros being Presant was invited to Preach.

John C. Riley Clk.

[From a microfilm copy of Big Bone Baptist Churchbook at Boone County Public Library. Provided by my son James. — jrd]

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