190th Anniversary, 1993
The Belleview Baptist Church was constituted on March 12, 1803 with twenty-three charter members who felt there was a need for a church in Boone County south of Woolper Creek. Helps were called for from the Bullittsburg Baptist Church and seven men were sent from that church to help with the organization. They were William Cave, Lewis DeWeese, John Watts, Forest Webb, John Hall, Chichester Matthews, and Jeremiah Kirtley. The church was constituted on the principles of the Philadelphia Baptist Confession of Faith as received by the Elkhorn Association. Though the church was Baptist, it was then known as the Church of Christ at Middle Creek. The first church building was a simple log cabin overlooking the creek which lent its name to the new congregation. Trustees appointed to oversee the building of this meeting house were Brethren Sebree, Hawkins, and Rogers and they were instructed that "planks for the floor were to be seasoned, jointed, and pinned down, the seats to be a foot wide and two inches thick, with a door and three windows, the house to be underpinned, chunked and crammed, the whole to be paid for in property at such prices as the said Trustees shall fix upon."The first regular meeting was held on April 16th, 1803 at which time the church elected Christopher Wilson as moderator and Moses Scott, who had just moved his letter from Bullittsburg on that day, as church clerk. Brother Scott was allowed the sum of $2.00 to procure a book and paper for his purposes. (That first book of minutes has survived to this present day.) Also, it was agreed at that meeting that "the second Saturday of each month shall be the day to do the business of this church and that we commence business at the hour of 12 o'clock." Brethren Wilson, Hawkins, and Scott were appointed a committee to draft rules of order for their government. These men decided on four rules and they were approved at their next meeting. William Rogers and James Ryle were chosen to be Deacons and were ordained on June 19th, 1803. Brother Rogers first duty was to collect the sum of $5.00 from all free male members of the church. Christopher Wilson was chosen to be the church's first preacher. Wilson, who was the son of a preacher, was converted and baptized by John Taylor, the fourth pioneer preacher to come in to Kentucky and along with Joseph Redding founded the Bullittsburq Baptist Church in 1794. In August of 1803 brother Wilson was given a written license by the church to preach the Gospel "wherever God in His providence may call him." Before he could be ordained, however, he was dismissed by letter to the Bullittsburg Church and ordained there. On June 18th, 1803 the Middle Creek Church decided to send three messengers to the organizational meeting of the North Bend Baptist Association which was being held in July at Dry Creek. These first messengers were Christopher Wilson, Jamison Hawkins, and Moses Scott. The first communion service was held in October, 1803.
The first plan for raising funds was for the purpose of building a church and furnishing it and was by "equitable apportionment of the members" later called subscriptions. These funds were not always
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collected in currency as this was hard to come by but often included goods which could be bartered such as tobacco, wheat, livestock, and even hemp and whiskey. The church's first indulgence to luxury was in August, 1803 when Brother Rogers was allowed the sum of $5.00 to add backs to the church seats.From 1804 to 1812 Brother Wilson shared the preaching duties with two men from Bullittsburg, Chichister Matthews and Lewis DeWeese. The church held services twice a month on the second and fourth Sabbaths (Sundays). Brothers Moses Scott and Jamison Hawkins were licensed by the church to "go forth in a public way" (preach) but were never ordained. In 1810 Moses Scott resigned as church clerk and was replaced by Elijah Hogan. He in turn was succeeded by William Garnett in 1814. In 1812 Robert Garnett and John Watts were ordained to the Gospel ministry and Robert Garnett was chosen as pastor. Bro. Garnett served as pastor until 1825. In the church's first Mission Statement in 1813 it was agreed that "the people were willing to encourage he spread of the Gospel.
The church experienced little growth for the first eight years with only four members being added, but in 1811 a revival was experienced and eighteen were added to the church by baptism and eight by letter. As early as 1812 the church began searching for a new site to build a larger building to accommodate the growing congregation. In 1814 the church was moved into a newly constructed frame meeting house. This building was located up the hill from the previous site on a knob that overlooked the entire Middle Creek Valley. Land for the new church was acquired from a portion of two farms belonging to Brother Garnett and Brother Barkshire. This building, larger than the first, measured thirty-two feet by twenty-four feet and cost approximately $300.00. In 1818 another great revival was experienced during which one hundred three members were added to the church; ninety-three by baptism and ten by letter. That same year Reuben Graves and William Garnett were ordained as deacons and John Hawkins replaced Brother Garnett as clerk. He was succeeded by John Brady in 1820. The church also took into consideration the subject of "feet-washing as an ordinance" and decided that it was not binding and agreed that every member should act "agreeably to their own discretion." On the second Saturday of December 1819 "a group of brethren applied for the liberty of constituting a church at East Bend." They met together on Christmas Day with fourteen members from Middle Creek joining to help the new congregation. In 1821 the church .purchased their first stove to warm the meeting house.
The Middle Creek Church called its third pastor in 1825. His name was Robert Kirtley and he had preached his first sermon at Middle Creek. He served as pastor for nearly forty years, until 1865. The first record of a pastor being compensated by the church was in October, 1827 when Deacon James Ryle was authorized to pay Brother Kirtley $9.12. Not only did Brother Kirtley have the longest pastorate of any of the church's ministers, but for the most part,
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it was a very successful ministry. From 1819 to 1829 only twenty-nine were baptized and the church's membership because of death and dismissal dwindled from one hundred fifty-eight to sixty-three members. But, in 1842 one hundred thirty-one members were added to the church by "experience and baptism." This religious fervor spread throughout Boone County and in December, 1842 several members were dismissed to help constitute a Baptist church at Burlington. The Middle Creek Church assisted the Burlington congregation in its constitution on December 13th, 1842. Twenty-one members from Middle Creek helped to constitute to burlington Baptist Church. Shortly thereafter, in April, 1843 members of the Middle Creek Church residing south of Gunpowder Creek, who were holding meetings in General Wallace's home, asked for permission to constitute a church in that vicinity. Permission was granted and assistance provided by the church at Middle Creek. Forty-four people left Middle Creek to join this new congregation. This new congregation came to be known as Big Bone Baptist Church. During Brother Kirtley's ministry a new house of worship was built at Middle Creek in 1829. This building was constructed of brick and measured thirty-tour by fifty feet. According to popular opinion it was "quite substantial but poorly arranged." While Brother Kirtley served at Middle Creek church services were held on( the second and fourth Sundays of each month and he also preached at Bullittsburg, Burlington, and Big Bone. He also served as moderator of the North Bend Association from 1830 to 1862. Toward the end of his ministry, Brother Kirtley, due to poor health, was only able to preach at Middle Creek once a month. During this time he was assisted by various men of the church including John Roe, James A. Kirtley, George H. Scott, and Joseph Vickers. Charles Carter, who had been ordained to the ministry by the church in 1850 also assisted in the preaching until he was dismissed to be pastor at East Bend in 1854. William Huey was ordained as deacon in 1840 followed by David Scott in 1848, when Brother Scott moved his letter in 1854 S. P. Huey was elected deacon. Brother Huey, who also served as clerk, wrote the first recorded church history in 1874.Brother Robert Kirtley was succeeded as pastor by his son, R. E. Kirtley in 1865. The church's first "Articles of Faith" were drawn up in 1870. Three hundred copies were printed in pamphlet form and distributed among the membership. Brother J. W. Walton was ordained deacon in 1874. During the 1870's the church had difficulty in securing enough subscriptions to pay the pastor's salary but this was resolved in short order when the treasurer was instructed to "report the names of those delinquent in their giving." In 1873 the subject of "Christian Benevolence" (missions) was addressed and it was decided that the church could best "attend our business in our own way instead of by an agency system." It was therefore decided that the church would give to missions with the following priorities: 1) Home Evangelization and North Bend Association 2) State Missions 3) Domestic and Indian Missions 4) Foreign Missions. The younger Kirtley felt there was a pressing need to
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move the church from its location on top of the hill overlooking Middle Creek to the community of Belleview. The church site could only be reached on foot or on horseback. Bro. Kirtley said it was time that the church realize "the era of the saddle was giving way to the era of the buggy." This move did not occur until Brother Kirtley had resigned in frustration, when in 1876, the church building was destroyed by a "baby cyclone" (windstorm). It was said by several members of the congregation that they could see that this was "the hand of God's providence for not even a branch was torn from any of the trees around the church." From 1876 to 1878 the Church used the Locust Grove School House for its meetings. There was still some disagreement whether to rebuild the church on its old foundation or build in the community of Belleview. It was decided to settle the matter by circulating two subscription papers. The site which received the most subscriptions would be chosen for the new building. After several months, it was reported that $541.40 had been subscribed to the old site and $1,240.00 to the new site. In addition Mr. Michael Clore offered an acre of choice bottom land. It was decided to accept this gracious offer and work on a small church building was begun in 1877. Under the leadership of its new pastor, Brother A. M. Vardiman the church was completed in 1878 and a parsonage was also constructed on the church's lot. On September 15, 1878 a collection was taken for "the benefit of the sufferers in the South occasioned by the prevalence of the Yellow Fever." After its move to Belleview the church was known as the Middle Creek Baptist Church at Bellevue, but on July llth, 1885 it was decided to change the name to the Bellevue Baptist Church. The new name was officially recorded at the Boone County courthouse in Burlington in September of that year. The spelling was changed to Belleview in 1896.Brother E. N. Dicken was called as pastor in 1882 and was known as a strict church disciplinarian. Under his leadership the church appointed a seven member "Discipline Committee" and many members were excluded for various offenses. This trend was carried on by his successor Brother R. E. Carney who served for only eleven months. In 1883 the church appointed a committee of Trustees to take charge of the cemetery and to report to the church concerning its upkeep. In 1884 M.J. Corbin was chosen to be the first superintendent of the cemetery. In 1897 the church purchased five and one half acres of ground from Mr. Michael Clore and "laid-out a beautiful new cemetery." In 1885 Brother J.H. Fullilove was called as pastor and served the church until his death in 1891. It was said by all that he certainly lived up to his name. Not only was he an able leader in the church but in the North Bend Association as well. During Brother Fullilove"s ministry the church's authority was "severely tested by an outbreak of dancing among the members." This outbreak was soon resolved by the Discipline Committee but the controversy over this subject continued for several years. On December 14th, 1890 a committee of women of the church was appointed to raise funds for the Baptist
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Home in Louisville. These ladies raised $20.00 for the orphan's home and another $15.00 for the Minister's Relief Fund. T. L. Utz became pastor in 1891 and during the revival of 1898 fifty-eight professions of faith were made. Brother Utz was forced to resign in 1899 due to ill health and was succeeded by Brother E. B. Atwood. The church grew under his ministry and it was decided to build a larger church. This building was completed in 1903 at a cost of $2,900.00 with fixtures costing $159.94. (This building still serves as the present day church sanctuary). In 1903 the church officers were D. M. Snyder, clerk; and Robert Aylor, M. J. Corbin, R. B. Huey, and James Botts, deacons. Shortly thereafter James Acra and J.W. Ryle were also ordained as deacons. 1903 was a special year for the Belleview Baptist Church. Not only did the church celebrate its one hundredth anniversary, but the one hundredth annual meeting of the North Bend Association was held at Belleview on October 7th, 1903. Brother T. L. Utz read a historical sketch of the church's first one hundred years.Brother E. H. Maddox was called as pastor in 1905 and in that same year it was decided to purchase fifty new hymn books entitled The Baptist Hymn and Praise Book. The old hymn books were sold for sixteen cents each. At the same time Brother Maddox pastored at Belleview his nephew, Layton Maddox, was pastor at Big Bone. For over one hundred years preaching services were held on the second and fourth Sundays of each month but it was decided in 1905 to have preaching on every fifth Sunday and to raise $50.00 for these services. Brother T.L. Utz was called to Belleview for a second time in 1907 and died but a year later. The church adopted a "resolution of respect" for this great man of God and provided $100.00 for the care of his widow. Deacons elected in 1907 were R. O. Ryle, G. T. Rue, and T. J. Walton. Brother H. B. Hensley was called to be pastor in 1908 and in 1909 the first telephone was put in the parsonage at a cost of $13.95. The church also received telephone company stock worth $4.95. A revival meeting was held in 1909 with only two young men joining the church, but one of these, William Smith, would later serve as a minister of the Gospel for over seventy-five years. In 1910 it was decided that any member asking for a letter of dismission to another church must first pay to the treasurer all financial obligations. That same year a revival was held by Brother Oscar Huey from Somerset, Kentucky during which sixty-eight were added to the church, fifty-four by baptism. During Brother Hensley's pastorate a controversy arose between the churches at Burlington and Belleview concerning a member received into the fellowship of the Burlington church who had been excluded from Belleview. Other churches in the Association were called in to help resolve this matter. A "Peace and Fellowship" committee was established by the church to help restore members out of fellowship with the church. Brother R. C. Kimball was called to Belleview in 1911. That year a lighting plant was purchased for the church at a cost of $45.00. Brother Kimball moved to California in 1912 and H, B. Hensley came back to Belleview to serve as pastor for a period of two years at a salary
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of $45.00 per month. This salary was later reduced to $30.00 per month because Brother Hensley needed to spend more time working on his farm. Bro. George Smith was ordained to the Gospel Ministry by the church on June 19, 1913 and that same year the church decided to build a cistern. Also during this period and for several years following, the church was used at various times by the oddfellows, masons and other organizations for their meetings. Several men served as church clerk from 1905 to 1913 including T. Z. Roberts, M. J. Clore, and Moses Scott (Namesake of first clerk). In 1913 Lewis Stephens was appointed to that office and served until 1920 when he was replaced by William H. Presser.Brother C. E. Baker was called as pastor in 1914 at a salary of $30.00 per month plus use of the parsonaae. In 1915 a revival was held for two weeks with morning services at 10:00 A.M. and evening services at 7:30 P.M. That same year it was decided to continue support for a Sunday School which was being held at Beech Grove School House and support was also given to preaching services being held at Wolper Creek. At the request of Salt Creek Church Brother Will Smith was ordained to the ministry on July 16, 1915. In 1916 a roll call was called for by the church with one hundred eighty-three responding in person, seven by letter, and ninety-one refusing to respond. The first furnace was installed in the church that year and the school board asked permission to hold High School Graduation Services, a practice which continued several years. On October 14th, 1916 the church decided to do away with the practice of raising funds by apportionment, thus ending a practice which had been in place for one hundred thirteen years. The North Bend Association was held with Belleview Church in 1917. Also that year the church decided to go from half-time to full-time ministry. This new era ended one hundred fourteen years of half-time ministry during which services were held but twice a month. Several young men from the church were called into the military during World War I. In 1918 it was decided that Brother Baker would write a letter of recommendation on behalf of each one who was called into the service. The church also flew a service flag during the war. In 1921 this flag was entrusted to the care of Mrs. Belle Clore. A great revival was held in 1919 with fifty-four baptized as a result. Four new deacons were elected that year; Robert Brady Jr., William Rogers. Ralph Cason, and Everett Clore. Also in 1919 the church voted to participate in the "seventy five million" campaign (a predecessor of the cooperative program.) The church's goal for this campaign was $6,000.00 but $8,960.68 was raised. On August 1st, 1920 Brother Baker was granted a two week vacation. This is the first time a vacation was ever granted to a pastor.
From 1922 to 1930 three men served brief periods as pastor of the Belleview Church. These were C. L. Nicely, B. H. Bush, and W. D. Bell. During this time J. H. Smith and later W. B. Arnold served as clerks. In 1923 the church property was assessed at $10,000. In 1927 it was decided to have prayer meeting on March 16, 1927. Early prayer meetings were held on Saturdays but this was later
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changed to Wednesday evenings. That summer John Deck was paid to mow the church yard. In 1928 Lee McNeelv was elected Deacon. Also for the first time collection envelopes were used and the church purchased on hundred pieces of church stationary. 1929 proved to be a progressive year for the church for on August 10th the church voted to have electric lights placed in the church and the parsonage at a cost of $94.50.Brother Raymond Smith came to Belleview as pastor in 1931. He was ordained and married while pastoring at Belleview. During his nine years as pastor much progress was made in the church. The Sunday School which was begun many years before began a baseball club and on Sunday evenings a Baptist Young Peoples Union (BYPU) was formed. These were the years of the great depression and beginning in 1932 the offering from one Sunday morning each month was set aside for "Poor Relief." Also that year the church was insured for the first time and three new deacons were ordained; E. H. Clore, James Robert Huey, and Louvette Rogers. During Brother Smith's tenure several successful revivals were held as well as several "Bible Institutes" where different preachers would preach doctrinal messages. The church voted in 1934 to support a new missionary endeavor, the Premillennium Baptist Missionary Fellowship. Along with this the church supported many other missionary endeavors. $17.17 was raised for flood relief following the great flood of 1937 and that same year the church held its first Vacation Bible School. In 1938, the church built a new "Sanitary closet" (outhouse) at a cost of $64.65. An all day service was held on May 1st to raise funds for a cemetery fence. Also Edward Ropers was elected clerk replacing James L. McNeely who had served for two years. W. C. Guth served as pastor during the war years, 1940-1945. Approximately twenty young men from Belleview served in the armed forces durina World War II. During that time the church adopted the Minister's Annuity Plan (1942). took a special offering for the Cooperative Program (Jan, 1943), and participated in a national clothing drive for the benefit of those "touched by the war." (1945) Also, in 1940, the church purchased its first lawn mower. Florence McArthur was elected the first woman clerk in 1943 and she was followed by Mary Jane Jones in 1944. Five Deacons were ordained in 1945; Charles Brown, O. K. Rogers, W. B. Rogers Jr., Byron Kinmon, and Elijah Pendrey. Forest Taylor was called as pastor in 1945 and served for one year. Curtains were placed in the Sanctuary to provide for temporary Sunday School space.
Due to gifts from the estates of several very gracious people a $13,000 Trust Fund was set up for the endowment of the two cemeteries in April, 1947, This money was placed in bonds with the understanding that only the interest was to be used for cemetery upkeep, Bro. William Burkett was called as pastor in 1947 and a year later began attending Georgetown College. The church purchased a mimeoaraph machine with which Brother Burkett produced church bulletins. During Brother Burkett's ministry all the church auxiliaries were guite active including Womens Missionary Society
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(WMS), Young Womens Auxiliary (YWA), Girls Auxiliary (GA's); Sunbeams, Brotherhood, Junior Union, and BYPU. During this time the church began making plans for a building addition and remodeling of the church sanctuary. A Garage was built behind the parsonage in 1948. On September 8, 1948 Brother W. B. Rogers was appointed a one man building committee. The new church addition was completed in 1949 and contained the church's first Baptistry with a beautiful Baptistry painting by Mary Amanda Moore. Up until that time Baptismal services were held in Middle Creek or the Ohio River. A dedication service was held on December 18th of that year. At the October Business meeting of 1950 Bro. Rogers gave his final report. Costs for the new addition were $18,263.98 in materials and $8,063.31 labor. George Walton was elected an active deacon in 1948 and his wife was elected church clerk in 1950. She replaced Edward Roaers who had served a second term in that office for the five years preceding. Brother Otis Brooks served as pastor from 1948-1951 except for a three month period during the summer of 1950. In his absence, Brother Wallace Duvall served as pastor for but twelve Sundays, certainly the shortest term of any pastor in the church's history.Brother Richard Carlton was called as pastor in 1951. The next year the church rolls were updated and it was found that there were two hundred thirty-four resident members and sixty-two non resident members. Also that year the church hired its first part time secretary, Billy Jo Brown. The church was also concerned with events elsewhere. It was decided to send New Testaments to the "Boys in the service" who were serving in the Korean War. These Testaments were to have each young man's name printed on the front. A resolution was drafted by the church opposing President Truman's appointment of Mark Clark as the first ambassador to the Vatican. Four copies of the resolution were sent out; two to U. S. Senators, one to the "Boone County Recorder" and one to the President himself. 1953 was a very special year. The church celebrated its one hundred fiftieth anniversary with a special homecoming day. Brothers Raymond Smith and Otis Brooks were the guest speakers and were paid $25.00 each "for traveling so far." That Homecoming sunday the church set a remarkable record of two hundred in Sunday School, the largest attendance up to that time. Florence McArthur served as clerk for a few years and was followed by Madeline Walton in her second term in that office. In 1954 the church decided to buy its first bus for $995.00. This was replaced in 1956 with a new bus purchased from Scothorn Motors. Many young people of the community were brought into the church with this new form of out reach.
Brother R. M. Hollingsworth came to Belleview from Texas in 1955. He was known as a powerful preacher and many were added to the church. The church organized its first basketball team in 1955. The following year two new Deacons were ordained, Luke Frost and Tom Carrigan. A well was dug on the church property and the cost was divided with a neighbor. Brother Hollingsworth left the church
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in 1958 and was followed by Leonard Riley who served as pastor for just over a year. Durinq that time an oil furnace was installed in the church.William Garrison served as pastor tor eight years, from 1960 to 1968. During his ministry much progress was made. A parking lot was built, a church sign erected, and even a Kindergarten was held at the church for a short time. An educational wing was added to the church in 1966. It was built by Robert K. Stephens at a cost of $38,427. Brother Garrison began preaching services at the River Ridge Trailer Park and the church ministered in several ways to residents of the Daniel Boone Center, a correction facility located at the site of the old dam, which was used for young people and later for women. Carol Scroggins served as clerk for about a year and was followed by Louella Burcham, who served in that capacity until 1970. Robert McNeely and Wendell Rowland were ordained as Deacons in 1962.
Brother Howard Roberts came as pastor in 1968, He was a very evangelistic pastor and many were baptized during his ministry. At the November 18, 1973 business meeting fourteen were presented for baptism. He continued the practice of preaching at River Ridge Park and served as interim chaplain at the Daniel Boone Center. As part of his seminary training he also served for a brief period as chaplain at Bethesda Hospital. Three new deacons were elected in December, 1969. They were Gene King, Virgil York, and George Walton Jr. Jeanette Clore became church clerk in 1973 and served in that capacity tor seven years. In 1973 the church property was assessed for insurance purposes at the following value: Church Building $100,000, Contents $5,000, Parsonage $12,000. A mailbox was erected tor the church in 1974 and the address was changed to Burlington. Until that time the address of the church was Grant, KY with the Post Office being located in the small building across the street from the church. Gary Light was called as pastor in 1974. Though he served for just two years, he and his wife led an active youth ministry in the church and several youth revivals were held during this period of time. Gary Rogers, Elaine Wainscott, and Sebern Scott were ordained as deacons in 1977. Brother Light was succeeded by Brother Bill Stith who served as pastor from 1977 to 1985. Brother Stith was not ordained when he came to Belleview but at the church's reguest he was ordained by his home church, First Baptist Church, Fort Mitchell, on September 25, ,1977. Brother Stith had many well known contacts in the music industry who often contributed to the worship services at Belleview. On several occasions, the church held joint worship services with Brother E. G. Thomas a well known black preacher, and his congregation. These services served as an inspiration to all. A founders day service was held on July 16, 1978. That same year the Belleview Baptist Church was listed on The survey of Historical Sites in Kentucky. Ten deacons were ordained during Brother Stith's tenure. On June 24, 1979 Bob Rogers, Allan Burcham, Larry Ryle and Dale Scott were ordained. The ordination of the greatest
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number of deacons ever to be ordained at one time by the church took place on April 29, 1984. Those ordained were John Scott, Bob Jones, John Maurer, Keith Mobley, Rodney Collins, and Alpha Rogers. Garry Mitchell came as pastor in 1986 and served until 1991. Under his leadership the church grew in many areas. He was a good administrator and helped to organize the church's program into a very effective ministry. In 1989 the church sanctuary was totally renovated at an approximate cost of $55,000. Church clerks during the 1980's and 1990's included Jan McNeely, Debbie Flake, Alice Ryle, Wanda Rusk, and Emma Mae Rogers. Because of the influx of so many new families, it was decided to have a church directory made in November, 1992. The past several years have been a period of continued growth at the Belleview Baptist Church. The church program includes all major mission organizations including "Women's Prayer Group, GA's, Acteens, and Mission Friends as well as Brotherhood and RA's. The Sunday School program has sustained steady growth and several attendance records have been set. The church has an active music program and youth ministry. The church's first Constitution and By-laws was adopted September 16, 1992 and it was decided in January, 1993 to begin a van ministry. Paul Hodges came into the church by letter in 1987 and was made an active deacon in 1988. The Kentucky Heritage Council announced that the Belleview Baptist Church was entered in The National Register of Historical Places on February 6, 1989. The church observed its on hundred ninetieth anniversary with a month long celebration from April llth to May 2nd, 1993 during which several former pastors were invited back to lead the church in worship including William Burkett, Richard Carlton, Robert Hollingsworth, Raymond Smith, Howard Roberts, and Bill Stith. As part of the anniversary celebration, a monument was dedicated at the site of the Middle Creek Baptist Church on May 2nd, 1993.Many things have changed since those first twenty-three members organized a church in this community so long ago. But, as we look back over the church's rich history one is reminded that the most important things stay the same. The church's purpose is the same in 1993 as it was in 1803. People still need to hear the Good News that Jesus Saves. There is still a need for a place where one can Worship God, study His Word, and grow and serve as a Christian. The Belleview Baptist Church has been such a place for one hundred ninety years and as the church prepares tor the Twenty First Century it is our earnest prayer that it remain faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ until His return. May this look at the past truly give us a vision for the future.
References: 1. Minutes of the Middle Creek and Belleview Baptist Church 1803- 1993
2. A History of Ten Baptist Churches by John Taylor - 1823
3. "A History of the Middle Creek Church through 1874" by S. P. Brady - 1974
4. "A Brief Historical Sketch of the Middle Creek Baptist Church, Boone County, Kentucky" by T.L. Utz - 1903
5. "Historical Sketch of the Belleview Baptist Church" by Marion Rogers - 1985
6. "Brief Background and Interesting Facts of the Belleview Baptist Church" by Willard Rusk - 1989
7. "Burlington Baptist Church - 150 years" by Elizabeth Kirtley - 1992
8. "Our Heritage - for the Burlington Baptist Church" by Elizabeth Kirtley - 1992
9. "Historical notes on Christopher Wilson" by Alice Wilson Manchikes - 1993
10. Articles from Boone County Recorder
Historical Research by Alice Ryle and Mary Sue Rudicill
Pastors of The Middle Creek and Belleview Baptist Church
=============[From Belleview Baptist Church, 190th Anniversary Book, 1993. Document provided by Mrs. Elizabeth Kirtley, Florence, KY. — jrd]
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