This Church was constituted at Bro. John Ellis', on the 8th of May, 1841, in Pendleton County, Ky. The constituent members were Bro. John Ellis, Mary Ellis, Fergis German, Cynthia German, Mary E. German, Wm. Diinson, Agnes Danson, John W. Clutter, Frances Clutter, Chas. Dicken, Mary Dicken, Missouri M. Dicken, Nancy G. Dicken, Adam Miller, Mary Miller, Dan'l Lewis, Ellen Lewis, Thomas Logan, Sarah Logan, Geo. W. Phillips, Edward Holmes, Nancy Holmes, William Tucker, Elizabeth Tucker, Catherine Hobbs, Elizabeth Records, Nancy Herod, Minerva Turner, Jane Butler, Jacob Phillips and John C. Dial, thirty-one in all; of these, eleven are still living, and eight are still members of this Church; two excluded, and one dismissed by letter; the other twenty have gone to their reward.The Church met at the school-house, and neighboring houses until a Brick Church was built in 1843. June 5th, 1841, first church meeting at Bro. John Ellis'; prayer by Bvo. Wm. J. Morin, and sermon by Bro. Sargent. This Church was first named Fellowship, and changed to Second Twelve Mile. First Deacons, Fergis German and J. W. Clutter; Thomas Logan, first clerk. First letter to the Campbell County Association, in 1841; the messengers were John Ellis, Fergis German, Thos. Logan, Wm. Danson, J. W. Clutter and A. Miller. August 14th, 1841, Elder Wm. J. Morin was called as Pastor, to preach twice a month. September 18th, 1841, licensed Bro. Fergis German to preach; May 14th, 1842, Elder Wm. J. Morin was again called as Pastor. Paid Wm. J. Morin $15 salary for 1841. January, 1843, ordained Bro. F. German, Elder John Steven prayed, Elder Wm. J. Morin presented the Bible, and Elder James Spillman gave the charge to the Church. July 8th, 1843, called Elder F. German, Pastor, and Wm. J. Morin to preach once a month; paid Bro. Morin $12,
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for last year's services as Pastor. Elder F. Germau was Pastor from 1844 to 1848, inclusive; Elder Wm. J. Morin, Pastor 1849 and 1850, received $15 per year; Elder Jas. Spillman, Pastor, in 1851, Elder Wm. J. Morin, in 1852, Elder Alex. Mullins, in 1853 and 1854. December 17th, 1854, N.C. Pettit was ordained; Minsters present, Elder James Vickers, W. J. Morin and F. German; Elder N. C. Petit served as Pastor from 1855 to 1857, inclusive; Elder Jas. M. Jolly, from 1858 to 1863, inclusive; N. C. Pettit, 1864; Elder Jesse Beagle, from 1865 to 1871, inclusive; Elder N. C. Pettit, 1872, one-fourth, of his time for $225; Elder J. M. Jolly, in 1873; Elder Jesse Beagle, 1874, 1875, and called for 1876, but accepted a higher call. J. M. Jolly is our present Pastor.The growth of the Church has been gradual, and received into her fellowship about 475 members, as follows: in the year 1841, ten; 1342, thirty-one, 1843, five; 1844, twelve; 1845, seventeen; 1846, ten; 1847, twenty-six; 1848, seven; 1849, none; 1850, seven; 1851 and 1852, none, cause: serious difficulties in the church; 1853, thirty; 1854, nine; 1855, two; 1856, nineteen; 1857, none; 1858, three; 1859, none; 1860, ten; 1861, sixteen; 1862, nine; in 1863, none; 1864, eight; 1865, fifteen; 1866, twenty-five; 1867, eleven; 1868, received by Elder Jesse Beagle at Hopewell school-house, forty-eight, and thirty-eight at the church and other school-houses, in all that year eighty-six members; in 1869, twenty-one; 1870, twenty; 1871, nineteen; 1872, six; 1873, five; 1874, twenty-nine; 1875, eight; 1876, nine.
We had seven Pastors, and have licensed to preach five Brethren, viz: Elder F. German, N. C. Pettit, E. N. Dicken, C. W. Dicken and Henry Nagle (German), who are now workers in the ministry, and several others licensed that fell by the way. Three of the number were ordained at this church, viz: Elder F. German, N. C. Petit, and C. W. Dicken. In 1861 we built a new brick church, size thirty-five by fifty-five, costing then about $1500, which eight brethren became responsible for, and took the subscription to collect. September 14, 1861. Elder T. J. Fisher dedicated the church.
Respectfully submitted by Wm. Barnard, Clerk, since Jan, 10, 1857. ============= [Campbell County Baptist Association Minutes, 1876, pp. 9-10. This document is from the Northern Kentucky Baptist Association office, Erlanger, KY. - Scanned by Jim Duvall]
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